259586 . 259�gs ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK , � ° CITY OF ST. PAUL �°N�� NO. , OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �� UNCIL ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIpNE ATF RESOLVED, That Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc. be and hereby M}. is granted a permit to install a 92-car parking lot on the southeast corner of Plato and State Stree�, more particularly described as follows: (See Exhibit A attached) ' °,. l � a� , � � > o � i � y y Q � C � G � � a � W COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— � Levine . Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ! ` , 1 . � � ` � � �BrT A �59586 , � AI1 that part of Lots 8, 9, 10, lI, 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Kettering and Constans's Addi�ion; AI1 that part of Lot 9, Block 3, Kettering and Coastans's Adc3ition; - AIl that part of Lois 1 and 2, S. L. Merritt's Rearrangement of Lots 10, 11, 22 and 13, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Addition; And all that part of vacated State Street and vacated Florida Street, all iying within the fo2lowing described iines: � Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Plato Avenue and the center Iine of Old Robert Street, thence Northwesteriy aC right angles to the center Iine of 0Id Robert Street a distance of 350 feet, thence Easterly by a deflection angle of 19 degrees, 40 minutes ` 11 seconds to the right a dista�ce of 931.73 feet, thence Southeasterly by a defiection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, OS seconds, to the right a di�stance of 55.82 feet to the point of beginning of the parceZ to be described, thence continuing Southeasterly along the aforesaid line extended a distance of 278.0 feet, thence Northeasterly at righfi angles a distance of 182.5 feet, thence Northwesterly at right angles - a distance of 246.37 feet, thence Westerly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 rninutes 05 seconds to the Ieft a distance of I85.22 feet to the point of beginn3ng. Subject to a utility easement over the - Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. . All that part of Lots 9 and 14, Biock 3, Kettering and Corsstans's Addition; . Al2 that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S and 6, S. L. Merritt's Rearrange�aent of Lots I0, 11, 12 and 13, Block 3, KeLtering and Constans's Addition. AI1 that part of vacated State Stree[ and all that part of vacated Utah Street, aZi lying within the foll.ocaing described linesr Cammencictg at the intersection of the center line of Plato Aveaue and the center line of OId Robert Street, thence North��esterly at right angles to the center line of Old Robert Street, a•distance of 35a feet, thence EasterZy by a def2ection of ].9 degrees, 40 minutes, ].I $econds, to the right a distance of 931.75 feet, thence Southeasterl.y by a d�flection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, 05 seconds to the right a distance of 333.82 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to bz described, thence con�inuing Southeasterly along the a€oresaid line extended a distance of 219.18 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angies a distance of 182.5 feet, thence Northt�esterly at right angies a distance o� 219.18 feet, thence Southw2sterly at right angles a � di.stance of 182,5 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a utility easement over the Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. - � � - � � 2595�46 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � .� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED bY COMMISSIQNER DATF all in accordance with revised plans dated Received July 18, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulati ons of public authorities having cognizance. AU G 3 i 1978 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Na,� AUG 31 197.2 u ler Hunt ��" - son Konopa�' � ` Approve 19— :y� ;•f� � L ine ��" ,.,ti-� Mereditli � �=:.� � 7n Fanor M editl�prafka a�,�� � v Mayor ede co� ���� ASainat Mr. Pr iden , McCarty �'����' PUBLI�HED $EP � �97� � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 �� . u��� i July 31, 1972 " Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc. for a permit to install a 92-car parking ....._.,. _ Iot on the southeast corner of Plato and State Streets, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the July 6, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff said revised plans have been requested which wi11 meet design standards. A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval. It carried by a vote of 5to0. Revised plans dated received July 18, 1972, meet design standards. Very truly yours, ,i' ._�.��' �' /� i���.��'� ete`r J. Maietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Z. F. 7364 � � � � O li��)r'�.,'i� i)F ?ut�i:I;�G ''.:�:P�h:�' A.�D ACTION June 30, 1972 — Plat Map ��45 . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 p�ssed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7364 1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc. 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal a PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE , Install 92-car employee parking lot 4. LOCATION , SE corner Plato and State Streets 5. LEGEIL DESCRIPTION : See file 6. PRESENT ZONIN�: Light Industrial 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 6� Section: •23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: June 29, 1972 gy• PLR A. History: There is no zoning history for the parcel constituting the proposed expansion. B. Area Zoning: The Riverview Industrial Park is zoned Light Industrial. C. Design Standards : Revised plans dated received July 18, 1972, meet design standards. D. Frontage and Area: The dimension of the new site is 219.18 feet along State Street and a 182.50 depth for an area of 40,000.35 square feet. The dimension of the existing site is 275.00 feet along State Street with a depth of 182.50 feet for an area of 50,187.50 square feet. The total square footage of the proposed site is 90,187.86 square feet. E. Traffic Engineer 's Report: The traffic engineer recommended approval providing signs were placed by the drive posting them for one-way flow. F. Site Conditions : The expansion site is flat and partially undeveloped. Part of it is paved and used for parking. The original site is developed with an industrial building and with parking located on the area now proposed by the building expansion. G. Area Conditions : Both sides of State Street have been developed in thi,s area. Vacant parcels exist further south and southeast. 9. BOARJ ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by . Maietta X Cochrane July 31, 1972 X Quast Date of Seconded by: :ic�'artlin X Benshoof Hearing: X Maietta Secretary's remarks : X McPartlin August 3, 1972 Council Action: Date: ' � � / � � - — -- — -- . . \ � � ���� � \ � � // / � r �, \ ! \ � � � , � , `� �� � � , � �~ � \ \ ,, V E \ ; .'�r� '` � l � , � ` '�� . _ —''�r �, �,,, �-�'� � , ��. \ �� --- � � �� '? ��,�-- � �, ,`� � � � `` .��`_�,�„" �f� /� �� \ � E- ��° ��, r � � � '; �,,�°''�'� ���,. . �� � � , � � 1� t �-�� �f, � ���� ��r.-`�" _� \ � '� .,� ,�� n � ����� ,...� ����,-�r/� y�,,. ,,,, i ,-'.-` � � � �` G. �� ��° , , - ' �`J �- i � \ � i ,. : � �,�--�, ,, �� � ' �, � :� � � : �, v _, �; `a. � ,� �� �� ✓ ; ��� � ���� �, �� �- � ,, `� �, \ �� - - , � � � � , ��. � � , .. � , A[-P���Q�T : Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc. ��G��� ������� ' Install 92-car employee parking lot ���� ��`� O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING � Light Industrial --0- TWO-FAMILY PETITlON SIGNERS �� THREE-FAMIL,Y FtJUR-FAM�LY � MULTI-FAMILY � s n COM��iERClAL � FILE No. : �364 ►�oR�H � n n INDUSTRIAL v VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date: July 6, i9�2 � Property under co�siderotion � • I ' MZNUTES OF THE PUBLIC AEARII�IG BEFORE THE BQAitll OF Z�NING Thursday, July 6, I9%2, at 2:00 pem. Present: Mme�o Cochrane and quest; Meserso Benshaof, Mafetta and McPartlin o� the Boa�d; Mro Ericttson (no� voting) anc] Mro Rosetter. ANDERSO�I APr� S�IB�RLICH (7363) : An appZication for a permi.t to instokY a 59-car �mployee parking lot on property located on the west side of Lafayette Road beeween Plato and Florida Streets, [�JILBRECHT EL�CTRONICS�, I�3C� (73G4): An applicatioa for e pea�uit to install s 92-car ecnp7.oyee pariting lot on property located on the soutdieast corner of Plato and S�ate Streets, Mro McPartlin asked if the two Riverview parking permits were all righte Mre Rosetter said Chat revised plans have been received for the �1ndPrson and Seiberlich applic�Cion but not for Wilbrecht Electronics. I�r, Rosetter read a cosamunic�tion from the Traf£ic and Accident Section of eh� Paltce Uepartment which suggested the placement of a "right turn only" sign at the exito Mro Rose�ter stuted tlifs is requested because this frontsge road is one-way south-bound, It was moved by Mr, Maiett8 and seconded Uy Mr. McPartlin that the Board recommend �pproval of the applications af both Auderson-Se3beLlich and Wilbrecht Electronics subject tio th.e "right turn only" signs as svggested, The mation carried ue�animousZy. Submitted by: Approved by; Paul L, Rosetter Carolyn Cochrane � i ~ ' Gity Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 11� CwA Mow� 33104 July 21, 1972 File X1232, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Councfl Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on August 3, 1972 on the applicatfon of 4Jilbrecht Electronics, Inc. for a permit to install a 92-car employee parking lot on the property described on the attached sheet. The property is located on the Southeast corner of Plato and State Streets. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Comnerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To c anply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informfng you of this pubTic hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. , ROB�RT W. TRUDEAU Acting Head - Finance Dept. � � . - 2 - File X1232 All that part of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Kettering and Constans's Addition; All that part of Lot 9, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Addition; All that part of Lot 1 and 2, S. L. Merritt's Rearrangement of Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Add�tion; And all that part of vacated State Street and vacated Florfda Street, all lying within the following described lines: Co�nencing at the intersection of the center line of Plato Avenue and the center line of Old Robert Street, thence Northwesterly at right angles to the center line of Old Robert Street a distance of 350 feet, thence Easterly by a deflection angle of 19 degrees, 40 minutes 11 seconda to the right a distance of 931.73 feet, thence Southeasterly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, OS seconds, to the right a distance of 55.82 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence continuing Southeasterly along the aforesaid line extended a distance of 278.0 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles a distance of 182.5 feet, thence Northwesterly at right angles a distance of 246.37 feet, thence Westerly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes OS seconds to the left a distance of 185.22 feet to the point o£ beginning. Subject to a utility easement over the Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. All that part of Lots 9 and 14, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Addition; All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, S. L. Merritt's Rearrangement of Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Additfon. All that part of vacated State Street and all that part of vacated Utah Street, all lying within the following described lines: Co�encing at the intersection of the center line of Plato Avenue and the center line of Old Robert Street, thence Northwesterly at right angles to the center line of Old Robert Street, a•distance of 3�0 feet, thence Easterly by a deflection of 19 degrees, 40 minutes, 11 �econds, to the right a distance of 931.75 feet, thence Southeasterly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, OS seconds to the right a distance of 333.82 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence continuing Southeasterly along the aforesaid line extended a distance of 219.18 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles a distance of 182.5 feet, thence Northwesterly at right angles a distance of 219.18 feet, thence Southwesterly at right angles a distance of 182 5 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a utility easement over the Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. � � . City of Saint Paul, �innesota � � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) / � TO THE FIDNORABLE A�AY08 AND CITY OOUN+CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota j� � o Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARxING LoT for {.w.�bo�e+t•e� (employees) {.p�•y�#r��{•��,..�...e�}{ertt�- (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 92 CBrs To be used in conaection with: Mariuf'acturing business � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleanin� Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : 5. T. OOR. OF PLAT4 & STA7� Legal Description : Lot Block Addition Applicant's Name : WILBI�C�iT EI,ECTl30�ICS� IRC. Home or Office Address: 2�+0 pLATO BLV1). Phone Number : 222-2791 FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, � M�.Y �, 1972 ( ature (date) Address . 2�+U PLATO BLVD. Phone No.: 222-2791 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �.�. _ _ , ._ . ,� � . r...� . . .. .. . . ., _ _ _ _ . . . .. . . . w .. . . . _ r ;;- ,� . � ' ' � . . �!!f �L_ r! �, FttO� FlE OFFICE UF' w. � � �� r� .r � '� . ' . . 0 �%�lCf Ci i��.'�..�� �. �����Z ����,���►I�� V • � � }+i�.� �l�Z���� � 2215 West Counry Road B • . Saint Paul, i1/Iinncsota 5�1 13 � � REC15TfJiEt>C1ViL E!�CINEEft AKU I.nNU�UkVEYUR _ � �� • • � � � t ��� •���;.Z,�j��j ' I 1Ir����'l�J C•'��•tiJ;�/ lli,�cE this plat shows a survcy madc by me of thc propc::y � ? � � described on this plat, and that the corners ate correctly placcd as s�own, an:i , that aU locations have been correctl shown. J���ii�✓• �'•v.�,�� r. s,��, iij• � . , Y .. . . ��,e,�r � � . � . , . ��•f "� �i.�ii� s .�t��� ,ti,%•, ...9�«.�..� y r�� �..,.! S'uruc��ecl 1�'or �.1........,Y...... � � .................... . • � � - , _ - - o„�,• ,•�i��.. .c../y, : . " nR.tc:..............�%�� i�',�d.. ��. • .� � � � , ,�:...... . _ . '"- Zoo BY ......;...%I.;?�.%t!�'.....:. .,..,,.f::"t-f°..f........ �C'JCl'fl�tLUll: SCCLLB................./....:................... kE:C157ERED L.AtiU SURVE`FUR . 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' � i i � � :u{iro i _, :Z U<,;':s�j. �'.7.rf•.»�nr c vrr !�": ;�>iinlo/i./y ; S r�c'.� -'`�%tr, a/'. .._ :'o.�trin� 4 7 d y7.sJy. �� /�'li�t ai/l.t� . � N 1 . � � � .. 1 � � ._ . . � . . : � ; € i o O�no��J �ioq /�vnv��af � \ _ . --- �' � �. -- . , � � - .� o -. , �--��- —" �� � -- �r ''�a �`. . . . . _� . . r'J .. `w� _' �w� � �.✓B� �����.�N,/�G�i^ . �1 �r. � � 1 � �3/•�� � � N = 7�5.22 •\ �•��.. . i-- '"I � _�_ � --- - �L�V.p.� N ___�-C---n 1'�� \ `, �',i,. �:,`,�' ,�`, ''.. i. �.;l,r� _ �.,- l^_ ._ - • �, r�i • � , .� , � •�� �- „�— A ro . ._ . � , , ,• , �, ; �i �_— / ,,.;�o l PL�� _ . , 1', � , :�, l'� ` �2�1� r- � , � . , , -' � �n o``: _ , r,,_. f SJ\ ./1�0/'/' /� . � .. ��V _. . . '�� tt� 11�j`i i���`i .. � �/ �i Y .��I � �� ` . � � ' � ! ' � ' \ .�/ • . ,. . y �' c�,JS� �.+�('' � �.1 ' � J • D� . .. � / � r '�y t ,�, � / ���� �� � � . , .Y . � � -. - - �'i\\ �\ . . � , � y - .,- . B� ` � 3� �;_«.. . �� ��1, C'1 +. , . . . . / '� , . . •i, .'�� �'� t , +:� � / � y�/ a ��,r.'L � l � Q , , %�G-f,� , � � . � . " A . . � � �� � '�i ��.. � ) . . .. ' k � , .. .. . � .� . .. ,.�1,..�� . ���� r .�. � . � ' . ' � . . . . . . _.. .. L . . '__ �� `- � ''� ou�ucwn to vR�N�e � 25g58� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �►�� NO ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR85ENTED COMMISSI ER oA� u/tlLViD� '1'hat M�1br�Qht sl�ittrOAiC/, InO. b� aRd hsiyby is qranl�.�d a pa�ait t� install a. 92-eas pa�inq lot cus th�e �n�t�t vosu�r of �`lato anQ itats �trata. �r� particalasly `d��sib�d as lollaw s t� ssAibi� � attaah�d) �,pj�j(;IJ�j��j�j Adopted by the Co»*�C� 19_ Ye�a Nays Butler Carlson A�� 18_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith � "Sprsfl[a A aninat Tedeaco - Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� _ • - „ � . � �HIT �► �595�6 All that part of I,ots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Kettering and Constans's Addicion; • AII that part of Lot 9, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Addition; A21 that part of Lot l and 2, S. L. Merritt's Rearrangement of Lots 10, 11, Z2 and 13, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Add;.tion; � And all that part of vacated State Street and vacated Florida ,Street, all lying within the foilowing described lines: ' C�msaeacing at the intersectioa of the center line o£ Plato Avenue and the center line of OZd 8obert Street, thence Northwesterly at right angles to the ceater line of OId Robert Street a distance of 350 feet, thence Easter2y by a deflection angle of 19 degrees, 40 minutes 11 seconds to the right a distance of 931.73 feet, thence Southeasterly � ' by a defiection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, OS seconds, to the right a distance of 55.82 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence continuing Southeasterly along the afuresaid line extended a distance of 278.0 feet, theace Northeasterly at right angles a distance of 182.5 feet, thence Northwesterly at right angles - a distance of 246.37 feet, thence Westerly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 tninutes OS seconds to the left a distance o£ 1$5.22 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a utility easement over the � Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. All that part of Lots 9 and 14, BZock 3, Kettering and Canstans's Addition; All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5, S. L. Merritt's Rearraagemeat � of Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 3, Kettering and Constans's Additian. AlI that part of vacated State Street and a13 that part of vacated Utah Street, all lying within the following described lines: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Plato Avenue and the center line of Old Robert Street, thence Northwester3.y at right angles to the center 2ine of Old Robert Street, a•distance of 350 feet, thence Easterly by a deflsction of 19 degrees, 40 minutes, 11 Seconds, to the right a distance af 931.75 £eet, thence Southeasterly by a deflection angle of 80 degrees, 10 minutes, OS seconds to the right a distance of 333.82 feet to the poine of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence continuing Southeasterly along the aforesaid line extended a distance of 219.18 feet, thence Northeasterly at right angles a distance of 182.5 feet, thence North��esterly at right angles a distance of 239.28 feet, thence 5outhwzster].y at right angles a distance of 182 .5 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a util.ity easement over the Northeasterly 7.5 feet thereof. < � � � „ � , DYrLiCATt TO lRINTSR �� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO � ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ CO��AIM��S.�41C�FR �A*� all ia ae�aor�ance rrith revis��'! plana dat�d 'tec�iv�d Jo].p 18. 197as enbjeat to the oondition truat said applioaut-pa�itt�e, and it� �nccessors and assigns, sl�all �nakt dna caapliance Mith all applicable prowi�iona o!' anu�iQipal ordinanc��. •tat� �ta.tnt�� and rnlss aud s�gulati oAS of pnblic a�tthoriti�s l�avinq ezoqaisana�. AU6 31 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays u ��,•-�� AUG 31 1972 �. n Konopa$!� Approv� 19_ � i .�K,� 'ne MereditH :-'.y� 51n Favor � redithSpraffca �:� i1 ��' T'�'�LCe�..`` ' �� ed reo �P�eside�� ro°"""At � ,Le%7�J e Mr. P esid t, DZcCarty �� _ _. 182,so --- . � ___ - - � t � - _�j'` �ioH f•sc. L-�N - 5 crp� � t�; � � f1� � o I I � o_ _ , � � ; . . . �r_—�- � � � ___._. . _ �_ � �I ! 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