259538 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ;259�38 , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' _ r COU IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF WHEREAS, The CcNnmissioner of Highways has prepared pl�ans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 392 renu�abered as Tru�k Highway Number 94 within tho car- porate limits af the City of St. Paul from Plum St. tA Kennard St.; and �� M R HE EAS, Said plans are on f� le ia the office of the Departa�ent of �/ Nighways, St. Paul , Minnesota, being rnarked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6283-45 (9�392); and WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on �File in the office of the Dspartment of Highways, St. Paul , Minnes�ta, befng �rked, labeled and identified as S.P. 6283-45 (9�392), which, together with the Minnesota Department af Nighways Spec:ifications for Highway Constructior�, dated January 1 , 1972, on file in the office of the C�aissioner �f Highways, constitute tMe specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Nu�er 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 94; and WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special provisi0ns as so marked, labeled and identified are aisc on file in the �ffice of the Director of Public Works; and WMEREAS, The term «said plans and speciai provisiAns'� as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and iotended to aa�an, refsr to, and incorporate the plans and special provisiens in the fore- going recitals particularly tdentified and described. % ' NOW, THEN, BE !T RESOLVED� That satd plans and speciai provisions "� '"� for the improvement of Trunk Highway Nus�ber 392 renurnbered as Trunk High- �� � way Number g4 within the licnits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are f �-�,' approved. !`.� BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, That fihe elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all chang�s in grade 0ccasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 392 re�umbered as Trunk Nighway Number 9b in accordance with said plans and special provisions. �l AU6 2 4 197? COUNCILMEN �' � Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Naya Hu„t U G 2 4 1972 Konopatzki rov 19— Levine � Favor Meredith Spraf ka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco . , Mme. President, Butler Pl1BLISHED AU� 2 6 ��TZ �� DYrLICAT�TO�RiNTtI! 25��V� f CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � ,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED{Y COMMISSIONER �/1M MHERLAS, Th� Co�issi�s� of HigM�+ays has pr�par�d plens,�cial provlsions and spocifications for th� iwprov�t of a pa�t of T�unk H i ghway Nua�bsr 392 ru�u��btr�d as Trunk H i giri+ay Nu�b�r 94 w i th i n ths cor- prat• liwits of th� City of St. Mui fra� �1� St. to K�nnard St.; and MMEREAS. Said plans ar� on fil• in ths offic� of th� DMrartw�nt of HlgMways. St, hul, Min��sota. b�ing marksd, lab�l�d. and id�nttfl�d as s.P. 6283-45 (9�39�); and WNEREAS, Said sp�cial provistons ar� on fil• {n th� offic� of th� Dptartau�nt of Highways. St, i�sul . Mtnn�s�ta� b�1ng aMrk�d. lab�i�el and identifi�d as S.l�. b283-45 (9�392). which. tog�thsr with ti» Mtnnssot� De�artaant of HigMA+ays Spscification� for Highway Construction. dated January 1 . 1g72, on file in the offics of the Co�l�tsionsr of Highways. constttute the sp�cification� for said i�provw nt of Trunk Hi�hway Nu�b�r 392 renuMber�d as Trunk Hiyhway Nu�bsr 94; �nd WHEREAS. Copias of said plans and sp�cial 'rovisicns as so �ric�d� labeled and identifled are alao on file in ths cffics of th� Dir�c�or of Ptib 1 i c Works; and WNEREAS, The tsrm "said plans aad spscial provisivns" as herelntft�r used in th� body of this r�solutio� shall bs d�ea�sd artd int�nd�d to a»an� refar to, a�d incorporate tho plans and spicial provisions in th� for�- going rocitels particuiarly ider�tified a�d described. NOW, TMEN. BE IT RESOIYED� That seid plans and special p�ovistons far ths i�aprov�nt of Trunk Hlghway Nuaib�r 392 rtnu�al»r�d as Trunk High- way NuaAber y4 within tha lia�tts of the City of St. I�aut b� and hereby art approv�d. BE !T FURTNER RESOLVEO. That the •levations and grad�s as shown i� satd plans and spscial provisions bs and they ar• h�r�by appreved and cons�nt is h�reby given to any end all chang�s in �rad� occasion� by th� construction of seld Trunk Highway Nuaib�r 392 ranua�b�rsd as Tru�k Highway Number 94 in accordanc� wtth said plans and spscial provisions. Ado b the Co��s �4�� 19__._ COUNCILMEN I� Y Yeas Nays �,�c �� AUG a 4197� -19— Konopatzki . Levine Favor Meredith ��r Sprsfks . t Tedasco Mn�e. President, sutle� ��