259522 ORI�GIyAL T�CITY CL6RK 2�9�22 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON E �ATF RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied in accordance with Resolution, Council Fite No. 251415, approved December 4, 1970, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partiai refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund" and shall be in the following amounts: American Bakeries Co. � 97 E. Twelfth St. 55101 (Jul 1971-Jun 1972) $ 509.65 n � United States Gypsum Co. � 1-120 E. Seventh St. 55106 (Jul 1972) $ 35.05 � � � Vylactos Northern Inc. ^` � 1901 E. Euclid Ave. � x DesMoine, lowa 50313 (Apr-Jun 1972) $ 130.32 o Ci � � , G �iliette Co. , '° Personal Care Division Fifth @ Broadway 55101 (May-Jun 1972) $ 1 ,792.�3 Chevron Asphalt Co. 2209 Childs Road 55106 (,1u1 1972) $ 174.50 � .Dey Bros. Greenhouses 1215 N. Dale St. 55117 (Apr-,lul 1972) $ 125.00 Park Nurseries 1200 St. Clair Ave. 55105 (Jun 1972) $ 155.83 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson `" Approve� 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � :.� ORI6SNAL TO CITY CLBRK � ���''"� ' �` CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DpTF PAGE 2 Industrial Molasses Corp. 6800 France Ave. So. . Minneapolis 55435 (Jul 1972) $ 34.62 Whirlpoot Corp. 850 Arcade St. 55106 (.lan-,lun 1972) $ 22,393.77 Kellogg Square Apartments 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. 55101 (Jun 1972) $ 61 .63 St. Paul Dispatch S Pioneer Press 55 E. Fou�th St. 55101 (Jun-Jul 197�) $ 520.72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� AUG 2 3 197219_ Yeas Naya AUG 2 4197�2 tler Hunf �,��r .- 19� C rls Konopafzi� `���`� ppro Levine �:�.,,;. � L vi e �� ;� _In Favor M r dithSprafka Mayor Sp fka Tedesco Te sco Mme. Pfesld.�� � ASainst Mr. Presi e�it, McCarty PUBUSHED AU G 2 61972 i� � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �'� ` OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WAtER COMMISSIONERS 259t��� „ _ RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ��'"�'� �`i� �� COMMISSIONER DATF' ��1 �� R�1�►1�t�, '�hst t,hs �rd ot i�►�sr tII�is� #s�b� app��a�s t� rioa�s� o�` �ticlwi'd ♦. &+�►rr, t�i:s�t �gi�e�a', l��t oi �blio Ya�'lctx i�► b3s ���� tA ths 8�ar�4 0! �i�st ].b, 19'T2, �ad ia acaar8�aa�r �ri� t� pl�r�OS�d t'btmQ1l �olvtfi�iraal� at�achid #�c� }�t l�t►t�, tb�i, t�11 c>x` p`r't�l tMd"� of paid � !l�tr►ia� G�� b�r �ra►�ei aa L�s�d �t �e Co'q�ra�i1 �e+ta�l►u�t� ttale! rri'ut�ds io be ��4t i'�+c�a t�ss '�8r�r�r �riaa T�d'�. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 8�tt2�er i�st 17 � � — — 19s— Y"I�aP�o� ♦ics� Pr�eLd�C►i Kat►sdit�h In favor � Opposed � ���......- � �,��. �O w��. SECY. � o���,T�,���� �59�22 � . . ,� cinr oF sT. PAUL ��N�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO � , , COUNClL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED�T COMMISSIONEQ DATG RESOLYED, That pur�twnt to 5�ction 231.0§ of the Saint Paut L��tslatiw Cods, (as s�nd�d by O�dlnsnw No. tk66t, approwd Dea�ber l, 1970) pertainin� to n9ulattons for tha sdJusttn9 of s�wsr :enrica chargss, and upon the r000�aendation of th� DspartMSnt of Pubitc Works and approvai of ths dosrd ot Vat�r CaMUisston�n, ths Council of ths City of Satnt Paul doss hsr�by c�srtTfy thst b�causa �f p�rttsi diwnton of their total watsr coasu�tion fro� ths City ot Satnt Paui's Sanitsry S�sr Srst�a, ths baiaw listad fin� haw Justifiabls roason for application of an adJustaisnt to th�ir s�sr s�rvice chsr�as as l�viad in sccord�llCe MILFI RtfO1YLIOfi� Council File No. 251k15� �pprowd Dau�aber 4, 19�0, and b� i t RURTHER RESOLYED, That a full or partial refund of �s1d sw+er s�rvi�a aharQss, bas�d upon thss�s adJust�nts. shsil ba refund�d frow the "S�+ar Sen►tcs Fund" s�d shsil b� in ths followiny awouatss Ms�ican Bak�ri•s Co. 97 E. Taatfth St. S5101 (Jul 1971-Ju� 1972) S 5�'9.65 Unitsd Stat�s 6ypsu� Co. 1120 E. Se�ronth st. 55106 �.lul 197Z) S 3S•05 Y�rlaetos Northsrn Inc. 1901 E. Eualtd Ave. D�sMoins, loNa 50313 (Apr-Jun 197Z� $ 130.32 6111et�e Co. P�rsonal Can Dlvtsion fifth Q Brosdway 55101 (Hay-Jun 197a) S 1,792.03 Chevron Aaphait Co. 2Z09 Chtlds tbsd 55106 (Jul 197Z� $ 17k•50 Dey Bros. 6tya►houses 121� N. Dale st. SS117 (Ap�-Jul 1972) S 125.00 Park Nunariss 1200 St. C1air Aw. 55105 (Jun 19�2) $ 155•83 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_.. Yeas Nayg Butler Carlson Approv� 19.� �°�'e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�*��T�,��,� 259522 , � _ , �� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� �O. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r ' �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ����� COMMISSIONER DATE PABE 2 industrial Motass�s Corp. 6800 Fran�e Aw. So. Minnaapolis S5�35 (Jut 1972) $ 34.6Z Mht�lpool Corp. � 850 Arcad� St. �§106 (Jan-Jun 1972� $ 22,393•77 K�sllo9q Sqwra Apsrtaia�ts I11 B. IGsilo99 divd. 55101 (Jun 1972) S 61.63 St. Paul Dlspatch i Pion�er Press SS E. Fourth St. 55101 (Jun-Jul 1972) S 52�.�� COUNCII�+IEN Adopted by the Coun�iLAUS �3 �9�L 19_. Yeas Nays Butl 1972 Appmv� AU6 2 4 �9.- arls n Ko opatzq ``y� , L ' e Levine � �n Favor M - • pr�� Maypr SP Tedesco _,�Against T de oMme. Presider��,Butt�i Mr. Pre den McGarty ��