259443 r A �59443 f�+ ��I�INAI TO QITY CL6RK . , - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nc�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . . '"" �� COUNCIL ESOL ION—GENERAL FORM . , � PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE ~� � ,+TE WHEREAS, The Federal Insurance Company ha.s notified the City of Saint Paul tha.t bonds sold by the City and described as follows have been stolen: $45,000.00 St. Paul, Minnesota, Trunk Highway Bonds, Serres No. 1, 3.20% due Ma.rch 1, 1978 with Ma.rch 1, 1972 and SCA, -Nos . 53860 through 53904, Bearer Form; and WHEREAS, Pursua.nt to statute, Federal Insurance Compa.ny, on beha.lf of Cowen & Co. , the owner of said obligation, ha.s requested the issuance of duplicate bonds and coupons and the City ha.s been furnished a surety bond indemnifying the City and its pa.ying agents from any loss in the matter; and WHEREAS, The paying agents of the City ha.ve been put upon notice by Federal Insurance Company to stop payment on the origina.l bonds and coupons as described above; now, thert�fore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the issua.nce of duplicate bonds and .coupons cor- responding with the missing bonds and coupons described above as to � number, date, amount and unpaid coupons, and said bonds and coupons _ sha.11 be ma.rked "DUPLICATE", signed by the acting head of the � De artment of Fina.nce Treasurer '' P ( ), and the date of issue shown thereon, and the acting head of the Department of Finance shall o � keep a record of such duplicates showing the date of issue and the � o persons to whom issued; and be it � a a ,, FURTHER RESOLVED, That these duplicate bonds sha.11 be sealed - Q � by the facsimile of the official seal of the City of Saint Paul ,�, lithographed thereon, and shall be signed by the lithographed fac- O � simile signa.ture of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed �4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine __j� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � O}IGINAL TO C�TY CLB K ��9443 . . - CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nc�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ �AT� 2 . facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned ma.nually by the acting head of the Department of Fina.nce; and each of the interest coupons thereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t any and all expense in issuing the said duplicate bonds and coupons be assumed by the owner thereof or his agent. FORM APPROVED: Assi. Ciry Attorney au� 10 �sla COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �,�Hunt �QU� 1 i 1� (��s�Konopatzki Approve 19— Levine n Favor � � � Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainat Te�esee--- Mx8 President, 1��E�utler �� PUBLISHED AU G 191972 - -o���,�,��R,� 259443 . ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRKENTED/Y COMMISSIONGR DA� ; W'E�AS Ths F�deral Insura�s C�eapanq has aotif�.ad the City e of Saint Pau�, tt�t bcnds sold bq ths City and de�cribed aa f411c�►; hava be�n atolan: $45,000.00 St. Paul, Mis�sota, Trunk I�i�ay Bonda, 4 �ariea No. 1, 3.20x dw March 1, 1978 �r3th l�srch 1. 1972 and SCA. Nos. 53860 thros�,gh 5390k, Btar�r For�t; 8�d i WHExRAS� Pursuant to atatute, Fsdsral Iraut�snci Ct�mQany, an bshalf of Co�rsm & Co., t,ha o�anar o! �aid obligation, ba� r�qu�s�t�d tha lsava�res of duplicata bonds and caupans and tt�a Citir �as b�en ` fus�.shed a nucety bond in�ilPyiag tht City and its payin�g aganti from any 2oss in tlu �oa�tor; at�d WH$xSAS, Tha gaYinS +AS�nti o# ths Citq �sa� b�an pt�t upaa : bdnda a� c���al Insuran�ce Compa�r to •topps y�ent c�n th� original c�upons as d��cribed abovre; n+c�, ttlarefare, be it RESOLVED That th� Coum�il of ths City of Saint Pav1 do�s � herebp author�sa th� issu�e�ce a�' duplicat� bo�da a�d caupon� car- rea ng �rith th� mis,sing bonds aand coupans da�cribad above as to � r dat.�, �t a�d unpaid co�pona, an�d saiid bcr�de and coupons � shall �a a�rk4d "DUPLICATE", aign�d bq t�a acting Ia�a�d of ttha Dapartmtnt of Finauc.e (Tr�asurer), �xl tho dats of iasue ahciwa t t�.tLereon, a�nd th� act�h�ead ot t�ua Dspartment of Finaaca shall � k�eep a record of such licat�s shcr�►i�g th� da�ts of issus and th�e � p�rsaas to rha� issv�d; �euad ba it FtJxTHI�t R$�OLVTsD, That tha�adug licat� baads �batll be sealad �y t�s tac�imili of the official s�al of th� City of Saint Paul l�.tha�rap thereon, and shall ba signad b3i tha litho�raph�d fac- aimil� signature of tha Mnyor, mttssttd bp tl� lithographsd : COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Counci� 19_ � Yesa Nays > Butler Carlson Approv�l 19_ � �°� tr Favor Meredith ; Sprafka �� A aninnt Tedesco • Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� F , � . 259�43 � , y' 'DUrLIGTL TO lRIN7'�iR CI I 1 OF �. PAUL ��� NO: • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�g�.� � COMAIISSIONER nATE Z• i facaimila signatura of tha City Clerk a�ad couat�rs� a�aaally ' bq th�s actiag h�ad of the L1�pas�:ment of Fin�a�; iach of ths ' inttreat caupons thsr�to a�tachid to ba wc�c�t.ad by tha litho�raphsd facai�il� �ig�ciatures of said officers; and be it FURT�R SBS4LVSD, That any and �.11 �xp�nse in i�suiug the aaid duplicata banda and coupons ba assum�d by t.2�e oMn�er tt�anof or his agsnt. z 4 � � � F AUG 10 1� COUNCIIrMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19_ Yesa Naya �t Ap�o� AUG 1 1 1972 19— ��opat�ki ��e Tr Favor Meredith � Yayor Sprafka Ag��at T$d�ee---- Ma President,7�R�8utler ��� . F ` .. , � � � . � � � �yn(F�w�� �- � � .