259478 OR161NAL TO CI7Y CL6RK ���(j I!l � ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� N0. �� i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • UNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��.yj��Pit.t� ���Q,(� COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, Tha.t in recognition of the significance of United States citizenship and the reciprocal rights and duties flowing from the Constitution, and the belief that the purpose of Citizenship Day and Constitution Week is to strengthen a na.tion dedicated to liberty and justice - a nation in which its citizens may live an abundan� life, developing to the fullest their in- dividua.l opportunities for success and�rendering a corresponding service to their country, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in conjunction with its Mayor, does` �ier�by proclaim September 17th through September 23rd as Constitution Week and September 17th as Citizenship Day. FORM A P ED: sst. i ttor ; , AU6 1 ? 197r8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19_ Yeas Nays ,AUG 1 8 �972 �xb�iunt � ��aYs�Konopatzki n 19— ��� �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor - A$'Alll3t Tedesco MxS President, 1�1d�gButler �I�FIEp AU G 2 6 j��� � o�.�,�,�,��,� ��'78 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR�.r COMMISSIONER �A� RESOLVSD� That ia racognitian of the significanc.� o�' Unitad Statar citiaeaship and the raciprocal rights and duti�� fleywing from t'!� Conatitution, a�d the belief tbat the purpota of Citizenahip D�y and Constitutian Wiek is to strengthan a natiou dedicated tQ libarty and justic.t - a natian in �hich its citi�ans me�q live an ab�md�nt life, devaloping to tlu fullest tluir in- dividual apportimitiss for auccass ax�d randering a corr�spo�nding servic.� to th�ir count�.-y, tha Coun�cil of tha City of Saint Paul, in conjw�ction �i�h its Mayor, doas hereby proclai� Saptamb�r �7th thrau�h Septa�mbar 23rd aa Constitution Weak a�d Septa�ber 17tt� a� Citisanship Dsq. AUG 17 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coundl 18—. Y� �txa� AUG 18 197� �0���� Approve� 19— . � r++ Favor Meredith �y� Sprafka � Against Tedeaco M� President, 1�o6�8titler �8 ��a ' . �A� ` � � � UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE ►���f� ADORLSf RL�LY ,o �32 P.O. BLDG. ae CUSTOMHOUSE 18O E. KELLOGG BLVD. AND RL/LR TO TXIf FILL NO. ST. PAUL. MINNE30TA 85101 SP'M 3o/8-C (N) August 11, 1972 � The Honorable Lawrence Cohen Mayor of St. I�a.u1 �"�t--� St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Cohen: As you are aware, the President of the United '�tates has proclaimed Septe�ber l? through Sept,e�rtber 23 as �� Constitution Week and September 1? as Citi�enehip 'Da.y. Our Service is making every attempt through various means of coimnunication, including service groups, press, radio and television, to call the attention of the public to this important and significant da.y. Because of your active interest and participation in patriotie activities, it is hoped that through publicity and appropriate ceremonies you will assist in bringing to the public attention the significance and importance of Citizenship Day. To that end, we are Pus�nishing a copy of "Citizenship Day and Constitution Week Guide" which should be of assistance. If it is possible for you to �.irther this end, I would appreciate information concerning the results of your efforts. Thank yau for your cooperation in this matter. ' cerely yours, John W. Bowser District Director Fhcl.