259598 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �n _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �J`��.9� .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO � � CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF HESOLVED, That the substitution of $50,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds of 1984, 6 3/8°x, due August 15, 1984 for $50,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds of 1967-72, 2 1/2X, due December 15, 1972 as collateral securitq for deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Su�mit National Bank of St. Paul, Mimaesota, hereby is suthorized, ratified and approved, such having been doae in coaformance wiCh the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota; that such substituted securities, at the time of such substitution, had a market value sufficient, together with the market value of the original collateral securfties for said purpose, for which no substitution was made, equal to $110 far every $100 of deposits o# public fuads of said City with said bank. ' 'a� � c � 0 � U c 0 �: � � O � ' (L ` Q U C�`\ u�s �� � � SEP 1 19 � , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye `. Butie HUNT SEP 5 1972 Carl n KONOPATZKI pro 19— �.EVINE L vi e ,;�REDITH �—In Favor Me dith ,;�HAFKA Mayor Sp a TEDESCO `� A gainst T desco BUTLER Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED $EP 91972 � DUlIACATt TO�RINTOt �� 259�98 . ,, CtTY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO .. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .,... ��� COMMISSIONER , DA*� , �l:�,VEII, T6at the subatitutioa of $50,000 U. S. Treasury Boada of 1984. 6 3/SX, dua j August 15, 1984 I for $50�000 U. S. Treasury Bonda of 1967-72, 2 1/2X� due � D�c�aber 15, 1972 ae collateral 8ecurity for deposits of public funda of the City of Saint Paul wit6 Su�it Iiational Beu�k of St. Paul, Mimaesota, h�raby is autb�rized, ratified and approved�, such having beea done in conformance trith the applicabl� ' atatutes of t6e Stata of Minn�sota; that such aubstituted securities, at tha time of such substitutian, had a markat value sufficieat, togathar Nitb the � market value of th� original collateral aacurities for s:id purpose, for vhich I' no subatitutioa wa� made, equal to $110 for evezy $lOQ oi' daposite oi public I funds of said City with aaid bank. I , SEP 1 i9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. '�Y� xa� 5 197.� utler H+l1i�1T SEP I K4NOPATZK� Ap�rovecL 19_ ar n ��VIIVE i Le ' e :��D1TH Tn FavOr �e �� " �P!�tAFKA � � S �TEDESCO Ao�rA;flA't T de BUTLER Mr. President, McCarty ��