259353 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �59�53 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. LIC�sL CONIMITT�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' • C UNCIL R OLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � July 28� 1972 COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVF;D: That Application NI 2991 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8026, expiring January 31, 1973, issued to Frank J. Gumatz ana Herman S. Nleyers at 584-6 Rice Street, be and the sar.�e is hereby transferred to Robert L. Jensen, Allen D. Doriott and Herman S. Pteyers at the same address. � � 9 On Sale Liquor Lstablishment� TR.ATdSF�i(Partnership to Pastnership� Informally approved by Council July 21� 1972 • � � � Y .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�UL �'a 19�2 19— Yeas Nays But er Hunf ` � ,. L 31 �972 ar son Konopafzla ����.-� APProve 19— Levine � L v ne Mereditli Tn Favor � M edi <a " � �� �-�desco � Mayor ,%;�ne. President, But� ASainst Te sco Mr. Presi eht, McCarty ! �� PUBUSNED AU G 51972 - � , . ' � CITY OF 5AINT PAUL , Capital of Minnesota �eaNt�ner�t o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION POLICS HEALTH e JOSt�P:I F. Ct1RCEii:�DI .Lieenss Inspector July 21, 1972 Honorable I�Iayor an.d City Council Saint F�aul, Nlinnesota Ladies and Gentlemen: Robert Lrnest Jensen, Allen Dale Doriott and Herman S. Meyers are joined by rrank J. Gumatz and Herman S. Meyers in makin� application for the .transfer of Cn S�,le Liquor License No. 8026, expiring January 31, 1973, from the licensee, Frank J. Gumatz and Herman S. Meyers at 584-6 Rice Street, to P�obert Ernest Jensen, Allen Dale �oriott and Herman S. Nieyers at the same address. Frank J. Gumatz and. Herman a. Meyers have held this license since 1965, and prior to that time NLr. Neyers held the license jointly since 1953• This establishment is loc�.ted on the e�.st side of the street between. Como Avenue and T�linter utreet. Robert �. Jensen has been employed as the bowling la.nes mana�er and machine mechanic by the Stahl House, 584- 586 Rice Street since 1955• Allen D. Doriott has worked for Sn.yder �rugs, Inc. in Hopkins, Minnesota, from 1945 to 1969. Very truly yours, r� � ' 'y. � / � Lic nse Inspector �o � , � OFFICE . 489•9244 Edward G. Nova� ATTO R N EY AT LAW • 1030 RICE STREET ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55{1� November 30, 1971 The Honorable Mayor & City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: It is hereby respectfully requested that the names oi the licensee of the Stahl House, located at , 586 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, be changed Yrom Frank Gumatz and Herman S. Meyers to . Herman S. Meyers, Robert Jensen and Allen Doritt. � This business will be continued without interruption or change by the said Herman S. Meyers, 8obert Jensen � and Allen Doritt. Very truly yours, ank Gumat� �?�'r�--_.� `'�����'1r�f°,P� Herman S. Meyers ' E(3N:emb - � - ' .. 'M"y'�� � . � . ' CITY � SAIIVT PAUL . • DEPART�NT �JF' PUBLTC SAFETY � LICE'�TSE DNISION � �� Dat°_ /// �j,...»,,...19..., '.�...,,.'� -------r-�--� 1. $pplica�ion for C� - ,4 L I 0 iZ • L3.c�n�e 2. Name of applican� v ..l J? S t' r � fc1Q 3. Buaineas address ���� �t E S 1' Residenoe 1Gl,l ����srr�x�sT�Q sr. _ .� 4. Traae name, if anY Na v ' � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Sta�r.:� l�tail Liquox F�dersl Tax Stsmp�VF t �i].l be ue��d. 6. C�. �rhat floor located CRpvw� Number o� rocuns used � ��Q �� . 7. Between what arosa atre�tsG��►.�e ,,,,F { �,�,��T���q,�3�eh side of s�reet �A S T S/DE — �.,.._. 8. Are premises naw oaaupied�/�S 'P�at business�AR�oo�� Qoti11,yN Haw Iong�-��1���' 9, Are premi�e� now t�oaoupied�I�aw long vacant "'--�---�- Pre�v3,oue Uea ------ 10. Are you a mew oxta.er��I�ave you been in a similar buainess before /lJq VrYhhere ""---'-" Y�hen .- - - 11. Are yoa going to operate thia businesa personally �/ES • � , . ..,...�.,. If not, �o �1i.11 operate it 12, Are you 3n any other business a� th� �mesent tia�e /vd . -- _.,...... 13. Have thers �een any aomplain�s against your operation of this type of plaoe �� . _ �,- �Yhen Nhere 14. ?Iave you ever had an�r license rsvoked �U 9Phat reaaa� and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United Stateay�_Native��Naturalized 16. �he re �w�e re you b orn �7� pw�l , �n/,!r�/ I7�te of bi rth .l�n/ - ;�y` /�,� � - .r 17, I� am_�married. My (wife's) (huaband's) name ax�.d saa�$� is E G - iN,� T � ��v s tf� .� �, s s. �i►�z ,r► �,v�v 18. (If msrried Pemale� my a�3den, r�ame is 19. Sow 7.ong have you 13.ved 3.n St. R�ul �IL �lf�sR� 20. Have you ever been arre8ted�_Xio2ation of what oriminal �,a►w ar ordinsraoe �� 21. Are yon a registered voter �n the City of St. Pl�ul y�'�j ��Xes No• (Ana�uer full� and aompletely. These a licatiox�s are thorou h�. checked ax.u� o►n f'�laific�tio�. roPi11 be cauaa for denir� . ' �`,�"'- '"" (OV�'R) _��- _ ;� �_ 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blooks O N,l�' " • ' 23. Closest intoxicsating liquor p].aae. �Jn SaZe ul2�y,��K Dff Sa1e ��iyti, �-����t , 24. Nearest Chureh ��3 M it,� Nea t School � - /t,� 25. Number of booths /,� Tables .,3 O Ch�air� � .,?d Stools 3 Q �....� �.. 26. YVhat occupation have vou follov�red for �he st five Srears. (Give names of employer� and date s a o employ�ed.) OwIiNL- � af_ AN -�fL � AcE-tIJVF_ �CNiV� G. : �' S p �t �-���,s r_- s �� � � � t �r. ���,� , � ,� s� � � 27, Gi�e names and addx-eases of �wo persons, sidenta of S�. Paul, �Q3.nn,, �o c�n g�v� inf o ta.on c cerni you. .• �i I�� �L 1 ta�s a�►/ J C 7 � v S �l c.. rTame /�d� A.6, 1�A LT �2 I _______ Ad re s s �?�� G/�A ,�,'�F � f��<_' Name �a//N' f",E��13 �� r s ,E1a re s s �"S� E l n A 4 h•� J. �� gnature o App icsan " Sta�te �f Minnesota� ss coun.ty of Ramsey ) ln . r.�.� be ng first duly s�rorn, deposes a�d says upon oath tha-� he h rea t e foregoing ta�ement bearing his aigna�ure and l�ov�ns the contents thereof, and that the sa� ' s true of his o�rn kriawledg� exaept �a. to those �tters therein stated upon info i�n and belief and as to those �t�era he bela.eves them to be �rt�o, ignature of AppliQa Subscribed and sworn to before me this (3� da y �f__���(� . 19� G�.t.,4J�" � 1eJ Idot�ry Publ`c Ramsey County, I�I�x�n�sota My Ccm�nission expires C(—� —,�/ (Note a These sta�ement forms are in duplica . Bflth copias mus� b� fullY Pi11ed pu�� notarized, and returned to the Liaenss Divi icm.�� MARGARET C. BARR�"I'� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minr1, My Commission Expires,September P; 19�'3� �_ `� . , AFFIDAV�T BY APPLTC�I�T • FOR . RETAIL BEER D8 LI�IIOR LICENSE Re: �I�/ Sale ��A Jo R License Name of applicant QU ,6 f r'T �!<'N F s j ��n� 5 r n► ��,�,r�,�,Q Business address .���o n/ C 1; S T S t i��✓L , �'I � N�✓ S� f ��3 Are you the aole owner of thia business? . If not, is it a partnership?�_ corporation? , other3 C>thers interested in business, include those by loan of mone�r, property or otherwiset M��/ERs ��jz1 �.,occ Naane ���� l Addres a �_ Ho�nr t� ��� �---i'=F "•�,_,o.��,1 A ......_ ������IClO� w.FCii/ L�e:,.�,M'�i✓ / � � ^" --�'"-'r7 � �v�s� •r If a corporation, give i�s nam�a. 9re you intexestea in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? � U As sole o�mer? —' PArtner? �— S�c�akholder? Otharwise? (Through ioan of money, etc. Ex�],ain) — , Address of such business and na�ure of interest in same x r� ��-�- ' \ Signature of app ican State of Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey � � , being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon aath that he has read t foregoin� a fidavit bearing his signature and la�.ows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his avm }�ovr].edge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoss matters he believes them to be true. � Si�nature of applic 3ubscribed and sworn to before me this �3 �day of 19�_ c� Notary lic, ey Caunty, innesota My eo�ission expires q — �. Z9 I b MARGARET C. BAP.RETT Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Gommission Expires,September 2, 1978 STATE �' MIlQNESOTp S3 COUNTY (77F RA.MSEY � • being tirat duly aworn, doth depoae and say that he m�kes this aPfidavit in Qonneation w ith applic�tion Por "Q� Sale" liquor licenee (" $ale" malt baverage 13.oense� in the City �,..,. o� Saint Pau1., Minnesata; tha�t your affiani� ia a reaiden'� of the S�ate of �innesota and has resided therein for l.�� yeare, mon�ha, and ia naw and has been for the �3.me above mantionsd a bona Fide reeid�nt of said State and that he naw residea at � ' ._.,. / � / G�/ �, �'���'�sBT , �-�.-�. , aa�n�a ota. Cit y or �: �� Subsaribed and svrorn to before a� this �.3� day of 19� �r-- . Guta.� otary 'c, Ramaay Coun.ty, 3.nnesota My com¢nission expires q_,�—� � NAARGAR�T �. �ARRETT No�ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. N1y Eomt�ssfon�xpiresr September�„19i�8 . I - � , crrY oF sAxrrr FAvL _ DI�PART�NT fJF PUBLIC SAFETY _ LICENSE DNFSION o n/ s��.� �to 0 �'- l � �.s,,.�,,,L,* � 1. gppliaa��.on f or � % , ,r �� / � � ; , i ,_ h Lieeaoe 2. Nams of a pplican.t ��/ f. r ,v . i /`i`' �:; ,< / ��� — e'cR `; /,/y. � Business address ,_. /- _�. �� + � � '� l���ir:fi%�,,. • .. �' i�" i / � Residence//%. �i �- � � V. �.. ... ��:oh ,, ��,r �, 4. Trade x�ame, if Qny l,:�._. ;�( - ��. l�i' r t _"_� � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp /�,SR$tail I,iquor Federal Tax Stamp �=.5 wi�7, be ueed. 6. C�i v�rhat floor located �'�.���; � �� � Number of roo�s uaed ('-�}� ��� ____....__.. i ,�w��r�s� 7. Between vvh�t• oruss etrea�s�^ i;i} i , !��.li-- yPhiah aide of street �/1 �: � �;� i �i= 8. Are premises now occupied� F,j '�Iha� businasa�JK -�- ��r��u�iu.How long � / .�?� —�.. 9. Are premises no�r tanoocupiedl�� Haw long vacant -� .__ Previ,oua Use ------_--__ 10. Are yc�u a new o�mer� 1_=� I�ve you been in a aimilax bueineas before ��1 , , � � V7here,-_ _._..__ 1�then _._.. 11. Are you goa.ng to oparate thia business persoz1a11� T�(: � If not, v�o will �perate it . _ _._ _._.___.. ._----- 12, Are ynu in any other business at the present tit�a �Q .. � . ...TI�^�yn��� 13. Have thera been any ooinplaints against y�ur operation of this �ype o� p1ac� �(� __._.._...�..... �Yhen -_,_ --_..—_._.__�.__ Where _� 14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked No �Phat reason and date - - 15,. Are you � citizen of the United Statea E� Nativq Naturalized r.._....._r. 16. 1Nhere vu�sre you born �l ! ;;� � 1' 1 �ti� ` ` , !� �te o�e b���-�T �C� � .�� a 1?, I am � m�rried. My (wife's� (��-a) name and addresa is i� ;� � .- ��C t r-(( � � _ 18. (If married female� my msiden name is � 19. �r long have you lived 3.n S`t. Paul � �� �"1� j�� � ��^ 20. Have you ev+ar been arres�ed�iViolation of what crimax�al ].aw� or ordins►no� `�`' — ...�..,...,... _ _.._ , __....___-- -_____ ______._�_.___—..--- ----.� __._._____�� . 21. Are yoa a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul � lf � Yea No• (�:awer full and aom letel . Theae a lications are thorou h1 ahecked and e►n alaificatio�. wi11 be cause for enia . (C!V�'R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within t�,vo blocka (` �;:� ' � A'rt 23. Closest intoxica�ting liquor plaae. +Dn Sal � F�+�PfgSale 1 � ' .. �J��cc�v�s ..._ 24, Nearest Chureh ��;,Z l � i � t-._r Nea st Schoal —� � _ r � �;� r�� 25. Number of b�otha � � Tables =- �� C�irs ,� !� �Stools =' ^ - i <.�.�._.._._.� 26. ylthat occupation have you follovaed f or the st five years, (Give names of employora and dates so employed.) _ � r- '� _- �_ � , � -- .j . � 1 � ,� 27, Give namss and addresses of two peraons, sidents of St. Paul, �inn,, yvho ce,�, g�.ve infor�tion conaerning you. P�ame ,:�/► c �� —I..J i M I~� ----- Ad re s s �� `� �� i I i C-l�;�,�-,l_ !:�„ �-! �� �= -,.,.. , _ , �, _ i _ h i!-;`� Name J i {�� (1`i - i 't , �� Ad res s�_1;�,�__- � t ��` , �.�.. ,� i.� I J ;�t: r- : , ' ' c-H 1- til � sii� f l � /�� f . %� ,. /.� ��t..�. gnature o App iean S�a te of l�dinne s ota� ss County of �iamsey ) �C� �o�' b ing first duly sworn, deposes and saya upon oath that he has rea the foregoin.g statement bearing his signature and knows the conten�s thereof, and that the samo s true of his o�m knowledge axcep� aa to thase matters therein s��ated upon info tion and belief and as to those matters he bel2eves them to b4 -cx°ueo . ignature of Applioant Subacribed and sworn to before me this (.� � day of 19� � � � � � � Notary P �ie, Ramssy County, Minnesota My Commission expires q— �-7 � , (Notea Theae statement forms are in duplica e. Both copiea must be fu11y filled out, batarized, and re�urned to �� License Divi icm.�'� MARGARET C. BAR Minn. NotarY Public, Ramsey County, My�ommfssion ExPires.SePtember 2+197a . AFFIDAVYT BY �,PPLIC�,NT � F�t � RETAIL BE�R !4R LT�IIOR LICENSE Rst ;`„ Sale L� (� u nR Liesnse Name of applicant � 1 .-l- += f�! C. � i 1 i- I�.,r� /_ � �R _ -. , Business address ::i ;5�c (` � . �� ILL ,� f I ' ,r , ) - _ Are you the aole owner of this business? . If not, is it a partnership? �` � corporation4 , other? (?thers interested in buainess, include those by loan of money, prQperty or otherwi�et . _ Name `p}l�S./�'Idf/ER3 Addresa � ? � l��L How�,����.�_...._�, ,,,�6�Pa"T_ c- �A.s�w• /�sf j ��J fMi.v s�'t�_ _ �fl�',�NER _ __- If a corporation, give its siame. Are y�u interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? ,:��� As aole owner4 �-- __ _ . Partner? - _ .__.,_, St�ckholdex4 _ __.._ Otherarise? (Through ioan of money, etc. Exp7,ain) � Address of such business and nature of interest in same -' �;: � � ',, "`/ �� , � /�i Signature of spp ican, State af Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey � � p Q � ,�Q� being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath �that he has reac'�the foregoing affic.�avit bearing his signature and 1Qa.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his aFm l�avrled�e, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. � � � gnature of applicant 3ubscribed and sworn to before me this j3 � day of` 19� _._._._..._._ _i� � . Notary ic, ey County, inneso a MS7 oOIIIIni991ori exp32'9S � � � 19� MARGARET C. BARRETT Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn• Mly Commiss+on Exp�re�September.2.1� . . . * ' ` STA,TE OF Ad7SINESOT1l SS C�UNTY OF RAMSEY ������ ,f� � ' . # �C.Ci1. i(Y. a�-�-� � being fir�t duly aworn, doth depoae and say that he makes thia af�idavit in connection with applicat�.un Por " L1�. Sals" liquor liaense (" 9e�Te" mslt beverage lioenae� in the Ci.ty .....,....�. of 5aint Paul, Mirinesot�; that your a�fiant is a resident of the St�te of Minne so�a and has resided therein, �or 9 years, months, and ia naa� and ha s been f or the tim�e ab ave meat�oned a b ona Pide res ident of n � said State and that h�r naw re�ide8 at / lo � /� , ` ` � �A�dresa�f � , Minneauta. C it y or ov�: � � A Subsoribed and sworn to bef ore a� this ��� day of 19� .._.__.. otary ic, Ramsey County, innesota My coinmu.s�ion expires ��a`�� hSr1r��.`�-._, C. _ , . Notary Pubti::, i�ar:sey i;ccri.y, hli�in. My Commission Expires.September 2,1978 c.�• s3 e��. • 7—i�- �z%��,c-w �-�.. # 3-5�i� ` Z 593 CITY OF ST. PAUL . t�iPPLIC IvN OR �"ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE /�e �/ �. �o r� o t�' �— A lication No� �2 r M 4/� �. �2.�/'f pp . ..._........._._ � � //�07 Name of Applican�. .: .aQ�.�T_I�R.N..��.�..1.........: ..�N..S�1.1�-- �-----.. ,._-- �-------. Age....._..�.._.. ,._ - • -- --- ......_._. _ ... A �{�esidence Address.....��. �. .��.�,1.. . S.T-,� . ..S ��t.k'.Se�V le hone �To.......�_.Z.�.�"..d...��__ . . ... ..... ... - be , . . 7 �, f i►n e t•cJ o Q� /� I�GuI� 'h f'"o n ��i o!]'" Are you a citizen of �he nited States?_.._ . � Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ---_..................��....................................-----•-•--._........__-•-----•-•---•--_____.___..._...__.---..............---......._..............._...._...._...__..._..._---_...__._...___..__..._.._......._..._.._....._._ Whenand where�..............................................._..._...._...__...---�-----_._._..._......................._......_..._........_....._._-•----�-----•--_...__._...._..._._ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation....._......._..___......__..._.___.__.........._..._...._....�........_.._... Whenincorporated?............................_. .____.._....___.._.__.........._..----...._........_...---•-•--•--__...._......:..-----_...__-_..___........_...._...�..........._....� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?................._..__....._._..._.... Ho�v many members?......................._-------.._..__..__...._.._...._..._.__.._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of genQral manager. . . .. . . . . .. . .. -�fl�,M_.!4..N......._�'........�!',�.,�_Y.�..Q..F__....--•-��...............�--•--....--•--..__._._.._._...._..�!_�...7_..._....��1_�5.�...._...._...._.._5..�..�.�:t���.,�!1..LA�;v .!4�.�..�hl.............�D.........Q..o....f.�..1.o.x..I.._....._.._...._---•--...._------.._......_...�'...7.�.1.......�°,t..A�r.�l..oc.P._....�,Rk.!......1!.:'�.!�..l�.R.,c.C���J N .,�.�..�1..........w�:���t.���.��,c�..s T_.�:.T.����j..rk.:%�.� --..o�3_�:a..7..........E............�l�.K.j.�....._...___........_....._._------_...._---_._........ . N�.ines and addresses of Stockholders: .........5.....a..!'r!-e-•-..--�..........................._.___.------__..._.._..__.._...._._.._---..._........__..._..---.................._------------�----._.._-----�-------..........--�------........................_...._..........------.__.__...._ -�--.......--•�----------.._......_._._._._._____ ....-�-�--�-�----��-�--��....................-..._...._...----�-•---.._......---------_...._.._.....................--,-....._.._....... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known:...�.:�'�!�.G.A...R._T.._...�.h'1_!�.�.`��d...._��l�f..��...._ Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward �'":�'� • �/�� �c • Eq� � • How many feet from an academy, college or university (mea�ured along streets) ?..........3...�_!�.� ---------------------�---._..._._._ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?....................���...�.......1.1.11.�.�._...._..______.____.._..._....__.�...._..._...._..._ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (mea.sured along streets) ?.....7...../�.!�.a�._ Nameof closest school--�--�----._...-ST.1.a4.�.�.�.��.r...s._....._.......--�--=-.._.......-�---�.........................................._......_..._----__.._.._....____..........____..._ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..............................................-----.--.-.---.................--••---..._...._-.••----_..._._....___.___...._.___._ Onwhat floor tocated?.---_.........G'.L�v_'!:1.±.✓..'.�._...._................_..._.._..-�-----............_..----.....----......----�-----_........_.......__..............-�---......_.._............----....__...._._...__ Are premises owned by you or leased?....!�.�4,f:�_.....If leased give name of owner...._.�`T.:..�.�.,h...►..!��..✓......:��..�.,�.x,�/.Z� Ifa resta.urant give seating capacity?....................�Q....--�---.............................................._.-�-•-----.....---�------•---_...._._.._...._••-�-•-�-•----............................----- � Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?...-----�----.._.._....................................�-----�-�--...._....----._.----_..._..----.....---.._......_._............-�----•-�--�----..._........_ Give trade narr�e-----•-----�------•-- :,7.'1�f�_._._�'.T�4-�L----- vu'-S_!�-----------------------�----•---•-•-------�----•--- ----�-------------•--------- ----------------• Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ...................................................._................_.........._.._-----....._...._...._........-�--•--._.----------___--�--................_....-•---......._.._.....---��--�---..........--�----......._...---�--�-�--.............._........----.............--�-- (The i�ormstioa above mnat be given for hotela and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?..__...._...__........---.....................-......................_.--•--...._---��-•---_____......_.._.w.._.._..._._........_.........._...........__............._..... Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)................._...._._..._...._......___...._____...__._..___..__.._...._..._.._....�.. Give names and addresses of three business referencea:........._..__....._.___.........__._...._...__..._..._..._..._.____._..._...__._......._.........._......._ i.....P._�.�r,..ti..��..---.....�s'..4�_�.4,r�.........�d...._..__:_...__.�.......13�-4-�----�w..tr..r....t.�....�_�..___...��: .���..�x.caGr�_.. z...,/�r5��./....__..�.4s.,tC.1,A1..,6�_G.�_..._..._---.._...._....._..__.._._......_/.1[,�1Ai!:P..�X�._,�.,�a.��Y;�L:...._,°�s�...l.�,�.,dl__..1►,A.t.�.�rY----__ 3.._..nTT_..�(.�..�s.---•-r-�--K A c.o._._....�'�L_✓_��.__.._......_.._._..�......_.�1..�.Sr.�__�.._�'r�C111.,lA.:...�.�.._.._......$.L�!2'.C.L.� /lL�l✓d THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VER,IFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOftATION DUL�AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: - � SEE OTHER SIDE sTa� oF n�n�xESar�, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• � • , -• bein8 IIret dulY e�►w'n. deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applics ion d knowa the conte�ts thereof,and that the eame is true to the beat of his knowledge,information and beli � �'-.i����l=!•�-•----�?'!•-^-•-�`•'!�__. --- — Subscribed and awom to before me thia. `�.r�.�.__day of_ . 19.L+ � ��til���!..E�!_1........ . Notary Public ���` •M,OLIN BAR My commission PaCp1P � _,._p�ry_Public.RamseY C��° •Mn. p�►y Comm�s"sFSirfXp es, ':'...� October 28,197 STATE OF MINNESO COUNTY OF RAMS , ' - -- •--.__.-- -••- ._..._..-•---.._.._._._.. �...._ ...._._._...._....................._..__....___..�.__. .._.being 8rat duly aworn, deposes and saYs that...,......._..._..._,._.�.._._th ----...__... .�.-_ : of...._...._...._...._...._.._...._..._................_...._..----�-�--..._...._._....__._---- ......._.........._.._...__.._._ _� , a corporation; that................._....................................._.._......_..._.....has read the forego application and knows the contents thereof�and that the satne is true to the best of..........._...._...._............._...._...._..........1rn wledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id co ration; that said application was aigned� aealed and eze� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of i Board of Directora, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporat n. Subacribed and sworn to before me this..._.._...._.........._...........day of...-----._...._....._..-�-•--�--�-------�---.19 �- -- _. ... ____...._.._._._...__..._.....-•------.._...._...._....._........._._....__..__.._.� Notary Public, Ramsey Count�, Minn. My commisaion expires__.._...._...._...-..-_•_-------•— . . < ;, - _ � _ , , _ , .: . , . _