259545 : d�star,��c�s,c�e�t . ' � . ORDINANCE ������� . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY �' ORDINANCE NO �-' � v An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "As�. administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1g14, as amended. TH� COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1g14, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the first paragraph of Section l0 D, which reads as follows: "RESIDENCE__ No person shall be admitted to an examination for any position in the Classified Sexvice unless he is a citizen of the United States or has been honorably discharged from one of the military serv- ices of the United States government,' and i.n either case has also been a legal resident of Saint Paul for at le.ast si.x months next preceding the date of the examination; provided that this latter requirement shall not apply to any person holding a position in_the �lassi.fied Service of the City. Any or all of these requirements may be waived by unanimous action of the Council whenever it is deemed for the best interest of the City to do so; provided, however, that if a sufficient eligible list is not secured as a result of holding a regularly scheduled examination, or if fewer than three persons file for such examination, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, waive the residence and voting registration re- quirements in the succeeding exami.nations necessarq� to establish such eligible list. No waiver by the Council of any of the requirements in this section shall remain in force longer than December 31 of the year in which such Council action becomes effective. " ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "RESIDENCE_.. No person shall be admitted to an examination for any position in the Classified Service unless he has been a legal resident of Saint Paul for at least six months next preceding the date of the examination; provided that this requirement shall not apply to any person holding a position i.n the Classified Service of the City. This requirement may be waived by unanimous action of the Council whenever it is deemed for the best interest of the City to do so; provided, however, that if a sufficient eligible list is not secured as a result of holding a regularly scheduled examination, or if fewer than three persons file for such exami.nation, the Commission may, in its discretion, waive the residence requirement i.n the succeedi.ng examinations necessary to establish such eligible list. No waiver by the Council of the requirement in this section shall remain in force longer than twelve months following the effective date of the waiver. " . -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Hunt � �� � Konopatzki Tn Favor Levine Meredith � Against Sprafka Tedesco Mme. A� President (��� Butler Attest: Approved: City Clerk ayor ��� Form��proved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By J � .� r . t��to CH7 Clerk � " . ORDINANCE ���� 5 " � . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � ` Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. . . ."- _ "� p�,PProved: > C airma�a. Civil Service Commission '2- 8 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council SEP � Hunt -�J �� Konopatzki � Tn Favor Levine Meredith � � Against Sprafka T���° SEP 11 197.2 M . Preside �� � r roved: A at: i Clerk ayo �� Form a�proved Corpor��Yon Counsel By _ . PUBUSHED SEP 16 197� �*��. r�� JOHN S. HAIDER SA ,�� .a/1UL CHIEF EXAMINER AND 4 DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL . .�.e:�,�-.Ftx C I V I L S E �� � � B U R EA U THOMAS D. GLEASON _�,�a�� n��..,.w.. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR �„iS'R �°� OF PERSONNEL e� �,� -��.P .P�.a"�"� �i �2,'�'� s t i���, � z€� �I�� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � ����'�L�� August 23, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: The removal of citizenship requirement for admission to civil service examinations Dear Sir: The attached ordinance makes the necessary amendments to the Rules as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, G� Jo S. Haider Director of Personnel Att. �� MEMBER p p � r _��� _ � fublic fersonnel AssocisTion ��'1 ��'}��� �� Xj J z! +,..De�u.w t�Psl.s.s . ' �� ORDINAI�TCE . 259�45 ' . COUNCIL�LE NO� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— �''� �Y � !!at as�li�uae� ama�diaa Ordinaata No. �aSO. ratitl�d: "An a�dmi�eistrali�t ord�isasce s�e� ta ths Civil �seice Basrrau oi th� Cit� af 8�a3�t P�el, sPP�t � '�'P�i raZes aad r�tja�t+� tt�rra�os,�r sppro�sd �la,�ttt 20. 19I4. ss sma�d�i. TkIE �OLT�tCIL Qff T�il� CITY Og SJ�IT PAIIL IIt�& 4�I�A1�+�: S�cti+as 1. T�at Ordf�n,c� Ito. 3Z50,� spps+��r�i ,AtEvt 20, 19i4, se sn�eaded. '!� sad t�ho samrr is h�rebp tartjur�t �d b� stsikit� �t t�s $rst Psralr�P� oE Settiom 10 D� which reads ss t�llows: "RES�D�`l�iCE_.. No �sson ahsll be �dam�ittid to aa Ma�sa�sst�o�t f�►i s� gositf� ia�tl�e C]sss�fl�d Ssrtie� �les� h� ia s ei�st� a�t1�e IIa#�d Sta�t�s or has b�ea I�os�abl� dfschsrs�d from �tr �'iE� ��'�� ii3"�- ices o� tho IIait+rd Stat�s �o�r�ma�t, a�d 3� afth�s ess� l�as sla�o biar► s ls�sl seside�t o� Saint Pan! ior st 2e�st ais mantha aeaat preced�aag th+� dste of tB� s�awmiastiam; pre�►f8ed that this lstttr reqairemtaut slsii �o�t C�1� to ati.r pe:sa� tioldia� a posi�#oa � tlr� Glsssi$�d S�nle� of th� _ . . Aa� or a11 �tti�se req�dz�ints msT be wsi�ed bT n�sa�ous setioa` oi t'�er Co�mcil �e�tever it is dee�med for the b�it i�ter�t c�f l�+e Cit7r to do rei Pro�ided, �o�we�►^�r. ths! if s tre;fficiaat eiigibie list is aat a+res3nd ss a rfwlx +o� holdiss s s��tlssl� sch�led a�sa�. or if f�w�r thtnt thta per:oa� �le �'oi sneh edrs�stion, the� Coae�ta sioaez ms�. �a l�s disc�tioa�. �ait�e ti►� s+�s3d�eae+t aid wetia* rt�#st�tiaat re- qsls�ma�ts ia the ssrc�fag �,stlems aecesaarp to •stsb,Iish r�ah �li�ible lirst. No wai�r b�th� Couaeil o� aay vi the req�drema�ta ia lhi� ��tioa shall rern��a ii fo:ce laager t'6sn D�eemaber 31 of tiis r�ar in wLit.� st� Co�meil aeH�t lrecomes �it#�ra�. " > sa�d blr �sbs�� ia liea ther�f th�s f�ll+o�w�t�s: "REStDEI+iCE-- NQ parsaat sha11 Ue admiit�d to sa aac�mi��►#� #or a�eT position in the Ciaseifisd Serviee aaless h�e has b��a a le�gal ruid�at of Ssiact �sol for st least sis aaaaat�a a�mt ps�c� tiw +�s ai'tl►e e�atmies�ioa; prorfded that thia s�a�qriir�t sbs11 ao� appir ba an�psrsm harldis� s positfan ia the Classi#ai�d �s�ric� af ti�s C�tY. T�is ra�qrir�+� msT be �wai�ed b� umsaimone aet3oa o�the Go�a�i1 wheue�trtr, it ia deta��d for ths best i�►�st of thr� City �o do aoz psasidad, hvw�es, tbst if s ssfffcip,t ��ible l�st is set ncor�d ae s sesalt of holdiag s ra�alsrl�► echedaled aasmdnstion, or if few�r thaa tl�ree perser�►s file for staeh �s�tuniastioa, the Commiseicm ms�, isi ite disere�tio�, waf�r�e t� s�sidea�ce req�irem�t ia ths s�ceeedfag �smiaatiaaa �ae�sws� t�► �aRsb�iislt sseh eliaibla list. No waiTSr br the Comacil of!6s reqvfrer�ent is t�ia s�aa abal,i r�ms�a in force Ica�ez tha� twelve ma�ths fol,tow3aa tl�e eif+sclii� d�ta of�he �vs3ver. n � Y�a Councilmen Nays '1' Pasaed by the CouaciL ��� n� �'� ICoaopstskf Tn Favor e Meredith ��.in,�# sp� Teaesco l�imt. �$ President (�� Batl�s ApPrnved: Att�t: Citq Clerk Mayor f� , �'orm a�proved Corpor�ion Cow�sel By ;,,,nTuaa a r�� . _ . � ORD � NANCE • 259�45 ` � COUNGtL FlLE NO PRESEN"iC� BY ORDINANCE NO � � S�rctio� ,2. TLfs ord�aance shal2 take �t as� tie ia torce this�t� ds�s �er #s paNS,sge. aPPro�ral, sad psblicatioa. 'liPProhd' rmao� � � Citil Sarsic� Goaa�mis�ia3 V � _ _2_ $EP 8197� Yeas Couneilmeu NayB Paseed by the Coun�il f� Koa �d � �� vpst: Tn Favor ��� � A o4'A;f1A� sp� Tedesco . ��. � President � Bstler APP�n�. SEP 1 i 197� Attegt: � - City Clerk Mayor �� :�.; �orm a�proved Corpora�ion Cow�el By .5 Aug. 24, 1972 Civil Service Bureau �5 City HH�..11 St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Counail today gave Firs� Reading to ain ordina�nce� Council F'ile 2595�+5, �ending Ord. 3250, G. S. Ru1ea�, firet para�raph of Sec�ion 10 D� per- ta3ning ta RE3IDENCE. �'his ordina.nce will come up for Third Reading on September l, 19'72. Very �:ruly yours� City Clerk �8 . � � ��9�4.5 In an opinion given to the Civil Service Commission the City Attorney informed us of the following: "In conclusion, it is our opinion that Section 10(D� of the Civil Service Rules, which prohibits aliens from being admitted to an examination for positions in the classified service, violates the United States Constitution, and we recommend that the Civil Service Commission propose the necessary amendments to the Rules so as to delete such discriminatory classifications. " The attached ordinance makes the necessary amendments to the Rules as set forth in the above opinion. r , r c� lst � 2nd d�3/ � ���3rd , CJ�/ Adopted Y�as Nays FiU�1T_��_� KONOPATZKi --�. ��z�sE 259�45 � M£REDITH � SPFtAF'i<A V���.�_ � TED�SCO . Mme PRESIDENT (BU'i'LER)