259576 Orittnal to Cib Clerk . . . ORDINANCE �5g��6 COUNCIL FILE NO , � � PRESENTED BY "`'" ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "A,n ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualificati.ons for the various classes of po sitions in the Clas sified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNC�L::O�' THE:.CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum quali.fications in the speci.fications for Baker II and Cook II; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following minimuxn quali.fications: BAKER II "Good physical condition and one-half school year�s experience as a Baker I or one yearis experience baking in a restaurant or ca.feteria or completion of the Chef Training Program at St. Paul=s Technical and Vocational Institute or an equivalent traini.ng program which must have included training in quantity baking. " COOK II "Good physical condition and one-half school yearis e�erience as a Cook I or one yearis experience cooking in a restaurant or cafeteria or completion of the Chef Training Program at St. Paul�s Technical and Vocational Institute or an equivalent training program which must have included training in quantity cooking. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � �� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� S EP 15 19� � x�t � Konopatzki Levine —In Favor �ere�it�h /� �. v � A gainat T���° SEP 15 i9.T� Mme.�iaK President ��l� Butler At t; , �� ' �� Clerk � Mayor �� . Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By �WBLISHED SEP 2 3 1��`2 �ue.a a r.�e�r ' • ORDINANC � . Q� . COUNCIL HLE NO "`�'�'" w PRESdVTED BY ORDtNANCE NO ��� At ordia�aacs sm�ndiag Ord#�asi�e� No. �6a�. eatitl�d: "� osdius�ac� f3zia� th� d�tties aad sasponsibi�itt�s sad the misfmotm qosliflcslto� fos the �►sri�s clsssre,t cE poaitiz+as ia th� Glassified S�r�ic� a� �r Cft�►," sppro�r�d Febsssr1r 13, 1935, ss a�m+eadal. THE COiJl+1CYL OF ?HE CTIY OF SA.t�tT PAIIL DO�B tJBI�AI1+�z Sectio� 1. Thst Ordiaaue� I��. 7607. �r+crs�rd Fa�y�easrT I3. i935, as smeaded. ba sad the �s:n� is h�rwb� farl��r sanead�d 1ry etrikia� mtt the miaimaa� qe�lificsticns fs!h: spfcificstiaw for Bai�es II aad Co�ic II; snd b� ssbstlt�ng is li�n thsrso£, respsetirelT, the f�►ing �mann q�►ti#iestioaa: BAKE�t II "Good phTai,csl coadiEioea aad a�e-h�f sE�ool �esr�s �ri�t as s Bikes I or one yssr�� espsti�c� bahi� ia► s sestai�at os cat�tsis or coaapl�toa � � C]�ef Trais,;a� Pro�ram st St. Psol�s '�ecl�ieai aad vocatiomsi �asti�s os aa �iai�sat tra#a3�t� gretgrasi�ie�, maast hs� �tl�abiri tsaie�tg i�t �ity bsitisa.�' COOK II "G�od p�ysi�esl casd#tion aad one•}=alf sc�ol y�a►rfs a�epsri�co as a Caok I or oae year's experience cooking in s r�rataaraat or eafeteria or completiaa � tbe Ch�# Traiaia� Program at S� Piol's T'�echnicsl aad Vocatiaaat Inst3.tnte os an sgni�al�nt traia�a� progrsm �rhich mast hs,n is�i�d�d train�ss is qoaatity cookiaE. " - Se��tion 2. �hia ordiaar�ce sball take eff�ct snd be in forc�e t]drt� dsTs sfbe: �#r psrsari. spPso�ral, sad pablica�fon. i SEP 15 197.� Yeas Councilxnen Nays Psaeed by the Coun�i1 ��Id,�o�C K�°'patski `� T*+ Favor �.��� � A a�ainat �I TvYs,aaass-- -O �T{,l SEP 5 . �tme.�Ix President �c �totler APproved: 1 1972 Atteet: , , City Clerk Mayor � �� � ���, . Form a�proved Cor�wr�kt3on Couneel By ' ^ ' • JOHN S. HAIDER SA , i � UL CMIEF EXAMINER AND R 2 � DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL �IY�L SE s BURE�kU THOMAS D. GLEASON � x�+ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL t � • s +t B t 6 i�a ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 August 30, 1972 Zc��t,�}7� Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Ordinance amending employee specifications for Baker II and Cook II Dear Sir: The attached ordinance makes changes in the minimum qualifications for above titles, as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, _���'`Zv� � . ,�`�,�Z.�.��C._,'�' i u c� John S. Haider Director of Personnel Att. � MEMBER � fublic fersonnel Assoeiation Auguat 3�, 1�72 Civil Serv�,ee Bureau 26g C�ty I�al1 (�ntlAmen: Tlae City Couneil today ��.ve Firat Reading to r� ordinance, Council Fi1e No. 2g9576� with reference to speciPications for Baker II and Cook II� which ordinanee wil.l come up �'or Thirc� Reading on S�pteaiaer 8, 1g72. Very truZy your�y City Clerk ng i � . �, ' August 30, 1972 �; � � ' ' 2595'7s . . , ; This ordinance prov"�des that graduates of the St. P��, Te+�ical Vocational , . In�titute are eligible to �take the examinatioa for Baker II and,f:oc�k:Ii. , I , �I : � , ls� C� �6 �na - � 3r�1 Ac?opt��d � .,. Yeas Nays ai��i.:.�_. KOPIOPATZKi `��` ��� LE�'TNE �m� • �.A � �t�EDESCO Mlrie PI�E�IDEN'�' (BTJTI�ER) .