259344 OR161�VAL TO CITY CLBRK 1 .- � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. 2593�4 , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF page 2 Whereas, The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the fore- going recitals particularly identified and described; now, therefore be it Resolved, That said plans and special provisions for the sandstone bluff stabilization be and are hereby approved; and be it Further Resolved, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and are hereby approved. �: �i? � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays duL 2 ? +�? �OCD�r Hunt 2 g�c�gx Konopatzki Approved 19� Levine n Favor Meredith J Sprafka Tedesco A Sainat Mrs�resident, 19i�� But 1 er � PUBLISHED JUL 2 91972 � ,ORI61�jAL TO CIT°���K � 2593�4 . , � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa , °` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. , � COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF Whereas, The sandstone bluff along Shepard Road extending from ap- f proximately 400 ft. east of Elway St. to apprr�ximately 1 ,200 ft. east ��"4�' of E`iway St. is deteriorating and eroding; and Whereas, Said deterioration is causing rock to fall onto Shepard Road, which creates a significant menace to the vehicular traffic using Shepard Road; and #�lhereas, The Minnesota Highway Department possesses in their divi- sion of soils and geology the necessary expertise to solve this dangerous problem in an economical and practical way; and Whereas, The State Highway Department has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the resolution of said sandstone bluff deterioration; and Whereas, Said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Sair�t Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled and identified as S.P. 6280-177 (35'E=390) ; and . '�r Whereas, Said special provisions are on file in the office of the � Department of Highways, Saint Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled and � identified as S.P. 6280-177 (35E=390) which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated . � January 1 , 1972, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways � constitute the specifications for said bluff stabil,ization; and r^ Whereas, Copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, � labeled and identified are also on file in the Department of Public Works; and ; t � `� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays B��c Hunt �a,xl��nz Konopatzk i Approve� 19� Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco A Sainst Mr�.President, �� But 1 er PllBLISHfD JUL 2 91972 � ��,�,T�,��,� • 2593�4 -� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�GENERAL FORM O PRFSENTED�Y COMMISSIONEQ �A� pa� Z I�M�►�, TM t�rs "l�at d pl ans �d sp�ta 1 provi s t a�s" as I+�r�i n�ft�r w�d f n t1w bod�► 01� ti�t s nsoi ut i o� shN 11 b� d�wn�d and 1 nt�nd�d !o �n. r�f�r to, ahd inoo�prat� th� Plans and s�alai provisloas in th� for�- �oln� r�aitals Nrtiuilarly i�ntifi�ei and d�scrlb�z noa� th�sr�font Y� it R�solwd. Th�t saTd ptans and sp�eial provlsiqa ta� th� sandston� bluff stabtlisatio� b� and �r� INr�by appe�ovad� a�d bs tt Fu rth�� lasol wd. That th� �1 wat i o� and 9rada as shaM+ i� ss t d pians and sp�c{al provtsto�s bs � at� lMnby ��p�ov�d. � �u� a� �� COUNCII�N Adopted by the Council 19_. YeaB Nays .I U L �i� �9TZ �r Hunt f�Yf�tlt Konop�tski Approv� 19._ �� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � t Tedeaco NI�,President, �� g�t 1�� � �� ourucwrs ro►rtunat • 259�44 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GHVERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISStONFA �ATE MllMn�s, T!w �tor+� b 1 uff �1 a� Sh�pird R�d oct�ad t u� frow ap- prptfwt�ly 4l�0 tt. Nst of Elw�y St. to sp�roocirtsly 1.200 ft. wst ��'� of IE trny St. I s d�t�r t orat i n9 and •rod i M; and Whsn�s, =atd d�t�rtoratton ts causin9 roak to tail anto tb�prd R�o�d, Nhteh crwt�s � siynifie�nt � to th� whicul�r traffl� usTn� sa.p.rd ro.�; and 1ih�n�. i'h� Minn�sota H1¢�y �rt�nt pass�ss�s i� th�ir divt- s 1 on of soi i s and �ol c��r ths n�c�ssary acp�rt t s� to soi w th i s d�rous _ prob 1 wi t n an �con�owi c�►1 a�d pract t ca 1 rny; ar�d MNn�s. Th� Stat� Ntfhw�Y t�rta�nt his Pnp��d pi�s. sps�tal provisions and spsetficattons tor ti» r�solution of said sandsteins biutf d�t�rioratian� a�d Mh�nas. �a t d pi a� ar� on t11� i n th� otft c� of tM Dp�rt�nt of H i�ays, Sa 1!�t �au i� Mi nMSOta, b�i ry ��k�d. i a�l�d anr i d�nt i f i�d as -__ a.�. ¢�a�77 (35�•390): •+�a NMrMS. Said sp�ctal provtsions ar� cn til• tn ths offic� of th� O�prt�tNnt of Hi�w�ls. ta 1 nt Pa�i, Mt a�wsota, b�i ey� �rrlc�d, 1 sl�l�d �nd 1�nt 1�i�d as S.�. 6�Sa�77 t3S�•i9o) �h t e�. Ro�tMr wt th ths M1 e+n�sata Dp�crtarnt of tt 1��►s t�sct f t cat ta►s for N t�y Const�t i on, d�t�d Ja�wry 1. 1972. on f i 1� i n ths oft i c� of th� Ca�t ss i an�� of H i�Iwwys coAStltut� th� sp�cifidattons for satd biuff stabiitsation; arn! MM�MS. �opt�s ot said plans a�d spKial �rovislo� as so �rrk�d, lab�i�A and Id�nttfi�d ar� also vn ftl• in th� 8�rtw�nt of Publtc Morks; �nd COUNCILMEN Adopted by tbe Coun�� 19_. Yeaa Nays �tNrlO� Hunt �N�ib� Ko�op�t=k i Approv� 19�. Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka � _ A oninat Tedesco M��President,���t��� �� �59��5 . � This ordinance will allow sick leave for people taking treatment for al�oholism twice rather than once. This suggested ordinance change is made because the people responsible for the new treatment program for alcoholics feel that very often a man who takes the cure once thinks he is over the hump and tries to drink again and gets back to his same problem; and after a second time very often stays dry. With the new treatment program for alcoholics, and with the Cityzs participation in such programs, we feel that our laws should be modernized to fit in with these new programs.