259465 r ��y4s5 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMI99�ONE Bureau of ubI tc Bui I n s �TE August 9, I972 1�VHEREAS, the City Council ot the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Pubiic Buildings that the vacant and open building(s) locai�ed at: 1293 Seminary ln the City of Saint Paui afe a proximate hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, the last �cnown record owners of said praperfiy are: HUD and said owners have failed to secure the same agatnst entry by unauthorizsd persons in viotation af Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and said vacant and open building(s) have been found and determined by the Counctl of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare and safety a�d a public nuisance which must be immediately abated to .prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore be it RESO�VED, that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Suildings is authorized and directed to immediately secure said buifdings by the use of contract labor under contract No. �� pending proceedings under the Nazardous i�uildings Act; and be it L 7525 fURTHER RE50LVE0, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid from Fund No. 0979-269, Sumrr�ry Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsei be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said tund by action against the owner of said property. Estimated cost: �114.50 � AU6 Y 5 t972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays AU G 16 1972 �mcbt�avc Hu�t � Konopatski pprov Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco 11�axx�txa,��t+�cb�x3�c�i�c Madam President Butler �� PUBLISHED AU G 19 1972 � � ` , va ,' u' ;,IC i T Y t;� F ��►I I� T PAU �� ' ���� � r�` ,�' i," « i !� ��4 �, ,� �ap���i c��F �I�n�t+�saf � � `���{ s. k, � � � ,< <, ��7�� ,� . , , . � �� �'� ��I . � , �� ,�� ��������, ���� �u.��' � ro��: � _����{ � � �,�--_-___ � ��� � , � � .,a -�"'� � "' �#6' ,���� ,,� � z. „� ri, _ � _ �g ; ; . , . i *�� y=e ���, � '�b ���:. r,.�� � � � � _ v �'. ,.,,, . _r x.,. � � � � � �.s'6� ��,' 1 ' � ' �� � 3v*x.5� � �_. , ` , .r; �# � � �, , et�� f � � ��� � � �:^' � ,: .... � � •B� �� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 August 9, 1972 �� ��� s The Honorable i�layor Lawrence Cohen Room 347 City Court House Saint Paul , Wiinnesota 55102 iviayor Cohen: The Bureau of Pubiic Buiidings requests the transmittal of the attached Summary Abatement resolution to the City Councii for securing the described vacant building. Yo s truly, �� '` ank A. Staffenson Superviso►--Housing Code FAS11h 55 � DYlLICI►T<TO lRIN7�R ��'�'� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM�ISS ON� 8uroau ^f Pu�l tc Bu i I d i ngs ^��—Mugu�t_�1�72 WNEREAS, the City Coumcii ot the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Uepartment of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildfngs thafi the vacant and open bui Iding(s) Ixated afi: 1293 Seatnary in the City ot Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the publlc healfih, weifare and safety; and WHEREAS, the last known �ecord owners of said property a�e: HUO and said or►ners have faited to secu�e the same against entry by unauthorfzed persons in violation of Section 192. l8 of the SaiAt Paut Legislat�ve Code, and seid vacant and open buildingts) have been #ound and determir►ed by the Councit of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare a�d safety and a pubiic nuisance which must be immediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Department of Parks, Recreation a�d Pubttc 8uildings is authorized and directed to imnediately secare sald buildings by the use of contract IaDor under contract No. � pending proceedings under tAe Nazardous f3uildings Act; and be it L 7525 FURTNER RESOLVED, that the expense of secu�ing such buiidings be peid fran Fund hb. 0979-269, Swnmery Abatement, and that the Corporation Counse{ be di�ected to take appropriate action to reimbu�se said furn! by action against the owne� of said property. Esttmatsd cost: 5114.50 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� AV 6 1 5 ��19_ Yesa Naye � x��C Hunt AU616197� �� iGonopatski Approve� 19— �°�e in Favor Meredit�h Sprafka �Y� t Tedeaco Madaa Pres i dent 9ut I er ���