259425 OrlYlnsl�o City G7erk
. ORDINANCE 2�9425
. � /
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining
to Use Districts, Height Districts and
Rezoning of certain properties in the
City of Sain t Paul, as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Cha}�ters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop-
erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des-
cribed property from "B" Residence District to Commercial
property, to-wit:
Lots 25 and 26, Block 14, Arlington
� Hills Addition;
situate on property located on the north side of Jenks Avenue
between Payne and Greenbrier in the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinanee shall take effect and be in
force (30) thirty days from and after its passage, approval
and publication.
Yeas oun ` en H ur�ays y �'; ` A U G 2 3 1972
Passed by the Council
utl Konopatzld _;�_�
on Levine `;'�'�"
Le e G � � � �� n Favor
M ' h Sprafka b Against
S rafka Tedesco
�. es dent (M�c�g' P�es�de��. Butie� A�� a 4 �g7�
At t: �
ity Clerk Mayor
� Form approved Corporation �Counsel By
�UBt��t�o AU G 2 6 1972
nnua�a s�r�ss�
, l���y
�A Ol��31#�Ct �11A� � �]�Q ��A,
Q�apters 6i� to 64, fnelt�siv+s, of tha
sai.nt Ps�l Ltgi�latfv�_C�, p�rtaf�►iaq
� to �u Di�tricta�, s�i�t ais�riet� a�d
�sonfnq of a�rtaiss p�!vg�rrti� in t� �
Cf.tY o�, �a�int tsnl, a� �.
� COD�CII. � S� CI� OF �i�? p�". �S �I/s
S�ctioa 1. '!'�at t� iva�i�q God�. ��ai��4�.:�0 64.
inclnsiv�, of the iaint Paal L�qi�lati.ve Cc�d�, psrtainiAq t.�
IIa� District�, I�fqbt Districts amd �sonfaq vf a�rtai� pro�r- _
erties in tl� Cit�► o� Ssfa►t taonl. as a���d, bt and tte saiu
is hira� tarth�r as��d so ss to r�so�as t1u� t�ollc�►laq des-
eribsd property �s�a� "a• l�sid�c� ni�triat to �rcial
Bs+�p��ctY, to-+�it:
I.ots 25 aad 26, Block 14� �IsliAqboa
Hills Addf.ti�=
sitnat� oa prop�rty located on� th� n4rth •id� of d�Nics ��
b�t�nen Za� and iir�abrier in tbi Citq of �aiat Paal.
S�atioa 2. shie ordinance aha►11 tatt •ff�et a�d bs ia
lrorese (30) #�krtY 8ays fre�a sad stter its gassaqe, appsngal
and pnblicatioa.
Yeas Councilmen Nl�ys .} .. ,
Paseed by tbe counc.i� AU 6 2 3 19�2
Bu Hunt . �
n Konopat�{� �`�
� e� Cevine ` Q Tn Favor
�' � `� Aotinat
,r Spraffca . _
�. �a�t �� � . � app�o��a: A�1G a 4 �sr8
City Clerk Mayor
Form appmved C,�orporation �ouneel By ..
. 'w-
. � � .
- . �
July 24, 1972
Mr, Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386, City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the petition of Lowell and Lillian Blake
(First State Bank) to rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial property
located on the north side of Jenks Avenue between Payne and Greenbrier.
This property is further described as Lots 25 and 26, Block 14, Arlington
Hills Addition.
This matter was heard at the July 6, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing
at which time the staff report on file was read. The staff said it felt
that rezoning these two lots isolated by several residential lots from
the rest of the Commercial district was not a good idea. They felt
commercial use should not be extended eastward until it is extended
northward to avoid a "strip" development.
The attorney for the First State Bank said the owners of the residential
property on Lawson Avenue adjoining the Commercial district asked too
much money for their property and the owner on Jenks to the west of the
subject site wouldn't even entertain an offer. He said the site would
be used for parking for the Bank and the lot would have an alley access.
He said he could not say whether the Bank would ever buy the property to
the west.
The Board had a motion to recommend approval. The motio� was seconded
and carried by a vote of S to 0.
Very truly yours, ,
/�� , _. �I
�,��.,; ? �,_ , �� � , �
�'���r��=- �,G!3'�' ;�
/. '` �
Peter J. Maietta
Secretary, Board of Zoning
� � �
Z. F. 7262 ���.
� �
. . ` �,, . � "�' ,,,
r � �,-. _.
�`� ' - a CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE3'J TA i�--g
.. �
NO�E: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new
classification before sigaing this petition. Fot further information about
the rezoning of propertp, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. , �
� �
c% the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall Dated; February 11, 19 72
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the' Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-
thirds of the several descriptions of teal estate situated v�ithin l00 feet of the real
estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 509� or more of the frontage to
be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to re�one the following des�ribed
Lots 25 and 26, Block 14, Arlington Hills Addition to Saint Paul
from residential Dfstri.Ct,to. commerCial I�istr�ct,,';�or t�,e p�irpose of.installing,
constructing and/or opera,tinc�a parkfng lpt, and dMu�'way.
� � � ,:'Axli•ng�in Hills Addition to
�RECORD OWNER .�� •S�TG1�iA'�URE { � _ 'Sa�3.nt Paul
,- ... ,�_ ��, r-.. BLOCK
Subj�et Property: _ � , . _
✓ Lowell Bla�Ce ����-�'� 25 & 26 14
✓`Lillian Blake
Property within 100 feet of subjecf Froperty:
Anderville H. Gearma n S.40' of l & 2 14
Lucy Gearman �
Katk�erine Knippenb�rg . 3 i4
Edward CarT Knfppenbe�tg �,4
Lvuis james Knippenberg
�Eifzabeth M. McIntyre �� � � � 4 14 ,
,,Esther G. Engstrom 5 14
James W. Ryan . 6 14
Mildred A. Ryan
�vRonald M. Pierre f. 7 14
�anet S. Fierre ,� _
� _ ,�Valentine H. 1Vlartagon �, � -� 8 14
,�aundra A.Martagon :
✓Rika Nelson % 9 I4
✓�'ixst State 8ank of 1
5aint Pau1 22 14
lAdolph E. Nelson �t �t' inq;rlC 2.3 14
�Adolph E. Nelson �it` ' e--, .�^�.:r 24 14
: ,�Belva Barry 2 7 14
�''james M. Hart . 28 14
✓Gloria �'. Hart
Esther Larson `_,_, 29 14
Ethel Lar.sor� ,, �
v�EOrqe Blank f ` 2. 17
�David T. Kiing 3 l,7
` � Ruth B. Kling '
� M�dals Engiaear#�g
Corperatfon . _ 4 to 9 inc1. 17
ZONMNG FiLE � .^4 � .� �� '
- '�;. ,�k.�_ �'
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" Arlington Hills Addition to
• St. Pa ul
� �` > �� a ,z
h k y�
10NING FILE �----
• - ..� . ..
`...., �
) ss.
: Albert O.. Palm, betng first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person
who circulated the within Fetition consisting of two (2) pages; that the par�ties described
herein, to-wit: Lowell Blake, Lillian Blake, Rika Nelson, F.i.xst State Bank of Saint Paul,
Adolph E. Nelson, Ethel Larson, George Blank, David T. Kling, Ruth B. Kling and
Earl G. Nelson, are the ow�zers respectively of the lots placed immediately following
each name; that this Petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of
this Affia�nt,_ ; and that the signatures ab��e are the true and correct signatures of
each ahd all of the parties so described.
Subscrib ed and sworn to before me
thiso�-r�6�day of May, 19 72�, Albert O . Palm
,. 1014 Payne Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. ;
� 771-8841
. . � . � . . h. . . .
Notary Public ? _
.B�Ftl`C Yf111.BUR� ,
�p�lfy PubOcr RameeY County, Ftinn.
�k Uein�tAs�iQn'I�Cpi��!I'13.,197� , . . .
) ss.
John F. Gerten, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person
who circulated the within petition consisting of two (2) pages; that the parties described
herein, �o-wit: Katherine Knippenberg, Edward Carl Knippenberg,_Elizabeth M. McIntyre,
Esther G. Engstrom, james W. Ryan, Mildred A. R�r�n, Ronald M. Pierre, janet S. Pierx'e,
Valentine H. Martagon, Saundra A. Martagon, B�lva Barry, Metals Engineering Corporation,
. Arttiu� E��;Rehnberg, Vernon D. Benshoff and Vera R. Benshoff, are the owners respectively
of the lots placed immediately following each name; tfiat this Petition was signed by each
of said owners in the presence of this Affiant, and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscribed and sworn to before me �
this ��►�day of May*f 1972 .
��� �'N�. John F. Gerten
1014 Payne Ave. . St.Paul, Minn.
Notary Publ'c BEVERL:Y WIl3UR, 771—SS41 � �
Moleory Public, Ramsey Coaoty. Minn.
Nhr Canmtssion 8�cptres�Uov.1�, 1974
� �;9 +�
. -
. , i
, ,B09P.D �F 'I.O.VII�G F:�PORT AND ACIION June 30� 1972 �
, -Actin�; under Leoislative Code Chapter 60 thru G4 Plat Map ��35 I
passed Au�;ust 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7366 '
• 3422
1. APPLICANT'S NAME : First State Bank (Palm, Blake) 3421
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment U Appeal � PermiC U Other 3424 ;
7262 J
3. PURPOSE . Rezone to Commercial for parking lot
4. LOCATION : North side of Jenks between Payne and Greenbrier
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 25 and 26, Block 14, Arlington Hills Addition
_ �
6. PRESENT ZONING: "B" Residence j
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph:
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: June 28, J_972 By: PLR �
A. Sufficiency: In a letter dated June 2, 1972, the Commissioner of Finance
declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 17 or 77% out of 22
parcels eligible having signed the petition.
B. History: There is no zoning history for the two subject lots. The property
''involved in the existing bank facility has the following history: 1923 -
extension of use; 1956 - appeal of setback line along Jenks Avenue, appeal
of oversized driveway, permit for parking and drive-in bank, rezoning to
Commercial; 1972 - permit for drive-in bank and parking.
C. Proposed Use: The petition declares the proposed use to be a parking lot.
D. Fronta�e and Area: The parcel has a frontage of 80 feet on Jenks Avenue and
a depth of 125 feet for an area of 10,000 square feet.
E. Area Zoning: Payne Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial and on this block,
extends to 80 feet west of the subject parcel. The two lots immediately west
:.� �i�c Su'�,�c�� �aiC22 are �oned ��$�� F.esidential 8S io the gE'T►el&1 area :lOY'i.�'1�
east and south of the subject parcel.
F. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehenisve Plan recommended Commercial use of
Payne Avenue frontage with medium density residential use east of it.
G. Site Conditions: The site is fairly level but is about 10 feet below the
grade of Jenks Avenue or approximately on the same grade as bank property to
the west while Jenks Avenue climbs upward to the east. Several trees exist
on the site where there was once a duplex.
H. Area Conditions: The a11ey is not built through to the site. From Greenbrier,
it extends through the third lot. To tfie west, bank parking surrounds the alley
and uses it for access.
Commercial uses exist along Payne Avenue. A non-residential building exists
across Jenks Avenue to the west of the site while homes exist across Jenks
• to the east of the site. The site is surrounded by single-family homes. The
second house east of the site is abandoned. The general area east of the
site is residential consisting mostly of one and two-family dwellings.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend a Approval � Denial Council T.etter
Yeas Nays July 24, 1972
Moved by : Maietta Cochrane
Quast llate of
Seconded by: Benshoof Benshoof , Hearing:
Secretary's remarks: McPartlin- July 27, 1972
� ' Council Action:
� Date: -
_ — , �
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