259395 �IGINAL TO CITY,CL6RK ��Q-{"� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa vv� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H�E NO. i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ET ,' COMMISSIONE �TE June 23, 1972 RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Eighteen Thousand Eight Dollars ($18, 008) be allowed. under Contract L-7344 between the City of 5aint Paul and Reuben L. And.erson-Ch.erne, Inc. , said. contract for Mechanical Piping and. Control Work for the Saint Paul Civic Center Multi-Purpose Arena Building, and said extra to cover the following: 1. Per Field Order 60 relocate exposed rainleaders at interior Arena walls to a standard. location 12" outboard of interior face of 'A' grid columns. ADD $ 770. 00 2. Per provisions of Field Order 59 for Mechanical Piping and. Controls Contract covering Concessions work as modified.. ADD 17, 238. 00 Total ADD $18, 008. 00 -said work having been requested by the Civic Center Authority, and agreement mad.e with the Contractor, and. a memorand.um of said agreement having been filed. with the Finance Department, Accounting Division, and countersigned by its Acting Head. Charge to 6000-604 to be reimbursed from 7420-460. Job #70-45. Form Approved: � Asst. City ttorney .�-- �tl6 31972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�>> � 19— Yeas Nays �e� Hunt AUG 41972 ��. Konopatski Approv 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith ! Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedeaco x��d�'�� Madam President, Butler �� RUBLISHED A(J G 1 2 197� ,���,�,�.�.�,� 25939� - CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� �� ` ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � c�M�ON� pAtE June 23� 1QT2 R�SOLVED� that sn eutrs in the amount of Eighteea Thou�and �ight �tollars ($18, 008) be sllowed under Contract L-7344 between the City of Ssint Paul and Iteuben L. Ander.on•Cherne. Inc. . said contrut for Mechanical Piping aad Control Vltork for the Saiat Paul Civic Center Multi•Purpo�e Ar�na Building. and said extrs to cov�r the following: 1. Per Fiald Order 60 relocste enpot�d rainl�adera at interior Arena ws11s to a �tsadard locstion 12" outboard of interior face of 'A' grid column�. ADD � 770. 00 2. Per provi�ionr of Field Order 5q tor Mechanical Pipiag and Control� Contrsct covering Conceeaiona � � work a� modified. ADD 17.238.OQ Total ADD �18, 008. 00 -said work having been reque�ted by the Civic C�nter Authority, snd agreeme�t made with th� Contractor. snd s memorsadum of said agreement having beea filed with the Finance Depsrtment� Accountiag Divi�ion. snd counterai�ned by ita Acting Hesd. Chsrge to 6000-604 to be reimburred from ?420-460. Job �70-45. ' � Form Approved: � As�t. City Attorn�y � ,j ! / I / j AU6 31972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun� 19_ Yeas Naya $d�idt Hunt � � �'� (� Konopst�ld Appro� 19_ Levine � Favor Meredith sp� � t Tedeaco Madam Pr�sid�nt. Butler �9 � �,� T,,,,.,�,,,�. �` /�'-�.� �7s�3 ���: W'y.�y6 .,. . � �� �.��-7y / CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE r Application No .....�....___ Nameof Applican�.__�i._.�.�...� ...__._.......................__._. ..........................._.-----..,._.........._..._........... Age....._ ...._.....�...__ 8esidenceAddress..........._..._...._......................_._._.........._........_._....__._.�..-�--�--...............---�----................. Telephone No...-----...._....---..._...._...._._.._---- Are you a citizen of the United States?_... Yes_--_.._...._..._-----...._---......._.......--••................._._._....-------_._..._..._...__._._........_...__....__......_._....__ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? Whenand where 7..................................._.........._.._..__.___........_._____--..........---......................._..............._.........._...._.._..__...__ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation......E_...&_E� InC.__— On Sale Lic,Luor establishment ...._.__-_....__.___......._..._.. Whenincorporated?.-�-----•�June 30� 1.972 ._.___.._..__.......................•---...__............_...._................_..._..---_..._...._... .._.... _.........� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._..__...___. Ho�c� many members?.......................-------..._._._.........._.._._...._...._...._.._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag�er. . . .. . . . . .. . .. ...kT�,.11is'�4...�.......E���_.R.._.�Q�.�----E-�s.�....Geran,ium�._.����ide?�t ...._...._....._.-------..__....___...._..__.......__. _. .... ..._ ...,���o.�ne...E.......�v��..�..._�,�fZ�---N•-O-•�::�....Haze 1�....Se��e��.�.Y'T�e asurer...._...._---•...........................•�--•--..............__.._� Names and addresses of Stockholders: �� ...k�,�,.a.l�l..c�...G.......�V�CI►S_�_..�.QS?w.._F��...�r.s�......�4:�..........................--•-------...._....._-•--•-��--------.....__..._.....--�-�--_.._.._.....__.._......_...._..._......_._..._ ....J�.�:.9�►.e.....E.,...._E..Y..��........�.4��_NS?�:�h .Hazel Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....C�?�..t.�l....I.A,S�.��(W�..��..C,q_rporation_..__ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward 859 � Thomas • North � Victoria � Thomas How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets) ?....None..._near How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?........$i�.._blocks.,.__. How many feet from closeat public or paxochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?................................. Nameof closest school...._.S:t.«...As�nes.....--�--•-•--.__._.._........_....._...-----��--�-�......................................................_..........----._.........---------._.__..._..._ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..............Commercial Onw•hat Roor located?...._.Main_...._.._..................-•----�-----�--............_..._..................--�-•-�--......._...._...__...._..._......_.........._....._..._..._........-----.....---.........................._..-- Are premises owned by you or leased?...o�nmed----._.....If leased give name of owner............................._.....--•.-•---......------.-•.--.--- _.._ If a restaurant give seating capacity?.........5.�.............................. � � STATE OF MIIINESOT1ai, .. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• 1 ...._..._... ....._...._._ _..._.�b�ing IIrst dnly eworn, deposes and saya that he haa read the foregoing applicatio and lrnows the contenta thereof,and that the same is true to the beat of his knowledge,information and belief. Subacribed and sworn to before me this..._...�.......�.._...........day of____....__.._..._.. 19 ........___....._..._..._......._.. . .---......_.. . �—..._ Notary Public, Ramsey County� Minn. My commission expires....._...._.....__.___...__......__..__._._..._ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY, - � . �. r - G . � _ `.. �r� M ......-_.�//JN S _......__.._.being Sret duly aworn, _..._--•----_..._._.__---------._..._.__...._..._.._......_..._. _•-_- —...- -•--..._....... ------__._. ..__ deposes and saYs tha�.....t'���S.___th /Z'� _.!_ I �nJ T ' — of . ..� . �_.... ... ...... . . , a corporation; ....._...._.�...... . .._.�'?!"'..... ,�.....�n! c__._. __...._.._._..._._. ._�_..... _..._ . that...........__..._.�.�.............................._...._.....has read the foregoing a plication and knowe the contenta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of....._....__vJ.C.�....__...._...._...........knowled e, information and belief; that the seal af$xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corpora ion; that said application was signed, sealed and eze- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Boa d of Directors�and said application stid the execution t;hereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. --t�. -t,-:.� i:c:., .;;.: ; : : . ; . ' 8ubscribed and sworn to before me ta..........J..r.__.�..... ay of..._ ._-------•-•-•----• -�-;;-�w.-•-�9 7 Z. � � _ ._...._...._. _. .. ._ ..._...-------_...._...._......................_._...___.._--------- o Public, Ramaey County, Minn. . , ; , My co isaion expires---.._...._....---...._....-:.:--.--- ���X x� ^ `` ANTHONY A. DANNA � ♦toiE�ti�e� ���F:•'L. NOTAIiv V��4 lIC-AniNn�E`.iOTA �.��`�u�' RAP.1SEY COUNTY � �td�,' `,.y MyCommission Exp;reslan:7,1976 XYV�"ltltltldY�Vtl�'`vV'v�''Gro'�"�'�'h'Y'�'� �