259548 O7�I61NAL TO CITY CLBRK 25�548 �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�SE COMP7ITTF�: OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM COMrd SS ONE pTF All�USt 2� 1972 4�rI-i�AS: William L. OneJ is liceneed to operate taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, and holds Motor Vehicle Driver License No. 35, expiring May 31, 1973� and WHE�EAS: Lvilliam L. Oney was arrested on August 14, 1972 on the charge of terroristic bomb threats and extortion, being sent to court thereon, and the case is � � continu�Q to September 7, 1972 for a preliminary hearing, therefore, be it Rr;SOI,Vr�D: That NIotor Vehicle Driver License No. 35, expiring Nla,y 31, 1.973, issued to L William L. Oney at 130 0'Byle Lane, St.-Paul Park, Minnesota, be and the same is hereby suspended until a complete investigation is made. SUSrENSION . AUG 2 5 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays utler H u nf - . . A prov A Z 5 1972 9� arlson Konop� �V`~ �. vine �evine � � Mereditfi � Favor M redithSprafka Sp afka Tedesco U yor Te sco Mme. President�,B�ltl�p ASainst Mr. Preside t, McCarty PUBLIBHE'D SEP 21972 �.�-�9 � �=o ���o�m �.��-� � � a�e.;� Gv� - lUTLICATt TO lRIN7tR . . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " if"tt7 - F�L� NO. ��� �� OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRFSENTED dlf COMMISSIONEe nA��N�Sti Z5. i97a WH�Ss Willia� L. Oney ia licuved �o operste taxioabs apoa th� str�tts oY th� City of St. Paul� and holde Motoac Vshicl• Driver Lioease �to. 35. �P�+B �4Y 3�� 1973. � WHE�:AS: Williaa L. Onay waa �sted on ,ugust 14, i97a o� ths eah�rg� of t�rrori�tic 'bo�b threa�• and extortion, being sazt to oourt th�r�on, and th� cas� is aontinved to Ssptsaber 7, 1972 tor a prelimiaary heazzi.ng� th�refore� be it R�;SOLV�Dt That Motor Yshicle Dri�rer Liasnse No. 35, �Pi�6 M4Y 31• 1973� iseued to Williaa L. On�y at 130 0'Byl� LLnxae� St. Paul Park� Mina�sota� b� and the sa� is hereby suspead�d until a commplete irive�tigation is ma�d�. SUSFE�TTSION AU6 2 5 1912. COiTNCII�MEN Adopted by the Co�mc;� 19._. Yeas Nays tt Hunt AUG 2 5 1972 C on Konopatzl3 � `^� Approv�rl , 19� Levine .�� � e MereditFi Tn Favor e ith Sprafka pr Tedesco �y� Mr�e. Plesident Bx'tl� O Ag�ain�t Tede co Mr. eaident, McCarty � . ��_ � �� ���' � � ,7,( _.. ._1 ��� „� �� d �p t�u�ust 25, z97� Nir. Williacu I,. Oney 13b Q'By1e I�ane St. Paul Park� Minn�eot+� Aear Sirt Ttie City Cc�une3.1 today adop'ted a resolution suspsndin,� your Taxiaab I7r3ver's Licen�e No. 35� copy of resolution ericlo�ed. Very trul,y yours� City C2erk ng