259332 ,OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK 2593�2 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCiI NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ; . ,, � COUN RE OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ��'. COMMISSIONE � ATF _ , •, 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the �ty of Saint Paul, by Resolution, Council File No. 238655, approved the action of its Sinking Fund Committee in establish- ing amounts for deposits by the City in the Commercial State Bank of Saint Paul and accepting certain collateral fram said Bank as in said Resolution prescribed, and by subsequent resolution, Council File No. 250981, increased the maximum deposit at said bank from $330,000 t6 $900,000 and provided for an increase in collateral required from $370,000 to $1,000,000; and WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee at its meeting of June 28, 1972 re- �omin�led_ an increase in the maximum deposit from $900,000 to $1,090,000 and an increase in the collateral required from $1,000,000 �to $1,200,000 due to an increase in payrolls presently on deposit at said bank; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that this Council hereby approves the aforementioned_ action of its Sinking Fund Cammittee in increasing the amount of authorized City deposits at the Commercial State Bank to $1,090,000 and increasing the amount of the City's collateral requirement to $1,200,000; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves transfer to said City from said Bank of the following described securities: $200,000 U. S. Treasury Bond of 1973 dated July 22, 1964, due November 15, 1973 @ 4.125% as additional collateral; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Acting Head of the Department of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the appropriate officer of said Commercial State Bank a certified copy of this Resolution. FORM A PR VED: As ity Atto ey � �u� a 5 ,��2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeaa Nays ut�e �`���`"° JU L 2 6 1972 � H unt �'°�_='�� � C rl on Konopatzki -'"'� pprov 19— Le ne Levine � - MereditFi l �In Favor M dith gprafka S ra ka Tedesco Mayor edes Mme, PleS�deq�,Butle� --��Sainst a�a1`i—Tr'�wivvssv� �nrnr}�s . � PUBLISHED JUL 2 91972 .r 2�.�`IC��� nurucwr�ro►R�r�e � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"�� NO OFFfCE OF THE CITY CLERK -. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � .. n��r�c.r COMMISSIONE� �q� �BAS, tha Council of the City o� Saint Yaul� by As�olution, Council File tio. 2386SS, appsav�d ths action ot it� Sinking Fund Ce�na�itta� in e�tabiiah- iag amounta for deposita bq the City in the Coms�arcial Stata'�naok of Saint Paul and �casptin� cartain collateral fram said Bauk aa in �aid R�solution prs�aribsd� and by subsequent reaolution, Council File No. 250981, increased the maximun� d�posit at said bank froan $330,000 til $900,000 and provid�d fvr an iaar�ase iu collataral requirmd from $370,000 to �1,000,000; and " WHBREAS, the Sinking Fund Caonnitte� at its meating of June 28, 1972 re- �:� an increas• in the maximum deposit from $900,000 to $1,090,000 ax�d an iacreasa in the collateral required froon $1,000,000 to $1,200,000 du� Co ao incraasa in payrolls presently on deposit at said bank; now, therefore, be it 1tBS0I.VBD, Sy the Council of th� City of 3iint Paul, that thia Couacil haraby approvea the afo�ementioned action of ita Sinking Fund Camwittee in increasing the amount o� authorized City depoeits at tha Coareercial Stat� Bank to $1,090,000 and increa�sing the amount of the City'� collataral requiram�at to $1,200,000; be it 1rtTR18B� BBSOLVRD, That th� Council of th� Citq of Saint Paul her�by appraves Cra�sf�r to �aid City from said Baak of the follcr�ing desoribad aecuritias= , $200,000 0. 8. 1�easury Bond of 1973 dated July Z2, 1964, das llav�mbar 1S, 1973 @ 4.12Sx aa additianal collattral; sad be it FURI�ER ItESOLVSD, That tha Acting flead of tha D�parta�ent of Finaac� i� h�rsby authorisad and diz�ct�d to tranamit to tha appropriat� officsr o! aaid Co�ercial Stat� Daak a ctrtifi�d aopy of thia L�olution. �u� a 5 ��z COUNCILMEN Adopted by. the Co�mr,i� 19_ Yeas Nays u� � ;a�__._ �u� a s �s12 Hur� � - C � Konopa� ���� � A�°°� 19— Le Levine � i-^� • � �tt�Mereditli � ��� --itt Favor �5prafka �� S Tedesco edee Mme. P[esi�l�,� � p��t �8