259475 �, ORI6INAL•TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO � 5 : • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIIE a COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATP PRELIMINARY ORDER FileNo. 17646 �� In Che matter of improving EAST SHORE DRIVE from Johnson Parkway to Larpenteur Avenue (City Project P-0586) by constructing a bituminous overlay and reconstructing where necessary, concrete gutters, street, alley and driveway returns, concrete base and storm water drainage facilities. —_------ The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: � 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $140,000.00 2. That a public hearing be had on said iaprovement on the 12th day of September ,, 1972, at 10:00 o�clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the Citq of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ l.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit AU� 1 7 �� 19— Yeas Nays AUG 1 8 1972 utler pprov 19� C lso ,�ATZKI, Le ' ,�--�� Favor Me ith - �,��i�I TH � / Mayor S a a ;,\Fi{A " Against edes � `.-��.�CO Mr. President, r LER �-�� �UBLI�#fED AU G 2 6 1972 �,� nur�ru►,�s ro.mSinae ��� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO : `'� OFFIC� OF Tt�iE CITY CtERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBHiTED tT COMMISSIONEIt �/�� lisLlltl ■ ♦ A ? O � DSt tile �o. 17646 ia t6� natter ot i�re�i� i�'! �O�i �tI1R tro� Jolnson lakray to Lsrpsat�ns Mrs�e tCity 1►rojsat P-0586) tiy co�straatiu� a bitn�inoes orsrla� �d r�eca�tr�tiu� riure naeassa�c�, aonar�t� satt�rs, atrast. alln aad dri�s� s�stnrns, soaar�t� iiaaa and stori► Mat�r draiw�� �acilitiu. ?ba Csnaail •i t1Ni Cit� ot aaint ?aul ha�ia� s�a�i�nd th� rstort o! th� 1�a�o�r upon tha abe� i�prv�aat, a� having coosid�r�d �aid r�Port. larsb� s�lna s 1. That ths said r�part a�d tlf� sar is her�b� ap�ra�ad �rith �o alttr�+atiata, � aad tbat tha �stisatsd cost tbsr�o! ia �140,AOA.QO 2. ?hat a pablie huriu� b� bad a� said ia�ro�at oa th� 12th _ day ot ��`ber . 1l��, at i0:00 o'el4etic a.�.. ia t6� Oo�eil �ra ot t��Cit��Ya 1 aud Court Haw� D�ildisf is th� Cit� o! Saint M�1. 3. Tha� woti� oi said publie h�ariq� bs �iwa to tla }�rsau ud in tba wMr pco�►id�d tiy t1N �artar, stating the time and place ef hearing, the nature of the inprovesaent aad the total coat thereof as eatimated. a AU6 1 ? 187� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 18— Yeas Naya utl I�US 1 $ 1� n f=,;`����.�1 � Approvect 19� Le °"�',;�_' r ith :?F_D i T F4 T*' Favor r .;�.FKR � Mayor .�.����i,�� A$A�riSt �@B O ; . , ;�L� Mr. President, � �� > • . � ,\TI" Op . : �' fr. ��� ��9�'�5 , � ; r �,J �C RICHARD A. SCHNARR C i T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY F2. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commi ss ioner ,,"�it��: '�'a :i�)�?� i.'�r. J. Zail�.iar:i Donovan Valuation En;�ineer 286 City Ha11 Re: i' ��`..;E, ! :�r �i�OR�� DRNE _ _.'.:r,�e�:: :P���>wy. to Larpenteu� Ave. il?SUY'::':i.�c? Dear P�ir. Donovan: � Transmi.tted here�;rith are Z,;ne es1.:im��ted c:csts, ty��ica:L section ar�d exist�in7 p7.anU for tY�e: a�c�ve rc�ic�.r:r.cee� projeet. The propesed ir�p.r.ovement oi' ,?�:si, �>:�c�re Drive w�11 consist of r�s�.zr�facinr- �he roadwazr wi.tn some ;r�a��ch:�.n�; c�f ��oncx~ete taa,ue and �ut.Uers. _ ihe 12 foot s�;.ric� cost �ras ea._�eula,ued 1�y assur,�.inn the roadbed is un_for:;:, and is reported as ��?.5�/ lin. i+. ��nr t�.le. .full len,�;+Yl. The above costs incl.ud.e eiz;�r�_,cer:i.n,~ and inspection costs. At the present +i:z�e, F�a:�t Srore Drive carries 6,000 vehicles per ���T. In 20 years, �ne projected traifa.c volur,ae will be 12,000 vehicles pe.r day This project is f�.na,n.ced of �:L20,000 by G.I.�3. (Parks) 977-010 funds. At your earli.est convenience, will ,you please furnish me with in�ormation on costs and assessments, if any. Yours � , � . Claude L. Thompson, Pi.zblic Works Desi�;n En�ineer. :�!iB�mp At t ac?��nent s __-,,...�...�;,.: ,;.. . _ . . .�. . : � ;'�/����� ,,�_ .��/�a� „�;°"-;�3�.�%,:; • - , . � �,z. „ , @6 p'9 . � 4 % - � .. . O �r:.�:�� '� r M �� _' ^C• . . . _ RICHARD A. SCHNARR C i T Y O F S A I N T - P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy�nmissioner Capita) of Minnesota ��- G�� � DEPARTMENT O� PU�LIC WORKS ' ✓'� �_� 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 � � �. , - ROGER M. CONYJAY Commissioner 0�5`O ��,�G "Jy June l, 1972 _��(.� _ F�" - �,��4��G . . r.:�. Rooert Pira.m � �,,. Supe�•intendent of Parks `���A 5lE5 cit;� x.a.Ll. C - NUILDJ?r`is � � Re: P-0586 E�.ST SHOi2E DR. - �TOhnson P�-,�nf. �o Lar-oent�a-r A,te. Resurfac� . ��ear 2fx. ?'ir�n: j•TP �f;�TE_' 1.'1`:'E.'Sv'.�:LE'Ci 'F.t1P iPu,S..�..b7.�7.f:` O�' ^E:S122i2.f�]_7:? :�1° .9.iJCtt°� STT@2i; f'(:� •.`�C�? �.!.T�. i.�lO::::i.10: C:E �����7��'�ti and i_Il(� t�l�.� ?_v �tiOLL� L?;.' 'OGSSi.t?1��� f:.G c;c� SO. The t�ric•�:7. sect��r >aould 'oe as IGl�_G�1S: � - 3/4�� B!T. WE�;R;!�J� COURS� �'.�.�D 236t) 6 S i f— EIT. LEV���IP�G CO'.;R�E �AVF. 2��) y REMOV� EX{ST. Ei�T. �'_!r;^��,�_�t __ _ ---=-t- �-----_== -, - -z-< .. f r ..-'_``--_c�T�.�—���T���L�L��>���.>_���� f �.�-- t"T\� _.a--�'_ �` �---' -�C`��_���`iY� ----_ _ . . —', . �__ �'�.���1 \�',:�_�_`.r�� : •a�, • -� �J ,��.. - . �: 4. _ �v' . 4. . . , .a . _�,- � . ;C//;/ �� ,Q'. � • -'J._,�.—. --_-' •p � •4. . _ _ :a -,�,Li�L��� r _�• : �:...=-� z f ��r. �uR�acE i�;����cE �--- s" cu;��c. aas� �ra���cE , - — SPOT CO"!C. 34SE RrPLACEMr f�T � SPO� CC^+C. GtJTT�R RcP!A�EFIIr_t�T • Let me lcr.ow ii' ycu wo;tZd like us to procecd z�i:�= p.l�ns and - specificatzons. ' Ye•ars vezy trz�Zy, �_% ;s ; , Ri.^,h��'d A.. SChrl�sx` � t� °J " v J ��, Chie_� �n�ir.eer � 2 �r�f �6, �':�.. RA.S�CL�1'�gb =r cc: Claud^ L. ThoMpson ���� .,�+� 1 .�;r� ' ' ' �1tY �o �%� � • ,�, . .. . a��?�: ����''�. � / J��' �1;::v:�. .._�. e � � �a /� . /� + p� z5�4�� RICHARD A. SCHNARR � I T Y `J � S J`1 1 1 V T P � U L ' Chief Engineer " - CBpita! of Minnesota DEP�4RT�A���lT Q� �'tJ�L1C 1t�/ORKS � 234 City Hall a Court House 5�I 02 Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director June 27, 1972 Mr- Robert Trudeau, Acting Hpad Depar�ment oF Finance 113 City Hall Re: P-0�86 EP.ST SHORE DRI� - Johnson Pkwy. to ?�a..rpenteur Ave. Resurface Dear �ir: Tne DeparJ�:ent of Parks and Recreation is proposing the above imprcve- ment and has eng�eci en� nep�,._�:nen� of PuGi�c i�crks us :�s w5e:t _n t�±e pr�parat�o,z of p?ans and s,ap�rvision of cons�ruc�zon. I req_uest that you subrlit all necessar,y �'acts ar!d �.oc•.�nents to the Mayor �or his us� in sub�.Ltin�; this project to t:�e City Council. The Departmen� of Fublic Works infor�ation and recom�nendations are as follows; l. PRELIleffi`TARY P?�d I'reliminary Plan is at�ac:�ed. � 2. ESTI2��TT'D CO�TS ConstiYuction • �120,000.00 En�in�ering (12.5�) 15,C�•00 Inspection ( 2;o j 2,�Ofl.00 Traffic Bureau 2,Ofl0.00 Valua�ion Bureau �+00.00 Publications and blisc. 200.00 TO2AL Estimated Cost $1�+0,000.00. ,�,��'�'14'f"J J�,> ��`� ✓� ��T����...; . ,,{. , ,.,. . _ yr' i, -� �?,� � �� . 4� � `�__ r- ,Q, �'�''�� r.,a co fi�%� `� �' � F�� �` � �„ 4/��1j� ��� � � ����� ��� � � � � �� Q � �'��� . �t . � . . . . .. f , r � , R. Trudeau - 2 - " June 27, 1972 �, �- 3. ESTIl'•�r1TED FIr�ANCING C.I•B. rund 9772-010 (PFZrks) $120,000.00 Assessment @ $S.00�Front F`t. 20�000.00 • TOTAL Estinated Financing �1�+0,000.00 �• EXISTIiIG CC^tDITIONS East Shore Drive was ccnstructed in 1924. The roadway is 30 feEt wide, 6" concrete base, 2" bituminous surface and eoncrete �utters on each side. The portion fro� Hoyt to Idaho . is one course reiniorced concrete pavement. In 195e�, the road- t�ay Was overlaid with `" thick bi-tu�inous. The existin� concrete base is structurally sound, but the siuf�,ce is rou.�h, scaled �.nd unsightly. Twen�y-five percent of the concrete gutter has deteriorated. Present traffic volumes are 5,300 V.P.D. from Johnson , Parkrray to Arlin_n,ton and 2,�500 V.P.D. from Arlington to Larpente�ar. This is not a truck route. 5. ���s�n �•�o��*��?��r We propose to overlay t;he entire road�aay with an average 2 3�4" bitu.~ni.nous s�arface, xeplace abou-� 25� of -the concre�e gutter, ma.�:e s�;ot concrete base repa.irs and fix up catch basins where necessary. The existing alignsnent, grades and widths will not be � changed. Trees will r.ot be �siec�ed. Rideability and esthetics will be Greatly improved. E. RECG'i��•�r�'DATTCN Ae .�R� ,1. �T- The Department of Public Works feels that this is a very � �� ;' worthz��hile projecti, and sho�:Id be approved by the City Council. "'���-a� � The Sair.� Paul - Long Range Capital Improvement Bud�et ;�; Co;n��i.ttee ar.d the Parks Depaz�ment have also approved this � project. �,�, �,. � - Attached for your use is the suggested Vrording of the >V;„4°� , Prelininary Order. Yours very truly, Daniel J. Dura.ford, 3 Acting Director of Public Works CL��mP cc: C. I,. Thompson J. L�'�n. D�novan � Robert Yiram, Sup-t. of Paxks Attachm.ent