259440 CS ; - �59440 ORIGINAL�YO CITY CLRFtK CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL NO. - • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . - UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT MISSIONE ^ ATF J o�`� Resolved, that the Northern States Power �1c. �'/� Company be given permission to install ��`�� � approximately 1000 .1ineal feet of Gas Ma3.n on Foxridge Road from Valleyside north side of Foxridge Rd. to Valleyside south side of Foxridge Rd. under provisions of Ordinsnce No. 14786, approved May 27, 1971. k ORM F R ED: Asst. i ttor e � � � <� _ � Aus1o �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye � Hunf u er ��`.� pprove AUS 1 1 �9� 19— C son Konopatzk& :� Le ne ��virre '���' Mereditti � —�n Favor Me ith Sprafka Sp a T�y our Ted co M me. Presiderrt, Butld� �—ABainat Mr. Preside t, McCarty PUBLISHED AU G 19197� DU}4ICAT�TO MtIN7�R ����I�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � F COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►��r�u.,r COMMISSIONEQ ^A'►G Raaolwd, that the �iorthera 8tates lower Co�puty b� givea psrmission to install apprcaci�tely 100pR'Liaeal t'�st ot Gas Maia oa Foocrid�e ltoad from ralleysii� north sid� of P�rid�e �d. to �alleyside aouth tide s! Foacrid�s 1td. under pravisious of Ordina�ee Dio. 14786, a�pso�vsd M�y 37, 1971. 1 p 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�AU G 18— Yeaa Nays g Hunt ��t-� Konopatrki �� APP�vea-- AUG 1 1 1972 19� C n L�vine Le ' Mereditii ir Favor Me ith Spra�^ ��r , Spr Mli�e� P�[estderlt,�BI�t10� � Aga,inat Ted co Mr. Preside t, McCarty ��