259468 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK /��9�6g , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COU RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR'FSENTED BY COMMISSIONE „`_ ATF \ RE30LVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Impronement Budget for the City of Saint Paul for 1972, as heretofore adopted by this Council and as amended, is hereby further amended in the followi�g particulars: 1) That the project entitled "Mississippi River Dri�e - Biking and Hiking Faths'• with an allocation of $90,000.00 be deleted, and 2) Z'hat a project entitled "Battle Creek Park Expansionp be created with an allocation of $24, 500.00, and further 3) That a project entitled "Mounds Blvd. Land lA,equisition" be created with an allocation of $65,500.00 for a net change in the 1972 budget of zero. FORM A OV • Asst C' t r y `,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,���AU6i5 � 19_ Yeas Nays � u er H� AU G 16 1972 C lson KonopafiztSi A rove L ine Levine �� MereditH � -�In Favor �,��,� ,,,�� M edithg�af� Mayor Sp afka �°�e�o . � Te sco ti";-n�. Fresidertt�,� ASainst Mr. Presid t, McCarty � PUBLISHED AU G 191972 . -�-�� �59 R f;�_, - Area Code 612 �. THOMAS J. STEARN�`' 223-5121 � � � �' � ARTHUR M. NELSON � - , ,�) } PAUL F. MC CLOSKEV, JR. � . � . .. ��.�.� .,�1 R. SCOTT DAVIES � .. PIERRE N. REGNIER � �-.,-�-� DANIEL L. FICKER � . JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL Firlk-d�l9ilMR! TERRY F. SULLIVAN . � City Attorney LEGAL DEPARTMENT /assistants JEROME J. SEGAL , ROBERT W. MATTSON Speaia+�ASS+sEaAt 647 City Hall, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 Investi9ator DANIEL A. KLAS .���,�;�eT�, August 7, 1972 Mr. Clemens J. Schleck Chief Accountant Department of Finance , Dear Mr. Schleck: Re: CIB Amendments Enclosed please find resolution approving CIB amendments pertaining to the establishment of Battle Creek Park Expansion and Mounds Blvd. Land Acquisition. I have changed your draft to include the request of the Mayor therein. The proposed resolution whereby the Council will approve amendments to the 1972 Capital Improvements Budget, complies with the new Charter and Chapter 66 of the Legislative Code. Amendments to the Capital Improvements Budget may be accomplished only upon resolution of the City Council. Very truly you s, � J�R E r GA Ass ' sta�� City Attorney ! JJS :ja enc. ���. � * ���W D�TLICATt TO�RIN'RR , CIn OF ST. PAUL C�.O�ENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GC-�IERAL FORM ra�ra�iir COMMISSIONER. ^ATF �ii0btii�, 'y t�us �o�►ail •f ttw @ity o! aaiat lav3., � t]� r�qwst �! tlM Na�s a�d ti� s�o�s�uadation o! � •ai�t la�t1 Lonq-i�aq� Capital �iProw�nt D�ot�t E'3a�ittM, �laat !h� t�apital �t s�t � � Citr o! saiat �1 �e�s 1973. aa ��otos'� �ud�vp�d �y thi� t�onsoil a�d s� �d, i� �srby l�ts�s a�m�d is �h� !lsllari� pastio�tl.a�r�t 1) li�et tJw proj�ct �atitl�d "�ti�aissip�i �i�ros 3hcin - �iki�q �Md 8�[� �i�li� M�.fi�1 �II RIZOQt�O� 01� �'���0•QO � �!1'i�� asd Z� !'1►at a pso f�at �ntitl�d "S�rlt� Qralc las�t �cpaa�ion" b� cr�at�l �rith aa alloaation of �Z4,�00.�1� a�d lurth�r �) lbat a psoj�ot �atitlad '7[omads Blvd. L��d �qni�ition' b� � c�at�d �►itlz aa allooatio� ot� �65.500.00 !or a n�� crhauq� ia th� 19�2 b�udg�t o3' s�so. �Y�J► 191P COUNCILbIEN Adopted by�,te Cotmci� 19_.. � Yeaa Nays ;., ..- . AUS 16 �9T2 B tler Hurr� �� '� . KonopO� �� '�_:.� _ Approve� 19� C ls � Le 'n pAereditii Tr Favor Me ith SP�fka Spr a ��p��.�ltl6G �A �y� gain8t Ted aco Mr. Pre�id t, McCarty �