259579 ,ORI�NAL TO CITY CLBRK � ������
C MM SS�IONEa Bureau of Pub I i c Bu i I d i nqs August 29� I 972
�VHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul is info�med by the
Department ot Parks, Recreation and Pubiic Buiidings that the vacant and open
building(s) located at: _
740 Tatum
tn the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the publlc heaith,
. welfare and safety; and
WHEREAS, the I as-k known f e!.'(�rd owners of sa id property are:
Bessie, Harold, Paul & David Naiditch and Naiditch & Sons
and said owners have tailed to secure the same against en#ry by unautho�ited
persons in vioiation of Section 192. 18 ot the Saint Pau! Legistative Code,
and said vacant dnd open building(s) have been found and determined by the
Counci ! of the City of Saint Paui to constitute a menace to the public heaith,
welfare and safety and a pubiic nuisance which must be immediately abated to
prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore be it
RESOtVED, that the Department ot Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidings
is authorized and directed to immediately secure said buiidings by the use af
contract labor under contract No. 7� pending proceedings under the Haxardous
E3uildings Act; and be it L 7525
FURTHER RE50lVED, that the expense of securing such buiidings be paid
0756-256 from Fund No. �0�4�� Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsel
be directed to take appropriate action to �eimburse said fund by action
against the owner of said property.
� � .
�� y A�� 3 0 �972 `
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
� N�nt AU6 3 0 1972
��A�C Konopatski � ov 19—
Levine _�n Favor
Meredith „�
Sprafka Mayor
� A gainst
Madaan P�es i dent Bnt I er PUBLI3HED �'� e� 1972
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 Cify Hall, 55102 223-4212
August 29, 1972
The Honorable I�iayor Lawrence Cohen
Room 347
City Court House
Saint Paul, t��linnesota 55102
iviayor Cohen:
7he Bureau of Public Buildings requests the transmittal
of the attached Summary Abatement resoiution to the City
Council for securing the described vacant building.
Yours ruly,
�e:��i!� ���. -�'c�,��'Y�-
F ank A. Staffenson
upervisor-Nousing o e
o�,�,�,�.�,� 2595'79.
�'' C�OM��O E� Ji�'ASltl �f�Ub I IC_Htl U d�nn� D�*� ,Alb,^4Y�ft..?�—��? .
WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Saint Paui is �nformed by the
Department of Parks, Recreation and Pubiic 8uildings that the vacant at�d open
buildingts) located at:
- 74Q Tatum
in the Cfty ot Saint Paui are a proximate hazard to the public health,
we�`fa�e and safety; and
WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are:
Bossie, Harold, Paul b David Natditch and Naiditch d Sons
and said avners have failed to s+ecure fihe same agat�st eAtry 6y unautho�ized
pe�sot►s in violation of Section 192. t8 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code,
and said v�ca�t. and open buildingts) have been found ar�d detenpined by the
Councll. of the City of Saint Paul to co�sti#ufie a menace to the public health,
►velfare and safety and a public nuisance which must be Immediatety abated to
prevent toss of life or property; rtar, therefo�e be it .
RESOIYED, that the Department of Pa�ks, Recreation and Pubitc Buildings
1s authorized and directed to immedtately secu�e said buiidiAgs by the use of
cor�tract labor unde� contract No. '��pending proceedt�gs u�der #he Haz��dous
Buiidiags Act; and be it L 7525
F'l�tiNER RESOLYED, that the expense of securing such buiidings be paid
0756-256 from fund No. qQ�y�Summary Abatement, and that the Co�porat�on Counsel
be dlrected to take approp�iate action to reimbu�se said tund by action
against the o�rner ot said property.
� , AUG 3019�_
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co c+�
Yeas Naye
� Hunt AU6 3� 1972
Approv� 19—
���( IGonopetskl '
�°�e T� Favor
Sprafka � ��r
� A�Bt
Medam Prosident Butler