259442 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 259442 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN I ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT � COMMISSIONE ° ATF WHI�.REAS in many cases the ha.ndicapped person in his use of the downtown area facilities must find a parking area. reasouably close to the facilitq that he intends to use, or he will be prevented from using that particular facility at all, and WHEREAS under the present system of regulation of downtown area parking the handicapped person is greatly restricted in his use of the downtown area facilities, nocs therefor be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby requests the I�ayor, through the Department of Public Works, to conduct a study of the fea.sibility af establisning parking�eas for handicapped persons at various active sections of the downtown area and submit auch study to tne Council for consideration. 4; c'. �_ J � J ':� �� f . I.'� L �- U ._� ::' ., ��� � AUG 10 197.Z COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya utl r =.t,nv-� . AUG 1 1 � Hunf ar san Konopatzla `"r Approve 19� L ine Levine "'� MereditFi ' �In Favor M edithsprafka S fkd T?ciacrn � Mayor d sco Mme, P�esldefl�Butled� ASainst Mr. Pres d t, McCarty PUBLI�HFD AU G 1919?� �� �"r�""����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca NO ���`��� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fl`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMM�,iSIONER., �A� WBS�AS in wu�r caaes ehe handicaP�d Parsoa in hir osa ot e� daNetto�an ar�a facilitisa �aast iiad a pasking srea ras�oaably eloes to tb� fsaility that be iat�ads to use, or he wi12 be pra�rentad from nsiag that partiaular luility at aii� atui i�BBF.�3 u�rdes Che presaat ayete�a o! regulation o! do�wataan ar�s parlcia� the t�andi+�apped parsoa is gteatlq restricted iu his uee of the do�wntawn srea tacilitiee, aav tberefor be it BBSOLVBD� that the Couneil hsreby requeots the Mayor� through the Departsant of Public WoY1w, to conduc� a s�ndy of the fea�ibility o! uLablishing parking arsas !or haadiaappad psrsono a� varions aetive �actions � o! the daNntc�m area sad submit such etudy to the Council for consid�ratl,on. AUG 10 197� COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas u NayB `Y�� son Konopatzki - ApprovecL AUG 1 1 1972 �9� Levine �� ' e Meredith �� ��Sprafka '� -In Favor Ts�4eseo- MaYor � Mme. Presidentt Butle� � p��t e esco Mr. i nt, McCarty �� August 10, 1972 Honorable Lawrence Cohen Mayor Dear Sir: Attachec2 is a copy of Resolution No. 259442 requesting that you, throuqh the Dept. of Public works, conduct a study of the feasibility of establi�hinq parking areas for handicap�ed persons at various Dowr�town areas. Very tz�uly youre, City Clerk ml