02-571Council File # �a —$'�,� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet #'�. 0 O G j�(� �ga� Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, Pyramid Sign, Ltd. made application to the Saint Paul Heritage 3 Preservation Commission (hereinafter the "Commission") in Commission File No. S02-004 and 4 pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chap. 73, for a permit to attach a neon 5 business sign to a commercial building which is located at 613 Selby Avenue and is within the 6 Historic Hill Preservation District; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS,. The proposed sign would be placed on the said building's north side which is also the "rear" of the building as the building's "front" is oriented towards Selby and Dale; and WHEREAS, the Commission, after having provided notice to affected property owners, conducted a public hearing on January 24, 2002 where all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard,. At the conclusion of the public hearing the Planning Commission approved the application based upon the findings in the Commission's staff report dated January 16, 2002, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, by a letter dated January 25, 2002, the Commission informed the applicant that its said sign permit application had been approved; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 73.06, Johanna Friendshuh duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council (hereinafter the "City Council") for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code § 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public heazing was duly conducted by the City Council on March 6, 2002, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council, having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Commission does hereby; RESOLVE, to reverse the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission in this matter based upon the following findings of the Council: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 U�-S�� i. The glare from the light of the proposed sign wili project onto adjacent properties which are classified as "pivotal" historic properties. The light glare will be intrusive and will negatively impact these adjacent residential properties. 2. The proposed sign will face Dayton Avenue. The HPC study focused on the building facades but ignored the fact that the sign's placement will permit the sign's glaze to reflect onto adjacent residential property. 3. The building in question already has adequate signage for its business; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Johanna Friendshuh be and is hereby granted; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council secretary shall mail a copy of this resolution to the applicant, the appellant, the zoning administrator and the Heritage Preservation Commission. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approv by City Attorney BY: �i�1G� F/v �'N� — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Appx By: AdoptedbyCOUncil: Date�`�� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary �c.Inr�es� +' Z File #502-004 �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OZ—S'1 \ FILE NAME: 613 Selby Avenue DATE OF APPLICATION: December 11, 2002 APPLICANT: Pyramid Sigi, Ltd. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING/PERMIT REVIEW: January 24, 2002 HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Historic Hill District CATEGORY: new construction CLASSIFICATION: sign permit STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Amy Spong DATE: January 16, 2002 A. SITE DESCRIPTION: The one story commercial building at 613 Selby Avenue was constructed in 1997 and was designed by Cazlsen & Frank Architects. The exterior facade is constructed with rock-faced concrete, brick, stucco and metal. The roof is flat and the cornice is a simple but prominent band. Signage for the building is located above the storefront windows where the stucco panels are located. Awnings are also present at the windows. • B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant is proposing to install a neon enclosed sign which matches the design of two existing signs on the building. The sign will read P-A-I-S-A-N-O-`-S and would be approximately 3%i tall by 11' long. The applicant is proposing to install the sign on the north elevation which would be considered the rear of the building and where parking currently exists. Currently the building has a total of 3 illuminated signs and 2 non-illuminated signs. The north elevation has a non-illuminated sign for the Louisiana Cafe (HPC staff recently approved that sign). Accarding to the applicant, the sign proposed for installation was removed from another location, the sign is already built, and they are seeking approval to install it on this building. C. GUIDELINE CITATIONS: Historic Hill Desi2ri Review Gitidelines Signs Generally, signs should be cornpatible with the character of the District ancl blend tivitla the character of the structures on or near which they are placed. Signs shotdd not conceal architectural detail, clutter the building's irnage, or distract from the unity of the facade, bu[ rather should complement the materials of the related building and/or adjacent buildings. Surface design elements shoulrl not detract frwra or conflict with the related structure's age ancl design. No facade should be damaged in dae app[ication of signs, except far mere attachment. D. FINDINGS: l. The proposed sign does "not conceal architectural detaiP' nor does it "distract frorn the unity of the . facade" mainly because its' proposed location is on the `rear' of the buildin�. 2. Generally back lit and neon enclosed signs do not comply with the general intent of the sign � File #502-004 � guidelines for the Hill Historic District, however, two signs on the building were previously ' approved by the HPC. Also, the installation of this sign would not impact the Selby Avenue :. �a'` �\ corridor. 3. One concern may be "clutter(ing) the building's image" given that a sign is already located on this corner and that the existing PAISANO'S signs are quite large, however, making a recommendation that the sign be re-sized is infeasible in this case (the sign is an existin� sign). F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the sign permit as proposed. • • � ba- s�� CITY COUNCIL bNTACT PERSON 8 PI Councilmember Blakey 266-8610 AUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E7 June 13, 2002 NUMBERFOR GREEN SHEET [ •�r. - � - a:.t�r•�� No 200686 June 26 ROViING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES crvcawra ❑ CJIYAiiORIgY ❑ tJIYCLiRI( ❑ A16MCJI1LfENVICFf01R. ❑ M18NqLLfERV/ACCTC ❑ wvoa(w��smsrurt� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Memorializing City Council action taken March 6, 2002, granting the appeal of Johanna Friendsh from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Co�ission approving a sign permit application to install a neon enclosed sign on the north side of a commercial property at 613 Selby Avenue PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF TRANSACTION Has ihis persoNfirm ever vrorked under a contract for this departmeM? YES NO Has Mis pe�soNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee4 YES NO Dces ihis PersoNfiim possess a sldH not rwm�albG� M anY curteM cilY emploYee7 YES NO Ic Nis pe�soNfirm a Wrgeted vendoYl YES NO �lain all ves answers on sena2te Sheet a11d atlach to Cfeen sheet CO4T/REYENUE BUDCETED (CIRCLE ONE) �i�;L•7 SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke11y, Mayor June 13, 2002 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ManuelJ. Cervantes, CaryAUOrney � �'� � CivilDivision 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651266-87/0 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint P¢ul, Minnesota 55101 Hand Delivered Nancy Anderson Council Secretary 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Ra,�2Y"+� �°,s�n,t`�K �Olk?� . . ���� �. � ���� Re: Appeal of Johanna Friendshuh from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission approving a sign permit application to install a neon enclosed sign on the north side of a commercial property at 613 Selby Avenue. Dear Nancy: Attached please find the signed original of a Resolution memorializing the City CounciPs decision to grant the appeal in the above-entitled matter. Please place this matter on the City CounciPs Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience. If you haue any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, �7_ritr� ��unr2—� Peter W. Warner Assistant City Attorney PWW/rmb Enclosure CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[ly, M¢yor a �. - S� l OFFICE OF LICENSE, 7NSPECTIONS AND � ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT70N � , Roger Curtis, Director LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILIDNG Telephone:612-266-9001 350 St Peter Street Facsimile: 612-166-9099 Suire 300 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55702-I510 February 13, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: �.K_ .: � ��,V � I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6, 2002 for the following heritage preservation case: Appellant(s): Johanna Friendshuh, owner of 614 Dayton Avenue File Number: Purpose: Location: Staff : Commission 502-004 Appeal of a Heritage Preseroation Commission decision approving a sign permit applicafion to install a neon enclosed sign on the north elevation. 613 Selby Avenue Recommended approval of permit. Approved on a vote of 13 to 0. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Jerry Blakey. My understanding is that this puolic hearing request wiil appear on the agenda of t��e Ci�y �ouncil at yoar ea::iest ca:.veni�:,cz and t:at you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! Please call me at 266-9078 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ���� • Fmsr xux • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �� Amy Spong Historic Preservation Sroecialist CC: Council Member Jerry Blakey applicant, Kirk X Van Blaircom, Pyramid Sign, Ltd. owner, St. Paul Redevelopment Corp. Paisano's, Scott Stelzig appellant, Johamia Friendshuh Ramsey Hill Association File 'Eae Saurt Paul �Yty Coundi vn'11 cnnduct a public heazing on Wednesday March 6. 2002. at - 5:30 p.m. _ in fihe �ty Counc�l Cliaznbers,'Rvrd Floor City.HaIl-Courthouse, 15westxeuoggBoulevard, SaintPaul, MN, to consider the appeal of lohanna F7iendshph, owner of 614 Dayton Avenue, to a decislon of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Comn�ission decision approving a slgti peraut appllcation to install a neon enciosed sign on the north elevation at 613 Selby Avenue. , Dated: February 13, 2002 � NANCY ANDERSON Assistant City Councll.�Secretary (F'ebrixary 1&1 �_ _�= sr. r.wc �.ecer, r.EncEa =-�_ o2oss�ao- OFFlCE OF LICENSE, 7,4'SPECTlONS AND ENV/RONMENTALPROTECT/ON � Roger Curtis, Director • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C. Ke!!y, Mnyor LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUIL(DNG Te[ephone:672-266-900/ 350 St Pe�er Stree! Facsimile. 612-266-9099 Suite 300 Saint Paid, hfinnesotn 55l0?-1510 February 13, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesda�, blarch 6, 2002 for the following heritage preservation case: Appellant(s): Johanna Friendshuh, owner of 614 Dayton Avenue File Number: S02-004 • Purpose: Location I have confirmed this date with the office of Counc�l Member Jerry Blakey. My understandin� is that this public hearing request will appzar on the agenda of the City Council at } our earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! Staff : Recommended approval of permit. 1 Commission : Approced on a vote of� to'6. �. Please call me at 266-9078 if you have any questions. Appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision approvmg a sien permit applicahon to install a neon enclosed sign on the north elevation. 613 Selby Avenue G� Amy Spong Historic Presen'ation Specialist Sincerely, 4;�y�� • CC: Council Member Jerry Blakey applicant. I�irk X Van Blairoom, Pyramid Sign, Ltd. owner, St. Pald Redevelopment Corp. Paisano's, Scott Stelzig appellant, Johanna Friendshuh Ramsey Hill Association Fil� OFF[CE OF LICENSE, INSPECT[ONS AND ENVIRONMENTALPROTECT[ON RogerC. Curlis, Director oa p^ ` �U SAINi ewu� � AAAA CI�j'Y QF ,SE�INT Pf��. LOWRYPROFESSJONAL BUILDING ?' Te[ephone: 65/-266-9090 Randy C. Kelly, Mayor Suite 300 Facsimi[e: 651-266-9099 350 Sl. Peter Street Saint Pau[, Minnuata 55102-I510 MEMORANDUM TO: City Councilmembers CC: Peter Warner, CAO Roger Curtis, LIEP FROM: Amy Spong, HPC staff RE: HPC appeal for 613 Selby DATE: February 26, 2002 The following attachments highlight the events that have taken place and relate to HPC review of the sign permit application to install a neon enclosed sign at 613 Selby Avenue, which is located in the Hill Historic District (local and National): ATTACHMENT 1(pages 1 to 5) • The application materials were submitted by Pyramid Sign, Ltd. Included was an application, an elevation drawing of the proposed sign, spec�cations for the sign, and photos illustrating where the sign is to be located. ATTACHMENT 2(pages 6 to 9) The HPC approved the application to install the neon enclosed sign based on the staff findings, which are included in the staff report. The response/decision letter that was sent to the applicant is also attached. ATTACHMENT 3 (page 10) During the public hearing the applicant was present to speak on behalf of the project. No one spoke for or against the project except for a letter that was received, via e-mail, from appellant Johanna Friendshuh. The letter was read by HPC staff at the hearing. ATTACHMENT 4(pages 11 to 12) The approved minutes from the January 24, 2002 public hearing meeting is attached. ATTACHMENT 5(pages 13 to 27) The request for an appeal with attachments by Johanna Friendshuh, owner of 614 Dayton Avenue, is attached. r � L_J 1'AUL � CITY OF ST. PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OOOFFlCE OF LICEVSR ��SPEClIOtiS AND,EV VIROYNEMA6 PROTECTION 350ST.PETE0.SiREEl,SURE300 S[. PAUL, FlL4V ESQ[A SS IO2-1510 W WW.CISTPAUL.AIN.US/LIEP SIGN/AWNING PERbiIT APPLICATIO�� � This application must be completed in addi[ion to the basic sign permit application if the affected property is an individually desienated landmark or located within an historic disfic[. If the proposed si�n is less than fnirty square feet then this application must be accompanied by one cop}� o£ plans and photographs. If the nr000sed sign is ereater than thirtv square feet then this application must be accompanied bv three copies of plans plus one reduced to 8 7/2" x 7]" and photoaraphs. Sia s greater than thirty square feet require review and approval by the Hentage Preservation Commission. Refer to the HPC meeting schedule for meeting dates and deadlines. ADDRESS OF AFFECTED PROPERTY: �� �j G��L�7,I A(�� N U� / PROJECT DESCRIPTIOV: bVill any federal money be used in this project? YES_1�0� Are you applyin� for the Incestment Tax Credits? YES_A'O� Is the property a single or multi-tenant building? �1` V i� \ �— �G ti+ hl �� Is the property residential, office,.o e a�l space. � � P� � �_ Please describe any current si�na�e/awning on the buildmg. Please use pictures to illustrate your descriptions. Z - �Li_U�..\:tJA�TFp 2 � f�1 C� - l t_U S�-� 1 1�-`(�.`� (� Is this sign/awnin� to be temporary or pemianent? 7 e- �, t� -1 a N L� �S ; If temporary, how lon�? Please describe the sign(s) as completely as possible, includin� dmiension�materials, and lightin,g. (Attach additional she:ts if necessary.) ��- O ti1 �; ti C� L-Cj S�S1 Cj �t�.r� � �jT� LF /�� G� ���� ���, ^! How wil] the si�n/awnino be attached to the building? �� �� S � V � i ��� � 1 ��,�� ` "\ -` V.i 1�r�So�12� W i11 the si�n display any movement or animation? ` �i O �Vhere will the sign/awning be located? Please use elevations, site plans, and photo�raphs to illustrate the location. � � sz � C�V P, c � O t� 1 S7� �1 E I, the undersigned, understand that the Sign and Awning Permit Application is limited to the aforementioned �cork to the • affected property. I further understand that any additional eaterior work to be done under my ownership must be submittzd by application to the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Any unauthorized work will be required to be removed. Signature of applicant: � k D te: ( 2 " �� � � � Signature of owner: Date: • f� � • � � �� � ♦ � 0 � .�.. ��r� ,� � + r J %� � � ; „ � - (�__"_ _' � I � � a: .�. c�� � .o �� ; � �: l � J ' �� �: o� � 7, �', • ' �•� �,9 �� � N � . � M _. � N � ,.�:w.i � ,, � E_ , � c. � : .:: : C a' ..»�. � � � ' �-.� ? ya. � �� � d � � ; -�' � � �� `-- �, c °=� �' c � � � •� � OZ �'1 \ �N�o -'�"' •'-° y � � p = � ' � ���£ ^ N y �J u� ��� 5 � �� �� � �<�� A Q Ny C �-'- N � ¢ � � � N O) � l.l � 0 � � • PYRA CjC',5' l �T ll citriro i�(e , � '� r� f � f 8 8 ��� V , S i � �, ��' f , v i � , r ! r � p O � r� �� � - � � � NEON LJGHTED LOGO WALL SIGN 1 N N O V• � PfUSANO'S � 9NGLE TUBE CLEAR � E s RED NEON ElVCLOSED IN CHANNEL LETTER WHITE INFILL RED RETURNS, RED TRiM CAP CREA SOLUT STY SER � "SL10E" � SINGLE TUBE GRF�N NEON SORDER, 6REEN BAGK� GROUND, 6REEN TRiM CAP. = PANF1 � CLEAR ALU(WNUM, BRUSHED W/ CUT OUT PIZZA AND HOT HOAGlES, SIN6LE TUB� GREEN NEON� CL�,K COY�R • �� = �JGN MOUNTED FLUSH TO WALL � re. , �nnc•, WITHRACEWAY,FOR, ,, ENCLOS�D TRANSFORMERS _ iru 651.6 F. 651.6 � ALL'UL' COMPONENTS & LABELING. = ELECTRIC TO �GN � HOOK- UP BY OTHERS :�pF h� I)ate Orti��� , �,.. ��,.,,,,,_ �. ,,,..,,��,���� �„ � . � „��:.,�<�,� ,,,,���,�,.���.�,��,,,,,,,,�„� ,� �.,n,� ;;;� °.;.��,,,, < �,.�,., � �. ,,r ��„� „� � �� .� �... ��„ ,,, ��.. �,,,�,z��_ ,.,,,.,,� ��.,-�� ,,, ., �.. r��.n�,��.:�n ��� i � �� � �� .�„ ���.,„���� .,,��,., � ,,, � , f z,�,.�.,� <.,,,� � ��... ,,;, ,,, c:0.u�io plu.l� ��wnm. �I.i�nag.. � 635 PRIOR AVI O 6a-s�t � • � t .� � •I � O � 0 � L� • � 1�l 17 ��� ` (,KQ _ � ` I � � !. _ `�� � ` _� { � 'i —• i � ; ', � � , , �� � i ""r� ` � I '_ i � w T � ; �' _- � � `rS.p . ; � � i r 1 �."o_dI 0 \"�" J 1 i _ ._ — . . __ ._._� ._..�� f �._ � -. 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C',7 �`.�,l,� $ � '• � �� �;��' , �� } � ���� . � } �y j �\a� , t._. �.� 1 _ a������, 1 � � �.a�-�l ' I.. � a `i.1 �t ,, ..: . .� `� S `'� � OFFICE OF LICENSE, MSPECTIONS AND ' ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO\ - ` Roger Curtis, Direcfor � �f ^ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL RarsAy Ke[1��, bfnpor • January 25, 2002 Kirk X Van Blaircom Pyramid Sign, Ltd. 432 S. Wabasha street St. Paul, MN 55107 Re: 613 Selby Avenue, Hill Historic District File #502-004, sign permit Dear Mr. Van Blaircom: L06RYPROFESSlONAL 6UILDLVG St�ite 300 3i0 St. Peter Street Saint Pn«l, hfinnesatn 55l0?-I510 Telephane: 65 /-2G6-9090 Fncsini ile: 651-266-9099 As you know, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) considered at its January Z-'., 2002 meeting your appl�cation to install a neon enclosed sign at the property listed above. The commission voted 9 to 1 to approve your application. This decision was based on the findings in the staff report. You or any aggrieved party has the right to appeal the Commission's decision to the Saint Paul City Council under Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Such an appeal nuist be filed within 14 days of the date of the HPC's order and decision. Chapter 73 states: (la) Appeal to cit}' eoemciL The permit npplicnnt or any party aggrieved b�• dre decision of the herttnge preservntion conmtission shall, tivitTviri fo�ntee�i (14) days of tlse date oftAe herirage preservatioii conmiissioi:'s order mtd decisioie, hnve n right to appeal st�ch order aird decision to the city comicil. The nppeal shall be deemed per fected upon receipt by t/ie divisiwi ofpinnning (LIEP) of hco (2J copies of a notice of appeal and statement setting forth t/ie grocencls for rke appeal. The d�vision of planriing jLIEP] shall transmit one copy of the notice of appeal mid statemeitt to the city cou�tcil a�d one copy to the heritage preservtetion connnissiaz. The eommission, in any written order denying a permit application, shall advise the appkcanr of the right to appeal to the city coiuicil arid i�:clurle this paragraph in all stich ordets • Please note, an HPC approval or conditional approval does not obviate the need for mzzting applicable building and zoning code requirements, nor is it a permit to allow for ��'ork to commence. If revisions to the approved plans are made, be aware that additional HPC and/or staff review wili be required. � • � Page 2 • File #S02-004 January 25, 2002 Please feel free to call me at 651.266.9078 if you have any questions. Also, your permit application and stamped plans will be forwarded to the LIEP plan reviewers for processing. Sincerely, Amy Spong Historic Preservation Specialist cc: o�mer, St. Paul Redevelopment Corp. Paisano's, Scott Stelzig Steve Ubl, building inspector File • • O� -S'1 � O Page 1 of 1 ��m�fi 3 To The Historical Preservation Committee, • I currently live at 614 Dayton Avenue, a block north from Paisanos and the '�}-S �1 \ Louisiana Cafe. I have been notified that a sign permit has been requested by the owner for the installation of a neon sign which wouid be installed on the north side of the building. My backdoor resides approximately 50 paces from the north side of Paisano's doorway. This is also the side where they plan to place the sign. At this time, I request that this sign permit not be approved due to the following reasons: 1. Paisano's north side of the building is visually apparent from my back yard, even with the fence that separates the two properties. The Iighting that is currently in Paisano's parking area, as well as the lobby and exterior sconce lighting already provides enough light during the evening that 1 can be in my kitchen or my back bedroom and not require an interior light to see where I'm going. 2. The sign wiil face the residential neighborhood and will distract from what little ambience we have left. The street traffic, and the noise coming from Paisano's during the weekend is already a huge distraction, never mind adding a visual design distraction. We eat, and relax in our backyard during the evening, as well as have guests to dinner and we like to entertain outside during the warmer months. I would appreciate not having to look at a neon sign, while I'm trying to enjoy my dinner. May I suggest that a"Paisanos" sign be designed in the same fashion as the Louisiana Cafe located on the north side. Perhaps some type of reflective paint that is less instrusive be used. I ask that no lit signage be approved on the northside of the building at all. • If you have questions, or are not sure that this is an issue, my husband and I invite you to our house for hot toddies and an evening sitting in our back yard to experience our wonderful luminescence. Sincerely, johanna r. friendshuh • (� file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00003.HTM Ol/23/2002 �f#achmcnf Cf • MINUTES OF THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMbZISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Room 40, i,ower Level. City HalUCourt House January 24, 2002 Present: James Bellus (chair), Judith Benton, Gar Hargens, Paul Larson, Lee Meyer, Ray Meyer, Richard Murphy, Dan Scott, Shari Taylor Wilsey, Dudley Yotmkin Members Absent: Joseph Errigo (excused), Susan Bartlett Foote (excused), Richard Wolfgramm (unexcused) Staff Present: Julie Hoff, John Skradski and Amy Spong 1. Call to Order: 5:02 p.m. by James Bellus. 2. Announcements: There were no announcements. oa-s�� � 3. Approval of the Agenda: Spong asked commissioners to remove Item G from the agenda. The agenda was approved as amended. 4. Permit Revie«�/Public Hearing: A. 613 Selby — for a sign permit to install a neon enclosed sign Spon� presented her staff report. Yotmkin questioned how many square feet of signage there will be if this is allowed and if it exceeds the allo�ved amount. Spong replied that she does not kno�v and that is not under the HPC's purview. The applicant, Kirk Van Blaircom stated that it is within the allowed square footage. He stated that this sib is about 75 percent of the size of the existing sign. No one else asked to speak at the public hearing. Spong read a letter from a nearby resident at 614 Dayton Avenue who opposed the sign installation which faces the back of the property and would shine into their house and yard. Benton asked how late the sign will be tumed on? The applicant stated that the sign might be able to be put on a timer. Ylotion to appro� e the sign permit («'ilsey/Scott). • Discussion: Larson proposed a friendly amendment that the sign be on a timer and tumed off at a certain time. The applicant stated that the business is often open until 11 p.m. or midnight. Larson withdrew his amendment. �, r bz s� � • • . Benton stated that this needs further discussion - as this does affect nearby residents. Larson stated that he believes that it is part of owning a home that backs up against a commercial area. Motion carried 9-1 (Benton opposed). B. 662 Surrey — for a demolition permit to raze a single family� structure Spong presented her staff report. The applicant, Jim Erchul — Dayton's Bluff IvTeighborhood Housin� Services, stated that they are asking to raze this structure in order to construct an accessible unit and be able to make 663 Euclid conform better to historic preservation standards. Diane May, resident of 243 Maria Avenue, presented a letter and stated that she would encourage the HPC to approve demolition because it will improve the 663 Euclid project. There was a motion to approve the staff recommendation (Larson/'�Vilsey). The motion was approved unanimously. C. 965 Summit—for a demolition permit to remove one chimney from the structure. Spong reviewed her staff report. Commissioners clarified which chimney was to be removed and if it was noticeable from Summit Avenue. The applicant, Kurt Williamson, stated that there would be no other chan�es to the exierior. nlotion to approve the staff recommendation (Harge�s/Scott). Motion carried unanimously. D. 68 West Exchange Street — for a building permit to re-roof the school building with lead-coated copper. Spong presented her staff report. Ray Meyer stated that he viewed the property today and that tl�e brackets are in good shape and that he �vould be opposed to coverin; them up. The applicant, Susan Zmich, Miller Dun�viddie Architects, agreed that the brackets are in good shape, but lhat other parts may need some restoiation. Larson asked if the applicant is comfortable �vith the staff recommendation. The applicant stated that she is, but that she has to make sure that it meets the church's budgetary restrictions. There w�s a motion to approve the staff recommendation (Younkin/��'ilser°). The motion carried unanimousl��. Because they u�ere 20 ntirtutes ahead ofscGedule, the contrr�issioners took n 10-rnir:ute break. Foi�rikin left. E. 587 1�larshali — for a building permit top replace ��ood ��indows �t'ith ��inyl �rindo��s. Spong presented her staff report. Hargens asked Spong if the w�indows n�ould have screens. Spong stated that they would have half screzns. 2 �Z f�f { 5 � • � U February 10, 2002 ATT'N: Ms. Amy Spong, Historic Preservation Committee Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 RE: 613 Selby Avenue, Hill I�istoric District File #502-004, Sign Permit Deaz Amy: oa -s�+� I am responding, as requested by the Heritage Preservation Committee (HPC) as part of the appeal process in the case of 613 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, File #502-004, Sign Permit. I am a resident whose property is located directly in front of the New Louisiana Cafe/Paisano's building. I am bringing forth this appeal due to the following reasons. 1. St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 62.110. Exterior Lighting. (See Attachment 1) � b) All outdoor lighting in all use districts, including off-street parking facilities, shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent residential districts or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed three (3) footcandles measured at the residence district boundary. All lighting in all districts used for the external illuminarion of buildings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent property. 2. St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 66.101. Purpose. (See Attachment 2) a) To protect open space and areas characterized by unique environmental, historical and architecturalresources b) To encourage a concern for the visual environment, which makes the city a more desirable place to live, work and visit. City of St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission Staff Report, dated January 24, 2002, Agenda Item A, Section D— Findings, Point 2. I believe that the HPC staff did not do a complete site analysis based on the statement, "the installation of this sign would not impact the Selby Avenue corridor." This statement infers that only a partial site analysis was completed. 613 Selby Avenue not only faces Selby Avenue, but is adjacent to the St. Albans apartment complex, a low-income housing facility located west of Paisanos. 613 Selby is also adjacent to my property, which is directly north of the building, and finally is adjacent to another commercial/apartment building directly east. Nowhere in the findings does it discuss the north, east or west sides of the building, nor do the findings discuss the impact of an installed neon sign to those sides. (See Attachment 3). (3 oz-s� � • 4. St. Paul Comprehensive Plan, January 1999. St. Paul Planning Commission. Ten Principles for City Development. (See Attachment 4) Principle 4. BROADEN THE MIX OF LAND USES. We will take advantage of the diversity of activity that is recob ized as a special advantage of an older city. Residence, work and cultural opportunities in close proximity can reduce travel costs and enrich community life. Principle 8. PRESERVE AND ENHANCE HERITAGE RESOURCES. Saint Paul will continue to preserve and enhance its rich legacy of historic resources. Page 3, Paragraph 2. Both neighborhoods and business districts of Saint Paul, which reflect the city's historic urban character well are highly valued today. New urbanist approaches to development gaining popularity throughout the country are evidence of a new realization of the value inherent in the historic neighborhood grid and sidewalk-and- neighborhood-street-connected living shopping-working that prevails in a variety of forms in much of Saint Paul. In response to Principle 8, my house was designed in 1888/89 by John Coxhead, a prominent architect who resided in St. Paul in the mid to late 1880's. There are several good examples of his wark in the neighbarhood including 524-526 Laurel Avenue, 546 Marshall Avenue and 814 Dayton Avenue. • Based on the legislative code alone, the sign permit far 613 Selby Avenue should not be allowed. On a philosophical level, the reasoning is more fuzzy, but still applicable. St. Paul is a very special place. If it is to succeed in the future, we must study urban design more vigorously, and realize that the human condition is complex and unpredictable. Cities cannot survive on commercial industry alone. There is a delicate meshing that needs to occur between commercial, industrial and residential areas. Selby/Dale is an interesting mix of commercial — restaurant, supermarket, clothing - and residential — low, mid and high income. This is a very good `start, but we need to continue to ensure one aspect does not override the other. - � mce r � rely, � �� ' ` ,,� f � , � , � i )V��Wti�_ � � I/�J� v��� �J hanna R. Friendshuh ��_ C� file Gerry McInerney, Assistant to Councilman Blakey, District 8, St. Paul City Council • (� t - Chapter 62. Zoning Code--General Provisions �`� � � C-r��� � � Page 25 of Z� Sec. 62.109. Plant materials. �- da-S� � �species, size, location and spacing of plant materiais shail be appropriate for the purpose intended. A list of plant materials hardy in Minnesota is provided in Appendix C to this zoning code and shall be regarded as suitable for purposes of this code. Plant materials shall meet the following standards: (1) Minimum plant sizes (at time ofpianting): Mediuxn and lazge trees*--2 1/2-inch caliper. Small trees--6 to 8 feet overall height. Shrubs--15 to 18 inches overall height. *Shall be balled and burlapped stock. (2) Wherever plant materials are used to satisfy a visual screen requirement, planting shall be sufficiently dense to provide an unbroken visual barrier within a masimum of two (2) growing seasons after the tune of planting. (3) Except as othenvise provided in section 60.574, planting azeas shali be at least four (4) feet in width. (4) The genus and species of all plant materials must be identified on all plans submitted for permit approval. � The owners shall be responsible for maintaining alllandscaping in a healthy and growing condition and keeging it from refuse and debris. Dead plant materials shall be removed within a reasonable time and replaced during the normal planting season. (Code 1956, § 62.110; Ord. No. 16799, 5-28-81; Ord. No. 17062, 10-20-83) Sec. 62.110. Ezterior lighYing:"`;� (a) All outdoor lighting in all use districts, including off=street parking facilities, shall be shielded to reduce glaze and shall be so arranged as tc reflect lights asvay from ail adjacent residential districts or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed three (3) footcandles measured at the residence district boundary. (b) All lighting in all districts used for the external illumination of buildings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent property. (c) Illumination of any other outdoor feature shall be maintained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use. (Code 1956, § 62.111; Ord. No. 16799, 5-28-81) Sec. 62.111. Residential entranceway. � all Residential Districts, so-called entranceway structures, including, but not limited to, walls, columns and gates arking entrances to single-family subdivisions or mulfiple housing projects, may be permitted and may be located in a equired yard, except as provided in section 62.112, below; provided, that such entranceway structures shall comply with all codes of the City of Saint Paul, and a11 state codes, and shall be approved by the division of housing and building code enforcement and a permit be issued by the zoning administrator. t5 http://www.stpaul.gov/code/Ic062.html 2/5/02 Chapter 66. Zoning Code--Signs* ��'� �`'��` 2- Page 2 of 4< • Sec_ 66.21_62. Smith Avenue Sroecial District San PIan. • Sea 66.2163. H�hland VillaQe Special District Sisn Pl • Sec. 6621 �i Saint .Anthnnc Park Snecial Tlictrict Cian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . U�. � Sec. 66216�. Hamline Midwav Special DistricY Sian Pian Sec. 66:'166._Ivlemam Pazk Special District Si� Sec. 66.2167. Snelline Hamline Suecial District Sisn Plan. Sec. 66 � 168. West Side Spzciat District Sim Plan. Sec. 66 � 169. Davton's Bluff Soecial District Sian Plan. Sec. 66.2169.1. Shepard Davern 3pecial District Si¢n Plan. Sec. 66.2169.2. North End/South ComO SDecial District Sien Plan. Sec. 66.2169.�_ A4acalester-Groveland Snecia] District Sisn Plan. Sec. 66.2169.4_Sunrav-Battlecreek-Hi�hwood, District One Communiri- Council Special District Sign Plan. Sec. 66,2169,�. Greater Eastside Area Special District Si¢n Plan. Sec. 66.2169,6_Thomas/Dale Bistrict 7 Snecial District SiQu Plan, Sec. 66.2169.7. Docvntown Area Special District Sign Plan. Sec. 66.217_�t'hite Bear Avenue Special District_ S� Plan. Sec 66.30L Intent. Sec. 66 .302. N si ns• ex�e tions. Sec. 66.401. Enforcement. Sea G6.402_Duties of zonin� administrator. Sec. 66.403, Licens�i�no. Se c. 66.404. Pernuts. Sec. 66.405._Exem�tions. Sec _G6.406,_Abando�ied signs. Sec_6b,407._In�zction and remo��al. Sec_ 66_4_0__8._Appeals, Sec. 66.409. Vaz Sec. 66_410_ Interpretation. Sec_66,411._Vested ri t. - Sec. 66.412. Violations. Sec _66.413. Public nuisanee_per se. Sec. 66_414. Each dav a se arate offense. Sea 66.415. RiDhts and remedies are etunulatitie. *Editor's note--This chapter is derived from Code 1956, §§ 66101--66.128, 66.201--66.217, 66301, 66.401--66.415, and from the following ordinances: Ord. No. Sec. 16753 17062 17098 17204 Date Ord. No. Sec. 1-22-81 17223 1 Q1b.Il��t3 1-18-84 1-15-84 ]7414 17511 _ ARTICLE I. PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS •~ ... T` $ec. 66.101. Pai�pose...-. ��_ �---- ...—_ , �--.__._.� . , ....-,��.r .._ .- .. �==�'he purpose of ttris chapter-is'as follows: ;'; �; ��, _ http://www.stpaul.gov/code/Ic066.htm1 Date 3-14-85 11- 4-86 11-12-8� �� 2/1/07 Chapter 66. Zoning Code--Signs* Page 3 of 45 (�o promote the pubhc health, safety and general welfaze of the community; ��1� .. , ._ �. _. - - _.,.,.. _,. . . . .. o encourage a concem for the visual.'envu�onment wluch makes_the city a more desirable place to live; work and vi�it; — - � _ _ -_— - - __ � {3) To idenrify and promote business and industry m the city; (4) To reduce hazards which may be caused by signs projecting over public rights-of-way; �, --__ _ . . (5) o protect dpan space and areas charactenzed liy umque environmental, historical and azchitectural resources; (6) To protect the right of information transmittal; (7) Along advanced speed arteries, to promote the safety, convenience and enjoyment of public travel, to protect the public investment in highway beautification, and to preserve and enhance the natural scenic beauty or the aesthetic features of roadways in scenic and adjacent azeas; (8) To reduce the number of nonconforming signs in the city, particulazly billboazds. (9) To control the quality of materials, construction, electrification and maintenance of all signs; (10) To provide for variances from the strict interpretation of this chapter; �) To provide for the administration of this chapter; and, (12) To provide penalties for violations of the provisions of this chapter. (Code 1956, § 66.101; C.F. No. 00-973, § l, 11-15-00) Sec. 66.102. Definitions. All words and terms not defined in this chapter which are defined in the Minnesota State Buiiding Code or elsewhere ir the zoning code of the City of Saint Paul shall be interpreted as therein defined. Otherwise, for the purposes of this chapter, terms and words not herein defined shall have the meaning customarily assigned to them. Certain words and terms shall be defined as follows. (Code 1956, § 66.102) Sec. 66.103. A. Advanced speed arteries. A limited access freeway or other road upon portions of which speeds of forty-five (45) miles per hour or greater are permitted. Advertist� sign. A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment which i: conducted, sold or manufactured elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered as a nonaccessory sign except that an advertising sign on a professional sports facility with perxnanent seating for more �an ten thousand (10,000) spectators shall be considered as accessory. Billboards are a form of advertising sign. Advertising signs located on bus stop shelters, courtesy benches and newsstands are regulated under other chapters and aze not subject to the requirements of this chapter. � http://www.stpaul.gov/code/Ic066.htm1 2/1/0: o� ��� File #�502-004 • gmdehnes Yor the H�I2 Histonc Disfnct, however, fwo sigris on the buildmg were previously approved by the IIPC ATso, e mstallahon of th�s sign would not impact the Selby Avenue -�= ,,.«� �� .. _ � _ �. ._. ,_ _ .. .. , , - �coiridor._-� � > 3. Orie concern may be "clutter(ing) the btrilcli�tg s image" given that a sign is already located on this comer and that the existin� PAISANO'S signs are quite large, however, making a recommendation that the sign be re-sized is infeasible in this case (the sign is an existing si�n). F. STAFF RECOAZMENDATION: Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the sign permit as proposed. � ' � � G1� �A� ,� � �� r 1 L J • 2 — l8 �, � � �- ���Ch�L�� � �� A� � � Z� � Fi]e #502-004 • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL'_ Oa -S� � HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FILE NAME: 613 Selby Avenue DATE OF APPLICATION: December I l, 2002 APPLICANT: Pyramid Sign, Ltd. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING/PERMIT REVIEW: January 24, 2002 HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Historic Hill District CATEGORl': new construction CLASSTFICATION: sign pemiit STAFF II�'VESTIGATION AND REPORT: Amy Spong DATE: January 16, 2002 A. SITE DESCRIPTTON: The one story commercial building at 613 Selby Avenue was constnicted in 1997 and was desi�ned by Carlsen cX Frank Architects. The exterior facade is constructed with rock-faced concrete, brick, stucco and metal. The roof is flat and the comice is a simple but prominent band. Si�ia�e for the building is located above the storefront windows where the stucco panzls are located. A��nings are also present at the windows. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant is proposing io instail a neon enclosed sign which matches the design of two existin� signs on the building. The sign wil] read P=A-I-S-A-I�T-O-`-S and �i�ould be appro�imately 3%Z' tall by 11' long. The applicant is proposin� to install the si�n on the north elevation �� hich would be considered the rear of the building and where parking currently exists. Currently the building has a total of 3 illuminated sig�is and 2 non-illuminated signs. The north elevation has a non-illuminated sign for the Louisiana Cafe (HPC staff recently approved that sign). Accordin, to the applicant, the sign proposed for installation was remo� ed from another location, the si�n is aiready built, and they are seeking appro��al to install it on this building. C. GUIDELINE CITATIONS: Hrstoric Hill Desi�n Rerieir Guide/iues S'igns Genei�allr, signs sho�dd be compatible tivith d�e d�armcter of the District and blend irith d�e charncter of the stizrctures on or nem tivhich they are placed. Signs shoidd not conceal urchrtectural detail, clutter the birilding s image, or disU�ac[ frona the tuiit}' of the facnde, but rather shot�ld co�ltplement tlte niaterials of the related builclii:g mtd/or adjacer:t bui/dings. Sin design eleine�rts should �:ot den net fi�ont or ca� flict tia�ith tl:e related sh ucture's age a��d design. No facade shotdd be damaged in the application ofsigns, except far mere attrechinenL � ° D.' FLI�'DI11'GSc_ ;; �.� . ' • 1. T'hepTOpbsed sign does �iiot conceal archifeClln does it "�lish�actJrom the:�nit}� ofthe fricad� mainly because its' proposed locat�on is on the `rear' of the buildmg '_2:-' C'ienerally back lit and neon: enclosed signs do not comply with the general mtent of the sien -� � � . _ _: ,.... _ �,_ �___s, _ ._ ,.. �; � � n U Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan �"������'��'v"� � Summary and General policy The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan Draft for City Council Review January,1999 Recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission Page 1 of20 oa-s� � Contents Introduction The Setting for a New� Plan Plan Vision and Themes • Ten Principles for Cit�� Development Geography and Encironment Neighborhoods as Urban Villages Downto��n Saint Paul Corridors for Growth http://www.ci.saint � 12/9/99 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan � Page 3 of 20 along with more households and without continued expansion of the highway system into the hinterland means that increasing traffic could well detract from the area's qualiry O},S �, of life without altemative movement systems and new land use pattems. 'Both neighborhoods and business dishicts of Saint Paul wiuch reflect the city's historic '"urban character well are liighlyyalued today:;,New urbanist appioaches io:development `� ""gainin popularity throughout the country are evidence of a new realization of.the value- _._..,.___. inherent in the historic neighborhood grid and sidewalk-and-neighborhood=afieet '==`�='-_"°> coritiected living shopping-working that prevails in a variety of forms in much of Saint Paul. The effort well along to plant 25,000 trees, re-establishing something of the natural character of the Mississippi River comdor, is but one indicarion of a high ]evel of commitment, broadly shazed, to better stewazdship of our natural environment and renewed appreciarion and enjoyment of Saint Paul's outstanding river bluff setting. The depazture of some heavy indusffy has created new opportunity to meet this objecrive. Market confidence, the sometimes intangible factor that causes people to see a particular neighborhood as a sound opportunity for investment in housing or business, varies widely across Saint Paul. There's ample demonstration of strong attraction for the urban neighborhoods the City provides. There's evidence as well that some neighborhoods aze not secure and that cazeful strategy is required to support reinvestment. A regional shortage of housing affordable even to moderate and low-wage workers, and a very low vacancy rate for rental housing are aspects of the housing market that regional and City policy must address. • There is also a growing network of vigorous partnership efforts involving business and resident organizations, non-profit organizations, city, county and state governments and the Saint Paul Schools addressing physical, economic and social needs, rebuilding community, working to redress the lack of confidence where it exists. The Midway, Saint Paul's extensive business azea between the two downtowns, is attracting new business inveshnent today as it has for several yeazs, and downtown Saint Paul is experiencing a rebirth with major new corporate building investment, a wealth of new cuitural facilities, and a growing housing market. Urban analysis and experience in the United States is leading many to realize new economic potential for central city neighborhoods and their populations that have suffered from the disinvestment inherent in the physical and economic development patters of recent decades. And Saint Paul is well "above average" for its success in building its economy, expanding economic opportunity by an increase of some 7,000 jobs in the 1990s. back to Contents Plan Vision and Themes • We envision a future Saint Paul that is the best of its present and past: strong neighborhood communities, a vital downtown area, growing business and industry, easy, inviting connections among neighborhoods and districts and with our river and natural topography. One of Saint Paul's strengths is its traditional neighborhood fabric, made up of the strong and diverse communities within its borders. Our neighborhoods offer housing http://www.ci.saint-paul.mn.us/depts/ped/compplan/ � 12/9/99 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan Page 5 of 20 . Business districts that invite walking, promote community interaction and aze safe; � . Strong, positive visual interest for pedestrians, bikers, walkers and riders; Oa �� \ . Visual and physical connection to the city's natural base of land, water and clean air; and . Industry that blends harmoniousiy with its urban neighbors. Well-being Well-being for Saint Paul's citizens depends on economic growth and life-supporting jobs, as well as cultural, educationai and recreational opportunities, including community services that nurture family and individual life Saint Paul's commihnent to well-being for families and individuals is evident in its sustained interest in economic developmenf, its newiy expanded community effort in work force development, in the housing policy's emphasis on a broad range of housing opportunity, and in the main themes of the 1996 Community Development Agenda: • . An Even Better Place to Raise Children means a community commitment to education, child caze and family-supporting healthy neighborhoods. . No Truce with Poverty means expansion of job opportunities appropriate for Saint Paul households and prepazation of citizens for the emerging job mazket. . High Quality City Living means the creation of safe, economically diverse neighborhoods with quality housing at a broad range of prices, participation in all aspects of community life without racial or ethnic barriers, and continued physica] improvement of the city . Effective Civic Collaboration means that our efforts are stronger and more productive because we aze working well together with shared objectives: the City, neighborhood organizations, the business community, Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota, the Saint Paul Public Schools, private service providers and foundations. back to (:ontents =;Ten Principles for City Development General Policy 1. Ten Principles for City Development. The following principles, originally developed as part of the "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework," have been established as guiding principles for general development in Saint Paul. 1. Evoke a sense of place. With each change, Saint Paul will work for a strengthened • sense of place that reflects the city's natural beauty and exceptional heritage. 2. Restore and establish the unique urban ecology. Reconnection of our urban fabric to the Mississippi River that drew the area's original inhabitants wiil promote a balance beriveen urban and natural systems throughout Saint Paul. http://www.ci.saint-paul.mn.us/depts/ped/compplan/ � 12/9/99 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan 3. • 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. back to Contents • Geography and Environment The Mississippi River and its dramatic bluffs drew the eazliest settlers to the azea and remain the strongest definers of Saint Paul as a place. Diminishing heavy industry and yeazs of progress in cleaning up the river have created new opportunities for enhancement of the setting, improvement of environmental quality, and access to the area's strong nahzral features. A rehun to the river is an opporiunity to strengthen quality of place at the heart of Saint Paul and, with connections and extensions along the tributaries, throughout all of Saint Paul. General Poticy 2. Topography and the Natural Environment. Saint Paul will strengthen its identity by reinforcing its topography and natural environment. This is the first goal of the "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework." Supporting policies from the Land Use and the Parks and Recreation chapters include: • Page 6 of 20 Invest in the public realm. The public realm sets the stage for development and ° provides the network of connections. We will maintain and enhance this �, ,y �� uivestment, designing improvements to promote safety and quality with an emphasis on unprovmg the pedestrian environment. Broaden the mig of land nses. We will take advantage of the diversity of activity that is recognized as a special advantage of an older city. Residence, work and cultural opportunities in close pro�mity can reduce travel costs and enrich community life. Improve connecdvity. Improvement of urban life in Saint Paul will occur by facilitating movement, access and connection among activities and places. Ensure that buildings support broader city goals. Saint Paul will consider each addition to the community fabric as an opportunity to enhance its broader location. Build on existing sfrengths. We will make every effort at city and neighborhood levels to recognize and enhance the treasures we have in our economic, culrival, azchitectural and natural heritages. Preserve and enhance heritage resources. Saint Paul w�il: con.i;,ue to preseive and enhance its rich legacy of historic resources. Provide a balanced network for movement. Provisions will be made for movement by caz, public transportation, bicycle and on foot in a balanced manner throughout Saint Paul. Foster public safety. We will keep pubiic safety at the forefront in design and management of the public realm and apply safety criteria in the evaluation of any proposed private development. . Implementation of the land use themes from "Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework", . Creation of new access to the riverbanks and bluff lines, . Promotion of the vision of the Great River Pazk, . Conformance of policies and ordinances with the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Management plan, . Restoration of greenway and natural habitat linkages, . Reconnection of neighborhoods to the river with natural landscapin� and, where possible, restoration of surface water in tributary corridors, and http://www.ci.saint-paul.mn.us/depts/ped/compplan/ Z3 12/9/9 St. Paul Years � MINGUS �- ' IL'� V! ASSOCiATES � ING. : ; w-<*;-'�..x�'�°%.- `- � � ti r; E:� ` `� :�;hx�St.�z��`F�eass ��;��� -;`�;�,'�sr: � ; :'�:-:'.x..:�.�� ���'. �ax,.: � '^.W SAN St. Paul Years St. Paui Years In 1886, Coxhead finally settled in St. Paul, MN, working first as chief draftsman for the school architecYs office, then starting his own practice in 1887. While in St. Paui, Coxhead designed numerous schools, churches and civic buildings, most of which were razed decades ago. He also designed many homes for doctors and college protessors, and is still quite well known in St. Paui for these buildings; two of which are on the National Register of Historic Piaces_ According to the owners of these properties, like Frank Lloyd Wright wouid later become famous for, Coxhead took great care in the design and coordination of both interiors and e�eriors, and aiso designed furniture. -- -----�-„?,-°..� �: X �� %: .. -; � � f �� � ' ._ _ �.�'�,�v k'�� While in St. Paul, Coxhead also designed the Sauth St. Paul Coilege, Charles City ���°"'� � College, in Charles Gity, lowa, ����"4 and Red River Valle �„�; � University, in Wahpeton, North Dakota. .. �,�, � z ' ��;, _� `'� x >„ �..Wq ;�'" ��4'am���.-re�_�ta-E :�; ,� � �-�, � � 4 �,� � �'w'.�•��������� � • in the late 1880s, he returned to Yankton SD, designing the Hotel Charles Gurney and the Wilcox block, both of which are on the National Register of Histaric Piaces. Coxhead me4 his bride oE49 years, Carrie Hope, while in St. Pau! They were married in 1889 and their first child, John Wallace, was born in 1890. Churtes Crt} Collcgq Churles Cin'. IA (IR97j. De,nolished. � Copyright 1999-2007 Mingus Associates Inc Alf nghts reserved � Mingus Associates, Inc. Phone:7'16-632-5616 http://www.mingusinacom/Coxhead/co�eadnew files/page0002.htm Page 1 of OZ-S� \ �� 2/l 0/07 RedRrcer 4'alley Uni��ersin; tc�davknoirn as "OId.Llnin" (1891). Listed on tl�e Natioiaa/ Register. .St. Ptrul College. Sorrtl� St. Paul, lrom Co.rhead's lerienc�acf. �,.�.� , »�.-�� �,.�,. _ . Selected Building List MINGUS 1 � ASSOCIATES ���. = . ;i. - - ri � :�;.� `�_;.;.: ._ - : 'r7of�'[i H�`GoX6 at�3._ °,�h� ' 4, _ . ,�: n r �°.'ws: _ _ =•,� „��n"` '.'^.• - _ "���:R?a4 ' __'�:u� _�-`i':=;,;;'�';; :::� ;`�Bactegiou"nd�and: 4� :�.:a��APRrCit5e25tiEf!`5,":. r� iw��iv�:='s'w"...x.�a: ?"''.'.�'': i"s(:�.' :/ ,:.;� : � 5� ��{{{ "g "�.. .cay�:'p��?S Zi'.3'FS . .IY�'� ' �'s x : , e. �,,.. � �"..�� ..".. . � s.ra_ra&.=�e+�s�.s'�:i� Selected Building List The foliowing three pzges list a selec6on or confirtr.ed and unconfirmed Coxhead comm'ssiors. The first page I"sts fhe Midwest and miscellaneous area commissions by date, the second arM th_rd, the Wesfem New York and New YoAc City commissions. and aiso on the third page are tl�e ur�co�irtned buildings. In the bWdirg name columq those 6uildings noted wdh an' reprasent 6uiidirgs adributed ta kllzn & Coxhead, thosz with a"represent Carim & Cor,head, and those vrith a* represent Karr, Cariin & Coxhead. The dates listed arv the dates irom Ute citation or buiidi� pertnit Oates of 6u�dings Coxhead mentioned in his resume a2 irot zii known, so they are listed with a? or a arca (@j date - In the erJanE columr., "UN indicates that the address for a bu7ditg has not been loc2ted, so d is impoSSiWe to say'rf the building is stilt ealant 'Inc'. for inconciusive, means that buiidn�s ezist in fhat location or at that atldress, but that searches through building pennits and deeds have not p�oven these were Coxhead s buildings. If anyone has additional informa6on on any of these propeNes, please let me know. Midwesf Buildings Buiiding Name Addre�.s City Mayail Block bV. 7th SL SL Paul . J. f. Stevens House; • ot4 Dayton Aye. W�- ' St. Paui Tandy Row o68�c74 4ih St. E St. Paul C. L Carmen House 524-526 Laurel Ave. % SC P2ul C. h9. Catlson House Laurei Ava. St Paul FredenckSwi$House 9c2StClair SLPauI First Baptlst Church Stillwater Baptist h�fission Chapel Oakdale Ave. W St Paui South St Paul College St Paul Park S. St Paul D.4v. Lawler House � 546 Marshail Aye _ St Paul W St. Paul Coudhoose 1170 S. Robert Si 44 St Paul 'aVacox Block Yankton Mornson Hotei Yankton Simon Schooi Look Out Park S St Paui Riverside School ConcordlChurch S SL Paui SouJ� St. Paul CM1y Hali Park Place S St. Paul R. S, hlorgan 4E2 Point Douglas St. Paul First GeRnan Baptist 590 Polendota St. N St Paul Chades City College Chades City Unknown House 982 SL Clair S; Paui R9 T2acy Dayton's Biuff St. Paul D.F. Colville House `� >. 874 Daytort ^:�- St. Paul Red River Jalley UniversityState School oi Scienez Wahpeton Fest Presbyterian Church Eau Claire First Baptist Church Pingree and tNoodward �etmit E G Forest House Summit Ave St. Paul Artnstrong House Elmo Resitlence Park Lake Elmo? 4Vest Sl Paui Schooi YV.St Paui Miscellaneous VirginiaUnbnUniversity Richmond h9 E. Church, SoNh Cynthiana Clearfield Baptisl Chumh 1� 7 N. Second St. Clearfield Rrst Swedish 6aptist 61cKeespod Lcqan Baptist Ch. School Philadeiphia First BapGSt Chuah Plymouth h-0.E.Church Rem & Pac Emporium Hospitai Modeis At Chiraoo Wodd's Fair Admgton State M19N h-0N MN h1N h1N h1N MN MN MN MN MN SD SD R9N PnN A1N n�n� M11N IA PAN 69N M14N ND Nll MI h1N h1N M19N Date 7888 788$ 7888 7888 �88£ 188E 1888 7888 78&9 7889 1859 1889 1889 1890 1890 1890 7890 1890 1891 1891 1891 ;8gt 1891 1892 1907 �4�8 Extant UN Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Na Yes No Yes Yes No No Na Yes Yes No Yes UN Inc. Yes No Yes uri UN UN VA KY PA PP. PA MA PA VA �89E-99 Yes 1964 Yes , gp5 Yes 7906 Yes 1o�i inc. 19�4 No 1917 Y¢s 1934 UN • � � Copyn9ht'1999-2001 Mingus Associates, inc. Ali nghts reserved. � Mingus Associates, lac. Phone: 716-632-56'i6 http://www.mingusinc.com/Co�ead/co�eadnew files/page0009.hhn Page 1 of ; 6a-s�� �� 2/10/0� r� �J JRN-29-2002 10�49 CI7Y �' ST PRIA LIEP 6512669099 P.02iO3 � OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND Oa' S� � ,�� ENVIItONMENTALPROTECTION Rnge+G+rtk, Df>ccra � CTI'Y OF SAINT PALIL LOWRYPROFESSlON.fL &UlLnlNG 7etepAOUe� 65146� Randy Ke!!p. Mayor S'eite 300 PotSimilC- 65/-26t 350 S�. Paer Srrecr Sa(nt Pa�( ML+neeota 55102-lSIO � A �^� -1 �'i ;�rvv�� �;1•�a �-- d January 25, 2002 Kirk X Van Blaircom Pynmid Sigtt, Ltd. 432 S. Wabasha sueet St. Paul, IvSN 55107 Re: 613 Selby Avenue, Hill Historic Dishict Fi3e #S02-004, si�i permiY � �ear Mr. Van Blaircor.t: As you ]mow, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) considered at its January 2�, 2002 meeting your applicatio» to install a neon enciosed sign at the property listcd abo�e. The commission voted 9 to 1 to approve your application. This decision was based on the findings in tl�e staff report. Yon or aay agmieved party has the right to appeal thc Commission's decision to the Saint Paul. City Council under Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code. Such an appcal must be filed within 14 days of the date of the HPC's order and decision. Chapter 73 states: (h) Appeal to city eounerL The permit applicant or any party aggrieved by die decision of dre heritage preservation con:mission shall, within fourteen (14) days of ihe date of die herirage preservation conrmissia: $ order and decision, hnve a nghr to appeal szeel� order and deciston to the crty courscil. The appenl shnll be deemed perfected upon �eceipt 6y Ihe division ojplanni��g (LSF.P] of Lw o_(2) copies o a so�e.of-rrppeal and statemenr setting1brtl�-thc:grour:ds forahe. �eal. Tlve rlivision ojplanning [LIEPj shatl tra�tsrnit one copy of the aot+ce of�ppeal tm[! statement to the eity council and one cOpy to the herttage prese,�'varion c�mmissinn. 1'lie comraission, ir� arsy writteia ardes denyi�tg a penr+rl applicntion, shal! a�lvise t%te applicartt of the righl to appeal to the city cowrci! anAG:clude tkis �araoraph in all such order�, • Please notc, an II�C approval or conditional approval dces not obviate the need for mzzting applicable building and �Aning code requirements, nor is it a permit to ailow fot ��'ork to commence. If revisiotts to the approved plans are made, be a�uaze that additional HPC and/or staff review will be required. V' JAN-29-2902 10�49 CITY OF ST PRI� LIEP 6512669099 P.03�03 oa - � . Page 2 Fite #S02-004 January 25, 2002 �lease £eel free to call me at 651.266.9078 if you have any questions. Also, your permit application and sfamped plans will be fonvarded to the T,TEP plan reviewers for processino_ Sincerely, Amy Sponb �Tistnric Preservation Specialist cc: owner, St. Paul Redevelopment Corp. Paiseno'S, Scott Stekig Steve Ubi, building inspecior File • • �� TOTFlL P.63