259400 OR161NAL TO CI,�..�K 2594�r� ;- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CON1rffTTr� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM ,, coMM ss oNe ' �r� August �..� 1�72 l�SOLVr:D: That application for Sunday On Sale Liquor license made by the followin� applicant who is a holder of an On Sale Liquor license at the address shown, be and the same is hereby �ranted and in compliance with C. F. 1Vo. 235531, Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Le�islative Coae and Ordinances. Cher rlac, Inc. 870 Payne �venue Appn. rI 3092 New Old Loca,tion Nr�'w Informally approved by Licen�e Committee July 21, 1972 Old Location AU6 3 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas ��,s �".� ,�`��� �llUS 4 19� Butl r Konopatzka arl on Levine �i� rove 19�. L �' e M'reditli �:� Sprafka � Favor M ith Tedesco Mayor Spr fka M me. Presidetl� �ut��i � Ted co A Sainst Mr. Presid n McCarty � PUBLIgHED AU G 12 1972'