259581 Orlslnsito Cib Clerk • • ORDINANCE � �59�81 . COUNCIL FILE NO ' -�/ D PRESENTED BY • �ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF JAMES J. CONLIN AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to James J. Conlin, the sum� oP $392.88, in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about August 9, 1972, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on August 17, 1972. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the �aid claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. �� � SEP 15 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Council u er Hunf "�`"� . N � son �� Konopatzk�G ��^a Tn Favor Le ne � Levine � � �:�,,� Sla .A4er.ed;+� °�`� � Against T e �-- SEP �51972 Mr. si nt (McC �sco prov : At t• � e. Pe ' _�Ilt , C' lerk yqr ' �� �orm approved Corpor�ption Counsel By � Rl16LISHED gEp 2� 197� aqfkaa a Pel.t�s ` ` ORDINANCE ���g�, + COUNCIL Hl.E NO • � _ � `�� PRESENT� BY ORDtNANCE NO ✓ u 01t'I�I�i 8�'!!� TS� C�.�►I![ t�' +i7111� .T. � �+�' '!7! CI'!'! EE� liZ�! z� � G�IL O! '1'Hi CI'!! 0� S�I!! ��. Dtais C�t�st ' a.ctio� i. �at t'b�e � ci� vt�3�s. arr b�r�Dr aut.�cis�d s�d disyct�d to par ont ot t1i� Tort LiabilitT lmrd �3�-420, t.o �s J. c�o�lin, tD� sus� of ;343.t8�, ia iall a�ttl�at o� his alaia o� da�gra anstai� o� or abaut �aq�t 9. 1972, as �r� �articulaslt at ont in a a�nmiaat3� to ti� Cit? Cew�il vo i�ust 17, 19TZ. S�ttiou 2. T�t ssid st� sl�sl..t be pa3A to t�t �sid c].ai�t n,po� his waotios a�ad d�s].i�nry o# a rrl�as�►� 3.a ldl.l to � Cit�, 3,a a fo�s� to b� �pprc�nd by tl:a City rt►ttosn�, lo�r sll �s snst�siaN ia ti� s�nn�s atosNaid. �t.ios 3. �2sat Chis os+ai�a shali Wu� �ft�at a�'1 1� in forc� thirtY d�s alt�s ita psrsaq�. a�p�oRal aad p�da►13oatf�. ;= SEP 151972 Yeas Councilmen Naya , Paeeed by the Coun�;� u Hunt ���� � •— II� Konopatzkl �� _; � Tn FSVOr � Levine � �i � s �_-�,�.`: `�� Ag,^�iast T _ S rafka a�. •a�t c���e��� . �EP 15 1972 Approved. j Atteat: - � City Clerk Mayor �� Form s�►raved�Cor�ora�on Counael By ist 2.^.d � � 3rd �.dopted �� .� � � Yeas Nays iiUNT KONOPATZKI �����` . .L L�VINE /� ' � v TEDE5C0 • Nlme PRE.�,IDErai .(BUTLER)