259594 r . � 259594 �^ ��ORi6t�TO CITY CL6RK i - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR65ENTED BY COMMISSIONE n ATF Northwestern Bell Telephone Company District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 J. 0. 44231 �U"' �� Resolved that peranis�ion be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern (�(j) Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavations for and to place and �' � hereafter maintain buried cable. � „B , ,y On Snelling Avenue between Bohland and Hillcrest Avenues. �;�:,,�;'. - �;. �34� All work to be in accordance with the attached plans as approved. '"f�. � � The Telephone Company to pay cost of publication incident hereto. ���,,� ,��� �.& ��� G - �',.�a�;.:v i 1� �t't 5! �• ti�S •I �l 01"Ii(, �� . �� � � � 1 t91r� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� SEP 19— Yeas Nays B ler �� ,,m, .,..�4 S EP 5 1972 C lson � �:; Appro� 19� ine ��'� ''w:� �n Favor Meredittl redithSprafka � J Mayor S afka Tedesco Againat T d sco Mme, Presitlenfr Butle�f , Mr. Presi ent, McCarty PUBLISHEVD SiEP 9 1972 ' . � .� ' � PERMITS TO 11A7ER DEPT. K��D pARK DEF'T. . FWVE BEEfJ SUB�i�I TTED ` r���� 1�� HILLCREST AVE. SERVICE DRiVE �-11� • � H i GHLftND P�RK _ � � 16� � P�_ TEL CO MH ALLEY PROPOSED BURI�D CABLE J TO BE PNEUMA-GOPHERED AT 30t� DEPTH - NO OTHER UTIIITIES INVOLVED. � �': � � �V w t � d J a � � , � � � � j � � ! i BOHLNNA AVE. �EXHIBIT tA� � NORTNY,ESTERN BELL 7ELEPHO(� COf:iPHNY ` APPL I CtiT I ON FOR PEFi�u�i SS I ON TU PL�4CE k BUR IED CABLE Oi� C I TY QF ST. PAUL � PROPERTY. . ' j ST. PAUL - EMERSON � � J.O� 4�231 PRT. 1 OF 1 t EPJGR. G.?. PATTERSO�v 221�5228 � fV0 SCALE 6-5-72 # � � ' 259594 ' DUNdCATt TO�RIKI� . . '�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO � - ,, --4FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , L COUNCtL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PR6SENT��Y . COMMISSION�R �ATG ATqrthMSatsrn Bafl T�lephoa� Cawpany Distriet Bggins�r 223 Plato Eoe�].rrsrd St. Panl, Minaesota SS107 J. 0. 46231 R�solvad that pasmission ba sad is hersby grantsd to th� Nos�tM�estarn Bell Telephase Compaay to make aea�ssary as�s�ations for and to plaee aitd hexeaft�r �raintait� buried aable. O�a 3na11ing Araw� batwsrn Boh7.and and Hillar�st Avenwe. All �ork to bt in aCtor�anet� with the atta�hed plane as approv�d. The Talaphona Ca�paay to pa� eost o! publicatton inaide�at harato. ; SEP 1 197� COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xa�s SEP 51972 u er Hur�' '`� `:�,� Approved 18` lson Konopa�Ti - • e Levine , � ��Mereditli Tn Favor � Sprafka � �ypr � Sp fka Tedeseo Te e �e�P�eside�t� Butle� Ag�t Mr. Presi en McCarty �� _ — • PERM I TS TO �dATER liEPT. AivD PtiRK DEPT. . h{AVE BEE(J 5U6id�I TTED , • � HILLCREST AVE. SERVIC£ DRIVE �-�11� . � H I GHLE1 ND PHRK -- - -j i6s ---P L �' TEL CO � MH ALIEY PROPOSEI) BURl�D CAt3LE � TO BE PNEUh4A—GOPHERED AT 30�� DEPTH — NO OTHEF UTILITIES INVOLV�D. � �' •o . �.� '� W ¢ > d J a �`' ' , , J � . ,�- ; � � ; ; * � , 3 , BOHLl�ND HVE. �EXHIBIT �At NORTHY�ESTERN BELL TELEPHO(� C��ti�,PHNY APPL i CtiT I UN FOR PERI���I SS I ON TO Pl�10E Bl�IED Ci�BLE Oi� C f TY OF ST. PAI;L � � PROPERTY. } ST. PAUL — ErJ�ERSON � J.O. 4�F231 PRT, 1 QF 1 ENGR. G.T. PATTEf��SOiv 221�522f3 = NO SCAI.E 6_5.-�2 i � . . �