259404 • 2594�4
oR�aiN��To c�rr e�ertK`
WI�REAS, Minnesota Statutes , C. 473B, requires the
Metropolitan Couneil to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive
Development Guide for all future developments having area-
wide impact, including land use developments� highways, transit
facilities , public buildings, and the necessity for and relo-
cation of airport facilities ; an.d
Wf�REAS, this council finds and determines that any such
developments or developme nt seleetion procedures should be
preceded by the preparation and adoption of a "Developmen.t
Guide" to allow for proper council review and planning; and
. WI�REAS, such development decisions should not be rendexed
until a "Development Guide" has been completed, adopted and re-
viewed with respect to each area-wide development,
' Now, Therefore , be it
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul :
1. That the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul he reby
strongly urges that the Metropolitan Council refrain from making
4 an:y development decisions or development �cel.ectio.n decisions
� prior to the completion and adoption of its "Development Guide°
and a thorough review thereof, all as required by Minnesota
Statutes , C. 473B.
2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direeted
to transmit copies of this resolution to the membership of the
Metropolitan Council.
` � � ---- �
Qeputy City Attorney
AU6 3 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—
Yeas Nays
�� xunt AU6 3 1972
� Konopatzki prove 19�
Le�ine Tn Favor
Meredith ,l
Sprafka �! Mayor
Tedesco A 8ainst
Mme .President,Butler
o�,:u�,n,��,.� 2594�4
��l►8, Minns�ota Statnt�s, C. 473B, reqnire� !he
Ketropolitaa Counoil to prepare and adopt a Co�pr�h•nslve
Ds�olopMnt t�id� !or ail intnrs de�slop�ant� ha�in� srea- "
Mid• i�paot, i�►oluidin� 1�md a�• d�s�lop�eat�, hl�hMa�►�, traa�lt
�soiliti��� pnblio baildi��, a8d the neos��ity ior and relo-
oation o! airport isoilitf�e; and
WH81i�A8, this coonoii lind• and dst�r�ia�� thst a�y ea oh
develop�snt• or d��lop�■snt ae►leotiaa proo�dnre� ahoxld . be
preo�dsd by the prrparation sn�d wdoption oi a "Dr�nlop�eat
a�id•N to a11oM #or proper oounoi3 re�ie� and pl+�uu�ia�i a�d
i�SB�BAB, �neN d��nelop�sat deoi�ios� trhonld not b� r�nder•d
qatil a "Dsvelop�snt �uids" b� bssn oo�plet�d, adopt�d snd re-
♦isMed Mitb re�psot to eaoh ares-rids de�nelopant,
I�oN, Th�r�tore, be it
R�SOLVED, by ths Council oi the �ity oi 8aint �a�is
i. That t�s Connoil oi th� City o! Saint Pani �reby
rtron�ly pr��� thst the M�tropolitan Cow�oil reisain i�ro� ralcins
aay de�nlop�sat, d�oision� or a���lop�snt •sisot�oa d�oi�ion�
prior to the t�o�pletion and adoption of it� "�trol opa�a� atilde"
and a thoro�b re�i�w thsr�ot, all a� s�qu3reei by Mi�,e�ota
Statnter, C. 473H. .
S. �at th� City Clerl� i• horsb�r anthorl�ed aud direot�d
to trsn��it oopis� o! thi• resolntioa to th� r�bsrship oi the
Mstropolitan Gounoil.
� '
AU6 31972
COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeaa Nays AVS 3197� ,
ss� Hunt
�ost YonopatEki Approve� 19—
Levine Tn Favor
Meredith --
Sprafka ��r
- -- � �S`�`� �
- � Statement on Airport Site Selection Procedures
The Metropolitan Council is faced with making several decisions on procedures to be used
by the Council and the Metropolitan Airports Commission in determining the site of a new
major metropolitan airport. The Saint Paul Area Chambe.r of Commerce, as an organization
which has long supported the Metropolitan Council, believes it is most important that
these procedures be legall�y sound. We believe that not only an airport site, but more
importantly, the whole Council system may be at stake.
State law is quite specific regarding the authority granted both the Council and the
Metropolitan Airports Commission. Minnesota Statutes 1971, Chapter 473B.06, Subd. 5,
states that -
"the Metropolitan Council shall prepare and adopt . . . a comprehensive
development guide . . ." and that it "shall consist of a compilation of
policy statements, goals, standards, programs, and maps prescribing guides".
Minnesota Statutes 1967, including 1969 Amendments, Chapter 360.109, Subd< 4, states
that the Metropolitan Airports Commis5ion may provide for -
"at least one major or primary metropolitan airport which shall be as
nearly equidistant from the city ha11s of both cities as possible o . ."
and that "It shall put all airports and other facilities to their maxi-
mum use for passenger, mail, express, freight, and other transportation
operations as the needs therefor develop . . ."
In addition, Minnesota Statutes 1971, Chapter 473B.06, Sub�lo 6, provides that -
1. "The Metropol�tan Council shall review all long-term comprehensive
plans of each independent commission, board, or agency prepared for
its operation and development within the metropolitan area, but only
if suc� plan is determined to have an area-wide effect . . . ;
2. ". . . If within 60 days after the date of submission the Council finds
that a plan or any part thereof is inconsistent with its comprehensive
guide for the metropolitan area, or detrimental to the orderly and econ-
omic development of the metropolitan area or any part thereof, it may
direct that the operation of the plan or such part thereof be indefin-
itely suspended . . ."
The intent of these statutes seems clearly to provide:
A. The Metropolitan Council should complete its Development Guide before
requiring a site selection decision by the Metropolitan Airports Com-
mission. The general Development Guide assumes great importance in the
Council's review function in that without it the Council cannot determine
the compatibility of a specific plan with a guide or with the orderly and
economic development of the metropolitan area, except on an ad hoc basis.
This was recognized by Council members with regard to sewers when they ex-
pressed support for the staff report on the Sewer Board 5-Year Capital Im-
provements Program, dated March 30, 1972, which on page 25 says:
"Rather th�n being measured individually against the yard stick
of "orderly and economic" projects which extend service to new
areas should be chosen to achieve a previously chosen set of
we11-defined goals - a plan for metropolitan development.
I � � �
. " . . . Untortunately, a development pian has not been
. adopted (a physical development plan is underway as part
' of the 1972 Work Program). This leaves the review process
where it started - evaluating projects ad hoc,"
B. The Metropolitan Council should refrain from selecting as part of its
DPVelopment Guide a specific site or establ�shing guid�lines that are
so specific as to require the selectio� by the Metropolitan Airpor�s
Commiasion of a predetermined search area,
The law requires that the Development Guide should be a compilation
of "policy statements, goals, standards, programs, and maps presc:rib-
ing g�xides". Such guidelines are intended to aid the M.A.C. in its
cleariy established role of site selection, that their choice may
meet the approval of Council review procedures. The Cham'ber believes
that continued involvement by the Metropolitan Council in operational
matters will hamper the credibility of the Co�.ncil's golicy-making
C> Because of the unofficial status of the MC/MAC Committee, its recommen-
dations do not constitute compliance with legal requirements of either
the MC or MAC. Therefore, the Council is required, in the development
of the airports section of the Development Guide, to hold public hear-
ings before the Development Guide Committee, to pass general guidelines
through the Development Guide and ttae Council, to bring the matter of
specific site selection to the Metropolitan Airports Commission, and to
review the Metropolitan Airports Commission site selection before the
Council Referral Committee with the proper public hearings on the com-
patibility of the site with the Development Guide, and with the orderly
and economic development ot the metropolitan area; none of which has
been accomplished to date.
The Chamber believes each of the5e procedures to be required by law; and, we formally
request that the Metropolitan Counc�.l address itself to each of these points, and pub-
licly announce its findings.
The Chamber further requests that a public hearing be held and that the Chamber be given
an opportunity to present testimony on behalf of its members.