259358 � oelstn.t to ctt�ctert ` ORDINANCE �59358 � ' � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY v v ' `� ORDINANCE NO / ���� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by in�erting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Transportation Coordinator � � a -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� �ex Hunt � Konopatzki Levine Tn Favor Meredith Against Sprafka Tedeaco Mme.D� President �5�� Butl e r Approved: Attest: City Clerk a or �� Form ap�roved Corpor�,�ion CouMSel By , Orlslnsl to Ctq Aerk `. ORDINANCE �5���8 � ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��j �� 5ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- AU6 16 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council $'� Hunt � Konopatzki Tn Favor � Meredith � Sprafka � Against �C � T,� - �a. Preaident � ��� . A(Js �' ' � Atte • Ci Clerk or �� Form a�proved Corpor�tion Counsel By pUBt13HED AU G 191972 r�'�w+.m r.� r r _ +iORDINA1tiTCE ' ���� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDiNANCE NO._ � �� Aa osdimsu� saar�d3s� O� No. T607, rtltlad: "As ord�a�� i�adss tiu ds#�r aa�d �rsap�tsibdlitaiss aad�e � qssliiica#iaats for the �rarl�nu clss�h � pesttiae� 3u t� Cl,sssifi�d &er�ice o� the Gity." apprv�red ��Ds�sr� !3, 193�3, u sna��d. TH� COUI�tCIL �� Z'SE GI?T OF SAII�TT PAIIL DO�S D��At�t: Seetie�m 1. That Or�I��e 1�ta. T607. sppr��d Fsbrassy 13, 1935, ss aa��d�d. b� a�d th� ssm� is ksr+�y fnslius am+o�i�d 1►Y �sert�ts in !ts PsQp�: a�pl�bsdticst ord�r th� follawisg titls. aa�i sp�c�Staeticas for Trasspvsts�oa Coordiaatoz , _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�:iL ��� �O� Tn Favor Sp�rafk� e�;net Tedeeco �.� President �'� Bsli�� Apprnved: Atteet: City Clerk M�yor �� Form approved Corpor�tios'Couneel By _ y �a Frl�qs � . � ORDIN � NCE ' ' " couNa��� No PRESENTfD BY ORDIN�NCE NO �'���� Seetian Z. T� osdfaaaci sl�atl taic�r �t'sc+t a�i � i:f�ore�t1�stYr daTs a�+ss its pasaaa�+r. sp�pto�i, aai pu�lf+�slie�a. -3- AIiG 16 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Psseed bg the Couneil Htst J,�—' ���� T*+ Favor � s�� � ro��fl8t �'�:�c� a�a�40c A ���: AUG:16 1972 Atteet: !! Cfty Clerk Mayor #� :.'' • �°rm a��"°v�d Cq{�or�oii Cauneel By � , . � � �59�58 ' 7iilF: �i cl�.ss� �SC f� (o 7'R.r�N��ORTA t IJN COaRD�1VA'TOR Duti�s �.i.d re�ponsibi'_itiesi LC1Cl�P �up�rviszon, to Le responGi'o1�; for scheduling and coordinating t��e tr�tinsportation of parochial and nul�lic school 5t�zd�nts; and to n�r�orm reldted worlc as assi�;n�d, Ex�.�nplc-s of work perfflrmed; To deterx-��ine eii�itwility £or fr�e, �u: 1:r�cisportation for st�:d�i�zts. To schedtile �-.;��.�s.^4, To establi�h buc :route� arad to as�ign �tudents to each route. To audit bus cor.�x��nie�,° t�illings to n;alte sure t�7at �eivities hav� i��e�n Y�CC�lti�ed as stat�c] on tl�e billing. To �h�cic bussin� o;ae�.=ztionG and er�ui�me�t for compliancE with specitications a��.d ��tai� regulations: To investi�,at�Y �ec�Ltest.s and compl�.in�s regarding student bus ir2!ns��ortatzon., � To �x:�lain bussin� laws Lo concerned partieso T� m�?e� cost ana?.y�is studic�, To :x�aint�in r�co?-c;s rLlat�d to the bu�si.n� operation, To pr�pa.re r�por�:, and request� for reir_�bursement of funds. To act �s � li�i�on between the s:�hor,ls and the bu� �orsip�tny, Iviinimum quaiifications: ��'. fligl� school �r�.c?uation, and two �rears� �x�ork cxpcz•ience iavalving dispatching or s�.hedulin; of bixes�s or involvin� coordYnatinb a bussing operatiotz nqu:��ral�:nt ta th� bussing o��ration o� tl�e St.. Pau1 Board c,f �?:uucation> -2_ . , ' ' . � �59�58 ` Ti�lt: �f �c1�.ss� /�j�� � TR.I�NSPO�;Z'.F�T��JI�T COQ�D��TATOF Duties aizd x•��ponsibi?ities: L'nder sup�rvision, to be res�oncibl� for schedulin� and �oordin3tin� th� tr�tnsporta�ion of }�arochi.al and nul�lic school st;zdents; an� to perf.orrri relate� �vork a� �ssi�;n�d, �xar�plcs of woric �r r�02'LT1CG'�o To c;et�rmine e1i�;i�ility fox frer-_ bus tx�,�lapor�ation ior students. To s:.hedule btzyse:, To b:tai�lish bus raut�s aiz� t� assign sLuJents to each rc�ute, To audit bu� compz�ieG' �;.liir.gC to malc� �ure t�iat sr�rvi�E�s have becn r�ccived aG stat�d on tF�e billing. '�'o check lausv5n� o�erations �nd equipment for cornpli�nce witn snecifications ar�d utate r•���ulations: To investi�ate rer��Yests and c'ompiaints x•:y�lydin� stu�ent bus trans��rtation� 'Fo exp�ain bussi.ng laws to concerned nari:ies� To r�al{e co=t an�lysis �tu�±e�,: To r?�aintain records relclt�d to th� bussing operati.on< To prepa.re -re�crts and xequ�st� far reimbursement a�' tu.nds, To �ct as a liaison t�etween tre �chool� and the bus eomp�ny. Minimum qualificatians� I-Ii�h scliool UrarJuation, and t�.;�o ye�.rs� ��orlc experi�:nce iE�volving dis��tching or �cheduling af buss��s or involvxn�; coorclin3ting a bus�in� op�rat:ion equ:iv�alent ta ��:hc c�usaing a�,�gi•�tion �f the St, .�'�txl �3a�.rcl of :L:iiu��tion� -, -L� • • � � � � a _._ J� �:ll.: � 3rd l' � Adcpted � ��o . � _' Yzas Nays HUiV'�'::�: KO��OPATZKI �593�8 L.'.. �`r'J��t� J l:EREDITH � St�F:AFiC�� �� . . T L'i nT.,� . �/cE • I�!t�PRESIDENT {�} 4��c.-Y �/'.�