259338 011101NAL TO OITY OLiI1K CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL e,ow,c,� 2�9��8 OFHCE OF THE CiT1( CLERK p�� NO COUNC WTION—GENERAL FORM „��T��Y July 2 7, 19 7 2 COMMISfION �� WHEREA5, the Building Department has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to coneider the advieability and necessity of the correction or wreekinA and removal of the following deecribedbuildinga, eaid etructuree having been raported to conetitute a public hazard: Addreas Legal Deacription Type of Structure 625 E. Jessamine Lot 11, Block 4, J.R. Weide's Addn. 14 ' x 18' frame garage WHEREAS, it appeare that the last known record owners of said buildinga are as follows: Grace Milbratt - cantract purchaser Century Investment Club - fee owner THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court Houae in eaid city at 10:00 a. m. on August 17, 1972 ___ to coneider the advieability and neceseity of order3ng the correction or wrecking and removal of eaid structurea on the above described property inaemuch as said structures are reported to conetitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Building Department, on behalf of the City Council� notify by mail the record owners of the property in queation at the last known addresa, as well as other intere�ted pereone of record� of the date and time of the hearing. FORM APP OVED: ��x�new) Aeet. City Attorney �UL $G 19 c� Adopted by the Council 19_ COUNCILII�EN � � �� ��� Yeas Nt�ys pprnv 19_ Hunt � Favor Konopatski Levine v �r Mered�th -.A�sinat Sprafka Tedeeco Madam President, Butler PUBUSHED AU G 5 �972