259518 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK NO� �" �� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nc�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE Bureau of Pub i t c 6u i I d i�gs ATF August i 8, 1972 � �^---�� 4VHEREAS, the City Councit of the City of Saint Paul ls informed by the Department of Ra�ks, Recreation and Pubiic Buildings that the vacant end open building(s) located at; 1283 Seminary in the Ctty of Saint Paul are a proxime#e hazard to the public heaifih, weifa�e and safety; and WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are: • HUD and said owners have tailed to secure the same against entry by unauthorized persons in violation of Section 192. 18 ot the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, and said vacanf and open buiiding(s) have been found and determined by the Counci ! of the Ci#y of Saint Paul to constltute a menace to the pubiic heaith, weltare and sa#ety and a public nuisance which must be lrtxnedia#ely abated to orevent loss of life o� property; now, there#ore be it RESOLVED, that the Department ot Parks, Recreation and Pubfic Buitdings is autharized and directed to immediately secure said buildings by the use of cont�act tabor under contract No. �� pending proceedings unde� the Nazardous �suildings Act; and be it � 7525 fURTHER RESOLYEQ, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid �0756-256 from Fund Na. �5�, Summary Abatemen#, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said f d�y action against the owner of said property. Estimated cost: fly�. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this reseinds Resolution C.F. 259465 z � .��° ` • � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun��1 AU6 2 3 ��i9— Yeas NaYa Aus Ai 4 ��2 bti�tK Hunt Q ��C Konopatskt prove 19— Levine �n Favor �i Sprafka J Mayor A gainat Tedesco 1VL�(X�''1E�l�,XX�alO�l�E � � ��,�„� Madam President Butler �����E� AU G 2 6 1972 . � � �, 4=�c�' • �-�— r o��"�,n,��,� 259�18 �� CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��o� Bur�au of Public Bulldtnga o�� Au�ust 18, 1972 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Saint Paul Is informed by the Depertme�t ot Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings that the vacant and open buiiding(s) located ats 1283 S�i nary in the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the pubilc heelth, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are: Htm and satd owners have failed to secure the same agatnst entry Dy unautho�ized pe�sons in v�olation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and sald vacant and open buiidingts) have been found and determined by the Councit of tAe Cify of Saint Paul to consfiitute a menace to the pubiic hesith� welfare and safety and a pubiic nuisance which mus# be lmmediately abated ta �, orevent loss of life or property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Departme� ot Parks, Recreatio� and Pubtic Buildings is authori2ed and dir,ected to immediately secure sald buitdings by the use of cantract labor under contract No. � pending proceedings under the Fl�zardous Buildings Act; and be it � 7525 FURTHER RESOLVED, tfiat the expense of securing such buiidings be paid D7S6-256 f�om Fund No. )OAOAi�l39, Summary Abatement, and that the Cor��ation Counsel be directed to take a�proprlate acfiion to reimburse said fund by action agai�st the or►ner of said properfiy. Esttmat�d cost: 5114.50 FUR'fHER RESOIVED, tfiat thls rsscinds Resolution C.F. 259465 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Coun� AU6 2 3 197�9_ Yeaa Nays � Hunt AUG 2 4 1972 ��Konopatski Approv� 19— �°�e � Favor � sp� � Tedeaco ��t Medaa Prosld�nt Butle� ��