259451 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 259�51 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. Lzc��s� cor��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` � �, CO CIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM CAMM SSIONE ,,TF August 11� 1972 G��-IF..REAS: Proper notice has been received as to change of officers and stockholders in the �;Jittman Liquor Store, Inc., hold�rs of Off Sale I,iquor License No. 2515, at 1110 �1. Larpenteur Avenue, �e�iring January 31, 1973, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That due to the death of Henry J: �yitt�an, President, Cletus H. Wittman is now President, John C. Stadohar remains as Secretaxy-�.Creasurer 2,nd the office of Vice Fresident is now vacant, the stockholders axe Cletus I-i. ti�ittman and John C. Stadohar, be and tne same are hereby approved. OFF SALE LIQUOR ESTtsBLISP•Mr;N^1 Change Officers & Stockholders , AUG 11 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19_ Yeas Nays AU6 11 197 utl �-1 u nt � � � C 1 on Konopatzki �`� pprove 9— Levine �:� Le i e Meredith � -- �� .,_.�—In Favor Me dithSprafka Tedesco Mayor Spr fka Mme. President, Butle� ��g$�st Te sco Mr. Preaid t, McCarty �� P(1BLISHED AU G 19197� ! � ' D E PA RT M E N T �H, R.o R°W��� . ��.� flF POLICE � .e�,�. C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L f. F. Cr'�������� 101 Eo IOTH STREET UCENSE INSPECTOR ST� PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-1 1 1 1 ru�ust 11, 1972 I�onorable Mayor and City Council Saint Faul, NTinnesota I,adies and Gentler�en: Currently T;�ittr�an I,iquor Store, Inc. at 1110 G!. Larpenteur Avenue holds Off Sale Liquor Licer_se T;o. 2515, an.d miscella,neous licenses, all expirin� Januaxy 31, Zq73. Officers of record are �ienry J. Wittma.n, President; Cletus H. '�v'ittman, TTice-President; and John C. Stadohar, ��ecretary-Treas- urer. Stockholders are Henry J. `�r`ittman, Cletus H. �rdittman and John C. Stadohar. �;otice has been received as to a change in officers and stockholdings. '�Jith the death of lienry J. ��)ittman who held the office of Fresiaent, he is replaced by Cletus �i. Lvittma.n as =Fresident. John C. Stadohzr remains as Secretary-2'reasurer. �l'he ofiice of Vice-Presi- dent is now vaca.nt. �l'he stockholders of record are Cletus H. t�vittman and John C. �tadohar. Attached are suppor�ting papers on t�e c hanbe. Very truly yours, �✓ �� License Ins�ector D. J. Blakely R. F. LaBathe W. McCutcheon Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Patrol Divieion Investigative Divieion Services Division � � ... � � � � � �_ ` . . - �. .-- ► . . lJittman Liquor Store, Inc. . 1210 West Larpenteur A�enue St. P�ul, P'Iinnesota 55113 . . . Gentlenen: - I hereby resign as Vice President to Wittman Liquor Store, Inc. , effective iVovember 8, 19?l. �-- . .. _ . . , .: � , ,� . _ , . , /LG-���:y � /.�/ t�a�_/ ' letus . ittman - : , .._ r . ; . : . . . � , , _ . , _. � , . �. . . . � � _ _ . , . .: . .. ... . . . � � ".�,e :�. �Y . � .. �. . :s . ' �� ' '� r• . . . a � _ . .. . . .� . �. ... l .. . .� . . . . � . . . :' . � . �:.v' '. � � �. '� �� . • � '� . � . .. .. . ' . .: .. ' "� . . .j� y '�•. • y:' . �� . . .. ..�• . . � . � .l •. � Y ,�� . ' ' . .. . , . .. _.. ., . e: � . _z. . �:. :.. . . � . . . . .� . .r .�. ' . . . " � .. .. : ... . . . �. �i . _:. � '. , ..:: - �,'.' .. . . . . _ . .,.. . ;.» , � . .. .... .. . .�..- .�.. . , . . � �-- . .,�.,. .� -. -`. „' . .� � . . ,� .�, . � _ .. ,. . . '��. - . . ... . ., .. . .. . �.. . � �. .:. . .. � . . • . ..:� ��._ . ... .�.� . . ,.� .-�.. .-.-,... . .. -�. . .. -. ,._�.-�., .. . ..,. .,y . .�.�:" ,- .. ..� "� "',� , _ . C . . . . .. ..: . ., . ,. � - .. .. . . . . . . . . . . , _J . . . . : - . ... ,:. ,n� _ . .. . . ..� .�:... . . r . . .. . . . . �. . �.. , ' . .�,' . ' ' : + . . . . . �" � � , ..�: . . ,�: .,.' f :'� �. . - . - . ,,. � .. . (, , . �• , � . " . .. . . . . . ' � . y . a , _ � ' �� , ,. ':•iIti`UTES OF S�'ECIAL r1FETING OP BO_4F?.:U OF � � --- - D�P.ECZORS OF WIT'I'P'[AN LIQ�.IOR STO:RE, IIuC. r_ suecial meeting of_ the Board of Direc-toz�s of 41ict::.�_ L�,��or �`az:e , Inc. was r�eld on November 8, 1�']1 a� 111�� ��IF,-:T L�_»,erteur Street , St. Paul , Minnesota. The :pecial Me�t_r�V :,a� c�.11ed b,y Vice President Cletus H. Wittman, ac1in•,� ,zr_%�er � , krticle Four, Section �ix of the By-Laws and e�erci��-__� t'r_e po�•r�rs of the President thereunder. In attendarlcA j�rere Cletus' �. Wittman and John C. �tadohar. The third memb�:r o�' the Bcard of Directors, Henry J. Wittman, died. on �?ovember J, 1;�;1 , arld tne Board of Directars present agreecl to the holding o_� t:is special m�etin� and waived all rights of notice ir cor�^ec�ior the.ret•rith. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a ^ucc�tiso� �� Herry J. Wittman, deceased, a:; President of the Cor:�oratior, �uisuant to Article F'ive , Section Ten of the By-La��rs . Upon Motion duly made , seconded and unarlimousl�;� �ar�^;ed, Cletus H. Wittman was duly nominated an.d electe� t� �-�r�re �s President of the Cor��ora.tic>n until the next anr_u�.l �e==-ir� ol the Board of Dir�ctor•s , or until his succe�sor i� kul,r �l�cted anct qualified. In view of the election of Cletus �I. Wittman as �_�_°�•r �^esident of the Corporation, thF� or�.l resi_gnation of Cletus H. U1it'�ma�� as Vice President was received and acceptecl. No �_ctior_ U,-�ti taken at this time to fill the vacancy in tr�e office ol �i_cA �President , resulting fr.om the resignation of Clet:tis �ti. �r�i��nan as such Vice Presid.ent , nor was any action taken �:t ��is �ime to fill the vacancy on t;h.e �oard of Director� r�:sultirlg from the death of FIenr.,�r J. W=i_tt;rr�ari. ' There being no furth�r business to come beiore this special meetin� of the Board of Di.rectors , the sa.,me ti•ras , ut�on �oZ�or clul;�r ma�le , secorided and. unanimously carried, adjourred. � � ', - /. c�; •�':z-� �`� ;�t�•'-�!..-�'z�-v - � �ecretary . � Attest: � , � ������l=t<<�.�-.----- ; �5�1t � r s