02-560� Refurn copy to: (jao) Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall OR�G°{��A� RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To Council FYIe # �� � 5�.� Green Sheet# �/��'�1�0 Committee: Date i I.WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City), as part of its public improvement project to construct 2 Phalen Boulevard, is in need of permanent street and temporary construcuon easements from property 3 owners affected by said project and; 5 WHEREAS, the Norgren Group, LLC , a property owner affected by the above menuoned project, has 6 agreed to convey the necessary easement rights to the City for the compietion of Phalen Boulevard; so, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, are hereby authorized and directed to accept the easement rights conveyed by the Norgren Group, LI.C; and, 10 i l FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the easement rights conveyed, compensation in the amount of 12 twenty three thousand two hundred dollars ($23,200) will be paid to the Norgren Group, LLC, this being l3 a fair and reasonabie value, as determined by an independent appraisal. Said sum to chazged to Account 14 Code: C99-2S141-0788-25061 15 16 17 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �u i � , ,., T.M.S./REAL BSTATE DIVISION and Phone Number: Juan Ortiz 6-8864 Bob Novak 6-8863 Bruce En2elbrekt 6-8854 � � � � e DISIRICT PLANNING COUNCIL �Iust be on Council Consent Agenda by: TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Accept the easement conveyance of the Norgren Group,LLC as part of the project to construct Phalen Boulevard. ;RSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[JSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING II Has the persad6rm ever worked under a contract tor this department? YES NO PIANMNG COMMLSSIOY A srnet Aas this person/firm ever been a City employee? C1V1L SERVICE COMb115510N Does [his persodfirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any current City employee? CIB CONJ[ITTEE all YES answers o� a COU�CIL WARD(S� YES NO II 1�s NO II TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WLat, WLeq Where, Why?): As part of its public improvement project to construct Phalen Boulevard, the City is in need of permanent and temporary easements from above mentionec�.. c .: ..,4q �'.e,• IFAPPROVED: oa- sco Green Sheet Number: 111896 .R'PMENT DIItECLOR 4 C1TY COUNCQ. ATTORNF.Y C1TP CLERK )ET DIItECfOR . & MGT. SVC DIR (OR ASS7STANT) n�nn 4� The improvement project can proceed as planned. ������::�� � � ��� � �s_��� � IFAPPROVED: Encumbrance to affected property owners. �n,,� �1lls'� � `�� E��<� ��' "° � �J �� ��`'������. NOT APPROVED: Construction will be delayed at a major expense to the project. AbfOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $23�?,OO �csouxce: Pro,jectFunds :IAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIP� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO I AcriviTYNUn�sEx: C99-2S141-0788-25061 , / � '� " EASEMENT FOR S'PREET PURPOSES -- '' ° The Nor2ren Group, LLC. a Minnesota Limited Liability Com a�ny �� ; Grantor(s), for good and valuable consideration, [o it in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby aclrnowledged, does hereby Cttant, Bazgain, Sell and Convey to the Citv of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation under the laws of Ihe State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, Grantee, a permanent easement for right of way purposes, over, under and across the following real property in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, said properry is described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations, resh and easements of record, if any. To have and to hold the same forever. The Grantor does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the real property and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances, except as mentioned above. That Granror also covenants that the above granted easement is in quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantor will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof, subject to said encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain in effect without limitation as to ame. In testimony whereof, the Grantor has caused this document to be executed by its duly authorized officers and attested to this day of ,_ � gy 2���- C' �"�`f�-�-- Rs: State of C`c�K1 ) )ss. County of `���� The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 1 �� day of � �'ne , ��-,COa , c:,C S�-�s�U on behalf of �� C rco��Q c' � _�..` �____. � � . ` �� ,- _ • . ; . , � �,�� , . .�. . �� ,, ���� � �� ���� � 1 oa-s�o , EXHIBIT "A" �� '� ' \�✓ �� An easement for street purposes over, under and across that portion of Lot 1, Biock 1,;���s Hill Industrial Park described as follows: --,->,��� ; �"s That pazt of the southeasterly 10.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, WIIJLIAMS HILL IND.U�T'ftIAL PARK, according to the recorded piat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, abutting Phalen Boulevazd as shown on said piat, lying northeasterly of the following described ]ine: Commencing at the most easteriy corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly, along the southeasterly line of said Lot i, also being the northwesterly line of Phalen Boulevazd, a distance of 321.24 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence northwesteriy, radial to said southeasteriy line of Lot 1, a distance of 10.00 feet and there tertninating. oa-sco �O�-Sco ��� � TEMPORARY EASEMENT THIS INDEN1'URE, made this day of ���� �'��%' r�'°--' � � '° _, � �� 4 by and between. The Norgren Group. LLC. a Minnesota Limited Liabilitv Comgany . Grantor��)��nd the Citv of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation under the laws of the its successors and assigns, Grantee, for good and valuable consideration, to the Grantor it.in-hatkd `p�"i�and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Cm�intee a temporary easement over, under and across the following generally described real propeRy in Ra�sey Co,u'"tr'ty,;' Minnesota : � ,.� ` �'< . Approximately the Southeasterly 45 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Williams Hill Industria P�1�, as shown on the �,._...- attached Map EXHIBIT "A" on Fle with the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works as part of Project Number 01-P-1189, Drawer Number 4, Drawing Number 3145. It is further understood and agreed that the Grantor, for the above consideration, does hereby convey to the Grantee certain rights but not limited to entry, operation, sloping, grading and the clearing and storage of materials during the construction of the Phalen Boulevard Improvement Project. Tfiis easement shall expire on the 30TH day of JUNE , 2005 State of �n Counry of� c'� By . �li�Yf .�.v�� t ��: I ss The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l'l a y or �� n� .a�`d Grantor(s). NOTARIALSTAtvB OA SEAL (OR OTHER TTCLE OR RANIn MARGARET J. HILMANOWSKI NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA - µy�d�uniubnExpresJan 31.2005 � �tic�n �� N\�TCV�.�Z�!. SIGNATURI? PERSONTAffi GACKNOWLEDGMENT THIS INSTRUMEN"C WAS DRAETED BY (NAME & ADDRESS) The City of Saint Paul Depar[ment of Technology & Management Services Real Estate Division 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Room 140 City Hall 102