259428 .Uddnsl to city Clerk , `f " INANCE ' _ s `� �. s� • / �59428 � _� � � 1���COUNCIL FILE NO " fi O� �� PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO ��1-3 � �j ' � A,n administrative ordina ce xing the minimum qualif ications for the various he ads of executive departments of the city. THE COUNC IL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUI� DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. The following minimum qualifications are established for ! the city positions named: (1) Citv Administrator. Bachelor' s Degree in Public Administration., Business Administration, or related field, plus seven years ' responsible professional experience in city management involving high level administration and � demonstrated knowledge of municipal budgeting and planning. � Educational requirements may be waived with cons ent of the Council where there is evidence of fifteen years ' responsible supervisory e�perience in a high level administrative ! capacity. ' (2) Director. Department of Communitv Serviees. Bachelor�s Degree in Public .Administration� Business �dm�nistration, or related field� including fields of library science, health, pa.rks and recreation� plus five years ' responsible experience in public or private administration� involving planning, organizing, budgeting , code enforcement, federal programs, building design or any combination of these. Educational requirements may be waived with consent of the Council where there is evidence of ten years ' resp onsible supervisory experience in a high level administrative capacity. Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Council t � Hunt / � � Konopatzki b Tn Favor ` Lev�ine�r (m (� . ° A ga�ri$t Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President ,Bu�ler pArove . , - Attest: � City Clerk , c r �� — � Form approved Corporation Cour►sel By �. r . . � � 9ri�inal to Cit��lerk � � ��� ' ORDINANCE .� . � , �5942� ;; COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �`s��3 Page 2. (3) Director. DeAartment of Finance and Mana�ement Services. Bachelor' s Degree in Aecounting, Engineer- ing, Business Administration, or related field� plus seven � years ' responsible experience in public or private administra- tion which would provide knowledge of budget administration, assessments, procurement , or management information or research, or a combination of these. (4) Director. Department of Public Works . Bachelor' s Degree plus seven years ' responsible �xperience in public administration involving planning, organizing, and budgeting in the field of civil engineering or public works. Must be : Registered professional civil engineer in the State of Minnesota or eligible to fulfill requirements within six months to one year. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� AUG 2 3 1972 &�� Hunt /� ��� Konopatzki !� 7n Favor evme �j �' 6 v A gainat �Tedescoa ,.� A�t� �::�4�� : t e.Pr ,Bu 1 / i lerk Mayor °�� PUBLISFIED ��P 21972 Form approved CorporatioM �ounael By F -�.. .. ,.. . . . ,. ....,,��.-.�,..�.�,�-.. .w .,.,�1,,., � _ D�a ts rd.�ee _ , `,! .�,�i ,.; . �� oRn � �N � �vc � �. ����s �OUNCIL fiLE NO MtESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- f��� #e a�#sistrati�• ordia�a�. #i�i� taur ■ia�f.� �as 2li isst ia�r !o r tts �ar#�as Ir tts oi �►a��t it� a d��u Ls �-#i�i�l��t�, '!SE f�@B�I1. �F '�'1lB CITf 0!' �AI�! lAHL B�8 AItD�AI�t �EC'l��� !. �'0� lall�ria� ■i�ela�t �aal3iiosti� arf �statilis� �'er t�l�f eit� pss�ti.tnns �w�ds . �1) �j��l.��,�i. Da���l4l��r 3N�� is P�tDI io Ai�#�t�rtrati+�r►, �is��� ��ai�t��ios, ar s�lat�d ti�ld, p�ds a�ri �nar�►� r+a�o�uf�U p�nsi�s�r#o�si �sp�ri��n ia eit��ws��nt ia�►s��iaE lti�lt lss�l��laistrsti� aaa d��oa�staai�d l�nleiss �i tauti�iprsl l�i��tiaS a�d plaaqtia�. Ed�atio�al �p+��eir�rat• rT w► rair�i witt e��r�a#. ef fit� Csmoil r6�re ti��re ia �rrrli�so��ot �ttt�t �ar�' re�peir ibi� atip�r��a�►r�► �zp�rri�ao� i�t a iish ��w 1 ai��ati�ts�a��f!►r osgseit�. (S) Birset�r: �na►r��et �i ��t� �.�•.ia.:� _ �aei�ilar'•a Bs�� :� P�tii ie J�i iaiar tr�t i o�, �r ia�as �:is#afstratioa, or r�lat�� fi�ld� #�l�R#u� ii�I� o= li��rar� a�t�ra�ss, 1�slt�, par�rs � rsarest�eu�, p2�s: tis� �ats+ s�espv�asil�l� esp�ri�a+�►s !a p��lio or priwa�• aw6�i,is�s�a►tioa, � isql�� plautls�, or�t#sts�, 1ed�stias, eoi� a�#�rse��t, . t�d�ral �oara��f l�ilii� i��i�t +e�r �at oo�Disatioa at t����. Ti�aoat#oaal ra�sir��eats uy Ds �ai�d xlt� eoas�uat 0i t�� Cs�o 31 ��rs th�re i� •�ifl��� o! #� �ars� s�oar itil� �per�i�er� esp�rie�ee is a hlat 2is�1 a�i��tsa�3�n► ospa�it�, Yeao Councilmen Nays Paa�ted by the Coun � �t y�e LOa4Pats�1 Tn Favor Meredith ro�;„At 3praflia Ted�co . �t.l�t+lSie����itlA! APPmved: Attest. City Clerl� Mayor �� � Form approved Corpora�[on �ounsel8y ... ,r „�: �g.... ? � � . ,� �.mr� � '" ���`� � ORDINANCE �z ' �9�g . COUNCIL WLE NO .. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- 1��73 ' Fa�s 9�, 4 3� � e r:..�3L�'iti�..4,Z��.i�s� a�t� �a�e�t Srr�iofs. Baah�lar�� I�e�e la �a�isis �tia�►lr- �i: �i�ar <i�fals tra�tf�', or r�iat�d il�ld,� pi�a •�ws ,�,;,�.x...�+,.- ��.. �� fsar�* rs��s il�is ��++triaaee in p�tii io �sr psf�ats si�i,tl�tra- ttai rd 3oh w�tld pr�ari�e l�sar lsd�� oi bsi6�! ad��ai�trati es, aa�seasrs�s� pruortse�st, or taaa��E� �iat�t�ati�t os rsstareb, �r s o�tiiaatios o! t�ss�. �4} I!#metor. Drnart�nt ai PaDlia l�er�a. BsoLt�i��r� -----�--- Hl�ree �lu a��sa �ara� r��gt�ei�le �Cperis�oe i.a ��tiiic ad�isistratioa is�elfis� p�auia�, or�isis�, aa� �d�eti� !n th� ii�1d ai oi�il a�t�i��stris� rr p��l�s �orlic�. Mut ►e: �e�iat��i prote�sio�isi eit►il �a��r iaa ttis 8lsf� oi Z[imresota •r eli�iMl� to f.iii�i rr��ir�ats �#tri� ats a�t4a i� ose �►�sr. SBClIO� �, � �41a ordias�e sltall talta it=ea� aad lia ia iorer► ti3r#�r da� aiter it� pasa�. a��r•�ral �a p'b21es#�i�. Y�a Councilm� xay� P�a b, t�e c�„�� AUG 2 3 1972 s�mt � ��patslCi 7n Favor � p ro�inat sp� . T�a�o Z 4 1972 Attest: �i�sa������r Apprnved: City Clerk Mayor �� ` Form approved Corporat�on,Couneel8y . � . C\T1' �f, • „ t• � oa',wd�!�7��gaSC��ii��,�/ �. '�� ' �` � ������ MRS. RUBY HUNT CfTY OF SAINT PAU� MRS. FRANCIS BOYDEN Councilman OFFICE OF T'HE COUNCIL Legislative Aide .�17�' HALL APJD COURT HOU9�F �•.iN�� PAI]L, MIhJNESOTA 5b102 COUNCIL PRESIDENT BUTLER & MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Dear Council President Butler and City Council Members: The Council Committee on Legislation at a meeting on August 7, 1972 voted approval of two administrative ordinances; 1) organization of the executive brancl7 of governmen*, and 2) qualifications of heads of executive departments. The approved ordinances are herewith submitted to the City Council for consideration. Yours truly, , r Ruby H�ir.t, Chairman Council Committee on Legislation " � I i ; f ;, i I I ._�- � . . `� � � � . -�.� ,� '. .,. ::TATi:MEN 1 13Y LA'vJREPICE D. CUHEi1 �,�(.I .� � August 16 , 1972 There are certain definite and basic facts !�rhich �.ili�t be carefully exa���iiied., ancl finally understood, hefor.e �,•;c, ca�1 r:lake a jud�m�nt on t}-�e c�uestion of the Ticcessity of i��+v_ing a �:egisterecl Engineer head up the department of P�zblic ,, 1'i o r�`s . I feel that if �,re keep in mi_nd the truth found in the statement that government , even local governrrient , is made tzp of a democracy of ttvo elements : politics and administ.z•ation , ���c krill be off on the right fo.ot . The politics aspect is concerned primarily tiaith expressing and being .aiaare of �he public ���ill ; and the administration is concerned with its detailed execution. Local officials either elected, or appoint:ed, are actually members of a planning grou� . They must determine the will of the people to decide iJhat is to be done , when it is to be done , hot�T it is to be financed , a�id la+::er, to determine that it has been done . Let ' s return at this point to my original statement co�icerning the examination of basic facts and relate i_t to our daily operaticn of_ the PuUlic �9orks Department . In the administrat.ive se�tion of this function , we find fourteen se�arate and distinct classification titles iahich totaled, for budget purposes in 1972 , more than one hundred thou sand doll_ars . None oi tl:e listed items reQuired an engineerina background to Ue understood. In aliother coded item , n�mely , Traffic Control and Parl�:in� r��eter Service , we `find a list of thirty-nine distinct items which do - not rec{uire an engineering degree to be understood , oi• to he accomplished from a budgetary standpoint . ��loney �aise , in the second grouping , vre are looking at a total budget fi�ure of more than �4b8 ,000 . In our continued examination of this department , w—�d tiaenty-six major coded operation £eatures which include some one hundred and seve�lty-tivo operational features za-ith a total cost of. approximately four million dollars . Hotaever, the interesting conclusion , which i��e have realized ' after our study of the operation categories and costs , is the overwhelming evidence pointing to the need of an administrative type of person to head un this department . The case of those who argue for the need af an engineer ' s degree as the top departmental positi.on is not substantiated. It is true that the major operational £eatures dealing �aith street maintena.nce and repair , street and settiTer. cleaning , and bridge bui.lding and repairs involve heavy engineering demands . Fiowever , they are IlOW and will continue to be under the directio�i of _ - professional engineers . I I � � . � � �� �. .� Pa ge 2 Our argument f_or the c{ualified a.dministrator is in part motivated by- a major feature of tllis position i�hich deals �aith the accomplisllments of the uublic needs and planning for programs to be undertaken . The departnu�nt i�rith all of its vari.ous resnonsibilitics and the nersonnel involved point up very strongly� the administrative features . Decision making in a department of this nature is always at an administrative level and is complicated because of such factors as legal limitations , budget restrictions , soci�l aspects , history , staff tiaork , pressure grouns and tlle nature of the plan or program. Success in decision making depends less upon "magi cal powers " than ut�on a systematic appro��ch of fact findin� and analysis which can be provided by a aualified administrative *ype person charged �•:ith the responsibility for spencling and understanding the signi fi.cance of facts . There is ample evidence and support for our contention that the top position in the Public 1�'orks Department does not have to be filled by a professional engineer. This is biought out by the persoi� ' s background who no�a heads up ouz� State Highi�ay Department. �Ie is , first of all , an able administrator ��,ith the ability to sunervise and coordiliate activities involvi.ng personnel f.rom clerical to a tor _ engineering staff position. In a number of other areas , including county posts , the engineering functi.ons have been pZaced as subordinate to the administrator . Our maior hosnitals i across the country have proven the worth of seeking oLit c�ualified ; administrators instead of a member of the medical field. i f - ` Plans are not self-achievina , people must be instructed, directed , motivated , inspected, and corrected until the objective or goal is attained . The qualified administrator F can meet this challenge . i It is necessai�y to remember that we are filling a ' position which requires broad knoilledge and abilities and one ' which is not restricted to an engineerin� concept . Management control , or administration , has been explained as the process of assuring th�t resources obtained - are usecl effectively in the accomplishment of government ' s objectives . I know that an ideal combination would be a nerson with full administrative knotalec��;e and abilities and also I' . , . , . �- ,� .. , . �, �� l?zge 3 c�ualified as a nrofessional engineer. However, -in thi_s illstance , this is i��ishful t}iinking. � In conclusion , if tae revie�,r very carefull.y all of the duties and responsibili.ties rec�uired o£ an individual in the top nublic tvorks position , I feel confi clent triat the need for the administrative type if very apparent and necessary. ._ i r _ . �, r ' 7 � .�� ��'�7� � / �� 7z �� ��'�-9' -- u�� !�U � ����L� l'�-"7 y �a��n��-- � � �,�/, � . • 7..�j, _ � � �nct `' /�� _ `, _..�--._ � �� teei � -�� 3rd " / � .',dup � �_ Yza� :1a�ys HUNT KONOPATZKI �,�9,�28 � I,EVIrt'-'r, � . SnRAFtCA 1 'J ' TI�DESCO ' Mme PRFSIDENT ($U��LER)