259429 .. . �- . . . � - f .
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� J �`� ��� � . ORDINANCE '
.* 259�29
� ��:, �' � • fl ��� COUNCIL FILE NO. ± -
� ' Ql. �'��'�^-`�l, - — _
W� � �
An administrative ordinance relating to the �
executive branch of government of the city of Saint j
Paul ; fixing the powers and duties of the offices !
of city attorney and city clerk, and establishing
the executive departments of the city. ;
1. 1 Def init ions . "".y �
� '
(1) Whenever the term "charter" or "city f
charter" is used in this ordinance, it shall 4 -
mean the Saint Paul, Minnesota, City Cha rter, � �
approved by the voters November 3, 1970, and �;
effective June 6, �g'72. , � � '
(2) Whenever the term "department" is used, `
it shall mean the executive departments of the city, �
organized, designated and established p�uant to ,
the terms of the charter. �
(3) Whenever the term "ageney" is used, it �
shall mean any board, ageney or commission or any f,;
other unit of city government not designated a `
department . `
(4) Whenever the term "city" is used, it i
shall mean the city of Saint Paul, Minnesot a.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� w
g� Hunt
� Konogatzki
Levine In Favor
��t .
Sprafka Against �
Tedeaco ,
Attest: �e .Pres'ident,Bu�ler Approve .
City Clerk o i
Form approved Gbrporation Counsel By
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Page 2.
1. 2 Severability. If any section or any portion of a 4;
section of this ordinance shall be declared uncon-
stitutional , invalid or inoperative , in whole or in part , �
by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sec- �
tions and all portions thereof not declared unconstitu�'tonal , '
invalid or inoperative shall remain in full force and effect, ;
and no such determination shall invalidate the remaining �
, sections or portions of sections of this ordinance. �
1. 3 Repealer. All ordinances and parts of ordinances , �
whether legisl�,tive or administrative , and all ''
resolutions heretofore enacted which are inconsistent with �
any provision of this ordinance are , to the extent of such
inconsistencies , hereby repealed. T„�e repeal of any ordin- i
�1;' 1
ance or resolution or any part thereof by this ordinance �
or by any other ordinance or resolution shall not revive �
any former ordinance or resolution or part thereof which .
may have been repealed by such repealed ordinance or resolu-
tion or part thereof.
1. 4 Transitional . 4
A. All legislative and administrative ordinances '
of the city in effect on the effective date ,
of the charter, to the extent they are not inconsistent with
the charter, shall remain in full force and effect until
modified or repealed pursuant to law.
All legislative or administrative ordinances
of the city in effect on the effective date of this ordin-
ance , to the extent they are not inconsistent with this '
ordinance , shall remain in full force and effect until
modified or repealed pursuant to law . ;
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- pa��, 3. �
B. Control. over tlie various appropriations in
the budget of the city for the fiscal year
endir�b December 31 , 1972 is herel�y tra.nsferred to the
ctepartment , office or agency of the city to which the
functions, powers and duties for which such appropriation.s k
were made are tr�.nsferred, and such appropriations shall
continue to be available for the objects and purposes for
�ahich they were respectively made in such budget as adopted.
C. On the effective date of this ordinance , the
functions , powers and duties and the records
and property of the former departments and agencies of the
city shall come under the control and jurisdictio�i of the
respective clepartments and agencies of the ci-ty as are pro—
v iued iur ii; t►�i� ur�iu�ziic;� . iioti��ever, suc�t L�t�ans fer stiall ;
not require the physical relocation of personnel and equip— �
ment utlless such relocation is dezmed necessary in further—
ance of good administrative pra,ctice . . G
U'r�r'1Cr� U�' `Tf1E CITY ATTORNEY t
2, 1 Appointment . The city attorne y shall be appointed Y
. ;,
by ttie mayor with the advice and consent of the '
council and stiall , prior to his appointment , be admitted �
to pi•actice before the supreme court of the state of ?
2 .`3 Po�aers ancl duties . The city at�torney shall rep—
resent t,he city in all causes in which the city i
is interested ancl sha,ll h�ve full and comple�te cYiarge of �
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. Page 4.
t;he legal business of the city. He shall be the legal
adviser to the mayor, to the council and to all departments
and agencies of the city except as may be otherwise provided � �
by the charter. He shall prosecute and defend actions and
proceedings by and against the city and every department �
and agency thereof . In the furtherance of these general !
powers he shall :
A. Advise the mayor, the counc il and the heads
of all departments and agencies on all matters
relal;ing to their official powers , duties and functions .
B. Attend in person or by designee all council '
meetings and , at the request of the presiding
o�ficEr, attend commit�tee meetings of the council .
C. Be responsible for the preparat;ion of �lI
ordinances and resolutions as requested by
the mayor or �he eouneil . He shall advise the council as 1
to the furm and sufficiency of all ordinances prior to
ttieir adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until
it shall have been aFproved as to form by the city attorney, i
D. Review and approve all contracts, dee�ds , �
documents and instruments prior to the execu- �
tion thereof by or on behalf of �he city, its departments
�,zid agencies . I
E. Render legal opinions upon any question of �
� i
law submitted to him by the mayor : ^
or the council �with respect ' to �their� official powers , � °
duties and obligations . ' '
F. Enter into any agreement , compromise or se�ttle- r'
ment of any claim or lit:ibation in which the
c�t,y is involved .
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� � P
G. Conduct and prosecute appeals from orders,
decisions or judgments affecting any i.nterest
of the city as he may, in his discretion, determine to be
n�cessary or desirable . � . - . . ,;
H. Conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses
within the jurisdiction of the municipal `
couz•t of the city of Saint Paul and appeals therefr.om, �
including violation of city ordinanees , complaints of any
department under law and violations of rules and regulations
duly promulgated and adopted by city departments and agencies . a
I. Prepare and approve all workmen' s compensation �
payrolls and investigate all cases in which
�vorkmen' s compensation is involved and be responsible for ,
the filing o:e all documents and papers required L3�r the work— ;
rne�1' s compensation act of the state of Minnesota . '
J. Maintain appropriate records of all actions,
suits , proceedings and matters which relate �
�o the interests of the city , its departmeiits or agencies
and report . thereon from time to time as required by the '
mayor and council . �
K. Be responsible for periodic codification of
all ordinances as directed by the council.
L. Be respansible for representing the city in
all causes, hearings ,. trials , and administrati.ve
or judi.cial Y•eview coneerning rates , franchises , va]_uations ,
utility conduct , or other issues involving the city and the
public utilities which affect it or are under its control ,
including, but not limited to , telephone , telegrapti, radio ,
television, cable television, lighting, heatinef water , sewer
a�ir1 transport;at io�t, In so doin�, he may re tain a rate e�per t
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or experts to insure proper review , analysis , study and recom-
mendations on all utility matters, which expert shall prepare
for submission to the mayor and the council , upon request, such
reports and recommendations as may assist them in resolving
rate determinations and other utility matters .
M. Have such other and different powers and duties
as may be provided by charter or law. i
2. 3 Professional Assistants . The city attorney may ;
appoint two deputy assistants and such other as-
sistants as in his judgment are needed to carry on the legal
business of the city .
2. 4 Special Counsel . In any case of special or unusual
circumstances or in any case where the city attorney '
by reason of interest cannot represent the city, the council ,
upon the request of the city attorney , may by resolution ap-
point special counsel and fix his compensation. �
3. 1 Appointment . The city clerk shall be appointed by
the mayor with the advice and consent of the coun-
cil , and he shall be qual if ied by train�ng and experience to
perform the duties of his office.
3. 2 Powers and duties . The city clerk shall : '
A. Maintain and p��serve the minutes and records ;
of the proceedings � of the city counc il in ac- k
cordance with the charter and the proceedings of all council .
committees .
B. Be the legal custodian of and maintain official
copies of all ordinances an d resolutions of the !
council .
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� � � _ Pa�e 7.
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C. Cause all notices of regular and special meetings
of the city council to be aerved in accordance
with state statui,es-, eharter provisions , city ordinances and `
the rules of the council , and as directed by the president of +
the council . i
ll. C�.use the publication of all notices of �,iablic
hearings as required by the charter or other -
applicable law. �
E. Have custody of the seal of the city and affix
it to such documents as may be required a.nd � .
authorized pursuant to law. ;
3. 3 Aceessible to public . The city clerk shall_ be
responsible for giving information and direction.
to private citizens having business with the city, its de- �
partments and �gencies .
The city clerk shall keep all minutes , records ,
pruceedings , official books , papers and documents charged
to his care in such arrangement and condition as to make �
them easily accessible for convenient use . I3e shall be
responsible for the preservation and care of such records
and shall take necessary steps to carefully protect and preser�ve '
them fr.om deterioration, �utilation, loss or destruction.
Records or record books may be repaired, renovated or re- °
bound when necessary for proper preservation. Photographic,
photostatic or microfilmed records shall be considered ac-
cessible for such purposes . Except as otherwise expressly
provided by law, he shall permit all such public records
in his custo�y to be inspected, examined, abstraeted or
copied during normal business hours subject to his supe�-
vision arid regulation. �Ie shall , upon the demand of any
persoti, furnish certified copies ther. eof upon payment in
advance of reasonable fees t��erefor.
. � ' • •
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Page 8.
3.4 Elections .
A. Commissioner of Registration. The city clerk
shall serve as the commissioner of registra-
tion for the city and provide such printed form� , blanks and
ot��er. supplies and equipment as are necessary and proper to
carry out the registration of qualified voters as prescribed
by law. The office shall establish and keep, pursuan-t to '
statute, a plan of registration, including an origi.nal .
record of voters , properly indexed and safeguarded, and
a duplicate registration file open to reasonable public
insgection. �
B. Conduct of elections . The city clerk sha11
give public notice of the time and place of �
�he holding o.f all municipal elections,� includin� the hours `
_. k
cluring which polls will be open, by posting in every elec- i
tion district appropriate election notices containing a
].i.st of o�fices to be filled at such election. I-ie sha.11
take all other necessary steps to insure that the conduct
ancl procedure of a11 elections are governed in accordance F
with applicable state law and such supplementary ordinances
as are adopted by the council . �
3. 5 Petitions . Any petition seeking initiative , �
referendum or recall shall be filed with the city �
clerk, wYio , immediately, upon receipt of such petition,
shall examit;e s�ime as to its sufficiency and report to
the council iil accordance Wlt�l the charter. The city
clerk shall deliver a copy of a petition determined in- �
stlfficient or i�rregular purs��ant to the charter to the
�,erson or persons therein specifiec] to recF,ive it , along
���i th a wrztteti st.�,t,et:�ent of its cle�ects . �
_ ;
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- pag e 9. ,
4. 1 Department �enerally.
A. Department establ ished. There is he reby es-
tabl ished an execut ive department of the ci ty
of Saint Paul to be known as the department � finance and
management services . The head of such department shall be
the director, who , prior to such appointment , shall possess
such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide .
The department of finance and management services shall be
organized into the divisions of property management , adminis-
trative services , public utilities, accounting, treasury,
purchasing , assessments and valuations , and license and permit
B. Departmental functions . The department shall be
responsible for property management , including
building design , space allocation and communication systems ;
the coordinat ion of bui.lding , vehicle and equipment mainten-
ance ; provide administrative services, including management
information and operations research; maintain a uniform system
of accounts for all city money matters and a system for receipt ,
deposit and recording of all moneys received by the city ; pro-
vide purchasing services for city departments and agencies ;
provide a system of assessments and valuations ; and develop
and maintain a system for the issu ance , recording and adminis-
tration of city licenses and permits .
C. Director, powers and duties . The director of
the department of _finance and management ser- ;
vices shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the
council, and shall be in the unclassified service of the city.
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Thei director shall be accountable to the mayor and , subject
to his supervision and contro l , shall adminis ter the affairs
of the department . He shall have general authority and control
over all departmental staff and shall oversee the proper ful-
fillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department .
He shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regula-
tions as he deems necessary or expedient for the proper opera- '.
tion of the department and to that end shall keep himself in- �
formed of the latest administrative practices . The director
shall h ave the power and duty to take all personnel actions ,
including hiring , assigning and reassigning employees, includ-
ing supervisory personnel , within his department anc� shall
supervise their performance:
4. 2 Division of Propert.y Mana�ement . Within the depart-
ment of finance and management services there shall ��
be a divis ion of property management . Under the supervision
of the director, the division shall be responsible for : �
( 1) Buildir� desi�n, space allocation and
communic at ions .
(a) Buildin� desi�n. Preparation of all ;
designs, plans , specifications: and
estimates for public buildings to be erected or altered by ,
the city or any department or agency thereof.
(b) Space allocation. Development of an F
overall plan for allocation of building .
space to satisfy the needs of the various city departments and ;
(c ) Communications . Communications systems
servicing city departments and agencies,
and coordination of saeh systems between the city departments
and agencies and county departments and agencies, including ,
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but no�t limited to , messenger service and �te].ephonP service .
(2 ) Buildin� , cehicle azid equiument main�enance .
The coordination of the followir�; functions ,
tvhich coordinatiori shall incl��de the authority to direct ,
through department and agency heads , the alloc�,�tion of main—
tena�ice personnel to achieve m�+.ximum use of available manpo�aer, �
and the final authority for approval of p�.yments by departments
�.rid agencies as they relate to builclin�, vehicle and equipment
maintenance .
(a) Janitorial services for all ci �y o�anPd
bu ild ings .
(b) The care and structural maintenance of
the interiors and exterior� o� �11 city
owtied buildinbs . � �
(c ) Security systems for all city owned
buildings in cooperation with tYie
depa.rtment of police .
(d) The opera�ti on and maintenanc e of a�.
municipal garage system, �vhich shall
provide for the servicing of all city owned vehicles and
ec�iz ipnie nt .
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Page 13. '
(6) Certifying availability of funds for all ,
departmental expenditures . ,
(7 ) Establishing and maintaining a payroll and
payroll deduction system for all city
employees .
(8) Establishing the procedures for maintaining �
uniform records of all employees ' work hours ,
vacation, sick leave , pension and social security.
(9) Assisting the budget director in the prepa-
ration and management of the city budget ,
including required periodic checks on departmental budgets and �.
periodic probe estimates for all departments and agencies of
the city. �
(10) Maintaining a system of inventory control �
of all city departments and agencies in
coordination with the division of purchasing.
(11 ) Developing such systems as are necessary
to assure that the city accounts are kept
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
for governmental units .
4.5 Division of Treasury. Within the department of
finance and management services there shall be a
division of treasury. Under the supervision of the director,
the division shall :
(1 ) Perform all functions as collector of
any and all city ta�xes .
(2) Receive all moneys due tne city for fees ,
permits , fines and other bills .
(3) Receive funds intrusted to any city de-
partment or agency.
(4) Control and supervise the deposits of city
moneys .
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(�) Maintain custody of all city investments
and funds , including bonds and notes . '
(6) Issue summonses for parking meter and other
parking violations in such form as is ap-
prov�d by the Saint Paul Municipal Court , and establish a
system of receiving parking meter receipts .
4.6 Division of Purchasing. Within the department of
finance and management services there shall be a �
division of purchasing. Under the supervision of th.e director, '.
the division shall :
(i ) Make a21 purchases of materials , supplies ,
equipment and services , including construc-
tion, for all city departments and agencies . �
(2 ) Conduct appropriate testing of all materials
used by the city, including chemical , physical , ';
electrical and other necessary laboratory tests before accept-
ance or use . ;
(3) Be responsible for the preparation and
approval of all specifications for the
purchase of materials , supplies, equipment and services . '
(4) Pre�are and be responsible for the publica-
tion of bids when publication is required. `
(5) Publicly open all bids and process awards ;
in accordance with the procedures estab- F
lished by administrative ordinance .
(6) Maintain records of all purchases by
vendors and copies of all bids , specifica- �
tions and purchase orders .
(7 ) Purchase jointly with other governmental units
and provide purchasing services for other ,
governmental units as may be approved by the city council .
(�) Establish and maintain a central o�'fice
supply facility and such other central
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F��,ge 1.5 .
ser. vices as authorized by the ma,yor for tlie comrr�on use of aTl
ci�-y der�az•t;metits and agencies , and maintain proper accounting
aijc? i.nventory control of such facility in coordination with
the cli��isioti oi accountitig.
(9) Sell all surplus mater. ials , supplies and
real property declar. ed as surplus by city
departments a,nd ageneies and not of use to other departments �I
and agericies cvithin the city. � .
4.7 Division of Assessments ana Valuations . Within the ,I�
department of finance and management services there
shall be a division of assessments and valuations . Under the
.�upervision of the director, the division shall : �
(1 ) Establish and maintain a complete compila-
tion of all cit,y--ocvned real estate and be
respon5ible for establishing an index and system of all ;
�;roperty and property interests of the city, includitig the �
m�.intenance and i'iling of all cleeds or. other instrurnents a_f-
fecting or reflecting the right , title and interest of the
icity in arly real estate .
(2) Establish a system of preliminary negotia-
tions and investigation for the sale or
acquisition of real estate by th� city, including a procedural
system to impleir,ent the acquisition of property, when neces-
sary, through conclemnation procedures .
(3) Make preli►ninary investigations and reports
�n all ���-�c�ati:�ns of stree�s a.nd alle���ays .
(If) Extend the rate of assessment for al�
local improven�ents as they apply to eacta ;
property, cleter.cnine iiicliviclual beriefits , cost of city servi.ces ,
��ric! Y�ill , �°eceive payrtient , atict mairrtairi records of assessments
aild I;erieii t;c�ct �roperties . � �
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6. 1 Department generally.
A . Department established. There is hereby es-
tablished an executive department of the city
of Saint Paul to be known as the department of community
services . The head of; such department shall be the director,
who, prior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifica-
tions as the council may by � ordinance provide . The depart-
ment of community services shall be organized into the divi-
sions of libraries , parks and recreation, environmental
protection, and housing and building code enforcement .
B. Departmental funetions . The department of
community services shall be responsible for
the administration and maintenance of all public libraries
and reading rooms and the coordination of relations with the
Saint Paul council of arts and sciences ; the administration
and maintenance of parks , parkways and playgrounds , including
the care and maintenance of trees and shrubbery on public
lands ; the organization and programming of community recrea-
tion; the administration of environmental protection programs
and the enforcement of city housing and building codes .
C. Director, powers and duties . The director of
the department of community services shall be
appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council and
shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The
director shall be accountable to the mayor and, subject to
his supervision and control , shall administer the affairs
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of �the depaY• Lment. He shall have general au�thority and
cont�ol over all departmental staff and shall oversee the
proper fulfil.lment of all tasks and duties assigned to the
departmen-t . FIe shall have the power to prescribe such
rixles aild regulatior�s as he ; deems necessary or expedient
for the proper operation of the department and to that end
shall keep himse lf informed of the latest� adminis trative
�,ractices. The director shall have the power and duty to
talse all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning
and reassignir� employees, including supervisory personnel ,
within his department and shall supe•rvise their performance.
6.2 Division of Libraries . Within the department of
co�r�muni�ty services, there shall be a dicision of
J -'s.�?r�..ries . TT3�der tt�e su�►ervisi �n ,�� �tY�.^ d.i ;��etor, thP ,.
div:is ion shal l :
(1 ) Adminis ter and maint ain all city librar:ies
and re ad ing ro oms .
(`L) Purchase and maintain, in cooperation
wi th the pur chas ing d ivi si on, al 1 bo oks , .
peri od ic als and re la te d mat er ials for librar ie s and 'reading '
�^G,^�r:ts .
(3) Catalogue and maintain a complete file
of allofficial city documents as ma,y be
; .
r�>quested by �ttie mayor or courici.l .
(4 ) Esta.bl i.sh and ma inta in liaiso�.� wi�th ttle
Saint Paul council of arts and sciences .
b. 3 llivision of Parks and Reere�.tion. j�ithin the �department of
community ser. vices , there shall be a division of
parks and recreation. Under the supervision ,of the director,
the di_visic�n st�al.l be responsible fo.r :
� Page 22 .
( 1 ) The design of all parks , parkways and� '
public grounds .
(2 ) The care , maintenance and landscaping of
all public lands , including parks, park-
ways , golf courses and playgrownds.
(3) The care , trimming and removal of all trees
and shrubberies on all puk�lic lands and
the ma,intenance, for assessment purposes, of accurate records
pertaining to tree trimming.
(4 ) The administration and maintenance of an
arboral disease control program, pest
control program, and all reforestation and nursery programs . .
(5) The management and maintenan.ce of a con-
verzrytcr3l f�� �.:c-Nuric�;l��:ra? �nr� flori-
cultural display.
(6) The organizing and programming of all
rec�eational activities involving general
public participation in a comprehensive and diversified pro-
gram, including municipal athletics , senior citizen programs , �
�.rts and crafts , and other such programs .
(� ) The management and eoordination of public
recr•eational and educational activities
available for general public participation for which fees
are charged, including such activities as golf, swimming,
boating, skiing, stadium use , concessions , and other special
entertainment or seasonal activities .
' (8) The preservation and maintenance of
various forms of dome�tieated animals and
jyildlife for general exhik�ition, and the care , feeding and
. s�lel.ter. ixi� of tY�e sai►�e .
, �»�
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Page 23.
6. 4 Division of Environmental Protection. Within the
department of community services , there shall be
a division of environmental protection. Under the supervision
of the director, the division shall be responsible for :
(1 ) Health and Sanitation. Enforcement of all
health and sanitation programs , including
inspection of swimming pools , water supplies and waste disposal
systems, milk inspection programs , and their coordination
with other governmental entities , and the inspection of all
food handling facilities , including restaurants , bars , hotels
and lodging houses as they relate to health and sanitation
matters .
(2) Pollution Control . .
(a) The enforcement and assistance in
the enforcement of all laws regarding
air, water, land, noise and visual pollution.
(b ) The supervision of all monitoring
devices used in pollution testing.
(c ) The coordination of activities with
other governmental agencies and citi-
zens groups functioning in the environmental code enforcement
� (d) Coordination with other departments
and agencies of the city to assure
compliance with pollution controls .
(e ) The establishment of a notification
and warning system for pollution
violations .
(f) Providing assistance to the office
of the city attorney in the prepara-
tion of all cases , both criminal and civil , dealing with air,
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' Page 24.
water, land, noise and visual pollution.
(3) Occupational Health and Safety. The
establishment and en�orcement of all rules
and regulations pert�ining to industrial hygiene and public
safety for all city employees , in coordination with other
governmental agencies .
(4) Public Health Programs .
(a) The management of all educational ,
preventative and curative medical
health care programs for the city.
(b ) The supervision of all dental hygiene
clinics .
(c ) The supervision and administration of
- all school health programs and nurses ,
special clinic nursing programs , and nursing home and boarding
care special programs .
(5 ) Canine Control . The administration and
maintenance of all canine control programs .
(6) Vital Stati�stics . Maintaining local
registration of all vital statistics ,
including proper equipment for the preservation of such
records as authorized by law.
6. 5 Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement .
Within the department of community services , there
shall be a division of housing and building code enforcement .
Under the supervision of the director, the division shall
be responsible for :
(1 ) The physical inspection af all new and
remodeled buildings in the city. Such
in�pection shall be made to insure compliance with the various
' • _• •' .
: .
� ' ` �������
� �r��,..�.
Page 25 .
buildi_ng and mechanical codes , rules and regulations adopted
by the city or made applicable thereto by federal and state
law, including electrical , plumbing, heating , refrigeration,
ventilation �,nd elevator installations in the ci.ty.
\ (2 ) Making inspection reports , maintaining
departmental records , and keeping and up-
dating departmental statistical reports .
(3} Reviewing all plans and specifications
submitted with building permit applica-
tions , and verifying after review that all applicable building,
zoning, housing and fire prevention code requirements have
been satisfied. . � . _ ' .�
(4) Deter�mining whether: buil.dings in the ci_ty
comply with the housing and building codes
a,nd the zoning ordinances of the city of Saint Paul , and,
upon determination of any violation, taking the necessary and
appropriate action to acquaint the owner of the dwelling with
the violation, and proceeding with enforcement ir� accordance
� with applicable law.
(5 ) Preparation of reports and maintenance
of appropriate departmental records , in-
c? �zding •m�.ster and active files and other associated corres-
pondence with the public with respect to enforcement �
responsibilities . �
(6) The issuance of builditig permits and
certii'icai;es of occupancy.
� _ - • - .� .
• Page 26 .
�. 1 Department �enerall,y.
A. Department estal�lished. There is he.reby es�Lab-
Iished an executive department of the city of
� Saint Paul to be known as the department of police. The head
of such department shall be the director, who , prior to his
appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the council
� may by ordinance provide.
B. llepartmental functions. The de�artment shall
� perfortn the following functions:
(1) Preserve the public peace, prevent crime,
� '�.nd detect and arrest o�fenders.
� (2) Administer and enforce latas regulati.ng,
directing, contr. olling �a��d restr. icting '``"`
the movement o� vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the `
general use of tize �treets by . vehicles and ' the public�.
(3) Operate a training program to maintaiii
and iinprove the efficiency of the members
of the department. �
. � �
(4) Prepare reports on injuries to persons
and property occurring by accident� or other--
wise on the street, in alleys and o�;her �aublic p].aces witrsin
the city as required by lakT.
��j Yr��vide a 4�roccclG=z��e fo:. tize :��.�c, ae��r�:c-
tion or other disposition oi' all weapons
or other articles used in the commission of crime or coming �
into the custody of tl� departmerit; }�rovided, that where
such weapon or article may be used as evidence in either
a civil or criminal proce�din�, i_t sha,ll in no ��ay be disposed
. : .
' - l i i /��/'7�
� �cl��' c�.7 .
of e�cept t�poli a t�iritteri oz�der o:f' �t court of laz��.
(G) Yrotricle a proeecli.�z•e _eor -tlie sale of
unclairned , lost or stoleri articies coming
into the custody of the clepartment.
7. 2 Chief �of Police. The chief of police shall be ap-
pointecl in accordance with the provisions o:f the �
charter�. Under the supervision of the director, he shali be
responsible For the daily administration of all police per-
sonnel and shall take all necessary steps �consistent with •
lat,r to� promote the highest level of police efficiency, tishich
sliall include: ,
(1} Yrepara.t:ion and amendment from time to
time of an organizational char�t showing
tlie various c�ivisions, sec�tions and units of -the department
and the �anpower allocated thereto.
(2) Preparation and amenclment from time to
�time of a police inanual , outlining the .
duties and resp�nsibilities of all police personnel .
(3) Pronnilgation of such orclers as he deems
, necessary for the efficient operation o:f
tlze clepartinent.
(4) Establishmei�t o#' -craining pro�rams for
pol.ice reci•uits and establislituen�t o:f
in-sert-ice t;rainizi� programs �or all police personnel .
(5) Szieh otlier poi�ers anc�- ciuties as ni�.y he pr•ovicled
for b�r .la��� or de��ax•tmental rules ancl regula-tions.
� _ : � .
, :� ' -
. ;
. � � .
' Page 28.
8. 1 Department generally.
A. Department established. There is hereby estab-
lished an executive department of the city of
Saint Paul to be known as the fire department . The head of
such department shall be the fire chief, who shall be appointed
in accordance with the provisions of the city charter and
shall have such qualifications as the council may by ordin-
ance provide.
B. Departmental functions . The department shall
be responsible for the establishment , mainten-
ance and administration of an organized method for fire
fighting and fire prevention within the city, and shall
perform th.e following functions :
(1 ) Take all necessary steps for the extinguish-
ment of fires within the city, including
utilization of all necessary personnel and equipment therefor,
the destruction of any building or structure and the removal
of any obstruction for the purpose of checking or extinguish-
ing any 'such fire.
(2 ) Establish the location, relocation or
removal of all public fire alarm devices .
(3) Possess the police powers necessary to
carry out the duties imposed upon them by
law, while engaged in the service of fire extinguishment .
(4) Assist in the reestablishment of order in
the event of civil disturbance , disaster
or riot or any other declared emergency.
(5) Provide for and administer a program for
' • , � �i ` , ��`
r- ��
Page 29.
the training of fire fighters .
(6) Maintain a record of all fires which occur
within the city requiring the services of
the department .
(7) Carry out the terms and provisions of all
fire service contracts entered into with
other governmental subdivisions .
(8) Investigate the causes of all fires , and
provide for written reports of all sus-
pected arsons .
(9) Possess the police powers necessary to carry
out the duties imposed upon them by law,
while eng,aged in the service of fire protection. , �..,.,.
. . _ (�0) Frrs-p�t� aY-Y`-��i°airc�ings_ and structures as
provided for by the city fire code .
(11 ) Provide rescue and ambulance service.
- C. Fire Chief, powers and duties. The fire chief
shall be appointed by the mayor with the con-
sent of the council and shall serve for a term of two years ,
concurrent with that of the mayor. He shall be in the un-
classified service of the city. The fire chief shall be
accountable to the mayor and, subject to his supervision
and control , shall administer the affairs of the department .
He shaTl have general autho�ity and control over all depart-
mental staff and shall oversee the proper fulfillment of
all tasks and duties assigned to the department. He shall
have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as
he deems necessary or expedient for the proper operation of
the department and to that end shall keep himself informed
of the latest administrative practices . The fire ehief
� •
► .,� , .,
, -t � .
� � .. �'�. : � �`��
• Page 30.
shall have the power and du.ty to take all personnel actions ,
including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees , in-
cluding supervisory personnel , within his department and
shall supervise their performance .
�g�insl to City Clerk
c �
- � � � �� � � � ORDINANCE
.� � �-- � . �� �594�g
Page 31. �
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and
given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the
time of compilation of said Administrative Code.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
(30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication.
AU6 2 3 1972
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
�� Hunt /�
� Konopatzki 4� In Favor
� Levine
�h' fj a
Sprafka A gainst
Tedesco ��'���1�:
��� �� ed:
A t• e•Pre ' Butl
Clerk Mayor
�� ,
Form approved Corporation �ounsel By �
�ue�ia��n ��P 21972
°�J .^.: ///////) //////--- /]
� y ���� �
�r t., o
1 ' ' -�r =
,', a
,�e �o ,
Couneilman OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL Legislative Aide
Dear Council President Butler and
City Council Members:
The Council Committee on Legislation at a meeting on
�August 7, 1972 voted approval of two administrative ordinances;
1) organization of the executive branch of government, and
2) qualifications of heads of executive departments.
� The approved ordinances are herewith submitted to the
City Council for consideration.
J ,r
� ,;
�,.�,,� ��� �.�-�....z.��_.
Ruby Hunt,,�Chairman
Council 2'ommittee on Legislation
;� e.�.a r�t.t�
r• � 0 � � � � � � � � 'Z�
As ai�f�i�tra�lce ordi�e►moe �rei+at� to tht
e�soat f�e tirsaoti ai �o i�ra�snt o!. tie ��b it� o i Saiat
Pssl; iizfa`, t� por�rr� au� �atie• ot``� tLs oitioe•
o!` �itt attor�t� a�d oit� olsr�, a� ettabliahia�
t�e szeoutt�e �epa��at� oi the�it7.
!�B C�1DYtC IL 0�' !HB CI'!'Y 0�' S�II�'� PAIIL �BS 4BAAI�t
" 3�CTI�B i.
f.i ��i.n�_�•
(i) 1�iene�sr th� �6srs *e�iarter" ox� "Qit�
oharter" is ns�d !a thi.� osii�s��, it shall
' aean the �aint Paal� I�ti�s�tts, Citf C�art�z�
appror�d by the �ters �1orn��r 3, i97�, aai
eirscti.e aene 6, ig?a. �
(2) Tilhene�er t�f tsr� •d�part�r�t■ is asa�,
� it stisll �ean �he e:sogti�e d�p�rta�at�a �! the eit�,
or6�mi:�i1 aesfEnstea a�d estal�i#�tsd �irssast to
t�e ter�u o! the �hartsr.
(3� �►eae�er ths t�r� Ra�tia�* ia a�ed, it
atiail �saa aa� board, a�e�t�r or oo�issi� ar aa�
othar intt ot Qi#� 6oT�ra�s�t sot iesisattt� a
�epartse�t, �
(�) Whenever ttie ters "oitTN is nsed, !t
ehall �ean the eit� oi 3alnt Yeil, l�im�[esota.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Padsed by the Coua�il
Yosr►patzki Tn Favor
s� A oai�
.' AP��.
Attast: l�e.Pr�sidei ►:�ler
City Clerk �y�
Form a�Prnved Corpor�tion Couneel By
. y�� ;�` ..,. = :
Page 2.
1 .2 Severability. :I:f' any section or any por�tion of a
section of this ordinance shall be declared uneon-
stitutional , invalid or inoperative , in whole or in par. t ,
by any court of competent jurisdicti.on, the remaining sec- __
tions and all portions thereof not declared unconstituional ,
invalid or inoperative shall remain in full force ancl effect,
and no such determina�tion shall invalidate the remaining
sections or po.r-tions of sections o� this ordinance.
1. 3 Repealer. Al1 ordinances and parts of ordinances ,
whether legislative or administrative , and all
resalutions heretofore enacted which are ineonsistent with
any provision of this ordinance are , to the extent of such
inconsistencies , hereby repealed. The repeal of any ordin-
ance or resolution or any part thereof by this ordinance
or by any other ordinance or resolution shall not revive
any �ormer ordinance or resolution or part thereof which
may Yiave been repealed by such repealed ordinance or resolu—
tion or part thereof. :
1.4 Transitional .
A. All legislative and administrative o�dinances
of the city in effect on the effective date
of the Fcharter, to the extent they are not inconsistent with
the charter, stiall remain in full force and effect until
moclified or repealed pursuant to law.
All legislative or administrative ordinances
of the ci-ty in effect on the effective date of this ordin—
ance , �to the e?�tent they are not inconsistent Evith this �
ordinance , shall remain i.n full force ancl effect until
modified or repeal.ed pursuant to l�.w .
Pa�e 3,
B. Control over the various appropriations in
the budget of the city for the fiscal year
endiny December 31 , 1972 is hereby tr�.nsferred to the
depa rtment , of f ic e or agency of the ci ty to wtiic h the
functions, powers and duties for which such appropriations
were made are transferred, and such appropriations shall
continue to be �.vailable for the objects and purposes for
which they were respeetively made in such budget as adopted.
C. On the effective date of this ordinanee , the
functions , powers and duties and the records
and property of the former departments and agencies of the
city shall come under the control and jurisdiction of the
respective departments and agencies of the city as are pro-
vided for in this ordinanee . However, such transfer shall
not require the physical relocation of personnel and equip-
ment unless such relocation is deemed neeessary in further-
ance of good administrative practice . .
2. 1 Appointment . The city attorney shall be appointed
by the mayor with the advice and consent of the
council and shall , prior to his appointment , be admitted
to practice before the supreme court of the state of
2 . 2 Powers �,nd duties . The city attorney shall rep-
resent �;he city in all causes in which the city
is interested and stiall have full and complete charge of
Pa�e 4. ��� 7�
ir�e legal business of the city. He shall be the legal
adviser to the mayor , to the council and �to all departments
and agencies of the city escept as may be otherwise provided �
by the charter. He shall prosecute and defend actions and
proceedings by and against the city and every department
and agen cy the re of . In the fu rthe rance of the se general
powers he shall :
A. Advise the mayor, the counc il and the heads �
of all departments and agencies on all matters
relating to their official powers , duties and functions .
B. Attend in person or by designee all council
meetings and , at the request of the presiciing
officer, attend committee meetings of the council .
C. Be responsible for the preparation of all
ordinances and resolutions as requested by
the mayor or the council . He shall advise the council as
to the form and sufficiency of all ordinances prior to
their adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until
it shall have been approved as to form by the city attorney.
D. Review and approve all contracts, deeds ,
documents and instruments prior to the execu-
tion thereof by or on behalf of the city, its departments
and agencies .
E. Render legal opinions upon any question of
law submitted to him by tYie mayor . .
or the council �vith respect � to �their� offieial powers , �
duties and oblibations . '
F. Enter in-to atiy agr. eement , compromise or settle-
ment of any c:laim or litigation in which the
c:i ty i.s invol�Ted .
� ���`��►�
�dy� 5 .
C�. Conduc t and prosecu te appeals from orders,
decisions or judgment;s affecting any interest
of the city as he may, in his discretion, determine to be
necessary or clesirable . _ ,
H. Conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses
within the jurisdiction of the municipal
court of the city of Sairrt Paul and appeals therefrom,
including violation of city ordinances , complaints of any �
department under law and violations of rules and regulations
duly prc�mulgated and adopted by city departments and agencies .
I. Prepare a.nd approve all workmen' s compensation
payrolls and investigate all cases in which
iaorkmen' s compensation is involved and be responsible for
the filing of all documents and papers required by the work—
men' s compensation act of the state of Minnesota .
J. Maintain appropriate records of all actions,
sui�ts , proceedings and matters wh ich re late
to the interests of tYie city , its departments or agencies
and report . thereon ,from time to time as required by the
mayor and council.
K. Be responsible for periodic codification of
all ordinances as directed by the couYicil .
L. Be respcnsible for representing the city in
all causes, hearings , trials , and administrative
or judicial review co ncerning rates , franchises , valuations ,
utility conduct , or other issues involvinh tYie ci ty and the
public util ities wtiich aft'ect it or a.re uncler its control ,
iricluding, but not limitecl to , telephone , telegraph, radio ,
television, cable - te:levision, l.igtiti.n�;, heating , water, sewer
and transportation. In so doing , he may retain a rate expert
` ��..�e:':� �y
Page 6.
or experts to insur•e proper review , analysis , study and recom—
nieii�ations on all u�tility matters, which expert shall prepare
for submission to the mayor and the council , upon request, such
reports and reeommendat;ions as rriay assis t them in resolving
rate determinations and other utility matters .
M. Have such other and different powers and duties
as may be provided by charter or law.
2. 3 Professional Assistants . The city attorney may .
appoint two deputy assistants and such other as-
sistants as in his judgment are needed to carry on the legal
business of the city .
2. 4 Special Counsel . In any case of special or unusu al �
circumstances or in any case where the city attorney
by reason of interest cannot represent the city, the council ,
upon the request of the city attorney , may by resolution ap-
point special counsel and fix his compensation.
3. 1 Appointment . The city clerk shall be appointed by
the mayor with the advice and consent of the co un-
cil , and he shall be qual if ied by training and experience to
pe rfo rm the dut ie s of his of fi ce.
3. 2 Powers and duties . The city clerk shall :
A. Maintain and pre�serve the minutes and records
of the proceedir�s of the eity council in ac-
corci�,nce wi-th �the charter and the proceedings of alI council
commit�tees . '
B. Be �the legal custodian of and maintain official
copies of a.l.l orclinances and resolut ions o� the
cciunc il .
� Pa�e 7. , i/
, � s �
C. Cause all no�ti.ces of regular ancl special meetings
of the city couxic il to be served in accordance
with state statui,es ; charter provisions , city ordinances and
the rules of ttie council , and as directed by the president of
the council .
D. Cause the pu�l.ication of all T10t1CP.S of ptiblic
hearings as required by the charter or other
applicable law.
E. Have custody of the seal of the city and affix
it to such documents as may be required and .
authorized pursuant to law.
3. 3 Accessible to public . The city clerk shall: be
responsible for giving information and direction
to private citizens having business with the city, its de-
partments and agencies .
The city clerk shall keep all minutes , records ,
proceedings , official books , papers and documents charged
to his care in such arrangement and condition as to make
them easily accessible for convenient use. He shall be
responsible for the preservation and care of such records
and shall take necessary steps to carefully protect and preserve
them �rom deterioration, mutilation, loss or destruction.
Records or record books may be repaired, renovated or re-
bound when necessary for proper preservation. Photographic,
photostatzc or microfilmed records shall be considered ac-
cessible for such purposes . Except as otherwise expressly
provided by laia, he shall permit all such public records
in his custody to be inspected, examined, abstracted or
copied during normal business hours subject to his super-
vision and regulation. He shall , upon the demand of any
person, furnish certified copies �thereof upon payroent in
advance of reasonabl.e fees therefor.
. ��P�'�� �
?a�e 8. �
3. 4 Flections .
A. Commissioner of Re ��istration. The city clerk
shall serve as the commissioner of registra-
tion for the city and provide such printed form� � blanks and
ot��er supplies and equipment as are necessary and proper to
carry out the registration of qualified voters as prescribed
by law. The office shall establish and keep, pursuant to
statute , a plan of registration, including an original
record of voters , properly indexed and safeguarded, and
a duplicate registration file open to reasonable public
�3. Conduct of elections . The city clerk shall
give public notice of the time and place of
the holding of all municipal elections,� including the hours
during which polls will be open, by posting in evex•y elec-
tion district appropriate elec�tion notices containing a
list of o�fices to be fillecl at such election. He shall
talce all other necessary steps to insure that the conduct
and procedure of' all elections are governed in accordance
with applicable state law and such supplementary ordinances
as are adopted by the couneil .
3. 5 Pe�titions . Any petition seeking ini�tiative ,
referendum or recall shall be filed with the city
cl.erl:, �vho , i.minediately, upon receipt of such petition,
shall examine same as to its suf:ficiency ancl report to
the council in accordance with the charter. The ci (;y
clerk shall deliver a copy of a petition clei�ermined in- �
sufficient or irregular pursuant to the charter to the
person o.r persons therein specifiecl to receive it , alon�
�ti�it.lz a �aritt,eti stal;ement o:F its r�efect,s .
Pag e 9.
4. 1 Department �;enerally.
A. De�:�artment esta�l ishecl. There is he reby es-
tabl ished an execut ive department of the ci ty
of Saint Paul to be known as the department � �ina.nce and
management services . The head of �uch department shall be
the director, who , prior to such appointment , shall possess �
such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide .
The department of finance and management services shall be
organized into the divisions of property mana.gement , adminis-
trative services , public utilities, accounting, treasury,
purchasing, assessments and valuations , and license and permit
adminis�trati on.
B. Departmental func ti ons . The department shall be
responsible for property management , including
building �iesign , space allocation ar�d communication systems,;
the coordinat ion of buz.lding , vehicle and equipment mainten-
ance ; provide administrative services, including management
information and operations resParch; maintain a uniform system
of accounts for all city money matters and a system for receipt ,
deposit azid recording of all moneys received by the city ; pro-
vide purehasing services fo r city departments and agencies ;
provide a system of assessments and valuations ; and develop
and �aintain a system for the issuance , recording ancl adminis-
tration of city licenses and permits .
C. Director, powers and duties . The director of
ttie department o:f finanee and management ser-
vices s'rial.l be appointecl by �ttie mayor with the consent of �the
counc il , and shall k�e in the unclassi.fied service of the city.
. �������
Page 10.
The clirector shal.l be accountable to the mayor and , subject
to Yiis supervision and contro 1 , shal l aclminis ter the affairs
of the departmen�t . He shall have general authority and control
over all departmental staff and shall oversee the proper ful-
fillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department .
He shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regula-
tions as he deems necessary or expedient for the proper opera-
tion of the department a.nd to that end shall keep himself in-
formed of the latest administrative practices . The director
shall h ave the power and duty to take all personnel actions,
including hiring , assigning and reassigning employees, includ-
ing supervisory personnel , within his department and shall
supervise their performance:
4. 2 Divi si on of Property Mana�ement . tiJith in the depar t-
ment of finance and managemen-t services there shall
be a divis ion of property management . Under the supervision
of the director, the division shall be responsible for :
(1 ) Buildin,� desi�n, space allocation and
communic at ions .
(a) Buildin� design. Preparation of all
designs, plans , specifications : and
estimates for public buildings to be erected or altered by
the city or any department or agency thereof.
(b) Space allocation. Development of an
overall plan for allocation of building �
space to satisfy the ne eds o:f the various ci �ty dep artment s and
(c ) Communications . Communications syster,is
servicing city departments and agencies,
aild coordination of such systems between the city departments
��rlci �i�;e��icies a.nd county� ae���.x•i,rnents axld �.�.,�encies, includ�inr; ,
Pa�e 11 .
but riot limited to , messenger service and telephone service .
(? ) Buildin� , vehicle and eGuipment ttiaiiltenanee .
The coordination of the following functions ,
which coordination shall include the authority to direct ,
through departmeizt and agency heads , the allocation of main—
tenance personnel to achieve maximum use of available manpower, .
and the final authority for approval of payments by departments
and agencies as they relate to buildin�, vehicle ancl equipment
maintenance .
(a) Janitorial ser vices for all city owned
bu ild ings .
(b) The care and structural maintenance of ,�,�
the interiors and exteriors of a,ll city
owned buildings .
(c ) Security systems for all city owned
buildings in cooperation wi�th the
department of police.
(d) The operati an and maintenanc e of a�.
municipal garage system, which shall
provide for the servicing of all city owned vehicles and
equipment .
. i'��.g� 1`� .
43 D:ivision of Admin.istrative Services . Within �the
de��a.rtmeut of finance and mana�ement services there
shal.l be a division of administr�.tive services . Under the su-
pervision of the director, the division shall be responsible for:
( 1 ) Establishment and coordination of operations
research relative to cost reduction and
methods improvement as they may afFect the various departments
ancl abenc:ies o� the city .
(� ) Es�tablis:ling and maintaini�g a s�stern of
managemeni inforr:�a+ion, including the
coordirzation of data processing , records �nanagement ,
micr•ofilming, and duplicatinb process�s wit<z all city depart-
ments and agencies .
(3) Implementation of such processes under any
joint agreements with other governmental
agencies .
4. 4 Division of Accountin�. Within the department of
finance and management services there shall be a
division of accounting. Under the supervision of the director,
the division shall be responsible for :
(1 ) Deaeloping and maintaining a central system
of accounts for all departments and agen-
cies of city government .
(2 ) Developing and maintaining a system of
^ auditing of all city expenditures .
(3) Developing and maintaining a system of
recording all city receipts and deposits .
(4) Establishing and rnaiiitaining such accounting
programs as may be necessary for the main-
teliance of co�anty, state aiid federal aids , grants and loang .
(5) Serving as the official custodian of all
documents , agreements , contracts and bonds ,
e�i�ept� as t-liey rel.at;e �o r•eaI estatE� . � �
. ,���i���
Page 13.
(6) Certi_fying a�Tailability of funds for aIl
departmental expenditures .
(7 ) Establishing and maintaining a payroll and.
pa,yroll deduction system for all city
employees .
(8) Establishing the procedures for maintaining
uniform records of all employees ' work hours ,
vacation, sick leave , pension and social security.
(9) Assisting the budget director i�n the prepa-
ration and management of the city budget ,
_ including required periodic checks on departmental budgets and
periodic probe estirnates for all departments and agencies of .
the city.
(10) Maintaining a system of inventory control
of all city departments and agencies in
coordination with the division of purchasing.
(11 ) Developing sueh systems as are necessary
to assure that the city accounts are kept
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principl.es
for governmental units . :
4.5 Division of Treasury. Within the department of
finance and management services there shall be a
division of treasury. Under the supervision of the director,
the division shall :
(1 ) Perform all functions as collector of
any and all city taxes .
(2) Receive all moneys due tne city for fees ,
permits , fines and other bills .
(3) Receive funds intrusted to ariy city de-
par�tment � or a�ency.
(!f) Co�itrol and supe.r. �-ise .tx�e clepos:iGs o:f city
moneys .
. +��''�' ''�.��
�.����.. ��.
� Page 14 . �
/ � ��-
(�) Niaintain custody of all city investments
and funds , includin� bonds and notes .
(6) Issue summonses for parking meter and other
parking violations in such form as is ap-
proved by the Saint Paul Municipal Court , and establish a
system of receiving parki.ng meter receipts .
4.6 Division of Purchasing. Within the department of
finance and rnanagement services there shall be a
division of purchasing. Under the supervision of the director, '
the division shall :
(1 ) Make all purchases af materials , supplies ,
equipment and services , inel.uding construc-
tion, for all city departments and agencies .
(2 ) Conduct appropriate testing of all materials
used by the city, including chemical, physical ,
electrical and other necessary laboratory tests before accept-
ance or use.
(3) Be responsible for the preparation and
approval of all specificatians for the
purchase of materi�ls , supplies , equipment and services .
(4) Prepare and be responsible for the publica-
tion of bids when publication is required.
(5) Publicly open all bids and process awards
in accordance with the procedures estab-
lished by administrative ordinance .
(6) Maintain records of all purchases by
vendors and copies of all bids , specifica-
tions and purchase orders . •
(7 ) Purchase jointly with other governmental units
and provide purchasing services for other
governmental. units as may be approved by the city couticil .
(�) Establish and maintain a centr•al office
supply facil.ity and such other central
, ,�r.�,p'?�r��
��- �..�, �1�'��
<, >:
Page 1Z .
services as authorized by the mayor for the common use of all
city departments ancl agencies , and maintain proper accounting
and inventory control of such facility in coordination with
the c�ivision of accounting.
(9) Sell all surplus materials , supplies and
real property declared as surplus by city
departments and agencies and not of use to other departments
and agencies within the city. �
4.7 Division of Assessments and Valuations . Within the
department of finance and management services there
shall be a division of assessments and valuations . Under the
supervision of the director, the division shall : �
(1) Establish and maintain a complete compila-
tion of all city-owned real estate and be
responsibl.e for establisYiiiig an index and system of all
property and property interests of the city, including the
maintenance and filing of all deeds or. other instruments af-
fecting or reflecting the right , title and interest of the
city in any real estate .
(2) Establish a system of preliminary negotia-
tions and investigation for the sale or
acquisition of real estate by th� city, including a procedural
system to implement the acquisition of property, when neces-
sary, through condemnation procedures .
(3) Make preliminary investigations and reports
on all vaeations of streets and alleyways .
(4) Extend the rate of assessment for al�.
local improvements as they apply to each
property, determine individual benefits , cost of city services ,
and bill , r. eceive payment , and maintain reco.rds of assessments
an�t benefited properties.
� Pa�,e 16.
(7 ) Serve all notices of' public hea.rin�s in-
�rolving I.ocal itnproveriients , assessmerits ,
<<<icatioii of streets and ot�ler public brot�nds , �onirzb mat�ters,
auct other ma�t;ters as clirec-ted by the city council .
1�.� Di�Tision of License and Permit Acir�inistration.
j�ithin the department of finance and management
�ervices there shall be a aivision of license and permit
administration. Under the supervision of the directox, the .
division shall be responsible For:
(1 ) Providing and maintaining a system of
processing city licenses and permits
(except building permits ) �to achieve a coordinated process -
. of administration.
(2) �lcceptance of all applications for licenses
and permits , requisite processing through
the various city agezicies , the preparation of reports to the
coun�il , and the issuance of receipts for all city licenses
and permits .
(3) Establishment of uniform requirements and
� ' �standards for all licenses and perinits and �
the maintenance oP complete records .
(4) Alaintenance o_e departmental records and the
'' keeping and i�pdating of departmental statis-
tical reports ancl inspection reports for aIl license and permit
(5) Providing a license inspectioti Ulll-� � Z��]1C�7
shall malce sueh. inspee-tions as are .requirecl
by law and report all license violations to ttie city council .
:in coor. dination c��itYi the depar. t,ment of ��olice .
j��� ���
i;"ai ti.• '�:s'�TI
Page 1'7 .
5 . 1 Department generally.
A:, Department established. There . is hereby estab-
lished an executive department of the city of
Saint Paul to be known as the department of pablic works .
The head of such department shall be the director, who, prior
to such appointment , shall possess such qualifications as the
council may by ordinance provide. The department of pubiic
works shall be organized into. the divisions of design and
engineering, and operations.
B. Departmental functions . The department of public
works shall be responsible for the �`design, engineeririg,
construct�ion, operation ,and =maintenance of the city' s public
works projects involving and including all streets , sidewalks ,
alleys , bridges , sewers , lighting sys�ems, flood control
devices , solid waste collection and disposal systems , traffic
control devices , and the coordination of placement of other
facilities of the public ways , including ; gas, electric and �
C. Director, pois�rs and duties. The director of
the department of public works shall be
appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council , �
and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The
director shall be accountable to the mayor a�d, subject to
his supervision and control , shall administer the affairs
of the department . He shall have general authority and
control over all departmental staff and shall oversee the
proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the
ciet�<Lri;merit . EIe sY3a1.1 have t2�e po�Yer.• to prescri_be s�.�ct� rt.�l.es
Pa�e 18.
atid regulations as he deems necessary or expedient for the
proper operation of the department and to that erid shall
keep himself informed of the latest a�ministrative practices .
The director shall have the power a,rid duty to take all per-
sonnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning
employees , including supervisory personnel , within his de-
partment and shall supervise their performance.
5.2 Division of Design and Engineering. Within the �
department of public works, there shall be a divi-
sion of design and engineering. Under the supervision of
the director, the division shall : �
(1 ) Have charge of all matters relating to �
design and engineering funetions to be
performed by the department of public works , including
streets, alle3-s , sidewalks , sewers , bridges , �lood control ,
lighting and drainage.
(2) Have charge of all matters relating to �
the construction of public works , includ-
ing inspecting, ad�ising and approving the construction of
all such works , except water works . .
(3) Supervise the placement of all utilities
in the public streets or other public
property, including ivater, gas , steam, eleetric, telephone
and cable television. .
(4) Be responsible for the design of all
necessary tra�'fie regulatory devices
and signals . ,
(5) Have charge of the preparati,on and main-
tenance of the city ' s records dealing
with streets and other public ways located within the city
lil�iits . �
Page 19. / � � �
�. 3 Division of O�erations . Within the department of
public i�orks there shall be a division of opera-
tions . Under the supervision of the director, the division
sh.all :
(1) Be responsible for the maintenance of
a11 public streets , sidewalks, alleys ,
bridges , sewers and other drainage facilities . .
; (2 ) Be responsible for the operation and �
maintenance of all necessary traffic
regulatory devices and signals .
(3) Be responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the city' s street and alley lighting system.
(4) Provide for a municipal solid waste
collection and disposal system and es-
tablish billing procedures therefor.
(5) Regulate the private collection and re-
moval of solid waste and assist in the
enforcement of all laws governing the storage, removal and
handling of such solid waste within the city.
(6 ) Be responsible for the physical inspection �
and maintenance of flood control devices .
(7) Implement flo"od control measures in
cooperation with the emergency prepared-
ness functions of the mayor ' s office and with other govern-
mental agencies .
Page 20.
6. 1 Department generally.
A . Department established. There is hereby es-
tablished an executive department of the city
of Saint Paul to be knotivn as the department of community
services . The head of such department shall be the director,
who, prior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifica-
tions as the council may by ordinance provide. The depart-
ment of community services shall be organized into the divi-
sions of libraries , parks and recreation, environmental
protection, and housing and building code en�orcement.
B. Departmental functions . The department of
community services shall be responsible for
, the administration and maintenance of all publie libraries
and reading rooms and the coordination of relations with the
Saint Paul council of arts and sciences ; the administration
and maintenance of parks , parkways and playgrounds , including
the care and maintenance of trees and shrubbery on publie .
lands ; the organization and programming of community recrea-
tion; the administration of environmental protection programs
and the enforcement of city housing and building codes. �
C. Director, powers and duties . The director of
the department of community services sha11 be
appointed by the mayor W1tY1 the consent of the council and
shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The
director shall be accountable to the mayor and, subject� to
his supervision and control , shall administer the affairs
Paye 21.
of the department. He shall have general authority and
control over all departmental staff and shall oversee the
proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to i;he
clepartment . He shall have -the power to prescribe such
rules and regulations as he deems necessary or expeclient
for the proper operati on of the department and to that end
shall keep himse lf inf ormed of the latest adminis trative
practicea. The directo r sha 11 have the powe r and duty to �
take all personnel actions, including hiring, assignint;
and reassigr�in.g employees, including supervisor,y personnel ,
�vithin his department and shall supe�rvise their performance.
6. 2 Division of Libraries . Within the department of
community services, there shall be a division of
libraries . Under the supervision of the director, the
clivis ion shal l :
(1 ) Administer and maintain all city libraries
and re ad ing ro oms . .
(2) Purchase and maintain, in cooperation
wi th the pur chas ing d ivi si on, al 1 bo oks , .
peri ad ic als and re la te d mat er ia ls fo r librar ie s and 'reading
(3) Catalogue and maintain a complete file
of a.:ll official city documents as may bs
requested by the mayor or council .
(4) Establi.sh and maintain liaison with the
S�.in�t Pau1 council of arts and sciences .
6. 3 Division of Parks and Recreation. Within the �department of
community services , there sh�,ll be a division of
parks and recreation. Under the supervision ,of the director,
t��e di��ision sh�,ll be resporisi.��le for :
Page 22 . ���'��
,��:. �.��:��:
( 1 ) The design of all parks , parkways and ' '
. public grounds .
(2 ) The care , maintenance and landscaping of
all public lands , including parks , park-
ways, golf courses and playgrounds.
(3) The care, trimming and removal of all trees
and shrubberies on all public lands and
the maintenanee, for assessment purposes, of accurate records
pertaining to tree trimming.
(4 ) The administration and maintenance of an
arboral disease control program, pest
control program, and all reforestation and nursery programs . .
(5 ) The management and maintenance of a con-
servatory for arboricultural and flori-
cultural display.
(6) The organizing and programming of all
recreational activities involving general
publie participation in a comprehensive ana diversified pro-
gram, including municipal athleties , senior citizen programs, �
arts and crafts , and other such programs .
(7 ) The management and coordination of publie
recreational and educational activities
available for general public participation for which fees
are charged, including such activities as golf, swimming,
boating, skiing, stadium use, concessions, and other special
entertainment or seasonal activities .
� (8) The preservation and maintenance of
various forms af domesL�eat�d animals and
wildlife for general exhi�ition, and the care , feeding and
shel_teri.n� of the same .
Page 23.
6. 4 Division of Environmerital Protection. Within the
department of community services , there shall be
a division of environmental protection. Under the supervision
of the �ireetor, the division shall be responsible for :
(1 ) Health and Sanitation. Enforcement of all
�. health and sanitation programs , including
inspection of swimming pools , water supplies and waste disposal
systems , milk inspection programs , and their coordination
with other governmental entities , and the inspection of all
food handling facilities , including restaurants , bars , hotels
and lodging houses as they relate to health and sanitati.on
matters , �
� (2) Pollution Control .
(a) The enforcement and assistance in
the enforcement of all laivs regarding
air, water, land, noise and visual pollution.
(b) The supervision of all monitoring
devices used in pollution testing.
(c) The coordination of activities with
other governm.ental agencies and citi- �
zens groups functioning in the environmental code enforcement
area. -
� (d) Coordination with other departments
and agencies of the city to assure
compliance with pollution controls .
(e ) The establishment o.f a notification
and warning system for pollution
violations .
(f) Providing assistance to the office
of �the city attorney in the prepara-
� tioti o:f.' a.11. cases , �ot�� cx�irnicial. and ci�il , cl�alirig titiith air,
Page 24 .
water, land, noise and visual ,�ollution.
(3) Occupational Health and Safety. The
establishment and enforcement of all rules
and regulations pertaining to industrial hygiene and public
safety for all city employee� , in coordination with other
governmental agencies .
(4) Public Health Programs .
(a) The management of all educational , �
- preventative and curative medical
health care programs for the 'city.
(b ) The supervision of all dental hygiene
. elinics .
(c ) The supervision and administration of
all school health programs and nurses ,
speeial 'clinic nursing programs , and nursing home and boarding
care special programs .
(5) Canine Control . The administration and
rnaintenance of all canine control programs .
(6) •Vital Statitstics . Maintaining local
registration of all vital statistics ,
including proper equipment for the preservation of such
records as authorized by law.
6. 5 Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement .
� Within the department of eommunity services , there
shail be a division of housing and building code enforcement.
Under the supervision of the director, the division shall �
be responsible for : •
(1 ) The physical inspection n�f all neta and
remodeled buildings in th.e city. Such
inspectiori shall be made to insure compliance with the various
Page 25 .
building and mechanical codes , rules and regulations a�opted
by the city or made applicable thereto by federal and state
law, including electrical , plumbing, heating, refrigeration,
ventilation and elevator installations in the city.
\ (2) Making inspection reports , maintaining
, departmental records , and keeping and up-
dating departmental statistical reports .
� (3) Reviewing all plans and specificatians
submitted with building permit applica-
tions , and verifying after review that all applicable building,
zoning, housing and fire prevention code requirements have
been satisfied. �
(4) Determining whether:;buildings in the cit�y
comply with the housing and builciing codes
and the zoning ordinances of the city of Saint Paul , arid,
upon determination of any violation, taking the necessary and
appropriate action to acquaint the owner of the dwelling with
the violation, and proceeding with enforcement it� accordance
• with applicable law.
(5 ) Preparation of reports and maintenance
of appropriate departmental records , in-
cluding �master and active files and other associated corres-
pondence �,Tith the pablic saith respect to enfo.rcement �
responsibilities . �
(6) The issuance of building permits and
certifieates of occupancy.
�� ��
Page 2( ,
7. 1 Department �enerally.
A. Department established. There is hereby estab-
lished an executive department of the city of
Saint Paul to be known as the department of police. The head
of such department shall be the director, who , prior to his
appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the council
� may by ordinance provide.
B. Departmental functions. The department shall
� perform the following functions:
(1) Preserve the public peace, prevent crime,
• and de�Lect and arrest offenders.
(2) Administer and enforce laws regulating,
directing, controlling �and restricting
the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traf�ic, an,d the-� . •
general use` of; the streets ` by . vehicles and the: pulalic�. -
(3) Operate a training program to maintairi
and improve the efficiency of the members
of the department. �
' . �
(4) Prepare reports on injuries to persons
_ ,
and property occurring by accident� or other-
wise on the street, in alleys and ather public places within
the city as required by law.
(5) Provide a procedure for the sale, destruc-
tion or other disposition of all l�eapons
or other articles used in the commission of ciime or coming
into the custody of t�� departmeni;; provided, that where
such weapon or article may be used as evidence in either
a civil or criminal proceeding, it shall in no �vay be disposed
Page 27 .
of except upon a written order of a court of law.
(6) Provide a procedure for the sale of
- unclaimed, lost or stolen articles coming
into the custody of the department. �
7. 2 Chief �of Police. The chief of police shall be ap-
- pointed in accordance with the provisions of the
charter. Under the supervision of the director, he shall be
responsible for the daily admin�stration of all police per-
sonnel and shall take all necessary steps consistent with
law to promote the highest level of police efi'iciency, which
shall include:
(1) Preparation and amendment from time to
: time of an organizational chart showing
the various divisions, sections and units of the department
and the manpower allocated thereto.
(2) Preparation and amei�dment from time to
time of a police manual , outlining the
duties and responsibilities of all police personnel.
(3) Promulgation of such orders as he deems
necessary for the efficieizt operation of
the department.
(4) �stablishment of training programs for
police reciuits and establishment of
in-service traiiling programs for all ��olice personnel .
(5) Such other poleers and du�;ies as may be provided
for by Iaw or departnreril;al rules and reg�zlations.
. `
Page 28.
8. 1 Department generally. .
A. Department established. There is hereby estab-
lished an executive department of the city of
Saint Paul to be known as the fire department . The head of
such department shall be the fire chief, who shall be appointed
in accordance with the provisions of the city charter and .
shall have such qualifications as the council may by ordin-
ance provide .
B. Departmental functions . The department shall
be responsible for the establishment, mainten-
ance and administration of an organized method for fire
fighting and fire prevention within the city, and shall
perform the following functions :
(1 ) Take all necessary steps for the extinguish-
ment of fires within the city, including
utilization of all necessary personnel and equipment therefor,
the destruction of any building or structure and the removaZ
� of any obstruction for the purpose of cheeking or extinguish-
ing any such fire.
(2 ) Establish the location, relocation or
removal of all public fire alarm devices .
(3) Possess the police powers necessary to
carry out the duties imposed upon them by
law, while engaged in i;he service of fire extinguishment .
(4) Assist in the reestablishment of order iri
the event of civi.l disturbance, disasi�er
or riot or any other declared en�ergency.
(5) Provide for and administer a program for
. ... .,. . • •
� �z'��A��
Page 29.
the training of fire fighters .
(6) Maintain a record of all fires which occui
within the city requiring the services of
the department.
(7) Carry out the terms and provisions of all
fire service contracts entered int�o with
other governmental subdivisions .
(8) Investigate the causes of all fires , and
� provide for written reports of all sus-
pected arsons . "�
(9) Possess the police powers necessary to carry
� out the duties imposed upon them by law,
while engaged in the service of fire protection.
(10) Inspect all buildings and structures as
provided for by the city fire code .
(11 ) Provide rescue and amUulance service .
C. Fire Chief, powers• and duties . The fire chief
shall be appointed by the mayor with the con-
sent of the council and shall serve for a term of two years ,
concurrent with that of the mayor. He shall be in the un-
classified service of the city. The fire chief shall be
accountable to the mayor and, subject to his supervision
and control , shall administer the affairs of the department .
He shall have general authority and control over a17. depart-
- mental staff and shall oversee the proper �ulfillment of
all tasks and duties assigned to the department . He shall
have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as
he deems necessary or expedient for the proper operation of
the departmenl; and to that end shall keep himself infortued
of the latest a,dministrative practices . The fire chief
Page 30.
shall have the power and duty to take all personnel actions ,
including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees , in—
cludirig supervisory personnel , within his department and
shall supervise their performance .
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Ad�isiatratfrs Co�l� asd sbeall be iae0rposat� t�rsis a�d
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SECTI�x itt.
BF!'8ClI1/� DIl?8
'llais ordf�anoe �6a13 �taJts .ii•ot aad � !a io�t►o� t�lrtT _
{34j ds�a fr� aa�d atter its pa��s�s, appro�al atd ��bl,ie�atf�a.
a�s �� ��
Yese Councilmen Naye Paesed by the undl
H�at �
�i� zo�tOpat�ltt . Tn Favor
.�[eredit�--� `� ��inat
T� auc a 4 �s�r :
Atteo�t: �•Presii�its�tlar ApProved:
City Clerk Mayor
�� �
Form a��roved Corporation �ounsel Bq _. _ '
; _