259329 ORIQINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��9329 " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � C UNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM —.PRESENTED BY COMMKSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Civic Center Authority Resolution CCA452 .in the award for furnishing and delivering FORK LIrT TRUCK to the City of Saint P�a.ul, Civic Centex Authority to Herc-U- Lift Co. ; Inc. as follows : 1. 1 - 6 ,000 Lb. Electric Fork Lift Truck Allis Chalmers Model #FE60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 ,775 .00 2 .. 1 - 18C75 -21 Battery - C � D. . . . . . . . $ 1,8-9�.�00 3. 1 - ER18HK75O Battery Charger - C � D. . . . $ 699 .00 Total amount of contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 ,369 .00 � Terms : --- at unit pricesbid, in accordance with the specifications on Formal Bid No . 5074, the award being made to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifica- tions . The Corporation Counsel is hereby directed� to draft the proper forr� of contract. The proper City officials are hereh�r authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F. B. #5074 Req'n. No. 3099 Code : �#��-808 �o b� �-'� � :�-��u �s�o� -�f'oh-► !30►�0( Fun� � �2.-O Co�o 0 APPROVED: AS TO FORM �PPROVED: THE PURCHASING COMMITTEE 6 . . . . . . . . � � , E ' �?n. ADMIN. ASSISTAN`T TO THE MAY COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� Ju'' �5 ��19— Yeas Nays Butler J U L 2 6 1972 �D�� Hun t pprove 19� Levine � Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor �Against Tedesco �Pres�c�en�,a���S� - 7/12/72/Pranke/jk PUBLISHED JUL 2 91972 �� o��,�,►n,���� CITY OF $T. PAUL couMCi� N�_ �`��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� ' COUNCIL RESOWTION--GENERAL FORM ~CO��IONE� �ATf RBSOLYBD, That ths ,Couacil hessby coacurs in the action of the Civic Cent�r Authority Resolution CCA4S� in the award for fnsnishia� aad dellvsrin� FORt LIB? TRUCL to th� City of Saint Paul, Civic Cest�r Authority to Herc-U- Li#t Co. , Inc. as foliows: 1. 1 - 6,000 Lb. Blectric Pork Lift Truck Al�is Chalaers I�odel �F860. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,775.00 Z. 1 - 18C75-21 Battery - C ; D. . . . . . . . 1,89i.00 3. 1 - HR18HK7SO Battery Char�mr - C $ D. . . .� 6g�.00. Tatsl asount of contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z13,369.00 Ter�ts• --- . at uait priceabid, in aceordance �►ith the specificsticns aa Formai Bid No. 5074, th� axard beln� ude to the lox�st responsible bidd�r ismtiag spscifica- tfoas. Thm Corporatioa Cannsel is hsr�by directed to draft the propss fostia of coatract. The prop�r City officials aro hezeb�r authorized to exeeute said coatract on behslf of the C3ty of Saint Paul. F. B. �gA74 Re 'n. No. 3099 / CO�S ��Q'8�8 TO be re ��nb u �'s e� '�t`O►'►-� �Oh C� �u v�0(, '��F'LD co 000 APPROYBD: AS TO PORM APPROVSD: THB PURCHAgING COI►QtITTBB G(/ ' 7-,�i. �v� �5 r��2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye � �n.� Butler ��C � W!� • � HUnt � APPmvcid 19— Levi.ne T� Favor Meredith • � �d�tyor SprafkA , A astinat Tedeaco �X ��a��C 7/12/7a/P�anke/jk ��