259588 V oR�a�,�,���m���� ' CITI( OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� �59��8 t • � ' OFFICE CITY CLERK F� NO. - OUN UTIO ENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That Spiegler Bros. Construction Company be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 99-car parking lot to be used with apartments on pro�erty located on the southeast side of Adrian Street between Elway Street and I-35E, more � particularly described as follows: (See Exhibit A attached) .�:. � � w � > o o -� ac Q n. �, a � Q U � � � Q O � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Naya Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith ��or Sprafka ' Tedesco , A 8'��t � Mr. President, McCarty ��� � � ' �" . . � ,�59��g F.�iIBIT A Thoae part� of Lots 4 to 11, inclusive, Block 31, Weet Ead Additiaa Iyfng Eas�erly sr_d Northeas�erly of lines deacrihed as €ollows; Beginning at a point on the South �=.e of said Block 31, distant 335 fea�C East of the Sou�h�est corqer thereof; then�e rti:±ni�.� t�orth at right ang2sa to said South lia.s fox 159.87 feet; theace NorLhaAeet Co a poir.t a:: the Northwest li� of said Blec� 31 distaat 247.1$ feet Nartheast of the intersection of said ATortt:w�e�t line with the Wrst liue of said B].ock 31, and all that part of vecated Scuthc�eaterly hs�i of adjoiaiag Aibioa Avarute lyfag bet�neen the exteasioa ac�roas said srreet ef the I�esrt�eaterly liae of Lot 1, Block 33, West E� Addition and a line ex- te��ia,g fr�a a p�y� oa th� Saith�e�terlp liae cf Lot I4, Block 3z, West End Addi.tion distant 75 feet S�e�ste�3y fro�t ttre s�ost Wests3ciy carnex thereof to the Sa�tl;eaat carner of Lot 11, said Block 3I; according to thp plat thereof on file and of reeord ia th� office of Reg�i.s�er of Deeds in and for �aa�,sep Couatq, Min�,esota. All of I.ots I, 2, part of Lot 3, part of Lot I4, part of Lots 29 to 22, inclusive, Block 32, West End Additioa lying Weaterly of th� folloanir.g describrd line: Begfaniag at e poicit on the S�tl�st lfae of Lot 14; said Block 32, distant 75 feet SoutheasterZy of the most We�te�clq corner theret�f; thenas rua NQrtharesterly ta a point oa the North- westexly line of I,ot 22, said Blocit 32, distant 130 feeC Northessterly of the ceost i�Iest- er2y corner thereof; the�nce ran Norttn�resterlq to tha atost Wester3y corn�r af I,ot 3, said B1c�ck 32 and t�are te�oin�atiag, aad That part of tl�e Northe�asterlq half of adjoiafng Aibion Avenne, vaca�tr�, iying b�- t-�,reen the exCe�sioa across ssid street of the Northe�esterlq line of said t.ot I aad a Iine extenciiag fr�aa a point ort the Southw�estsrly lirce of said Lot 14 di�tat�t 7� feet 3outhe$eter3.y fro� the mosC Westerly corner thereof to the Southeast coraer of Lot 21, Block 31, West Ead Addition aII according to the piat thereof on file sad of record in t;�� office of the �tgist�r of Deeds ia aad for ;Za.�ey County, Mi,nnaBflt$� ,� _ . oniai��TO�,�,����� � ,�59��8 ,� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' • ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF all in accordance with plans dated Received July 26, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. AU6 31 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas NayB tler �..�.:.:��` ; A V� 31 �97/�i Hun� �- �.-;;x� : Approve 19.— axlson Konopa� _ / vine �cvtnr" � .Y.':�:,; Mereditfi °�'�'` ��n Favor editl�prafka � ✓ yor Sp afka 7'edeSL`� �t�- A gainst Te esco'� >-��� n /, Mr. Pr si t, McCarty PUBLI�HED �EP � 197� �� . � . , , ' � . '• BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 August Z1, 1972 �`���p r.)� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Spiegler Bros. Construction Company for a permit to install a 99-car parking lot to be used with apartments, on property located on the southeast side of Adrian Street between E1way Street and I-35E. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its August 3, 1972, public hearing at which time the staff report on file was read. That report stated, "Revised plans dated received July 26, 1972, meet design standards. In response to concerns of neighborhood residents voiced to the staff, the applicant had been asked to eliminate the curb cut on Adrian St. and the applicant agreed. Subsequent revised plans still showed this curb cut, but indication of its elimination was marked on the prints in the presence of and with the concurrence of the applicant." In response to a question from the Board, the staff said that a parking lot with this capacity having only one driveway is in line with other parking lots with similar capacities. Mr. Spiegler, the applicant, said they are willing to eliminate the driveway to Adrian Street and provide one to Montreal Avenue. In response to concerns presented by neighbors in attendance, Mr. Nordby, representing the applicant, stated it would not be feasible to use dynamite in construction as the building will be built on the limestone with no depressed foundation. Jackhammers will be used to dig the utility trenches and work will not proceed on a 24-hour basis. He pointed out that they are building below density and building coverage standards and they will be providing landscaping. He said the 1� parking ratio means the lot will be adequate so no one will have to park on the street. A number of area residents appeared voicing concern over the question of access to Adrian St. , over the possibility of dynamiting and 24-hour construction work and over the prospect of vehicles parking on their street, especially during the construction of the project. The Board noted that the applicant is entitled to an apartment building on this site under the existing zoning and that they .are required to have a parking Lot with the apartment. Having heard the reassurances of the applicant that the neighbors concerns would be accommodated, the Board acted by a vote of 4 to 0 to recommend approval of the permit application. Very truly yours, , � �� ,� -��� � PJM:PLR:mb ' IETTA � � � � Z. F. 7383 Q Secretary, Board of Zoning . . ,` . � . � � ' • . City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL 9b the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) �(pr ate use) (pvblic use) (other) � . , � � (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � .� - ... ; /r�c,1' �� f1 r T-- —�-r-- � MISCELI.ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in SePreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Locatioa : ��I H►� Gc re w �4►^ , es b� M o� -r v e� ��- �t 7 S F Cs H.d Adr G�d�. ?0 1-F+ �R i Se. u I"'P J� ��v c��'""' , Legal Descriptioa : Lot ��'� �� Block Addition Applicant's Name . � �'7, �'cJ ��v r� ✓` ( ��..� -�� �li . J Home or Office Address: / '� �� � � / h� �p Phone Number • 6 � �- _ � l / ! �J FOR,/BY T APPLI , i,.�.. ..� � j� ✓ (Signatu (dat ) Address . Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � ZONING FILE � � . _ • - � , AT r�r�� y'' �,1 (� ���s f] pry� �^�,(� Y � �ST_PTi��S �� T'r�r. PUSL}:C �:.E��tTP;G �F�}Fis �r B�A�� �+T �CNI;�G ~ '. ' �1\ 111'JL�i��l' .f:l.7Vi��'JrE� �� �:Y��y d1S [:VV �nl'�n PR�SEI�]T: �I�-�eo �^u�s�, Ts:�:.:,�rso SL��esey, �3��?z.�:i�ai, l��c�artl7i�_ .�£ i:�3e ]3s��.*_-c:i; - Mr. � P-.es.«tt�Ex �nd 1tit:r:�� B2s�z°;:aL'�� c:� t:i:� �zaf�� S�'I�C:��Fi� S�G3� �'�iiSs?:UC:i.'IL3� ��2�'�__:___x�J� �13�3:;;� g;�„ ri�sns:.t��i t_��d ..Fae s€:�€s x•�r>crt on izle whicti ik�cl.uded t1Z� foilowir,g g��ab�z�Er�.t3t�: °`�e���.s^c' 1�Iai1a dat�d rece�R*es� JaL}� '1_6, Z;`i:?; znep�: ef�s:C�� s�:..��d�rci.,, :�;�-e :-n��gc3ns� �.c: c�:.cc�'n;a oi �e1.�.hi�or�ca� residex�ts v�z.cEd i.� t��� �taifq ttad� �pp'_-.;:.cas:;� t�r.d ve2n as?.�c�d to �:a.imi.n�?�e nc�� ci,,.rb c�at on A�rir�c� Sfi:rec�i: a�� the �,p�l.�cat�� �����ci o Subseq:���.� :�-r:�;-,,'.sed Ss�.�!ns st;.:.l sr.owed +�his c�Ixh cut bu� IRC�:CCc'i�:�fTTl a� .;_ts Qlinin�.:ior� �:�°as m�:,�l�ed arf t6�ie pr_:iczc:,, in tt�e ��es�zlrs e�f ,��.d �afF�h �.ie �onec�ra:c.u.:�r- of tt.e appl��.�n�.'� Ref.��riri� �� u capy or �ne sit�^ pia�s, ?+3�:: P.c�s�_�=�er �hou�r�c� �t� t��e i���x'� t�^�� �2rive;aay ta �',ciri�ca SY:r��� wh�.ctt st:.::� s�aE�ls cs:i. �C.c-�: �rznc �taF_. T,9liict� �!•� Ti�s�tte3- e�ininated �r��n t���� t��a.-e �ai t#�► �.h.e cc-�r�cz�,r.�_�nce �x �',.�ie €,�p?i.c�zaE.� ;ETO�Iit� Gi2C j3s..i3il .3;; COT'Y'+?�'l�C� SClL°r75 �L"l�,;y �'T ij?"�.Zlc��d�E,.'jr A:C ZfC3TtLL"t?3�a �'i2'� 'L'�SC�c'3�i.�.�_k? astteci iF thzs �v�:t:td be �nougtn� If�:n Rns����.�?.- r��33..r." ��.i.s is tn �.:i.� c,:��.�i� c��hes pa�:��t�.g ?at� wi�h_ s�.m�:fax c�a�uc��iesp e���cia�.�.y i.i �h� t'Le1'F3 C'i�t %a o.f. a cv:.�iT:, recemmended I-�y ;�hn `!'d.affic E�ga.n�e�:< Mro Spiegler ;.�:?�c3 thtiy cvere wi?.�.iyz� ��s �:_i�c��.ot:� t(?c dri°.re�ar.�t� !;�: .��d$•i%iii .SL"L�na.: and pravide �r:e �-�s *���ntre�� �vcnc�e, Pgrs� �e�~cy Mars, :'.77'3 Adr:Lan St�ew�t, s�i�i s��� tiaas csp�os�ci �t� a �zivec��ay �n Adri.an Str.��t.> �:��v �Isc� exr�res�ac.l carc:t:r�n ��r�?� �:1^ p�a�sry'�i�J_?y �f_ th�r� bc�3.ng dynan�itf.r_g fox ���?.� cons�.ruc�i�ne ,�isc�, she c��esfi�.cned dal:�e�her '�l�erc� wou�.d 'Ee construct�at� �:uu�zc� the c��c:c, Mro Kennettz G� Iz?�rdby, xepresenri.ng t�e f>pt?�3e:� �3�:csse, �f.aGPd ��a� i,t- 670i3JCI �e: uc�:�easible to ��onsL�'uc� 4:he a�pa�rt*1r��i� 1�}' s'�\TI2Faiil.Ll;.�£l� �eca�.fl�e �t�� �naxtment ���i�1 be b�aiL� a� t�?e Lin�ess,une, and i.�: vao�zl� E�� t:�o ��;aen,�.ve �cY �o E:�1?.c����h th� li�i�sicone for the foured..ta.�r�, Sec;��r anct watex ;t�_nes �.�a�. �e dt�g dacaiz r�ith ]3!'t��a�a�•.,� he alsa ststed tha� he c�n't gus�antee t�t�at th�y �•r��.l. just l�a�� �n. 8�hcu-r worlein.� �ay, bu� he can ��aa�an.te� th�t iE �rou�.d:z't bc� ���<. StGzr.c;arci stai°ting ti�n� fs 7:G£}, wnile sa^�.ne v�c�reke:.�s stay as lz��� as 6;�0 �en� "it>e �vertim€ °:�t�l� a 2.�s�hoiar c;�r�;i.ng day �aoulcf be *_cso e�cpensi.ve� I�irsa Mars as�ed #.r �he harricec�es a�ong �idri.��:� ec��*2d be f�;�ltei3 d�Um ar.r� t:he bo�al.evnxd landscapado Ni�.. �a�rd�y said they caou�d be pu��.?_r�g Yn. �3TkC�scep;L.z�o Mrs n Je Koemge].., '�.7�_7 �Ac;rian St?:e��t, s�i.d tr�« t�e�::�:�et� of �:ta;� bi�i ldi�g «on`t e�� able to get in.�s� t!�e parkzng l.ot fres�n Mont�cai and ther?�ore wous.d �ar�: on Acfri�n Stree'te rhey sa�.d they nave alrea�v had twu f;r�s srsd �hey �•;eren`t .^zbie �o get out o� the a�ea w�t:� �hQir c��� beca�se of c;ic� sp�:c��tos:�U �i�.> x�iordt�y said �h�t priar �o six mar.�t�s aga, the k��si.kding taou�.d xec�:�i<e � 66�-c�r ��Gx?�in�; Z44: fak. 66 a�sartmet�ts, cahere noe•� tl:ey need 12 spar_�s foc c�actt �par�rnet.t, :��° � �9-c�r pax'?ci.ng lote This sho�al.d p��vide eno�sgh par��ng sp�ce so ��e t�rt.ants wau�.dn°L- �2�c; L-:� park oa the streeE:, Mro McPaztl.in s���:ed t�at ttxey �re en�.iL�.�:r3 Co bulld �n �psrt���zt an the into He also �ta�ed that �f tc:�ey t�ave an �:�a^rtzne�it, �k�ey ar� �I,so xequi:r�;c� �.cs h�ve a psrking lot which meets des�gn s�and�rdod . � � . � . ' SPZEGLER BROS, CONSTRUCT�:ON COMPAI�TY' �'a�� 2 August 3, 1972 Mr, Nordby s�Ated th�� Chey hav�e 79,�0(3 sqo �to, and wou�d �.?� within the iimits to have s 79-unit apa?-�.m�nt, which wouLd zr�ran a �24-car ?ot. �iowever, they helci the number �own �o havc �_�se �r�en aXebe �?s�, �:h�_; h�,ve I3% lan.d cover�ge wa�i� rhe builrlit�g, but coa?� have �oree to 35`/�n '�i�Qy a�e � 1%�t�e h�.r�her priGecl apaa:�Mec�t�, between $20U �nd $��� a month, and Lhey don°t c�ank it-de�'c� wi.11 �E a 1�� az ��ople li�ring there who a}.2 on mi_dnight sh.ifts, but this rea�.J;� c�n'� be con��olledo �r, Sp�eglex s�ld tiaat �e has be�n in the x�.eigi�hca;-hoocl several tz�es ai�d i� seem� to be s quie� r.eighbarhood. He �ic�n°t �ee an.,� congesrfon �a� tttp prese�t ttme, He said h� doesn't i.nte^d to put the pu�kin� l�,�t r:s_gh� L�}, aga3.i7sL the pro�e�cy line, btst £s?' enougtz b�c�c fr�m L-he:�e p�ap'��`, i.am�s, anc; it �aos2.d bc l�ndscaped. Mrs. Koempel saiuL�ae was stf�.l wcrri�� �b�ut ��rking prob�ens or� their 4���2�, Mr, Mc3'�..tlir, sr,ic'. tl:ar ator� th�r� 1:'�eT.y ���te pc��zz�Ee from t;hn a�a�tmAnt i-rruld �ark in the Yo� as i'r_ wi�r�id be ma�e rnco�ven.�en� fr�� .*_`r.etn to �73rt� €�n �rie stree�e ��awever, Mro and I�I:^�a I�oempel said i:hat tiie Ec�.��z whiie �:f���y �?^c� ��Tor�ing or� the projeci weraZ�i p�r�c ther��, and yau �-c:�il.y crsui�Jn'L stop �iaecno Mr, Spiegler said tfz:�� he wauld h�ve c��r.cUl. r,-�.:er thE paxk3.ng :and the ten.��Z�so If they �a anythireg ��� dis[uri: thr �:clghi�€sx-�, �.hey �:�rr 1G�tiep it u�3der cor.L-r.o10 The neigri�ors can iarr�;.-rr M�. Sp�.egler rnc� he cva:�.� p��t s :stop to iL-e �Sro Spiegler said tha� th�y sze semi-luxury aperL�ent�s� '�ht� ten�nt.s �r� the o�tzer buil�i�gs he buiZ� h.ave b�en vexy quiet ana th�y have h�d :zs.� �roo�e�s caz�h �l��ua, Mrs e Rfly Brassal., 1??�I Adriart Street, sE�:�d sh� haci been c.flit,cexnnd over L•f?e acc�ss ta Adri�n Street and the passibility o� b�.�sta.ng� Mr., Swesey moved to rec��ez�d approvsl of the ����fiag 1oY. l+i�°�o Qu�st secar.ded the motion which ca�ried unanimou�iyo Aqt, Benshoca� r�corcmens.3eci to the contrac�or if he could come in a�ad d�3 as much as possible tc h�ve h3.s caorl;.ers e�co come �.� €ram Montreal mnd have consideratian for ttze peo�?e on AdrL�ra,. Mr.� Spiegl er saicl IZe can past signs ti�at Che constructi.on waxkc,�rs s�t�3.1 not partc Qn Ad�i�n Stree�o Submi�ted by: ,Approved hy: Pau1 La Rosetter MYsa Caro3yxz �Cochra:�e �i_ . City Clerk , �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 CouA Nan� 55104 August 11, 1972 � File X1247, Page . You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on August 24, 1972 on the application of the Spiegler Bros. Construction Co�pany for a permit to install a 99-car parking lot to be used with apartments on the property described on the attached sheet. The property is located on the Southeast side of Adrian Street between Elway Street and I-35E. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recotnmended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Acting Head - Finance Dept. c , • � _. r� • . . ftegards: 'Spiegler Brothers Parking Lot (X-1247) Those parts of Lots 4 to 11, inclusiv�s, Block 31, Weat End Addition lping Sasterly �n3 Northeasterlq of lines described as fo2law�: Bsginning at a point on the 3outh l�:�e ot said Slock 31, distaat 335 feeC East of tbe Southw�est coruer thereof; theace r�aniszg P7�rCh aC right angles to said South liae for 159.8y feet; thence North�esC to a point o:r the Northwest line of said Block 31 distant 247.18 feet NorCheetat of Che inCersection of said Northwest line with the West line of said B�ock 31, and all that part of veaated Sauthwesterly half of adjoining Aibion Aventie lyiag betaeen the extension acrose said street o� the Northwesterly line of Lct 1, Block 32, West Bnd Addition and a line ex- te�dic�g from a poiat on the Southweaterly line �of Lot 14, Block 32, West Ettd Additiou diatant 75 feer SoutheasCerly fran �he nwst Westerly corner thereof to Che SouCheaat corner of Lot 11, said Block 3I; according tio the plat thereo! on file and of record in tha office of �tegister of Deeda in and for Raomsey County, Min:iesota, All of Loes 1, 2, part of Lot 3, part of LoC 14, part of Lots 19 to 22, inclusive, Block 32, West End �dditioa lqing Westerlq of the folZowiag described line: �aginning at a goint on the Southwest line o€ Lot 14, said Block 32, distaat 7S feet Southeasterly of the most Westerly corner thereof; thenae� rua Northwesterly to a point oa the i�orth- weaterly line of Lot 22, safd Block 3x, distant 130 feeC Northesaterly o# the awst West- erly corner th�reof; tbence rua Northwesterly to tha moat Westerly corner of Lot 3� said Block 32 and there terminetiag, and That part of the Northeasterly half of adjoining Albion Avsaue, vacated, lying b�- tween the exCenition across said street of the Northwe�terly line of said Lot 1 and a line exCendfng from a point oa th� 3outhwesterlq line o� aaid Lot 14 diataat T5 faet 5outheasterly froai the moet Westerly corner ther�of to the South�est coraer of Lot 11, Block 31, West Bnd Additioa a11 according to the plat thereof on file and o� reaord in the offic� of the RegieCer of Deeds in and for Ramsey CounCy, Miactesota. .� o�.��,�,��R,� - 2595 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL �w�a� NQ ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r��nr COMMISSIONER DA*� RSSOSVS�, T'hat Spieqler Bros. Conetruaticu� Caapany be and hereby is granted a pernit to inetall a 99-car parkinq Iot to be used with a�partment� on property located on th� southeast side of Adrian Street between Elaray Street and I-358, more pa�rtfcularly described as follo�ws: (See Exhibit A attachsd) COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Spr�fka Ag�inat Tedeeco Mr. President, McCarty �� � � � � . 259��� � E�QiIBIT A Those parts of Lats 4 to 13, inclusivs, Block 33, t�lsst End �lddition Iying Eas�er�y ' G�3 Northeaszerly of 2ines descrfbed as fo2laws: Beginning at a point on the South 1_,P of sai.d B3.a�k 3I, di.stant 335 feEr East of the Southwest cortasr thereof; thencs re��ai�� T�orth at righ� angles to said South ].�as foz 159.87 fee�; thance Nort3�weae to a poir_t - c�: th� Northwest 3iae of said B1ac�c 3Z dista�nt 247.1$ feet Northeast of the intersection of said Northwest �.ins with t�e �lest Iine of said B�.ock 31, and ali that part of vacated S,uthwesterly ha2f of ad�oiai,zig Aibioa Aveatje lyiag betvreen the Qxts�asioa across said srreet of th$ Northwyest+�rly lias of Lot 1, Blocic 32, West Enc� Addition and a Iina ex- te�din,g frcm a pa�at on th� Soathwa�terly lin� of Lot 24, B2ocic 3z, West Ensi Addition . distauC 75 feet Sos�te�eterly fr�at the tstcst 4l�st�ly corne�r thereaf to the SQUthea3� corner o# Lat 12, said Block 3I; acco�rdixtg to thQ plat thereof o� fiie ar�d of r�card ia th� o�fice of Reg�ster of Deeds in an� for �amsep Gouatq, Minaesota. AlI of Lo�s I, Z, Part af Lot 3, part of Lot I4, gart vf Lots 29 xo 22, inclusiva, B2ock 32, F7est End Additioa ly�rig Westerly of the follo-aia� described 1ias: Begi.aaing . at 8 poitit on t�e SonLh�rest line of. Lot Z4; said Hlock 32, distant 75 feet Southeasterly of the most Wes�er3y �c�rn�er tt�ereof; thenc� run N�rthwesterly to a poi�t oa th� North- westerly lit�s af Lflt 2�, said B1ock 32, d3,stant 130 fest Nos-�theasterly o� �he most �lest- er3q corza�r ther�vf; thence rua l�ort��ter2y to the r�ost Wes�erly corn�r of I,ot 3, sairt B?ack 32 aa�d there terminating, and Tba� part of th� North�$sterly ba�f of adjoiniag Albion Av�nu�, vac�ted, 1yia� b�- tt,rAen the extensioa acro�s said str�et of the Nor�hwasterlq line of s�eid Lot i and a : ii�e extQiul�ng from a pain� on th� Southwest�xly lins af said i.o� 14 distant 73 feet South�8ster3y fro� the mogt Westerly corner thereof to tha Southeast corr�ar of Lot ll, Block 3�., I��st End Additioa a11 according to the p3.at thereof on file an�i a£ r2cord in t�z office of the t�gisCer of Deads in aad for iRa.�ey County, Minaeaflta. 1R, •'� ' � ������tt�M�� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� N� ,2 ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "`� a • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�esr�,rr�.ex COMIAISSIONsR sAT� � all in accordaac� �ith plans datad �Eeceiv�! July 26, 1972= � svibjact to tho conditioa that said applicaat- p�rmittee, 8nd its auccessora aad asaigna, �hall make due c:ooaapliance with all applicabl� provi�foua of �auaioipsl ordinaness, state � �tatut�s aad rulss snd regulationa of public authoritiee 3�►vi� �oqaf aaaco. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� AUG 3 i 197819_ Y Nays utler ;�.<��- � � 1 H�� � ,.:�. A�o� Atis 3 �T � 19— arlson Konopa� v�'��,,. F��ti °��— Favor �t hMereditF� � - _�5prafka '�� � Yayor sP Teeh�S�o�,//��p.��� ��✓' rodAlfllit T coNl�e,,j'lesideD�Q�� Mr. esid t, McCarty �� .. ----�--�*�.*. � • BOAR� OF ZONING ttEPORT AND ACTION August 3, 1972 . Plat Map 57 , Ac�ing under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7383 i, APPLICANT'S NAME , Spiegler Bros. Construction Co. 2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . Install a 99-car parking lot to be used with apartments 4. LOCATION , SE side Adrian St, between Elway St. and I-35E 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File _ 6 , PRESENT ZONING: "C" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section• .23 Paragraph• 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: July 26, 1972 . • By: PLR ! . ,'TSTORY: The portion of this site -�ortheast of the center line of vacated .,.i_ �.;�n St, was rezoned from "A" to "C" Residential on May 29, 1970. The �;flrtion southwest of the center line of vacated Albion St, was rezoned from "A" to "C" Residential on September 18, 1954. An application for a 136-car parking lot to be used with an 80 unit apartment building on this site was made on October 3, 1969, but was withdrawn before it could be heard by the Zoning Board. B. AREA ZONING: West 7th Street frontage is zoned Commercial as is an area south of Montreal and east of Elway. The area west of Elway is "B" Residential. A large area east of I-35E is Heavy Industrial. The lots fronting on the northwest side of Adrian St. across from the subject property are "A" Residential as are those lots fronting on the west side of Albion St. The praperty adjoining to the west is zoned "C" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans dated recei.ved July 26, 1972, meet design stau�'ards. In response to concerns of neighborhood residents voiced to the st�ff, the applicant had been asked to eliminate the curb cut on Adrian Street and the applicant agreed. Subsequent revised plans still showed this curb cut but indication of its elimination was marked on the prints in the pr�sence of and with the concurrence of the applicant. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The parcel has a frontage on Montreal of 189 feet, along I-35E of 309 feet and on Adrian of 343 feet. It has an area of approximately 79,650 sq, ft. The building area is about 10,615 sq. ft. for a lot coverage of 13.32%. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT: The Traffic Engineer approved the submitted plan. Subsequently, he verbally indicated approval of eliminating the curb cut tti� Adrian Street adding that t�is might improve the condition at West 7th Street. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is generally at the grade of Adrian St. and Montreal Ave, but is about 30 feet above the grade of I-35E. A cut in the cliff along the freeway enters a portion of this site making an abrupt drop of about 10 feet. This cut exposes a limestone shelf about 1 to 2 feet below the surface. The remainder of the site is generally flat. There are a number of trees throughout the site and large shrubbery borders the site alo.ig Adrian St: Most of the site is covered with weeds and grass. G• Ac'.EA CONDITIONS: A high-rise for the elderly exists just west of this si�e. Single family homes exist just across Adrian Street. I-35E adjoins to the east beyond which is a tank farm, West 7th St. fr�ntage has , ,. mixed commercial and rrsidentiai uses. Adrian St, has no curbing and is _;:�.. _ g.a��d and oiled. Montreal Ave. has a paved surface. ' 9. BQARD ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval Denial � Council Letter Dated: Yeas Moved by , Swesey X Quast Nays August 21, 1972 Seconded b X Benshoof ' Date of y: Quast X Swesey Hearing: ' Secretary's remarks: X McPartlin August 24, 1972 � Counci Action: ^f �_ . . Date: �., , , ,. r�" ' .� . : __._,�- , . _ _ � _ ._ ------ --- 3# ' �r _. .�__-..-. . _. __'__ '� '_'.____.. ...♦�, i��' . ... . ' . L . .. . . .""'. . ..". .. � /` ,� �f , v \ / �» � � \ �� �T� ' � � O : ' "9' � � �� s ,�'�–„�,' �\ � . �,: � Q . C� / � - o ' �E �d � G • - � � . � / �' ` > �- __ � i�� � � . � ��t` � R/VER�/�E V � / . � .. .,, � '' / , �P � / .� �!�: �r ��` � . G v / M � ,\ �`�; o , � ._ � / �►�' , s, / o - �; ,�'�k, � � 0� � ' �� o ° '�� �r' k l�. 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L Z� JG . � ONE-FAM{LY =��SEfti1" Z,^,�?��irVC7' "�" Residence -Q- ��/0-FAMILY � � �S TH���•-FAr�IiLY ; PET�TGN 51GN��� -�- FOUR-FAMILY TQ A'E[�LTI-F�tlNILY FILE No 7383 �RT� 0 0 n COi�tvj�RCIAL n � INDUSTRIAL `� VACANT St Pau I Planning Board, Date� August 3, 19�2 � Property Under Corssideration � � ' �I ,, .. � . �4 . ✓ !' . . . ...,` R � R. � .. . � � `•...� � � � ,. � ,. •,.."/ ��. ✓V 'f'' � ; - . _. . �. .., .'�. . ' �� r ' '..:M1 �S > :'. S �i..�.�: ' .i. ' ." . . � .... . . y . . . � M .: . ' . � .. .... . � � � �.dl�S31VlVll!� , �'c'�'1� - ' � 1 n � a « i� � i►r � t n e �t x #� .1 C1 � ' +� u�' a �LI 0 � � orS � ,�� a � ��r3�r.�No� :.�a rr�.���0�7 . 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