259437 � � ; 25943'7 , CTTY OF ST. PALTL ��� �E NO. R�olution Appmoving A�sessment By— and Figing Time af Hearing Thereon �le No. 17�15 In the matter of the assesament of benefits, c0st and expenses far constructing public storm sewer in LI��OI.N AVSAtTS from Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ane.; in ST. CLAIR AVB. from 200 feet West of Howell St. to Hawell St. ; in GBAND A9E. from Sowell St. to 408 : feet East of Hawell St. ; ia PRIO� AE1S, from Princeton Ave. to Graad Ave.; in fldWELL 3T. frc� St. Clair Ave. to Gra�d Ave.; in FAIRVIEiT AVE. from St. Clair Ave. to 200 feet North of Lincoln Ave.; in SABGBlIT ST. from 2�0 feet flest of Fairview Ave. to Fair- niew Ane.; also constrnct catch basin leads to draia alleqs in Ketana�s Se�bdivision; Blocks 1 and 2, Macalester Place; Block 1, Wright and iiillia�s; aad A. Berghold's Addition to Rosedale Park, B1ock 5; also construct public sanitary sewer in Linaoln A�o-, frc� Finn St. toCleveland Ave.; and all to be knc�m as the WHEELEB-FAIRH��'P REL]�F SYSTEM, (S-475C) M. under Preliminary Order 2[�4539 ,approved June 20. 1969 , Intermediary Order r 245195 ,approved August 13, 1969 _� Fina1 Order 24551�. ,approved Septesber 9, 1969 , �'f The asseasment crf beaefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with ` , the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having_con�idered s;a;me . ,..o„�,,,,�;; and #ound the sa.id assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it R�SOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RF.SOLVE�D k'URTHEK, That a public hearing be had an said assessment on the 7th day of��Ptember, 1972 , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natic,e af said meetings, as reqnired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and pla.ce of hearing, the n�.ture of the improvemerit, and the amount asaessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to Whom the notice is directed. COUNGILMEN �'e�s H U NT' Nays AU6 9 19T2 KON�PATZK! Adopted by the Counci� LEVINE AU6 11 �9� MEREDITH SPRAFf�A � pprove TEDESCO BUTLER Tn Favor � ayor ...,.,. Againat Form R.2 2M 10-6a B� - PU�LISHED AU G 191972