259461 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK I� ,�s� CITY OF ST. PAUL �,OENCIL NO r�r��.��� ��j�s��I`�'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE � ATF ='.u��.�st i�� 1�J7`cu i�OLV��: ��hat licerlNes �,;���liccl �oa I��j tLe �ollo::-in� ��eruor�s �bt t�.c •:<dcires�es statcu t�e unu 1;.ie , s�.:.e are llcrcl�;�� �ra�zt�u. lir:�.Jordun, t.o�er :'.rvoit��;.{�cca:�euns�, I��«urice IicCo11�r �: Gcr.e �.obinNon .�;��.��67idC4Lr " ��£�� L��i°i ut. �lec..'.nn.�:en. „ r, �n�' I.c� I31r.CZen. °i 302'�' , I.i'..e .iil� 2�: �3'ir:; �o�;l��r:� I9� u. �ok�ert �a�, St:.. ��'.- P " �II�3" i�ieA�arc� Luec�:e 4F12: �4;rc: ::ve. "�. .':tr. Ve,.. �r. '` �:�77�r �.,,. �,i� siou�l�s Dupre ��J�v iyel�uire '� , ��:�1< Au6 15 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas ' nt Nays UG 16 1972 Bu er Hunt � �yi �"' pprove 19— Le 'ne Levine � � M it Mereditll : � Favor �,�, �prafka Mayor S fka Tedesco °— U Te co Mme. Presicl�„flt1t� ASainst Mr. President, McCarty �� PU9USHED qU� 19 1972