259418 Orfpinsl to Clty Clerk � � ORDINANCE , COUNCIL FILE NO ��'"��� . � sl d �RESENTE� BY . ORDINANCE NO - 7 An ordinance amending Chapter 147 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Meter Monitors and other ' Parking Regulations. , THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1. That Section 147. 16 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: "147. 16 - Meter Monitors. All duly appointed parking meter monitors, Community Service OY�icers as defined in Saint Paul City Administrative Ordinan.ce 76.07 as amen.ded from time ' to time, parking meter collectors, parking meter ' crew leaders, and parking meter repairmen are hereby ' empowered, authorized, and directed to issue , summonses for parking meter and other parking ' violations, such summonses to be in a form approved ! by the Saint Paul Munieipal Court and to have the same force and e�feet as though issued by a police officer or other peace officer. " '� Section 2. This ordinan.ce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from a�.d after ita passage, approval and publica- '� tion. ; i � i � I I, Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councit AU G 2 3 i972 � Hunt � �Konopatzki � Levine Tn Favor �� d O Sprafka Against � I�ladam Tedesco ffis President �) (B t 1 er) G 2 4 197� � Appr A t: ' � C' y Cler� Ma or �� G ►6,���� reernx�By � • Forxn approved �Q�tiH�u AU G 2 6 1972 � � D E PA R T M E N T R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE 0 F PO LI C E ��9��-8 � ..,,�, C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L 101 E, 10TH STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-1 1 1 1 ���Y �o, �9�z THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE COHEN MAYOR� CITY OF ST. PAUL CITV HALI. AND COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL� MINNESOTA ATTENT[ON; MR. PHIL LEE� ADMINISTRATIVE A(DE � DEAR SIR; AS PER OUR TELEPHONE CONVERSATION THIS DATE CONSIDER THIS A REQUEST TO HAVE AN ORDINANCE DRAFTED TO ALLOW THE COMMUN[TY OFFICERS TO ISSUE PARKING TAGS ON A CITV-WIDE BASIS, THE TAGS WRITTEN BY THE COMMUNITV OFFICERS WILL BE � ISSUED PRIMARILY IN THE PARKS SVSTEM, THE COMMUNITY OFFICERS ARE CURRENTLY WORKING IN THE PARKS SYSTEM FROM AVW TO ��IOO HOURS. THEY HAVE HAD PROBLEMS ENFORCING THE �300 HOUR CLOSING OF THE PARKS BECAUSE OF THEIR INAB[LITY TO WRITE A PARKING TAG. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE SUMMER PARKS SEASON I CAN VISUALIZE THE COMMUNITV OFFICER BEING USED IN VARIOUS FUNCTIONS THAT WOULD NECESSITATE THEIR HAVING AUTHORITY TO ISSUE PARKING TAGS ON A CITY-WIDE BASIS. S INCERELY� R. H. WAN� CHIEF OF POLICE � � � ����� � A. POLICANO� SERGEANT COMMUNITY OFFICER PROGRAM I� D. J. Blakely R. F. LaBathe W. McCutcheon Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Patrol Divieion Investigative Divieion Servicea Division 66 n.,ws�.a r�.t.� ' � ORDI1'� ANCE , 1 _ � � C4UNCIL HLf NO PR�SENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- l's17� �►a ordi�a� at�� CL�a!#�! 1�7 oi tl�� 3a�aitt larl L�islatiTa Q�l� p�rtataia� ts I[�l�r �#�r� a�i o�4�r !'arlt#.as l��nls�i�. �a �cr�. � r� c�z or sa�rr r�v�. �as aa�wnr: 8�ti+� l. i'�at S�et1m� 1�7.Ib� at il�� Saiat Pa�l I.�sf,sls�iti C�i� is �rslhr a� to t�ad� "14?.16 — li�tar If�itsrs. �11 ��1� apfsiat�d �arl�ia� �ert�tr aa►ait�r�, C�i� Seririe� tli�io�r� as ��tia�t is Sat�t Fa�i Cit� A�laistrs�lY� 4rdiau�e� 76.t'� u a��ed lra� �ia� to ti�ar T�'��i �t�r eall�teri� �ia� �at�r errr 1ss�►ers, ast par�� at�r r�*sira�a ar� ber�ti►�► �wsr�, a�tl�►ris�di,, a�d dir�et� te i�se �� ior �sr�cia� ��er a�i atit�r par�cia� �i�latt+�s� a�slt �a��a�a t� � i�t a fsr� a#}s�o��d bT t� Sai�� Pasl �t�aipal Csn�rt ati to lraT� the sa�e lsre� a� sii�et ss tiea�� i�s�d 1�► a pa►liee stZiess os �t�er �sao� oiito�r." S�e�iaa �. ' !l�l�• es�ii.�uu�ee �all taie: �tt�� aa� �r ia� tor� � t�3"�7 �38} ds4►�s tras aad attar it• pa�sass, ap#rqr�ai aw�d �Iiei•► tii�t. Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed bp the Counci� AUG 2 3 1972 �t e �t� � Tn Favor i � � Aoni� �praflca Tedesco I� President � �Dotler� Approved: AU6 2 4 1972 Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� < Form approved Corporation �"ounsel By � ' � � I �/ i�� 2ru � / J __ • r, / 3rd � (o � Adopted � �3 � � 'Yeas Na�;�s I�U?�1�'.`:,' RG.^IGPATZKI �'"���8 �EVINE b = . ' SPRAr KA � TEDLSCO � Mrne i'RESIDFN'i (BUTLER)