259452 �ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK !-•s�7[j='/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �"�"--�•r.• _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO �c�rs�, comraTl� COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY AU USt 11 �.972 COMMISSIONE ATF � � RESOLVED: That Application T�i 2846 for Class C1-Restaurant and Cigarette licenses at 620 Concordia Street, made by Cleveland Dooley, Jr. , be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the ��ire Frevention Division of the Bureau of rire Frotection because a representative of the Fire Prevention Division was unable to gain entry to the building to make an inspection as required and that tne license fee posted for the licenses be and the same is hereby forfeited to c over th.e period the applicant operated on said application and the processing of the same. Dr�NIAL (No refund) AU6 1 i 19T2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas ' Nays B tl r Hunt `":� AUG 1 1 1972 Ca 1 on Konopatzki '� � pprovecL 19_ Le e Levine Meredith `� Tn Favor Me edith Sprafka Sp fka Tedesco 1� yor Te sco Mme. President, Butlet; Against Mr. Presi t, McCarty PuBUSHEfl AU G 19197� �� � ���c,►'����� CITY OF ST. �+�+�`����G► PAUL F,�UNCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� �'�TT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�s�ho�r Augnst 11* 1972 COMMISSIONEe �AT� R�rSOLY�Ds �at a�uoatsam M 2e46 sor cia.� Cl-ltsst�wr�at aad Cigarrtt� licr�aes st 6Z0 Concordis 9treet, �a�d� by Cle�sland Dool�y� Jr.y b� aad th� sar asy h�r�by dsaiod a� reoo�endation o� t►h� Fisy P�cev�ntion Di�rition of �u Huac�au o! Firo Prot.�otion beaws� a r�ps�s�atativ� ot �h� Mr� Prmntion Divi�ion vas m�abl� to gain entrq to thf buildiag to sa1c� aa inop�ctia� as s�qaired and that thQ liosn�e f�� posted for th� lioea�e b� snd th� w�e ir her�by torteitsd to Qover t�� psriod th� applioant oporst�d c�► said 4pplioa�iou and. the p�ooessing of the sau. D�1IAL (�o r�fu�d) AU6 11 �9Ta COUNC N Adopted by the Counc�� 19.� Yeas Naye utler Hun� �:�.,,: U6 1 1 1972 •-..a,� n Levineatr� -n � Approve� A 19� ��Y, MereditFi L'� Tr Favor r dith Sprafka Tedesco �Yor Sp Mme. President, @utle�► � AgainBt Te eaco blr. Presi t, McCarty � . �� Augu�ti 1�, 1972 t�x. Clev�land Dooley, Jr. 62Q C�ncordia St. St. Paul, Miruie�ota Dear Sir: At the Councit mees'�in8 hel.d Avgttst ].l, 1972 your appllcations for Cla�� C1-Restaurant and Cig�arettet licens�s at 62U Concordla St. were d�nied. V�ry tx�a].y your�, City Clerk ��