259528 ORIO1�FAL TO CITY CL6RK ���P�C�[� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ��;,� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. � � ' OU IL S TIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� J WHEREAS, in connection with. the PROSPERITY IiEIGHTS RECREATION CENTER ACQUISI'TION PROJECT, it will be necessary to incur engineering and miscellaneous costs; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Citq of St. Paul proceed with the aecessary work at an estimated cost of $2,000.00; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that these costs be charged to the Permanent Improve�nt Revolw.Lng Fund, Code No. 6000, and this fund to be reimbursed from Capital Improvement Bond (C.I.B.) Fund No. 9772-460-013. /�'� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG 2 3 197�9_ Yeas Naye .� ut r Hun� ��=� AUG 2 4 1972 :,;,.� son Konopa�ild �' '�'� pprov 19— Levine - vine Mereditii � n Favor eredith Sprafka Tedesco J yor prafka Mme. Presiden#� �u�1 Against FO APP���VE , edesco - Mr. P es dent, McCarty Ass . Ci r e � PUBLISHED AU G 2 6 1972 �� DUlL�AT6 TO rRId7ZR 259�28 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�L FORM IRESENTED tY COMMISSfONER �AT� WHEREAS, in conn�ction irlth the PROSPERITY HEIGHTS RFCREATION CENTBR A(�UISTTION PROJECT, it �►ill be nacessary to incur angineering md mi�cell�sous costa; therei�ore, be°.it . RESOLVED, that the City o� St. Pav.l proc�ad vith the ne�essary work at m esrimated cost of $2,000.00; aad RESOLVED FtatTHBR, that these coats be chugad to tha Par�►eat Im�rove�ent Retrolving F�d, Code No. 6000, and this fund to be reimburs�d from Caipital I�provement Bond (C.I.B.) Fund No. 9772-460-@�9. . AU6 83 1972 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19— Yead Nays u er Hunt '� � , p1U6 a 4 19� son Konopatzid Apprnv� 19_ ` •ne Levine MereditH --In Favor ��Sprafka ��, Sy�a,fka Tedesco � 7�edeaco Mme. Presider� �utle� AarAinat Mr. Pre�siden� McCarty �9