259582 oR o�Nw�ro c�rv c�enK � �59�82 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO � �• � '" CE OF THE CITY CLERK � ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATP BE IT RESOLVED, That City Council File No. 255880 approving the award of contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary or incidental to the FENCING WORK - GROVELAND PLAYGROUND� for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, to Minnesota Fence and Iron Works, Incorporated for the contract price of $3 , 148.56 (plus Design and Inspection Fees 5160.003 as a result of Formal Bid No. 4762 and the specificat- ions incorporated therein which was approved on September 29, 1971 is hereby rescinded due to the` f act that for reasons beyond their control Minnesota Fence and Iron Works, Inc. could not do the fence work. ,� Formal Bid No. 4762 � � C.F. No. 255365 � Job No. 72-58 ' ,. ._ APPROVED: AS TO FORM � c � � GORPORATION .OIINSEL � . AUG 31 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas xa�8 AU G 31 197� �Lrth�-- � Hunt Approved 19� �� � -sn Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst ` lt�� � DID£XPresident, ����V��� a �uBU$+��n SEP 219a� 8/29/72/em/Smith �� �������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����� ° � -'" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM P��rr . COMM SSIONER � �A� BE IT RE34LVED� Tbat City Caiuncil File No. 255880 approvinq tho �twa�d of contract for furnishinq all labor� mat�rials� equip��nt ansi servi��a n�ceasary or incidental to the FENCING WORK - GROVELJWD BLAY6ROUI►�D�, i�or th+� D�partm�nt o� Parl�s� Rscreation and 1Tublic Bqildings� to Minn�sot�a Fe�cer aad Irc�}r, Wqsks� Incorporated for the contract prica of f3�148,56 tplua D�si� sa� Inspa+ction Feea 516�?.003 as a result of Formal Bid No, 4762 and the sps�iti�la� ions incorporate�d th�rein which was spprov�d on S�ptvnb�r 29� 1�i71� is bs��by resciaded due to the faCt that for reasons b�yond thsir contro�, Mixuss�o�a: 1��C�e and IroA Mlorks� Inc. could not do the fence work. ��_. - rmaY Bid Na''4�6� 1 C• No. 255365` Job No,; T1-56 YI� __ _� �,... ,.�.__...__._..� �� APPROVEDs AS TO FORM ORPO TZON� _ _ . AU6 31 197� COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yesa Naya D.•-�--� AU6 3 i 197?1 � Htstit � Appmve� 19.— `� T*+ Favor Meredith ` � Sprafka � �� A as�inwt CJ•/j���� '�'[ . ��resident, � ��� 8/29/72/�/�a1th .��