259491 ORIGjINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�9��1 CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. i�' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `� OU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE DATF ?tESOLVEU, that the Mayor is hereby requested along with the St. Paul Housing and Development Authority anci the St. Paul Port Authority to establish a permanent policy of personally contacting the owners of land proposed for �,acquisition by the City or the Authorities and pronide said owners witn detailed explanations as to the acquisition befare any action is taken or requested of tbe City Council. AUG 18 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays a 1 �� tler Hur►f '` ` A rlson�� ``'?� p — � �cvn IC 1• vine \�"` Mereditfi `��n Favor redit$prafka U Mayor afkaTedesco Mme. President, ButleC ASainst e esco Mr. Pr id nt, McCarty RM � �UBLIaHED AU G 2 6 1972 � ------- Asst. City Attorney � a �� � � � � Au�*u.8t 22 a 1972 Hou�ing and �edevelc�pment Authority �5 E�t FiFtli StxMeet Saint Paul, Minne�ota 551�� Dear �3r: I call �a your att�ntian the attached resolution of the Covnci]., C.F. Ns�. 25��+91, �questing the�t you �stablish a pern�anent policy of contacting on�mmera of Iarid px�cyposed for acquie3.tion ar�d provide awners wSth detail.cd explanations � to the acquisit�.ons befax� any actl,on is taken ar reque�ted of the City Covnc�.l. Yours verY t�,Ys City Clerk .ABtJ:�mv Attac2ament Augu�t 22, 1972 St. �aul Port Authority 2130 Minnesata Bullding St. Paul, Minneeota 55101 ��r Sir: I caZl ta ynur att�ntion the attached r�soluticm. o�' the Coun�il� C,F. 1tTo. 2591+91' x�equesting th�t yc�u et�ttl,bli�h t�, permenent policy af cantacting o�wnere of land prapo�a�d for acctuisition and provid�e cywners with detalled e�cplaxxatic�2as aa to the acqui�ltian before stay action is taken ox requeeted of the City Council. Your� very truly, City Clerk ABO:�mv Atta�l�nnent August 22, lq'T� Honorable La��rence Cohen Mayor Buildi;n� Deer Sir: I call to ycaur attention the attnched re�oluticm o! th,e Council, C.F. 1�0. 259�+91, reqc�sting that you establish a permailent policy oF contact�.ng ownera of land propoeed. For acquisition and provide o�+nere with d�ta,iled e�cplanatiacis as to the �cquisition before any action is taken or requeated oY the C�ty �ouncLl. Y4u7Cr� vexy tx�il.3�, City Clerk ABO:�m�r Attachment