D00980No. D��_ Date: �_ ��_ +�` • CITY OF SAINT PAIIL - OFFICE OF ADMINISTRAT2VE ORDER for CONTRACT CFiANGE AGREEMENT NO. TIiS MAYOR 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whezeas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Newell Park Site Improvements and Liahtincr known as Contract 15127 , City Project No. L94-11-16 , Mone�te Construction Co Inc Contractor, is composed of the following: Relocate picnic table, provide additional clean fill, add concrete paving at fire ring, and delete asphalt paving at fire ring and path south of building. NET, DEDUCT $955.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing credits in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 955.00 , said amount to be subtracted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as �Contract 15127 , and which amount is to be credited to: Original Contract Sum $157,000.00 Change Orders to Date 7,000.00 Amount this Chanc�e (955 DO) New Contract Sum 5163,245.00 APPROVED AS TO � 19/ of Parks & Recreation Chief Engineer Direotor of cc: City Clerk Finanoe Department , Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 19_ C94-3K006-0882-33085 Monette Construction ComDanv Inc_ Contractor By leCter dated June 17 1996 t� � �. t� /1'�� Dir�ctor o£ F nance & Management Services �� � Administrative Assistant to the Mayor G 5 T i�Oq80 ����� Parks and Recreation an Tourtelotte NA TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IQCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Approve Contract Change Agreement Project: Newell Park Site Improvements and Lighting or GBCAMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ ' D1STflICT COURT _ _ JRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIYEI a�"Cl�u, 6/20196 GREEN SHEET INRIAIfOATE INRIAVOATE � DEPAR'fMENT DIRECTOR � CffY CqUNCIL 66414 ��H� Fa ft [� cm arroarier � am c�aK PO�� � BUDGET DIflECTOR FIN. & MCaT. SERVICES �Ifl. OiIDER �p�pyOR(ORASSISTAM7 � p�rks & RP�rPatian qYll $ERYICE COMMISSION �Who, What, Whan. JUL � 5 1996 PEASONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a coMract for this tlepertmeM? YES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not normaily possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Euplatn all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to graen sheat Why). The changes in work included herein result from community demands brought out at a public meeting after construction had started. Ll� Community desires will be accomplished. dUL 02 199� �. � � None ii�li�� Y �� JUL 12 f�56 CITY CLERK Community desires will conflict with construction plans. �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ NDIfdGSO11RCE CIB 4NpAL INFOflFSATION. (EXPLAIN) 955. 00 ) COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE} YES NO ACTIYITYNUMBER C94-3K006-0882-33088 dt;� � �L�.1���� � CONSTRUCT(ON COMPANY'"-c _ 196 RYAN LANE LlTTLE CANADA, MN 55117 � .. _,?�:e i <. F �?;, ..,. �an �c�;;rieir_��cc L'1V�52r,�.Y� r<^ -c � �`2CY`c^c't-v iC:7'� .�v'SL: .. � V i"�2 S". 1 i-,ftYi£2k ..... ^cllte y ;Yi'�. ,_,...:�;C Y;e� .'ti�i+d�i � F�?i•�; ::'a:..�i.° _:i Lii�YfC'.E iiY`GBY' lT"r:�� L'C-�c'7� 'LtiY'2ctYl.' TEL. 770-7663 FAX 770-81 �1 i:i� �4,I�.EOW1Yt� 3ti :1 Cf,�:�'. T(1Y (���.��:. C�C.Yli7c':> v_. C'c7,.c t��� :\•L�Ni� � .t .=ct'�".`1 u i. :!E':f_:C<"t.v2 G'2C't'tiC ',.c"'i3.i° e1t:' �e t., C6':^Y;E?T` i+'�" �S":2.;.Yi ❑;aY area ar;d �r°c�ui.ce r,ef. ,._.�,°�creee -<aci. ._. !'t'tiv.lCt? t�H:Y`.c1 C.:C�.-.'t�': *Iil 'c1: ja5:<2i;,'y7c.ti; GC1t[r'4;. �.1. F�GC CC�Y!C'Y`B'tG Y.?c:ViYl_ &'L 'F;Y`�* 1"i7"tG ctY"2� �S L7a'r' C2:c13'.t {:2YT.LC J"'J•✓'_'i^jG. 49w'� S, i=. v� 5yr, c'=`5 ��r 5. ., _ �, �eiet� aspna3t �av;r,n ai fire r�nC• ar.a n�t"�t+aYSe> cl5 ..�2:^ Y'2Ct:t25L. �. .�..�I7cl'fiOLS 1Yi aCs� c'�YS^... SE..�£C� Clic3L1::L25 A:3S:?£'dY' �,.C� bcl t e�YtC2. �fC� $ fi� Ckr�I�iu� Gii�I.:R --- Reti�ec'sT'ulay Sic�r�it'ter., F �L.�- ,� _� i e freas�cr•e^ �� +;/ - GENERAL COIYTRACTORS ''.a.._;i'_"t, :(1I(. .::��� ;(�L_I '-' �i:?�?.:L�✓_S `f . 3.L��. �} —�t— -�"�55. tt �