259559 o�sm.�so c�ss c�t ' ORDINANCE �5g�59 �' COUNCIL FILE NO /- W , / �/ � PRESENTED BY '' ORDINANCE NO As�. ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approvi.n.g and adopting rules and regulations therefor, �' ap proved August 20, 1 g 14, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDA.IN: Sectian,l.�•.,T,.�rat__;Qrdina�ce:Nso. -3.�50, approved Augu.st 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end of Section 8 A the following: \ � �'14 Appointments to the position of Pharmacist shall be made at Step D i.n the appropriate Standard Range as set forth in Section I B in Ordinance No. 6446. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: � C airman Civil Service Commission � � SEP 14 1972 Yea� Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Hunt $� Konopatzki ��^ y� Tn Favor Meredith (� Sprafka gai �C G� �- S�� i�4,��2 3dK President � �crt��— - r/�, �" pPr� i Clerk _. Mayor �� � Q • Form a�proned �orpor��ion Counsel By � ; P_UBLISHED ,SEp 16 1972 -- __,_.,,�.. n.�Yasa w�elaMr .. !� ORDINANCE 259��9 cour��N� No._ PRESEWTED BY ORDlNAt�ICE NO . Ag �rdinsade smea�ding Qrdiassce No. 32g�, en�tlret: "An ad�ninistra�tive ord�sn�e r�latisa tm �� Ci�ri2 S+�stice Bsreau ±�f t�ue City of Ssiit Psnl, sPP�t � �dP�i s�l�s sad rage:lstieas thsseior." .,� sp Pr+��ed J�sssst Zlf,� 1 q 14, aa smended. TH� C4IINCIL O$' ?H� CITY OF SA�iT PA�1L DO�S O�tDA�EN: Ss�on 1. Tbst Ordiaaae� No. 3230. spps�r�d 1►s�utt 2@, 1914, ss,sm�aded, be aad �he ume is her�b� fetrth�s sm�esdre! b� ad�� st tl� ea�d ot Seclioa 8 A th4 foll�wtag: "I4 Appointasaats to the posit�oa o# Fhss�rnscist shall b� mia,de at Step D i� the appraprista Staadsrd Ritage as ts�t fez#h i� Seetiem � S ia Ordinsne� No. 644b. " Sectioa 2. This ordiaancc shall take effact a�d be fn force �hirt�r ds�s after its passig�, sppsoval, aad pabli�stioa. Apprrnred: ha�rna�aa : �Ci�ril S�svlc�s Connazissiooa Yeas Councilmen Naya PaBeed by the CouII�it S E P i '� 19� . �mLm �aop�s�i ' � �e.— r F'avor Meredith � �'� _�g�inel� ` Tp�r . 1� 197� Pr�ide�t APProved: S�p Attest: City Clerk Mnyor �� ';;, Form ap�►roved Corpor�ican Cousesl By ,� . • ° ° � B ��9�5� JOHN S. HAIDER SA 3 q UL CNIEF EXAMINER AND ii � � DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL CIVIL SE , 1 i f f BUREAU THOMAS D. GLEASON ' * + ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL t t � ! R Y Y Y f 8 b ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 August25, 1972 RE � EIVE � AJ� � � 1��2 MAY9R'S OFFICE Hon. Lawrence D, Cohen, Mayor City of 5t. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amending Ordinances No. 3250 and 7607 providing for new titles of Pharmacist and Practical Nurse; Pharmacist to start at Step D instead of Step A Dear Sir: Attached herewith are three ordinances together with explanations of their purpose, which we respectfully request that you present to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, ��,,,...f _. . o n S, Haider Director of Personnel Att. � MEMBER 0p � fublie Penonnel Assoeiafion Aug. 34, 1972 Civi1 Service Bureau 26'� City Hall 'uentlemen: On �.ugust .?_9th� t2a� City Council gave F�rat R�a,dir� to the i'ollowin� 3 o�"�inAnGes which �ril� come up for• Third Readin€, on Sept. �ith: C.F. 25955`.� - �►end3n� C3vi1 Service Rule$ re agpointment of Fharmacist; C.F. 2�3560 - Amendii�g C.S. Rul�u by adding phaxmsa�.st AND Practi cr�.l. �Iu..se; C.F. 259561 - Amending �ia07, �p�cificatic�ns� by adding Pha.rmacist AND Prac- tical Nurse. yery tru�,y yours, City Clerk ng . � _ - � ; � The purpose of this ordinar�ce is to ame d the��ivil 5ertrice Ru1es so that it will be p�,rmissible �o hire Pharmacist at Step �'�ns.tead of Step A, The purpose of this �.mendment is to make us competitive at the hiring rafe. The ranges provided for •� in the City's Salary'P1an are longer than tho'se being used in the private hospitals. If we hire at Step D the Pharmacist would receive $6'. 49 an hour for the first ye�,r, $6. 81 aft�r the second year until the fifth year, and $7. 12 after the fifth year, a��(] indicated below. - J�5� �,� The PollaWing tablee �re comcperisone oi' rates of pay coatained in the egree�enta oP the Tain City private hospitals irith the �in City Hospital Council, end propoeed rat�s oY pay for the City of 5t. Paul, �, �- PHARMACIST PRIVATE H06PITAIS ST. PAUL (PROPOSED) (Haurly �etes) lst qr. 6.40 Step A 5.64 Step B 5.91 2nd yr. 6.60 Step C 6.19 3rd yr. 6.80 Step D 6.h9 /S 7` ^ �� J step L 6.81 2 r��. �,� �,L� , � Step F 7'1.2 5 �j .:Lu- � , � � - K tj�( � .� � / � .':/ � 1.St � Zrd 3rd A3opted / �� Yeas Nax s �U�T:,`.: KONOPATZKI . � �59�5� 5" � �- 1viE.REDITH � SPRAFKA \`•: - �� , �-P4�ee PRESIDENT �