02-562ORIGINAL Presented By Referxed to RESOLUTION CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t � I� Council File # � Z� 5 L � Green Sheet # 2'�35'f (o Committee: DaCe 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its Resolution 98-610 approved and accepted a grant 2 from the State of Minnesota via the Metropolitan Council for the Como Park Streetcar Station 3 Renovation project, said state grant to a match federal ISTEA grant for the project, and 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its Resolution 00-136 incorporated $612,680.00 in 5 approved federal ISTEA funding into the project budget and, by its Resolution 00-563 incorporated 6$119,427.00 in additional approved federal ISTEA funding into the project budget and, by its Resolution 7 01-261 incorporated $28,492 in additional approved federal ISTEA funding into the project budget, with 8 said funds to be reimbursed to the City upon City payment for contracted work, and 9 WHEREAS, because of increases in construction costs, additional federal ISTEA funding has been 10 approved for the project, in the amount of $22,071.07. 11 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 12 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget 13 Committee, that $22,071.07 is available far appropriation in the 1998 Capital Tmprovement Budget, and said 14 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby further amended as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FINANCING PLAN Como Park Streetcar Station Renovation (C98-37105) State ofMinnesota FED ISTEA 24 SPENDING PLAN 25 Como Park Streetcar 26 Station Renovation 27 (C98-3J105) 28 Construction CURRENT BUDGET $ 310,000.00 $ 760.599.00 $1,070,599.00 $1.070,599.00 $1,042,107.00 CHANGE $ -0- + $ 22,071.07 + $ 22,071.47 + $ 22,071.07 + $ 22,071.07 AMENDED BUDGET $ 310,000.00 $ 782,670.07 $1,092,670.07 $1.092.670.07 $1,092,670.0'7 Page 1 of 1 0 R I G I N A L Council File # �.1. • S(�a• Green Sheet # Za3'�7� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?he �. Pevl Lome3•Rae9e @a1� 1�provem�e, 8adget G'omffiiteB �eceived this request on Idatel � /r3 .�—.-- �and recommenda c,,,apro v�. I . v Siyned: //�� � � Page 2 of 2 � Yeas Nays Absent �� Benanav ��_��� �I II �� Blakey _�� ,� �� �� (� Bostrom_ ,�. �� Coleman_�� ,i �� �� �� Harris_ ,� �� Lantry ��� j� I� (I �� I Reiter ' �II II ' � r � �� U �u Adopted by Council: Date �( �a o� i Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary � Approved D'dte: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY � � ..2J�2� Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: By Form Approved by A �� ������������� A �i n - DEPARTMENT/OFfICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 203576 Parks and Recreation 5/29/02 oa -S�a COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVOATE Bob Bierscheid, 266-6409 SSIGN � DEPARTMEM DIFtECTOR 5 CITY COUNCIL NUMBEfi FOfi 'L CfTY ATTORNEY MUST BE ON C�UNQI AGENDA 8Y (OAT� O�NG — 6 / CIN CLERK FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. / FINANQAL SERV/ACCTG June 26, 2002 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISrAM� H Parks & Rec. 300 CHA TOTAL E OF SIGNqTURE PAGES � CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNATUBE) ACTiON REQUESiED: Approval of City Councii Resolution to amend budget to include additional Federal ISTEA Grant funds for Como Park Streetcar Station Renovation. flECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA) or Re�ect (fl) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contt2ct for this department? A CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/tirm ever been a cHy employee? -- YES � — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skdl not normal�y possessed by any current cRy employee� VES NO — 4. Is this pereon/firm a targeted ventloR VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sM1eet antl attach [a green shaet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITV �Who, What, When, Where, Why): Additional ISTEA funding approved for Como Park Streetcar Station Renovation project will be administered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and reimbursed to City for contracted work. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � J City wil! be reimbursed for added construction contract payments. n.a �� e'�s��' �` DISADVANTAGES IF APPRDVED: V �� � � None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED City will not receive reimbursement for construction contract changes. TOTA� AMOUNT OF TftANSACTION S Z�L,V L[.O7 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES � � �/ FUNDING SOURCE Federal ISTEA ACTIVITV NUMBER C98-3J 105 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) S: I Forms Igreensheet. wpd oa�- 5 � �- STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF TR.4NSPORTATION DATE: May 21, 2002 TO: Ken Wehrie City o' St. Paul 25 W 4'" St. St. Paul, MN 55102 FROM: John Fox PH�NE: (651) 296-7412 State Aid Finance Office SUBJECT: Delegated Federai Project SP# 164-080-08 FP# TEAX 6298 (049) Your request to increase the encumbrance for the above project in the amount of $22,071.07 has been processed. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you. Cc: Sharon LeMay Federai Aid