259360 ORIGlIiAL TO CITY GLERK �59350 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That activity 0670 as set forth in the present adopted budget is hereby specif ically pla.ced under the control and �urisdiction of the Saint Paul City Council., add be it FURTHER �ESOLVED, Tha.t $ii expeaditures from this fuad shall be approved by the president of the Citq Council. �' �/ � ___ w � � 0 � c� � o d � n. o c� � N � Q 0 W AU6 i 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays 2 19Ta , �Bu er Hunt �` ' a son KonopatZid ll�'4, ^ .. PProved '19� Levine ��:�`�` '',7 e ine Mereditli `�� �-In Favor redith Sprafka � Mayor S afka Tedesco Mme. Presideflt�@�t1� Against esco Mr. Pres dent, McCarty ' PUBLISHED pUG 5 �972 aug. 1, 1972 H�n. Lawrence U. Gbhen M�yor Buildirig Deaz� Sir t Attached for your inf�rmation is a reaoluti�n of the CounciY� C.F. 25g36o, placing thse contral and �ur�.s- dietion oY Aa�ivity 0670 of the preeent budget with the St. Paul City Couacil. Mndam Frealdent Hutler requeeted that I call your speciP3c attex�tiott to this reaolution and poi.nt out that the name of the f1u�d i� the Council Invee�tiga- tion and Reseerch Fund as e�tablished by Council File 258950. Very trtii.y yours� Ci,ty �l�rk Ao/ng DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �.a��1��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'� �•� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That aeCivity 0670 ae set forth in the present adopted bud,get ie herebq gpecif icallq placed under the control and jurisdiction of the Saint Paul City Cauncil„ add be it FURT�IER RESOLVED, That all expenditures from this fu�d st'a.11 be appzoved by the president of the City Council. ��J+G �. ��7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19__ Yeas Nays AV� � 1��� B tle Hunt `�"' Ca 1 on Konopatzk� '�� Approved 19� Levine '�`� Le ne Ner�ditCi ". Tn Favor M edith Spr�fka � Tedesco Mayor S rafka �t�e. F'resident� �i� Against desco Mr. Pr i nt, McCarty �