259351 ' Od�iral to Cit�Clerk � - ORDiNANCE 259�51 • f ;���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY / ORDINANCE NO �� � An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Sain t Paul, as ,amended. . THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF �AINT PAUL DOES ORUAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District to Commercial, to-wits � i�est 22 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, Oakville Park; situate on property located on the north side of H�acinth between Arcade and Weide Streets in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . i ' � AU6 15 1972 Yeas Councilmen Hu�ys `�� Passed by the Council Butl � � axl on �.� �� Tn Favor e M�reditfl Spr ka� Sprafka � Againat T Tedesc0 q�� 16 1972 Mr..Pr si nt cCa�.�� A oved: At Clerk Mayor �� Form approved ct.s s� �t c ,t y � y. PUBLISHED A� 19191� �aa� � � ORDINANCE • ��N��� �� No 259 PRfSENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ''�-� � 1►n ordi.aaac� ss�adinq the �o�niag Cod�, Cl�pt�rs 60 to 64, iacltiaiw, of th� �aiat pzal L�islative Cad�, p�rtaininq to �is� Diistricts, ti�iqht Districta aad �rsoniag of c�ertain� propertias in ti�s Cf ty of iaia t � Pinl. it� a�s�cl�d. �E C�O�CIL O� '!�E CI?Y Ol� �I�S ?�. ZIEii! t�It= i�etion 1. That ths 96o�afa�g Codo. C�aptirss 60 t� t'►�, 3.ncl�siw, of t2� =aint Panl L�qislativ� �ods, p�ctiia�i� �o ttss aiatricts. S�igbt �iiatricts aad �soLfag of csrtaia P�P� srti�s in the City of �aint pas�l, as �nuad�d, be sad !� � ia L�r�by l�rther e�endsd so �►s:,to s�ezoss th� fe�llari�q d�s- eril�d jirc�p�rtY fs�► "�" �siAsac� I�istrict #�o C�NSeial. to-�wit• Kest 22 feet of La►t 16. Block . 1, t�tville Park t sitaata oa propucty loeated on th� nosth sids ot' �acfat'h betwa�rn �s1cade and 1�lid� �tr�ets ia the Cf ty of saint �aal. asetioa 2. 19�is ordinaoce sh�l tak� �ffsct �d �e fa forca t3sirtYr �30) days fso�t aad aft�r its passaqe, approvsl and gnblieation. "�� i5 �7.2 Ye�as Councilmen Kqh� Paesed by the Connc��AU6 er L.�rir�e � - leon M�r�� � n Favor . e S�� �� Tedesco a A�u*�d= �°° �e'�'�'! AU6 16 1912 �r. ident (�dcCarty) Approv+ed: - Atteet: _ City Clerk Mayor �� ' ` Form apprnved Corporation �"ouneel By , „.. . .. . � , < < . - Hprry 8.Mars�ali �lT'" �F AIMrt !.Olso� ow � � Commiasi y�of Ree�iaGratrion F .r�;,;;;;, '� Couxaid Recorder � . :y� - �c . OFFICB OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS J88 City Flall St.Pau,l�Minnesota 68108 � 9, 1�� `�59351 z�� �, cc�eree Blag. Gentlemen: The City Cauncil ref�rred to you for reea�nendation the petition oF Rc�ger Arvold and others to rezane the t�at 22 �eet oY I�ot 16, Bloek 1, �ak Ville Paxk, located on the north side of I�q�acinth Averine between Weide and Areade Streeta, to a Ca�ercial District. Very t City erk � hP ���. ���J� � ���,�-�-1- �i�.�-�� l��-� /l. � ,, � � � ,���� �ti :�� d D _ [� � � � M AY 1019?? C1TPLA�1n�M���,� �;�,t ��,�1. Z0�1iI�G ��LE � �,_ s ' ' �1 � � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,65102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 Ma' 9, 1972 To the Cogncil � Citq of St. Paul Gentlesea: I have checked the attaehed petition of Roger Arvald aud �thers, filed in the �atter of rezoning, The west 22 feet of Lot 16, �lvck 1, Oak Ville Park. The praperty is loc�ted on the north side of Ayaciuth Aveaue between Weide and Arcade �treets, frc� a Class "A" Sesideace District to a "Co�m►ercial" DistricC, aad find that said petition ia sufficieat. Yours ver� truly, , - � � � /' �� ��,a r'.-z e.,�� /-��-' C c:�f Aq�salie y. Bntler Cc�uissioae� o�Fin�ace �.y��- ��b�-:'f J ..f '�,�- 8e: 1217 c.c. Mr. A�aes N. R. Heiden Mrs. Butler Frontage 100� Parcels Bligible - 20 Parcels Sigaed - 15 or 75Z Needed - 14 or 66-2/3� �/,.- s �� "� � 'Z' �� �� �����` ,I�,����� ����;�:� _..�._..r �O BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 June 27, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Roger Arvold to rezone from "A" Residential to Commercial for the purpose of constructing a doctor's clinic, property located on the north side of Hyacinth between Arcade and Weide Streets. This property is further described as: West 22 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, Oakville Park. This matter was heard at the June 1, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff report on file was read. The staff noted three factors in favor of the rezoning: 1) the property adjoins commercially-zoned property; 2) there are commercial uses nearby along Arcade Street; 3) the adjoining residence has a garage between the subject property and the house. Factors noted by the staff against the rezoning were: 1) adjoining lots are used residentially evem though they are zoned commercial; 2) surrounding homes are in very good condition and the adjoining ranch-style house is built on a lot with similar topography as the subject lot proving it can be used residentially; 3) there is no north-south alley between the subject lot and the residential area so the subject 22-foot strip could serve as a buffer area. The petitioner explained that the strip of land under petition is to be added to other lots already zoned commercial to be used for a professional building. He thought they would be able to save the trees along the western property line. The petitioner thought if they could not rezone this parcel, they would still build on the commercial property but would not be able to furnish as much off-street parking. The Board studied the site plan. They noted that a parking lot for more than 10 cars would require an 8-foot buffer between it and the adjoining residential lot. Citing the facts that the parcel is only 22 feet adjoining a commercial district and could not be used separately and that the petitioner is proposing an attractive building which meets with the approval of the neighbors, a motion was made to recommend approval. The motion was seconded and passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Very t y yours � /� ..���.�%��?��: x Peter J. Maie a PLR:kk Secretary, Board of Zoning Z. F. 7354 �j � �- O � a , . - . ,. .u__��:i' A;�� ACTiuN June 1, 1972 � � , a � �` '�"s��slative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 Plat �p 33 & ` _ . � G_, 1';2�, as amend�d to January 27, 1971. . 7354 > 1, f_'L�;;_::�T'S NAME . Roger Arvold 6530 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other _.. � 3. PURPOSE . Rezone to Co�nercial for doctor's clinic 4. LOCATION . North side of Hyacinth between Arcade and Weide Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : West 22 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, Oakville Park 6, PRESENT ZONiNG: "A" Residential 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .O6 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: May 25, 1972 By: PLR A, SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated May 9, 1972, the Con�issioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 15 or 75 percent of a possible 20 par- cels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: A petition to rezone this property to Co�ercial was declared insufficient on July 25, 1968. C, PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be a doctor's clinic. D. AREA ZONING: Arcade Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial. There is a small "C" Residential district abutting the Con¢nercial zoning on Orange Avenue. "B" Resi- dence zoning begins at the alley north of Hawthorne and extends southward. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residential. E. COI�REHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan proposed that the Johnson High School facility be extended to this site with Co�ercial use extending northward from Clear Avenue. It recommended low density Residential use south of this site. It shows Arcade as an arterial street. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site slopes from the grade of Hyacinth Avenue downward to the north so the north end of the lot is about 15 feet below the level of the lot adjoining to the north. There are a number of trees along the west property line. G, AREA CONDITIONS: A home on the corner east of the subject parcel is in fair to poor condition. The area west of this house including the subject parcel appears to be used as yard area for this house. The house adjoining this parcel to the west is a very new ranch style house with a sh�llow design which avoids the slope toward the rear of the lot, ?ts attached ^arage adjoin� the subject site. The other house� on this block are also new, one-story hames. Houses across Che street are modest but in very good condition. Johnson High School adjoins the site to the northwest. Farnsworth School exists east of Arcade and a church, in very good condition and with an e�cpansivE yard, is south of Farnsworth School. Coffinercial uses along Arcade begin one block north and one-half block south of the subject site. Except for Arcade frontage, the general area is Residential. �. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council LeLter Dated: Yeas Na}�s June 27, 1972 Moved by ; McPartlin Ames McPartlin llate of Seconded by: Swesey Maietta Hearing: Swesey June 29, 1972 Secrelary's remarks: Cochrane Counci Action: . Date: �. _ . � , iiS.a:lJd.i�.:D i'i: �iYSa i:lI.CS.:�.�.k.. �:�ti_'�s:L�1C.� j: �.i as.:� ,.ik�:, d�,.i:uiE�.'v '�i.: .+e ..f...e.r � L�T ':C�Tt3�t7A`.�� �UPJI� �:a 7�972� t19: '2��0 ��hTo �'�SEI'�'T: M•rs, :w`�ch�a�te �s;:io F�fQSSrs� .�md�s„ NIcI'�xt�irs, Mr3�ett� aild awrsey �a� the B�aat��fi� �tr� R+�s��rer �n�d Bo �t�.i.tte� a� tne st��ff� RC��P. AR�IOLI� j73S4�» � pe�:itio� to re��one �rs�n „A" Res�d�nt�.al to C�n�rcSal. far �s do�ror's �:Lin�c �rap�rty locat�d an �he ino�th aide caf �iyac�nth berween t�z-cadw a�.d �►�id� Stx��LS� N�z°o �.os�:t�e� sa�mmar�z�d �he s���f .repao�t, a ��r� of �he f3,le� �y �noti,ng �hz Ca�enissioner c�f F�n�nce declared the petfti:c►msv9E�ic�:nC f� ,� �ette:. da�ed Nta}� �� 1972� wf.th the ow�ers. o£ I5, or 75 Fe� ce�xt, of :a pc�ssible 2� pA;�cel� fic�vzng si�reed �h:� petie�.o�o ,� pe�:itiora to z��r:�n� �his ��c�.�g�ext,.� to Gc�acn�xc�.��, taas d�rlax•cd iusuf�ici�n� :s� �u�y 25, �.968�, '�his ,. , ��etxtia� ciecAa�res tii� p�ap�ss�cl �a;�� kra be a c3�ctax`s clin�.c�, ,A�ew�e K'9eenus f.r�nrage �� zcaned {:•�mmerc.3.a�.; `�'�ae�e �� � saual]. ���C,t I��siden��al districe :c�c�t¢ing the Co�ner- ci.al zanixng orn �rar�ge �venceeo pp911 P�siden.�e zan�ng beg��zs at �:;z<� all�:y :�orth of Haw» thcsrcce anci F�ten�s s7utt�warJ<� r�4�e res� af r_��a sxe� :tn zA�nc.d f1R." �;e�ideratiala Th� CcsmFa�Ehens�ve �'la�n prapase�I that t�Ae JohnSOn H�gh School fac3.Itty� �� �xte�.ded to this s�.f:e with Cammeza�a� u�e +�s�ster�din� �nrtF�w�rd frvm ��eatr �:�ven�.�, �� r�c�enaed tow d�ngity Re:�d�r���.�I �as� �as��h af tt�is sit�n It s�ows Arcr�de �s �r�. arterial stx�eeto Mr, Ra��r.t�� d��play�.�rl a g�ZOeog��a�+�e c�f the sit� �snd s�id thp site alc+pe� fxam t� �;rH�de rsf liyecinth �i�vena�e do:.�rcward t� the narth �:� the aic���h �x�d �f Che l�t is ahra�at k5 f.��t be�:�a ti�� �ev�l a� °�he ie�t c,d jain.stazg t�a tE�e ncar�'ta<, °�he�� aze a numm � be� af tre�� �lax�g �.k�e w�es� p.r.c��ex�ty �.ixx��, �� h�ae are tka.� coxn��' �c�s� �o� hhe aub,ject p���e? fs in �a�r z� peror conditian�o `�'4�e �arx�� wes� of t�is h.o�s�e fnaluding the aubject psr.cel. �p���.r.�3 to tse used as y��ci sr��a fox• �l�ie houseo �he hou�� edjo��n�n� thfs par� c�� to rh� wese f.s � fai�2.�� nes� ���zc� styl.:e itious� ;a�th a stf.�l�e��a �%�ai�a a�ich �voii.ds the slo��e towf�rd �Cze �er�r of the �,c�t� Yts a�ti:ta�'ned ga�age a�jcsi�� the aui�j�ct site� �he atixex h��y�� rsa� �:h�s iilo�:k �re ��so ne�.�, one-r�t4ry ldom��� f��u�es �erass the �tx�et �xe �ectdp�� d,c�t im �+r��y �aad �+�raditie�a. Jfah�son High +cha�F. ad,�oins the site te the ao�tt�west��, �'a�xnst�rss�t� �eho+�1 �xis�s �:ast of Arcade .�nd � ctaurchQ �.c� very good conditiou ���ci w��.h �n� ex}�anuiyE. y��:cd, i.s sa�g"h of F�x°nswa�th �ch�Ql�, Com�ercisl usea alon� Arc�de Saeg�:n a�e ialock nc�rtn s:xd one.�h��.f b�ocf� south of t�� sczb,je�:t siL�, Ex-. r•�ep� for Arc�de �tr�ntr�ge, �IZ� �zen�xR�. s�ees� fs ;.tesid�:�Cialo . t�I�a �oseCtar r�o�ec� sev�ral pc��.nts .�:n. ��avo;: �� �kae xe�t�n�.ng.� Fir:3t.., tt�e �roperty adjoins an �e..fsting Caarnnexci��1 dista�icfi sa t�i�ts �ai�l.� r�ot b�a c�resider�d s�ct zon�.ng and 18 ��et ti£ �he sub,�ect 40-�fa�t Aot �ar� alr�ae�y z�x„�d Ca�aercial, �e�and� �he hause ad.joining to etxe w�est h�s sx� attrched g�x�A;�a �aezd it is ti�� g��rage �n�� �sd j��.�as the subJect prop� erty and ncst: �iie h.�i�a °�k�t�.�dx c�n��c�al ca.v�a uge ndst f�r ��;a�r tek �he nox�th �cad ta �he sauth r��� t1.ie sit�a MY� R�aset�t�r� pr�in��� �o►at against the �eLescaing �re the facts ChaC eve� th�aug�� Y�.he ad�oi��ixtp fi�sts �o �he e�s!: axe zone<3 ���x��:i�l, tihPy aze used residenti�I�.y� Sc�e o� t'�i�s� hc��s �re� ic� ����xy goorz cczn�3i�-�.o�z� �°Ys.e ��ta^.h sryle haue n�xt claox �.s bu:?�t �n � l�t cai.Cn .�n ��,iaast #.r�e�zti�ai, to�sog��g'��,7 wt;i.c3� �aroves that these luc:s c�sn 1:+� u�ed r�s�d�:ntiall}T in �git� of. tl�e diffacul� t��,��a�i�y o� th� sit�� G3ven the iack a�f terc a21�ey tc� serve �s � ��nd�e�se t�c�undsz�y? tEnes� �'� f����, �.f Zeft in an etA" R�siden�iaZ �i,stsrict. �ao�ald s+er,re �s more v�= a �u��e.� s���� �etwe��. Che r�sic�ential and comiaerciF�I �,i:o}roe�t;�cs o �i�� Mas�eti:� ssE��c� F�' aax .�14.ey di��ai��� �`he r�C�.dentiaP stad c�sra�x°c:�.�� g�ra�er�ty ��d could the al��y ��� �racar,�c? in *�h� fcarure., tir� R��3<:��er e�:g��ain�d �n�t S:K�ere is no north�sauth r��.Le�• segs+�at�.ng t'i� prsrp�r-ty bu� i_43���� iq �r. .�3,Ley t�� �;�e �es�s• �az �i�� pae�pe�ty.., He ssi.d it w�suA� b� w�:I� 'to h�ve ��c�.� ��A���� betcra���. ::�s3.d�nt�� .erYc3 r.o-:�nerc#.�1. preap�z�y bu� there re cx��� �,s� �h;�s c��e, , . ,x .. •.:-.�i�i A:�D ACTIUY June 1, 1972 � n , d � � L^i;islative Code Cliapter 60 thru 64 pl8t Map 33 T� ` . . _ :- �-, 1';2�, as ar.:ended to January 27, 1971. , � 7354 . 1, !_'_Li�:::iT'S NA1�1E . Roger Arvold 6530 2. CLASSIFICATION . �X Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other _.. � 3. PURPOSE . Rezone to Coimnercial for doctor's clinic 4. LOCATION . North side of Hyacinth between Arcade and Weide Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : West 22 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, Oakville Park 6. PRESENT ZONING: "A" Residential 7. PDRSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: May 25, 1972 By: PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated May 9, 1972, the Co�issioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 15 or 75 percent of a possible 20 par- cels having signed the petition, B, HISTORY: A petition to rezone this property to Co�ercial was declared insufficient on July 25, 1968. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be a doctor's clinic. �, AREA ZONING: Arcade Avenue frontage is zoned Co�ercial. There is a small "C" Residential district abutting the Co�ercial zoning on Orange Avenue. "B" Resi- dence zoning begins at the alley north of Hawthorne and extends southward. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residential. E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan proposed that the Johnson High School facility be extended to this site with Co�ercial use extending northward fram Clear Avenue. It recommended low density Residential use south of this site. It shaws Arcade as an arterial street. F, SITE CONDITIONS: The site slopes fram the grade of Hyacinth Avenue downward to the north so the north end of the lot is about 15 feet below the level of the lot adjoining to the north. There are a number of trees along the west property line. G, AREA CONDITIONS: A home on the corner east of the subject parcel is in fair to poor condition. The area west of this house including the subject parcel appears to be used as yard area for this house. The house adjoining this parcel to the west is a very new ranch style house with a sh�llow design which avoi.ds the slope toward the rear of the lot, rts attached ^arage adjoinc the subject site, The othPr house� on this block are also new, one-story hames. Houses across ehe street are modest but in very good condition. Johnson High School adjoins the site to the northwest. Farnsworth School exists east of Arcade and a church, in very good condition and with an expansive yard, is south of Farnsworth School. Coimnercial uses along Arcade begin one block north and one-half block south of the subject site. Except for Arcade frontage, the general area is Residential. °. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Deni.al Council Lctter DaLed: Yeas Nays June 27, 1972 Moved by ; McPartlin Ames McPartlin llate of Seconded by: Swesey Maietta Hearing: Swesey June 29, 1972 Secretary's remarks: Cochrane Counci Action: . Date: _..._ ,... ;m.. � , r'_ . 7���. ':� } 'p' ,."L _ ,f' �q i t: ..�e.....s.......�.�....�...... , _, i - Mr, I�2s►iettm �sked if there are tre2s on the sub ject site and I�Paac, Rosetter answe�ed Cha� the �hato�raph of the site sE�ows snme neer the property linee A couple whn sa3c3 th�y re�ide in Lhe ranctt hea�ne n�xt to the subject property were pres�nt at the he�rin�. They said they heve vfewed the plan �nd are in agreement wf th it a The pe�itioner sa�d the trees referred to c,rill b� kept whe?-e possihleo He said th� trees Qn the west a�:e on the property ].ine and they wnuLd Af.�'e t� keep them �for �s�hetic puxposesd He expl.ained �:hat the proposed bufldiug would not be �ust a cLiaic but would be a pro£easiorca� baildingo He said tliey ��aould like to edd to Che be�ury af the place by Adding couXty�+a~ds, etco Mro Swesey a��Ced Dre Axvold if rhis wa�uld be bui1� in a 22-�o�t spsceo Dre Arvold 8nawered t:ha� thc�e sre three lots invcalvcdo Mr, Mafetta ��ked 3.f tF►ey could s�ve the tre�s sixice they ar.e young and very preCtyo H� also ssked if the axe� wouAd b� used fc�r par�:ing or bui lcii��;o Ase A�vul.d :�aid tche trees on the weat side: c�f the �.ot are al�ac�se directly on the prop�rty l�.nea fIe se�fd ti�e propos�l caLls f�r a �etback of a�proxiu�stely eight feet �o they hop� to save thcse treese Mr, �Nfaie�ti� asked i£ thcy l�aeve s buiZding plano �4ra o Cachrane as�Ce� wha� would be used next �o the setback, The petitioner displayed site pl�n� of the proposed build- ing for �t�e Board's consideration and discuasion�. I�rr, Mc�'8���.irn ssked how many empl+oyees th�xe wo�Id be in �h� cL�.nic� He was told there would l�e �Lve emplay��s and two doctors. Mrsa Cochr�ne astced how �eny ��rlckn� spaces the glans ahow �md wss told there would be 17 ofiE-streee �paces plus addf�?�ion.al sp�ce �l��ag the st�eeeo Dro Arveld said they wou?ld lik� to ke�p aa much psrking �s gossibiQ aff Arc��e 3treeto The applican� s�ated ichat the bu�.�di.�xg �x1Z house a cliir�prsc��c clin3.c and �hey plaia Co la�v¢ reatal off£ee sgac� upstairs�, Mrs o Co�h�ne rc�a�ked tE�st the�e doesn°t s�em to be �ez�a���;h ��v:ki��; s�amces y gas�icul�rly ig there arP Cenn�nts ups��ixs. Mre Af�i�tta nati�d that the peti�i.on stated s�E�e pr�poaed bul,ld jn.�r would be used for a doc�or'� eT�n�c beat ft can�ot be coa�sid�xed as �x�ly � cFin�.c :�.fr the�e arp tenuents upstairs, He a�so ques�ioaaed the A�csfcion� o� Che psrking lme ar..d c�riveway on the properCya �e McPartiin rem�riced that �.� they ca�xzt a paskfn; 1.ot ehere they will have �o come bac�C to t�e �oard snd ask fo� oxaee ��ir, .@,�nes statEd thst they wauld be eaking far ar �dm�inis��-a�tive lat �nd �hat wouldn'r requi�e a ��blir_ hearing, The ap��icant s���ted tha� they w�nt [o de�ign the atructure so it would meet all cmdes a�ri t�tax�da�ds, I� i� �o be a 1'� a�casy� spl�.t 1PV�1 s�r�scture, Mr, Am�� �sked the Epplia�nt if h� pl8res t:o have any typ� of �eYic� or bu£fer to acreen tl2e r��i�lenti�l qsro�a��ty �ta th� �ryc�s� sid�a Drs Arvold eai�l they hr�d not pianned to do this but they would be happy to do ao if it woes�d help meet the code �e�cafxewents s�r if the people next c3oor would li�ce one, �iUv�lC E1�VtJY,4i �.�'�ge �� .,�,..e x, a�r� Mre. Cochrane asked how the build�n� pl�n woulu be affected if this 22»foot piece wss not z�zaned.� The app�.icant s$id it cvouid c�t down the size and efficiency of tbe bu�ldiag. It would al3o cut the totai parking area but he said he was sure �h�;y coul8 b+siZd the clinic and st�.l�., somehow, get in enough space to tske care of the p3xkLn� needs. I�e nACed they wc�ulci sr.iJll h�ve the same a�ount of patients oftly• �vith lesa psricing sp�ac�. gi��o t�at.e��s r�pe�L-ed his co��:Vpn abo�t t�a� tr�es o The npplic��t r+en:a�ked that L-he cad� ��ates th�t they csn b>irg the pasking up t� , ttie gr.aperty ?lin� wt�en �t f� :�oned co�egci�lo Mr, l�iettia s��.d there is a presb�em in th�i� ��r�:�c�2�sr c�se b�c�use the�e is a hc}m� xight next dor.�ra iKsa .�mes s�id reh�:. pr�r�:ang lo� cz�n b�e v�s�2.� to arte-h�i£ ttre dis��snce ot Che bui�.ding se�h8c�i. I�:Ir.� Rr��e�tes ��id i� �tie �.ot �s i.n excess of 10 ca�s, th��. they wi 11 r�e�d ��ght �e�� �� � bz:f:��� �].�nS �he w��� px�uperty �.�n�o Mxo Swesey no�ted that th�.� �a��a�d �e. m�ae �f th� fe� p2�ces c�u r.'►rc.s�� ���reet tia�� caGUld have �pnce f�r o£f-��r�et pR�;It�ng o Mrs� �ac'h,r��a�c �a'id the Baarci has na conCxal of whe� goes osx t��.s �,o�t ance the �oning is ch�ngL� �� �a�erc:talo �hey arF nGt csbl��;at.ed to put this particu�.ar building au tihe :�r��: ar�ce i� i� re�m�.ed,- Mro M�i�tta �a�r��d w�.te� I�s, Cvclz�r�ne'x� ss�tetuer_t and �dded k� see�ras the applicr��ion ts ��.cc�mp�.etz a�ad n�ybe tne Board should hav� mcare tim� m� ��a He Bslted bf the u�sa�ter c�ou?d b� Jl���i ove� � fe�� �aeeT�s so �ti� a}�pgic�nt co�1J sup�a�y mar� intorma�fono ?�i�o �ic�'�r�l�.� seid �t±e �4oax� cau:�.�l raa�C� a recc�enda�f_on �� t�.e admxni.stra�itre com- m�t�t�� �eE» «��'i-��.ces �h�� ��prc,ve �d�nir�fsi:���:�.vc� paxl�3.ng p�i:�f.�:��' �t�at �tae setbaclz bc c�ans�.det�d csr= C[ae s�est and c�n yh� �i?�r����ty �.?:ae w��nere the dbs.��eoJay waulld be bu�: �he petitianea- �y h�ve t� g3.�se �p one a� iche gark�ng spacesa H4 ���d h� is �ofi. ag�tus�: �t� becaaas� aA.� �.a �id�cx�rci�� � co�t��c?€a?. ���a and tEtep ��:e z�q;�es���rg anly �a �dc3 22 feet r.c� i�:., :�� �s s�1� �a�d yc�u cQ�c;t b�a:i�.c� �nythfs�� +��i ��� �'or ��rne reason it's pa�t o�' � ar�s. alxe�dy �aned coi�:-�sr-ci��� The ��p�.ic��at �n� tE�� oecc�pnn� of the p�ropm erty m� �:lie ���$�: se�n �ca I�� �e���r�g a�,�n�� T�ie �pPl:�,cant 9&�j'3 h� w�,�.�. Esu:tld a ��uild» i�� tlat�L- �.R ;�iiia�� tt� b� ����g�c��L��eo `�he �er��.t�xaCs of �he buf.3.Ll�n�� rail� have S:c� b� such tFaa� t:h�y GFla� aa��: �h� �Sar��x�� s�rce wh�ch �.R sv�a.Aabl�e t3n b�i=s� :�asf.s, r1r, I�ci���tlin �dc � m�t�.�a� ta �°eca�u�end ap���m�r�� ��c3 �e�ca�a�aid to �:h� r;d�as..rai���a�:i�ve �g�nc� �taa� a setb�ck be e�t��j.f�shed c�a1 �:he u��s L ��?�;. �i tt-a� pso�rexty if �.��� d�x��way r�m.ains o. I�o Sw���y scc�nd�d the r�etiono l�iro p.mi�s Rdded �h�t t[ae ���T�RC�x�t shouZd g9.�e ca�� siCde�a�3.c�s� t� �� seaeen ;en�eo ���a�v��r� tn4 �a�d ;�e would �w�:���� ��� th2 ��e�� r����s fnstesd of u�itnn� � fenc�n A�zo ,w:s�y ��_"_� �.£ the �Se�p�le b�hca cswn te�e gasope�ty� ad�.a�— ccnt s�e �*���nt ��. �his meeCin� aa�d �re �a�� �ca��iz�g an �gix�3e��b ag�ins� ��f� r�zonings ttaey ffiust be ge���ng a�.a�� pse��y F�ell r�x�d it �hau�d be up ��s �hem ta srsy if tiley w��t �xe�� o;c m fence, F�s, Cc�cizs�a�� es�:�d the �p��ican� f� he wcau�d �aoxk th.�nbs QaEt wa.t�. h�,s rceighbox� 'Phe sppl�.c��at a�tat�d titzey cail� b� t�s�g5' �e� da ��hate�rcr +th�t� z�.�ighbor.s w�nte D�o �:rv�n�d sand �.�s� is very zra4�a���+s��.� s�z.�c� �tae�r ��:esen� B.r�s� f.� c�*r�En�.i�, ra�aulf�� rufio �k� �afd i,it�y �rr�nt �:o;� t�res��. �;�oL�d fa�r �iae neea ��z���d�.t�g �n � me�n��e but� Et�v�� a��:a�t�a�m ��.ee� �.n m�sad �� I�:z���.�s��� c��i.:°�: �te�y �ea�.�c� ��� �� th�.� peti��.on ��n°t� r��+��av�c�� °fe �d�ed �ha� Y.���y cao�3d �,�Tce �� s��y ir� �Ya ����. �utta.�s� is � f�mcY.oYd The vote ou �f�o: �cPmr�l�.n'� �o�ics� �ar �g�g�va�. w�3 � �c� �, Subm�tt�d by: �?.pprov��l by; Fau3 Lo ftcse��er �so ��arol;m. Cachrr��tl PETITION TO B,EZ081$. ..: m $ . ��� �...o. 'f � ',..H+ A pe : .y .r: t- ,� . e�, � 6t. , P 1�£fE' �d#��' �f H3 ak�i�Rlt�li�. � ,At-: . C�oauaeli���t�1s�� , e flxed'thc!�:�c� o'clock ia'the Chamber 1ri Ehe ' W111�11eR7�8i� S 8� ' �a �aw�� � Da4�id�ua'►12.18� �.'r� 1 18'�, q , , ' HA�'tRY ' ' �r �.t .�� . (June. ,;#9Tg) Citq Cler� � ` CI�TY OF SAINT PAUL � • MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HNANCE »a cwn Noy.. ss�os June 16, 1972 File X1217, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Conncil Chaa�bera` bf the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on June 29, 1972 on tlie�petition of Roger Arvold and others to rezone from an "A" Residence Districti to a "Cominercial" District the property described as� follows: The West 22 feet a€ Lot 16, Block 1, Oak Ville Park. The property is located on the North side of Hyacinth Avenue between Weide and Arcade Streets. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Co�nerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. To camply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged With informing you of this pablic hearing. If you have any questions, it is xeco�aended that you attead this public hearing to afford you the opportun�ty to make your views, boCh pro and con; �kno�an to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU A�tfng Iiead -'Finance Dept. ' � , ' . 1, �`�� � � , •` � ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA j � + .. PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER� 6� thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Od/ � Notqa: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi�7 , fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � � , rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �(,� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of � two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet o�/� the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of ' the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal escription and street address) � .�,��� �',� .��1 (�,�;�'�e ��� �U � , � � from � /" District to District, for the purpose of installi g constructing and/or operating the following: (descri,�ae�b�efl the proposed facility) ��--� RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITION Sub ject Property; t/�-/�f , �-i -�s f Q�K ✓i�//e RK , , d F Ocu��! � � � ,. , , „ , � _ �,;-,�G L�i�//I�fG�/✓L, � � � .! �� �/ r J � ��'i�` � r � W �+ � + . .. '-(�c<. G,.. �; _ . S `_t,,, ,,� ° a 1�a, o�n a i Q,c,C�tu%t '��y / U� �� V%/l� P�R�� � � � r � !/ �,�-�' � '�� / ? � ��' c�� , , , ,. ,� � �C � b o��� ,��l� ,��1< �. � w a,N al o s�C�' � � 'a2. �o ,�f �l`� �/,� e ,�1/2�� erGehdA �. l ` .� � ' /p� 3 � ��r ' /��� State of Minnesota ( � County pf ftamsey � ss y� s / r � � �� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he :as th erson who circu ate the within petition consisting of �� pages• r that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was �igned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties s�� escribe� � �� j� Subscribed and sworn to efore e •• ✓ �' !" � �� this ay of ,/' < i� ' � � • �� ,�.,�atr,_ Address: % . �_`_" `' Telephone No. �;.:.� Notary Pub��,�;�•'RamSe;y� ��iu�t �,_:;Minn. My Q�t��a��s'Siox� .ex��.z�es; :^ ,.,�, � Approved as to form 1/4/65 �`."'} �`, ' e ; ` , ,�;%t Office of the Corporation Counsel [f 1 ,�� .j'��,y �V;` � �' rd ^s_� �:,�r � � .�`'' !`�C', w-�'���"' ,;�i,��y� . . � �-z`� ��'� �'� ,,.� � �' . ; '' ' r' � ---..... ...,., ..... K... 's �,,�� �t,� _F, py ..a—�y` ���� :.:' ' ,�` d ����Y��� �ili2ra.� e . °�-' ';�J' , . __.... __., y `��'....�.� .✓`• ,/ 4:� � • • r � . � '' • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'fER,� 60 'thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the , ' rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal descriptio and st eet ad� C/..�C.!%�l'��� ��.�o,t�a.��.����� ��, �J from ��� District to District, for th.e purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; (de ribe br' f y the proposed facility) ��.� RECORD OWNER I AT LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property; 5�' � O K �,' lI � �� �1� L�.. h � r r << , , � �Tdh N s o �v � _ 9 � � OaK v,' /le ��-�k �� • � - /� :� R- ; � � � � 7��.Q¢,,"'Y� ��' t � � �._ � .� � � // -- g / � Sandra M Arvold ,�w State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss - ,- �,t ,/ .a. � f / being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he �is t person who circu ated the within petition consisting of pages; tha� the parties described above are the owners respectively of�e ots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true ' and correct signatures of each and all of the partiesyso�ciescribed. � � Subscribed and sworn to efore me ��.���,. � �l.L/ • this � day of -` - �✓ � � i - -� Address; � • `� - Telephone No. No,��"Y"Ptib i+e,`,Ramaey. C; j.n.ty, ,�Viinn. My co�mYSSi�in`e.xpir.es a Approved as to form 1/4/65 � - , � � ; , Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI"�.���''f 5 ' .���v�y��+Y�`� f _ __., _ ,_ ; � . �� . . ` •.�i , . � ; . . , „�I, R � I' ♦ Ir . E• �l We�t '?0 f���* :� ` Lor lf� , t}1ocK 1 , �:)ak Ville Park A�,r�:�r�nt: rAc•o��d c,,+>>�r: L1ur.� L. FZrthfield - - - - - � • j � The ST, nAIrL AR;TR�CT ^:vli I ° +:LE (1?' ����� �""�'' CC)I�i?'ANY doe� hereby certify � ;;��.,,. that from 1n Px�minati<��� of the r�cords in the office oP the �e�;ister �p �� of Deeds and!or Regist�rar of '! i t].�s , in and �or the County of Ramsey � � � � � �� ; and State of hiinnesor,<i . it c� ���:�rs 'h�:c; ti�e apparent owner or owners � ���` of the property within a r�di��s <�F '.00 f�et of the above pro�rty are r ( as fol �ows : �; , ] . j� Lo ' 1� xc^� ' ..i.c� ';y'c,� ��" fee' i-,�'. � I :> . I..; ' I? and 18 , aJ.l in � 'I '31o�k � `:?^'-v:� i 1c� �al•'.. . � � � . , • . . I .,� ��� _'1n��:�i•<�n� �� ��, �>wr,�,: . J,:��ur;i��.l,. EarthfiPld � I � 2 • i �eru' t. �i�� C)�� T�U'}�. .`-1c . , .. � .-'�J�—� ._—�3�'-���C)—'.i 7 , i��akvil.le ��ir4�• .. ��� � � � S �, �������i• r�n i. .•f�c��d ,�-•:r. ,� , ('1;•,� .�� L, LaR�te :,.nd Jc,yant�e. M, � � -� 9 � � _ � „; ' -- -___ _--.- -- --._LaPue---Joint ten1nts . �: I T 1 )l�� ''': �, 'P t•i r : t'�' , . .` ?��)' ? L' OC l. �A�{ �'i? le nark 3 . , .�o L 1 <<n d � . � _ 1 k , � �� � • . , . , . � ., . . , . re i :� ,.�ri�i ;�ertlaa �x �` ��.�rre7.1 , hlrsbsand and wi_fe � � � �� ` l �'�in* i.en�in i;s � --_-___ . -- -- -- ------- 4 . ii Lat � , �;�P� } e •,; !'�,,, , .�,, �� , � . , � oi Lot 3 , and thP F , 5 feet �;� of T�,<>r 4 , (�1; �• _ 1 . �`��:k ��1 � ;�: � ,-�: . � � � ; : ;' :;. �� . : � ��:� L , �.;,dnai� ,}.nd Am.�.nd�i `�i. �i g�a � � . <� c;� ;� :_-� , I��i�ban�i �nd �vi�e , �3o�.nt te�tar�t� . 5 , T,ot 4 . E"SCep' ! �,:� ' ;��; , c" `F, , ,�F� , �c f ;�n�� ;� l l of Lot 5 , Blocl: l , �,, ,_ , � n ,,�-. . ' � i; i :`��p,-� re,, t. r��c.�,;.;.,: c��...�• �• . :;x �- ,,f' Saint, '•�at�l 6. �� Lot: ` , ��;ock 1 , (?�;� t'. � �� n., -�---- -�----_____ I r�.7'1 i "+'�„ r ;�•f: �:t l*' '. �;tt]� 'T, ; I�ot 1 , Block Ci , v;t�; `:'i ': 1 �, ' �� � �/����£T� �� _�<<r � ��c �_,_. t� � :�3�� �•� �. '-dd ��riu ��� ... ,�,� , Ai, Ecidy . �� i Si !i� ;.., . �,. ,s::,�in�: :t��d wife , Joiiit tenatZts 8. Lot :? , rslock � , ��:�'.�ri ' le "��i•' ��� � �,� �, 1 :1np. .���it: reco�•c? ��wrt+�r. '.'.:1;1_ine :; , L?wandc�ski �� 9, �i'� LOt 3 � i�l nC�, y; ,i,..'� �i.? �)r, '-��-: ,. - . I �i � . , . . � . � � .. , � ?� _ ;n: � ` , n.�r�;e�-��i�t';1 und �th�l M. '>er: � 1::_ ' , h�is • ,<i and wife � �,�ti��,,,�,� ,, ,: . _ ��g ' • � � � � , +,7. ,�� � ��. �*�" ��`+� ��* ���� . ._r.:is-.�.,v�.:.n,.. .e,,i�.,..u.�.�'.`�v.�.%� :,.,a . m 3 '�,rswrj'.�'?�i�.w."�" t r'�' �,' �, r+, �.. � '�� '.� ,r„5.:,:��•:':"w,sat�ts�s,/r�„c.._... �h. __ __ __ _.__ . . � • . � • o . . > . � 10. Lots 4 and 5, ,B?ock 6 , Dak Vi11e �ark � Apparent record owner: R�,lph G. Saunby and Flizaheth �- aaunl�y . husband and wife , go �O joint tena*�ts . Lot 6 , Block 6 , Or_ikvi 1_le Park � Apnarent ro� �rd c>we��• : �ar t , . Johnson and Gei trude ? � E .Tn�;t.�;o+� , hushand and wize , Taxes , and JUdgments , not e�camined. , Ritness the signature of an aut'horized officer of the said Company this ?7th da.y of Oc:obc�r � . I� . 19i1 :i ` £3 o 'clock A .M. S T. DATIL :�BS`I'R aCT :'�:�T�? TITL,E Gi1�RANTEE COMPANY By , . � . . . � �~ n :�uthorized Signature ��� I �. , I ,� � I � . � � FOR: Roy Lindberg Realty 1094 nayne Ave . S t . Paul , ':Iinn . 55101 4rder #007045 ; - � � � , _ .:- � f , . 4 �� � II I' I' I' � �' ' I� '� 'i i . ,., .. �..-.. y, � ...,.;... .. ' ...„. i:A. . „... .. .....,. .. , .,... . .� _ __.� �.�,.a,.�1��.ac.,w.,�rwv�,�{s,�'�'.�sr�°:;�'�. < .... . . : .. ..... . ,. . . . ,. � -y;�Q r,�;"�t`i�i.r"�"�?,�z :a�%'}'�'` .' ,_•". : •�' , ;"b'� 5�.��;t . h�dlYi/wl Y�ndof. ios�—c.M►.�+ r.► o.a. Form No. �J'� Mlnnsot� UMfaT/Ceaw1'�9 �R���rl�� ��ce��.Neni��: �uaunui'i �` .,�....._r..-° � , , , . -• , f V� ��jE� greernerit � ccde a,r�� enterec�..into this.......� �.-.......dai o ........... ..... ... ....................., ,19.......��� and betic�een........ ��RA Mt�AND .EARYMF.IEL��..A VI�Orf„AMO_Jw;fRt�►RR�so.�,..:.���.�y....ot t ........... ...... ............ ----.. Fir�t Pert aad Rp�F.lt N. AR�OLD and MA�cZNE 8 ARVpLD, hue wite, a� jo nt toD nt a aot a t�narst� n common, an un8�vided o�e-hs����nte�re�t in t • !01 • s , d �t�o . ARVO� an 81►1�DRA M. 1►A�pL , hua a �a� � e�:ag.... o� . �...te,n�v-n�tu-..�n��.. ot.-..rs.... nant ....� �• c n, '. a as�iuid+�d....o�na-halt..... .. ..._.in re.s�....�n....f���o.11o�r.u�g........., . d •esib�d property, Part��s of the Second Partt �l'triPf��et�j, TJzat tTae sa.id pai�t...Y............of tlze first part in consicleratiort of the covenants ancl a�sreements of said part....1.�s......of tl�e second �art, hereinaf'ter cuiztainecl, l�erebJ sel.l.........and asree._......to � . convey unto said �art...lE�.......of the second �art---..TN�.LR...�l�.�.R.�...............and a.ssi�ns, by cc....W�l�I�I4MT�............. ' .......................................Deed, cueompaniecl b7� an abstract ez•idencing ynocl title in part...........,.........of the first pa�•t . at the date hei�eof, or bJ ccn ozvner's du7�licate �erti frcate of title, upon the prompt ccnd full perfurrnance bJ said part.....1��.....of the second part, of.........T.HE.I�?....7�art of this ab'reement, the tract........_of larul, li�in�s and beirc6 in the County of...................RAMi�.Y..........................__..........and b`tat� nf ✓llinnesotd, described as follows, to-zvit; �L.�' ' � . � (.OTi �6� �7� AND �8� OAKVI�LE ARKj ACCORp�NG �O �NR RLCORD�D ' � P1.At TMRRLOi ON �ILE ANO OP RECORD IN TNE OIi10E OI TM� R[aiSTER 01 O�ED� IN ANO fOR RANSEY COUNTY� MI�NE80TA. � ' , ,, $ k ., ���/�. � � ' i'.. I� '(�/f� � s f � ; �. / - g g .,4nd said part_... ���:..of the seeond part, iiz �onsicle�°ation of the premises, hereby a�sree._.......to pay s ? said part....Y.-••••.:.�of the'�rst part at..._..._..ST....PAUI,�.._MINNe�OTA...........................................••-••--••••••.....................•••••••-••••-• " � , r • ' ...T�..:t.._.'.:...M.....�'k.......••N�--�!•-p-.A......... .. . ...... ' as a�id for the p rc lzs�ej�rice o� said premises, the suni of � �f��. N Y T R 8 T !i N N , , ..�OLLARI6 �•••-a-••-�;�X(�W�� • • • . • • • • • • • • • s • • r � �...• � • � � � •• - � ............... . .... ..........................••••.••.....---•--......••••••••••....... ...........•••••••• •••• ••.. .. .. .......... .... .... .... o ars, � ; , .., � � in manner aizd at't��nes followin�s, to-tvit: .................................................................................. ................................................... � � � � �OOO.00 - OOMN� tNE R[CE1�'T Oi VMICH �s MER68Y ACKMOY�E06E0. ' k 4 � ��1 �WO.00 • PAYAE3LE IM MONTNLY INSTAILMt�NTm pi #)OE?.00 OR NQRB • � PER MONTN AT TNE OPTION Q/ TME PAtlTY Oi TML m66QND lAAf � CONMENC I NG aT83'1 L2�tr�T 2., 1�7?, � �N{� A L 1 KE NMOIlNT ON TNE �S7' CAY OF 6A�M ANO t1f ERY MONtN . TMENICAiTER bNTIL THf UWPAtD 8A1,ANCE Oi TN13 tONTRA�T SNALL HAYE B�EN PA 1 D 1 N FUI.I. FAOM TNE NQNTlt1.Y P'ArMENTS � OF TNE 6ALANCE Of' TN1l� CONTRACT SMA�L Fili�T B� D�p11CTED TNt MONTM4Y � ACCtlMULATEO INTER[ST QN t!!E OEF�RR�D tAYNENTi AT SEYI�M PlGR CLNT t�� � !Ep ANNUM� COMPUTED iRCM DgCB�,t„s� L, �c�?� � AND TNE � REMA 1 N 1 NG 6ALANC� Or Sw 1 D PAYIA�NT4 !lNA1.4 86 AP►L 16D {MfIN TN� lRINCIPAI BA�ANCE W THIS CONTRACT. _ � . TN� ENTIR6 UN*A10 BALANCE Of; TNI!! CONtRACT �NA1.L 6� I�A1� IN �W.1. ;i � ,�►NU,►R,r i, i975• _ , � I t I i FURTMER 1lNDERlTO00 w D'ACi11ER0 QY ANR 8�11K�M TNIG ►ART I« MERE IN � THAT iECONO PAR71E$ �MA1.1. MAK� �t0 1elRROVEM[ll�''! ON iA1p MAOPtItTX VMICM � MwY CAUSE �IBNS TO SE RI�EO TN�REOM� AM9 SI�CONO f�ARtILS ktREOY AORt6 � TO SAVE PIiiST PARTY IRE� AND NARML6�i �ROM AfMY �1iCN i.1�Ni �iR CMARGLS. t �, . . � Said part_��s.of the aecond part further cc,v7e4ant___.r.�,nd agree__�.__.ab Pollows; to pay, before penalty attachea there- to, all taxes due and payable in the year 19.__.l� and in suba°quent yeara, and all apecial esaeasments heretolore or here- t7lCE'T PENDING AisE�3NEbT /OR lITRC�Y LIGNTING ANO �TR��T IM'AOVEM[NTs atterlevied, -.----..—_._.--.---.-.--.-.--...-------------.--__._._.__..____._____..__._._.__ l�IR�YANT TO PNA�EN AREA REOE1tELOPMENT PROGEt�i/. ---_____.__._ also that any buildings and improvementa now on said land, or wh�ch �shall heresfter be erected, placed, or a►ade there- ' on, ahall not be°removed therefrom, but aha1T be �nd remain the pt�b�e��y�oi"the'psrtY w:of�flie Hrst.part unt�l thla contract , ahall be fully performed by the part_.._�e�of the second part; and at__.._Tyt�R owp expenee, to keep Lhe buildings on said premises at all times insured in some reliable insurance company or companiea, to be Qppioved bq the par�r__o! the 8rst part, againat loss by flre for at least the sum of__S�L:_�NS11RAaLt rAl.{1E � � � - � ' ,:., , ,, , ___._�.__-�-----._---_.._..----°---._...__......_---.._._..._..__.__....._ ` .. . .. ._._ _..._ _ _._Dollarr , and againat loss by windstorm Por at least the sum of__r��<__1M�11RAOL6 r�irV= • , � -. ---------------�----.�.,_..__........._._ - ., ._.___._.__�..._..__.__....____. _.y.�.�. olIar�, payable to said part__�_of the flrat part, _._!!Lg__.._,__�.,._heirs or assigna, and, in eaee'of lose, sh0uld there be sny eur- plu9 over and above the amount then owing said part___..X_....of the flret part,�..._.1�1(.R..._.�heire oT a983 gna, the balsace ehall be paid over to the said part_.j$a.of the aecond part as............__...._ +ntereat ahall a --�IiE.j�.___...-.._.... PPear� and to deposlt with the part__..�_.._of the flrst part policies of said insurance. But ahouid the seCUnd,part_.I.�..fail to pay any item . to�be patd by said part__..�.�under the terms hereof, aame may be paid Dy flrst part:.:.X_._.and ehalt be forthwit,li pay�ble, ` ,with'interast thereon, as an additional amount due flrat part__.�'..._;.under thls contract. _ But ehould delault be made in the payment of principal or intere^.t due he;eundei, c�r ot atty♦part thereof, to be bq 1 ' , second part.._.1�sid, or should________._�.�l.f.�...fail to �ay the taxea or aeserdsmer►te upon said land, premiums upoa eaid � ' �{� (I�JIi�Lf���^iLT. �O::iC i�n�'.f i t� UY: �� �� . � � �.. � � . ''''' RENNl3c�.�i z,�F��_��i +�.i:,^;�u�� : � ,7 `; � A• ; _ �' •,:���; - ,,..,: . , . ', .. . u ... , �i.,.PAUI� �rll� �`:ir�f� �Jltil ' �� . � �y�•.� . A► . � .�Y,� a �7�IwR�+��$��Sipll+'��s�te°-iS�4�"�"dViFt��IF:',Mi}�i3Qs'':4� etA..:ai'��i�.GPdL�;i-.wr�..k..i'.ixa�Jl`.�.:i''2�`� ^ 'A%PtOt+al�k'pd� �}.a�'" ,M� 'k 4i!"rr .�L°laiv�;7 ✓M e;!vy,�y��r,?'!iYhSKrRf.+4'. , . . . . r,�>. w . , a r� +v�4SYn � • .. r . . i�.' • �� 'a� �.,�'� � ..-..� �.r �s':� � ,1.. „R,} . . . . . .. � . i} , , . . . , . . . :,� .... � .. '.•.. .,. ,. ., -- ..i ,, . _. . _ . � .' . .� .. .. . �,�. , �. • • ,�3; � , � y,;. +� insunnce, or to perform any or either of the covenants, a eementa, terma or conditiona herein contained, to be by said•:' eecond part_��__lcept or periormed, the said part Y�.of he flrst part may, at....__...._MEp...__.____..option, by written notice � 'declare this contraCt canceiled aad termi4iated, and all ghta, title and interest acquired thereunder by eaid eecond part._.�ESshall theraupon cease and terminate, and all i rovements made upon the premises, and all paymente madR., hereunder ihall belong tb aai�l pa:k.Y of the 8rat part sa uidated damagea for breach of thia contract by eaiQ aecond � par �t��, said aotice to be in accordance with the atatut in such case made and provided. Neither.the exteneiorl ot the time of payment of any a m or aume oP money to be paid hereunder, nor any waiver by the part Y of the flrst paTt--M:R--____righte to declare t ia contract forPeited by reason o! any breach thereof, ehall in any manner affeCt the right of said p�rt Y_to cancel thia contract because of defaulta aubaequently maturing, and no exteneion of time ahall be valid unlesa evidenced by duly si ned inatrument. Further, after service of notice and failure to remove, within the period allowed by law the default therei specifled, said part_.._1$.9of the aecond part hereby epeciBcally agree___.—, upon deman� oi eaid part.._��of the flrat part quietly and peaceably to surrender to....._NER_...,._._..........poeseeelon of said premisee, and every psrt thereof, it being underatoo that until euch dePault, said partl_�.�__of the second part __�.A��._...._._._...._.to have poeeeesion ot said premiaes. ' �ft i�c �utuaUp S�greeb, ' By and between he parties he�•eto, that the time of �ayment shall be an essential part of this corztract;aiu� that cLll the co nants and a�sreements herein contained sTzall run tvith the land and bind the heirs, executors, admi istrators, successors ancd assi�ns of the res�ective �arties hereto. `�� � � . . . b ,. . � , ' . �fn �e�ritttonp �fjeteof. The parties hereto ave hei•euncler set thcir hands the da� and year � fi�•st above ivritten. ' � � � � � n ,, , � n �•esence ���yF`-` .! .. ...- •'�•-•. ........ . ...... ` . # , , , . .. ......... . .......... •••••......... .. . _ ... . ; � ./............... .... ....... ... .•••••- -•..... ......-•••...•••••-•• - , , � ` . • •• •- -••-��,..-•- -- ..�...•• •-. . .. ...._.._...-•••-•..... � .,,.. • •...•-••-•-•••• .......:. ......................•••••--. ..t .._ .. .. . `. ,...9-rf...� ............ . ..---�---._........ _............ � � , a• � . � �tate of ��r��e�ota, S�. . � : Coa�nt� of............�8t11s/?x.,----•�.................................... i . Ori this...:.. :,: 30th ..:.._ :day of_ .N..o..ember................ 19...7..1, be�'ore rrr�c, � . .... . �� ..................................klo�?II��y....Publ�.�..-�--�---.......----... ......---......Z 'th�n �n�z }'o��.�a�� t� ��on�''c�IIJ�c�ij51j�c��d . � Laura__Meland..,Earthfield._,.,a...widQw...a�,�i.... �.���a,rr..i..ed:.....Roqer....TnX_....Ar.v�ald....and... � !!i.arine...E.-...Auvo,ld�....husband---and...wi.f�3:..... ....:.�T,a��.�....R�....Axvold....snd...S�ndr.a..M.. : Ar.�o1d.......hu8ba..n..4....�Ad...M���.t..........................�--�-•-�-----....................:._._........_.......:................---......--�--..............--�-��-�--�--�-------......--�--... ; to �rte knorur� to be �the pe��son.H.............described irr, and vho etecute,�l the fore�%o' co inst i�rat, �n<l ` aeknoivlec�sed that..�...he..x.:.executed the same �s..... .... h .ir......... 'r d c e . , ; . � , � . , _ : . .............. ..... . . .. ...... ..................-�-- -.:............... .: ................ ..........._....... , ����,., � � � � � , �'� ' . ��''otarJ 1'ub?ir•. ��: ... .....�`��.!i..................•-•---CountJ, �-llirzrc. , . . . . . �t r. �i:: _.. "Minr.. . . � . � � �-<�.�. '" .. , ' y � : �'V;� 4 � -��V�� � . ., �P r , ': „�7� cornrnission lpires.• •-•...... :....:... ..�.....:��.................••, I�J............_.. � � ' , 3 , - � , � `: ° ��� ' � +�•W � .. , ' � . . � � .,......... . ..�_.......�. �� � r . . . � . � � � � . � � � ` r � � ' s � � � � ti � ^ �^�' ,� ^ ^ �., �.: .0 � .,r ,,,, � i � .. ' � �� ;� ° � , . � f� � O � `� i i ^ � j p ~ ' � j � ; z, i ; � y ;ti �, '„ : i � y � � � � w ; : � -� : ; � ; � � � a y � � � a � �a i i { � y ; ! ` I'a o � ' ; • � � "� � V : ' � ! 0 ' i � ; � � ; i o �� � ' � ` . ; � ; i c ;� � � � , • Q 3 ,°' O � ^� '„` ^ �` -� ' L' � ' � � 't i� ' • � � w � i i w � � , �, ; ti � I � I . 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