259458 ��� ����. � , , � rw . � ..r' � 1 i�., � '�+/' r� "�1 � r`�`� /� `� t . � '. * x�. .. . �� � COUNCIL FILE NO � � - �' ��� ����'4 � - . . ` By ,� �/�' ; . File No. s!!7b �� In the Matter of ��� w sl�w�t�t �a tis�rr! �Li� a�?��"��e�t !rw , � �;{ sn�! =6isi �t 1�a I�t� � � i7 �t� a�2 +�ti�rr wek iki ia �MS� - aM l�tal to e�o■�?iMt�aid t�row■�� under Preliminary Order �7'� aPProo� �* �s �� Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Couneil ` having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sa,me; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is tos earts'�et wr �iiwra�e w tir wt �i� o� lieL�f,��rt is�� ir� �rt 1'�ir+i i[swt !� Ia�t�s'st+� il�t► +nii ir! i�i� alI sRfw� �o�cti t�i�i �,rewa� a�i iae��rtst t� oa■�l�l� Nf.� i�l�"�rt. , � , �` . � , , , � . , � and the Council hereby ordera said improvement #s be made. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city afficials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the makin��said imp veme�in accordance therewith. ;-: Ftonopafztd .� � i5 .n� . COUNCILMEN i.�ev�te '� ���� t Adopted by the Council � Yeas B�T� � ivay�� 6161972 �^�'� n,Y Tedesc� ppro L = Mme Pleslc� �utl�0 i�ir�' : �H � �r-,� , ; __In Favor TE _:� . � Mayor McC R TY v � t �'�"" �1 ����I�HED AU G 191912 - _ .' L � �y�� w �� �ISY p 0d P� R y'�A � • � .1 i ? ' ,�0 a �yp " n0 �.• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works August 15, 1972 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall : � At' the City Council meeting held August 15, 1972, Council President Mrs. Butler requested the attached letter be introduced into the file on McKnight Road, Preliminary Order 258738, approved May 24, 1972, which proposes the construction of new sidewalk on the West side of McKnight Road from East Third Street to Interstate �g4. Yours truly , � Richard L. Wheeler Asst. Chief Engineer RLW:th Attachment O _� . _ __ . , ♦ , . � ` ` �\ �� �� r . � f �%'��'� ' • . ,1`.� . .- June 1S, 1�)7'i _- C�^:��i�sio:i�r 1;��sal�c Lutl.E;:, �'rer�icienL• - � St. 1'aZt�1 CitV Cott.:f':!1 , C2t�' �i1,�1 tlil:� �:�iL:�111uUaC . ' St. 1'aul, �1�11Ut;:iJt� ;:��.1J° PiE: PRO�'-`0.iEi7 :.:�.::'s.i'iI,i�.'T 120.�� SIf:::�'�11L'.i . �t'•82' �'-�:JG:[+lbt..i'l:iil's'1' lii/t�f:2: . • SVc l��vo b�cii i:i:.'o��.�?:1 tiFat t;►�,° Cvtiirac:ll �:�i11 czolcI � n�arii��; on t}ie � A:1QVG' �:2'J;)O^ac:l :i2t�::N�.�+i ?)Y'JjCL't tlC ��:i '��I,Ilt3 J1� 1.)Ti: 1'B�;tIlAY' t`eetinF;• P2'�.U3' G�3 �:[i�ii; 1;2"��� �'iC' T:�1t1?i� ZZtiC t0 i:i<::iG �:.�:f? �:Oii11+::11 il�rc^.2'@ J.i 'i.hC posiLior. o�.' t:?:: ::t . F�a,t1 i.�:le;�en�leiaL Sciio�l i)istrict t:'�::5 r�ith reL�r.t to L:it s ,::;,tter. �!`�z€� :;c±iool cti:Lz��ct fe�:ti: tt:ei•� is a :fe:i.i�itn n��d for tltfl pr���o::�.l , ' �9:�1{ 10: tilt'.' i:)}�<x','ilT].'� 3'£)f'.r,t�il:i: �. 0 3:3^ i;?:'`s :>i S��I:,..ii��:`3 �t�.a:l�, i,i:.'i1i�-�•i: i.J^�� C:a�'!')�Ctj . H'.��CIl i:�':^ .:?.L�:3;!:.�;' �T'_S:S':.,.:ieil•_a if:.;Q�.111r Of. "t'C:1�C�.0 Z:Z't7.`'S�� ��C21�'.T:liCia �J �?1l:�: ;�' ti�.:��:C'.i' i.:1�� v.� �.'3•. i�.i: :.'C"-ii`��i.:�� :.� . ' VCY'j� :1�I�.^-.1'.ivil.�i C!_�;1•.::.t.3.OI:S TC)3' ;>�:!�E`:iY:�'inn<�� , �. rC<<C:it•..••{i;:i t'a'a^..r.t.`�.1: i,'?O.z� :+lt:t.i:7.i;tlt F��:�i: l.T.C2 E:,.SEs:I 402i.�:�.':�f:l'� , . a:�zy �;±L�. ti,� o��c::�i.?�;, .�f L':�r�ic; L':�es�:. :,�:��ii�r f_'•i,;'1 S� ��o;�i • �I1 �''�;iiY'tl=.3Y'y''> >_ 1i�:. �al�f.?a'' �;'ii��;�i �1:i:'.t;l:2:5 w?l'1Ti�� S1UY'L!1 Oi j:7•�, ��:'t?1` '.;�)L1. i.l ?�)�%Z"1:.� ::1`:C: L:!'21�.:1�J1C Ul;:.y' L1a10 ,ft:2llLfi • • at �:�i�f.c;;i tv cr:��s L;.c i'r�:zc;a;�, .'',:Lii :iire;�L r�ts�.1 ;:c:X�ii;;:,t ?Q'.1Ct• i�^T' L.'l'Jos: ��.�I].ti;:: :I).�j:l�; O1` :l�:.X' 5:�:.a::��ili:� �S1L' IiUi:ll ru' �T'CC'� 1'J:1tC �.S L';U(:il IJI)i;C2' c^+Tl:.� .i..Y1t:f:Y2Vi:!L7.f:st�:. s� Fur ti�e;�se xvuso:�� �.•c as:; L�iat tlie �oi::-:cil g:;t�x•ovc L:o ir.stn.2l�,.ion ot' sltier.•al::s on LL� we�t :-.ic�e ��i L:c:;ni;;:it Poa:t Ti•�.�:: i:. �t:ir.f 5ii•�:c� MV Ji•iia�0 [\v411�.(V M�1 ��1V�f'VJV�'• we will urr;:n.;e to :3�t•e A r..��:�i•esentative t�. t�ie 5�.:l��nl P:�nC I?:.a:inin;; an:! t;iainte:�.�iice Ui�ic�: ;�re�ent �t L'.�e Juiz;.� :.'1 �:�eLinr; to t�el;� tan:.r:Qr Ahy Cjuestions t,3a.t i:;ay nx•i:.ra. -� ' � , Si:� •�z Y� , � / ��ul C. Ru:lze � S�haol Plaul Pi�tini.n;; u:�c: ��alnLcnance Utlice � I'�T;/v� cc: i.ir. J. f.�. Gu�i:sbei•s, b'a•. 3. 7'. Si„vc��tnr..i . . � .. _ �� Dist. No. 3 . . �, • + • W.S. McKnight Road - E. Third St. to Interstate �94 25��61 OFFICE OF THE COMM{SSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Maq 23rd. y9 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Public Works. having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Councii File No. 258�38 approved �1V 23rd. 19�_ relative t0 SnnetrLeting na4+ airipv9L_ nn_��+o �-+e�; side of McKnight Road from E. Third St. to Interstate #94 and bv doinQ all olther work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 4.90 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $5.85 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. (mprovement is asked for upon petition Commissioner of Publ ic Worlcs e ptTY q � � P ♦ y � ~ �� C ' �i �` / ► �/, -� ,f9 /� , • �� �e MRS. RUBY HUNT CITY OF SAINT PAUL MRS. FRANCIS BOYDEN Counei Iman OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL Lsgislative Aide CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Report to the Council from the Council's Subcommittee on Public Works: The Council Subcommittee on Public Works, at its regular meeting held on Wednesday, July 19, 1972, considered the proposed assessment of costs for constructing the public sidewalk on McKnight Road. The Subcommittee received a report from the Ma.yor's office and after considering the same, this Subcommittee by motion, adopted the following recommendation to the Council: l. The affected properties fronting on Tower will receive benefits from the new sidewalk. 2. These properties on Tower are unique because of the ter- rain conditions, back yards and snow plowing on McKnight Road. 3. The'refore, that based upon these unique condi.tions, this Subcommittee recommends tha.t the subject Tower Avenue properties be assessed at a rate of 25% of the construction costs, and that the proposed assessment does not, therefore, exceed the benefits derived by these properties from the new sidewalk. 4. Tha.t the Council finance the difference of costs (about $900.00) from other public funds tha.t are available for these purposes. 5. That a public hearing on the proposed assessments be held before the Council on Tuesday, August 15, 1972, and tha.t the City Clerk and Fina.nce Department be requested to take all legal and proper steps so as to notify all affected property owners of the proposed hearing. � Respectfully submitted, ,� ,��' � RUB � NT, Cha.irman , cc:Councilman Meredith Councilman Tedesco Ma.yor Cohen r � � O � � � � ��TY p � m4 �'Py .. ... �' � r � ,_ s � .!� .._... ' . ........ ._ M 9 � ..,,... .: ,......... , �. � ^ �� K- . ^e' .� ...............�� ��• --_.. MRS. RUBY HUI�.T- ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MRS. FRANCIS BOYDEN Counef Imart'". ..-�"" OFFICE OF TH,,,.,F.,GOt?rV�CIL Lsgislarivs Aids ' CITY HAJ.L-°�"ND COURT HOUSE Sgi#'T�PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 / Y,�.-,. � � I�j/� �L � � / �� , :i�''��iN \h'/� 7 ��. /'� Proposed Letter to Property Owners : The proposed assessments for constructing sidewalks on a portion of McKnight Road was referred by the City Council to its Subcommittee on Public Works. This Subcommittee, at its regular meeting held on July 19, 1972, adopted a motion recommending tha.t the assess�nents to be levied on property fronting on Tower be ma.de at a reduced rate of 25% of the construction costs, and the Subcommittee's recommendation was based on the unique cha.racter of these properties while still recognizing that the properties do obtain some special bene- fit from having the new sidewalks installed. .ou will be not�:��.esi._,_b� letter of the date when the City Council �3'H--� et to reconsi�ier�-..�hese proposed assessme�.�s-, and you wi l l b���ren an opportunity�"tfl�-.1�.�_ heard on that date. Very truly yours, O � 21, 1'�t?"2 l�.i. I�terl wT. I'hls�►fo7�d, Tltg�n'axy' �eaad, �e►xt�en� oi' �blic �ax�ka. Dear sir: Th�z Ci�ty Co�mc1], r�t��d 1�c th+� P'u�blie t�do� S�ub- C+onaa4itt�e �it` #,�e �Ca�ncil !Qr �rthar sfi,�r +�d cvr�aidMrativn a Fiz�.3. �� for co�etrnct�l� zaer+r �id�a�.i� �n t�e wrest �1l�e a� �r�,i�t �aw►d f� � Thixd ��ra� 't� Iz�terstat� �a. 94. �'i13, �u p�.ebt+u�e 'M�ke 't.he �ecs�rsar�r step� to rree t.hs�t this �stter 3s braW�ht belb�ne t�re �'e�fbli�a �Fa�x�ar �t�. ve�x'Y �x�1J►' ��r !C3ty C��'k A�/3�p �c: �an��cll�e�t� �i�jr �n�, Chal�an of �?is �bli� �ork�► Ga�a�lttse. Ju1y 21, 1972 i�ti>pt, c�:;' �a,ra�,nce '..�.; `s:i';��� ;7r�11 `;U ��",_,�i.�°1 . �o-�.rxt;lc.,,,�en� �.°�zF C;�.t;y t,'out7c,a.1 t�,c,d�y sa-� � jsu�ilic T�e�7°i.r.r:� f'or A'a�us� 15r :�.;)`r�, �r� alze :Firaa3., �rd�r ±'oz~ constructin.; rzew sidswalk on �kz�: �a�.�;t �i�u of' D�cISiii�ht lZ:��.d iro�n �. r�"lz�a-c� St. to Inter» stt�t�> T,::�. �)�, und�r �.0. 25�`�3� a��ra�v�*ci ��rz�' 23� 197�� � ��°iz� �:.7c�. Will you please send notices to ��ro�zer�y �g�s�ere as rec�uired by la*�r? Chairwoman Ruby Hunt of the Public Works CflFffij.'fi't@� ra�u�s�s the,Y t �au include as a Eart of the nr�tice tn property o�wtiers the ettached Public Works Cormnittee recon�nendation affecti the aaaesament to be levied on �roperty fronting on Tower St. Yery tr�uly your s� City Qerk A�/�ng . ` � P E T I T I 0 N RE: Prelibri.nary Order 258738, approved l�y 21�, 19?2 qYE� the undersigned property owners� are opposed to the' construct,ion of a sidewalk on the West side of McKnight Road from East Third Street to Interstate #9�t � Pro Ormer ' es Address � . ` �a.s-� �, ��1. � z2�8 .E. ���;��'�1? �3 � ' �- � � � ��,s � � � � � � � , 7 � ` � , /� �� �,��. . 9 J ����' � . ,. /6 // '`�( � � � /��iyn//V �f 7 �6'� /a—�-rL-P�-- �L�- �3 ���o J/ /'s�-c:cv-�-r� .4�f' f� � `� `� �� ys� �� .��9, i� �s� ���� �7.��°2 zu,��-�.�V..P� ��� �'�r.� � 1f� �� � ��� „ , /9 � �,�`�? 7 0 � e r � ''` - ' yy0 ,��r �� � , ' �5�� �<� ��,' �� . -�3� �u. .�� � - �3^ . , �3 rf �ca�-<-�-e-� �1 • �' � a� '� ' �a�� �� � � � � � �:�,�- a� � � 7 � �° a�-- �` ��' _��� . a� ��� � � � �� i� �9r�`�'`� /��. �