259520 . �r OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ��9-L�(� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�'��u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO _ COUN RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � a COMMISSIONE , ATF AUCJUSt 24� �.972 WHEREAS, the Clty Council of the City of Saint Paut is info►�med by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings fihat fhe vacant and open bui Idtngls) located at: '745 Hague � / - in the City of Saint Paul are a p�oximate hazard to the public heatth, weifare and safety; and WHERfAS, the lasfi know� record owners of said property are: Roger L. and Lucillia Lange and said owners have failed to secure the same against entry by unautho�ized persons in viofation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code, and said vacant and open building(s) have been found and dete�mi�ed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, weifare and safety and a public nuisance which must be immediately abated to prevent loss of lite or property; now, the�efore be it RESOLYED, that the Department ofi Parks, Recreation and Pubkic Buiidings is avthorized and directed to immediately secure said buifdi�gs by the use of cantract labor under contract No. ��� pending proceedings under the Hazardaus E3u i 1 d i ngs Act; and be i t (L-7 525� FUR'fNER RESOLVEO, that the expe�se of securing such buildings be paid from Fund No. Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed t�� i' ce�ropriate action to reimburse said tund by action aga i nst the owner of sa i d prvperty. Estimated Cos t $22.9 0 (New) COUNCI�.MEN Adopted by the Council AU6 2 3 1972�9_ Yeas Nays x�� xunt AUG 2 4 197� ��ii Konopatski � provecL— 19� Levine Tn Favor A4e�redit�f Sprafka b Mayor A gainat Tedesco qpp �� X�i�X�K���&X�.#�'c Madam President, Butler Asst. City A torne PUBLI�HED AU G 2 6 1972 � , �VV ,� " DUTLICAR TO MtIMRR � . . . . CITY OF ST. PAUL FCO�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAI�FORM .. - CAMMI�ONER ^Ar�—aYgtitilR 3�{ 1'�T3 : WHEREAS, #he City Countil of 'the City of Saint Paul is infora�ed by the Depsttment of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings that #he vacant and open bu��lding(s) located afi: �,�� gs� in the Clty of Sainfi Pau! are a proxtmate hazard to .the pubtic heafth, weifa�e and safety; and WHER€AS, the last know� record ownets of said property are: � L� � Luai111i Lan� and said owners have failed to secure the same aga�nst ent�y by unautho�ized pe�sons i� violation ot Sectio� t92. 18 of the Saint Pau� Legislative Code, and said vacant and. open buildingts) have been tound and determiAed Dy the Councii of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a anenace #o the puDiic health, welfare and safety and a public nuisance whlch must be immediately abated to prevent loss of life o� property; now, therefo�e be it RESOLVED, th�t the Oepartment of Parks, Recreation and Pubtic Buildings . is authorized and directed to immediately secure satd buiidings by the use of co�tract labo� under contract No. � pending p�oceedi�gs under the Hazardous E3u i 1 d 1 ngs Act; and -be i t �yy..7�(��� FURTMER f�SOLYEO, that the expense of securi�g such build�ngs be paid from Fund No.��Ag�� Surtmary Abatement, and that the Corporation Cot�nse-t be directed t `� �opriate action to 'reimbu�se said fu�d by action aga l nst the owner of sa i d properi�y. ��� �t �33��� ��� COUNCITII�EN Adoptecl by �lie Counci� AUS �`� ""`19� Yeaa Nays ' x� �� AU G 2 4 1972 � �t�l[�, Apptoverl 18� Levine � Favor Mereclit�-- Sprafka ( �� A gainat Tedesco � ?�'�!#��� �� . . ��