259301 OR161NA1„TO CITY CLERK ��Y 1�■� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL N0. � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF Whereas, lt appears to the City Counc:il of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, � � that the streets hereinafter described should be revoked as Municipal State-Aid Streets under the Provisions of Minnesota Laws; now therefore be it Resolved, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul that the stre�ts de- scribed as follows, to-wit: BURNS AVENUE from Kennard Street to Hazel Street (a portion of Municipal State Aid Route No. 216) HAMPDEN AVENUE from Wabash Avenue to University Avenue (a portion of Munici- pal State Aid Route No. 146) MYRTLE AVENUE from Pelham Boulevard to Vandalia Street (a portion of Munici- pal State Aid Route No. 172) WABASH AVENUE from Raymond Avenue to Vandalia Street (a portion of Municipal State Aid Route No. 213) Be, And hereby are revoked as Municipal State-Aid Streets of said City, sub- ject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota; and be it further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hcreby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration. ��i��R�p � , � � � ,t/`�� �- � � As:� JUL 19 197� COUNCILMEN Ado�ted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays ��� g 0 1972 ut r Hunt 19 son Konopatrk� rove ����..�, �--�, L ine Levine ����� Mereditli �` �n Favor redith Sprafka � � Mayor afka Tedesco , A gainst e esco Mme. Presidenf, Butle� Mr. Pr sident, McCarty �� ;, `�`�� 2 21912 � �'U@LIgNED JU�- . -�-=�--.. . • , �. , � �------�. r. • I y tO'LE�� ' I � ",c� :�<;, ,�.�; .(,��'�f/�' �? �..,�j��,�..� . `� � - � � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 5510i August 8, 1972 r. Harry E. Marsha.11 City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 and Mr. Richard A. Schnarr City En�ineer St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In reply refer to: 608 Municipal State-Aid Street System Commissioner's Order No. 51577 Designat3.on-Portion of 216, 20�+, and All oP 2�+2 and 2�+3 Revocation - Portion oP 1�+6, 172, 213, 216 CITY OF ST. PAUL Dear Sir: I am transmitting herewith for fili.ng in your office a certified copy of Commissioner of Highways� Order as noted above. It is suggested that this order be properly filed, indexed and kept as a permanent record in your office. Si.nc r �r, ' �/ : l�/ , Gordon M. Fay� State Aid Engineer Enclasure: ' Commissioner's Order No. 51577 cc: District Engineer - Wm. N�eerritt - J. F. Ber�ford - Dist. 9 Form 30�18 ' , ��; t' � E1� ,; �..�� �,.��„ _ s ' � . + � . ORDER N0. 51577 It is hereby ordered that the revocation of the followiag Muaicipal State-Aid Streets, or portions thereof, entirelq within the city, as requested by a resolution of the St. Yaul Citq Council, dated July 19, 1972, be and hereby is approved: Portion of Municipal State-Aid Hampden Avenue from Wabash Avenue to Street No. 146 University Avenue. Portion of Municipal State-Aid Mqrtle Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Street No. 172 Vandalia Street. Portion of Municipal State-Aid Wabash Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Street No. 213 Vandalia Street. Portion of Municipal State-Aid Burns Avenue from neaz Kennard Street Street No. 216 to near Hazel Street. It is further ordered that the establishment, location, designation and numbering of the following Municipal State-Aid Streets, or portions theraof, entirely within the city, as made by a resolution adopted on July 19, 1972, by the St. Paul City Council, be and hereby is approved: Extension to Muuicipal State-Aid Tenth Street from Jackson Street to Street No. 204 Interatate 35E of£ ramp at Sibley Street. Portion of Municipal State-Aid Beginning near Bums Avenue and Keanard Street No. 216 Street; thence northeasterly to Suburban Avenue; thence easterly on Suburban Avenue to near Hazel Street; thence southeasterly to Burns Avenue. Municipal State-Aid Street No. 242 Raqmond Avenue from Wabash Avenue to University Avenue. Municipal State-Aid Street No. 243 Sheridan Avenus from Cleveland Avenue to Davern Stre�t. Dated AtiB�t 2, 1972 STAI E OF MifJNES07A Ray Lappegaard Cotmnissioner of Highways COUNTY OF RAMSEY The undersigned ,being a duly appointed agent of the Commissioner for the p:.rpo;e of certitying copies of orders issued by the Commissioner of Nighways, hereby certifies that the above is a true and correct copy of Commissioner's Order No. SZS�� tn the files of the St:+te of Minresota, Department of Highways, and compared with the ori�inal and is identical, that thfs copy has been Dated tyis _ � day of � RAY l_APPEGft.aRD, COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS 19 � �'��?��a-l'�e..�. ��oz�� o�,�,T�,��,� - � 25930� � " CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ► COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESiNTED!S' COMMISSIONER �A*F NMnM. It ��n te t�M City CowneRl of t!N Citr o�' ;t. 1�1. Mt�ota. tA�t ttlN str��ts IM►nfuift�r �serfb�d siauia b� ravoic� as 1�let'ri itat�-Aii itn�ts �r tM �rovisi�s ot Mlne�wta L+w+�; �r tiwnfon i� it R�sol v�, �► ths C t tp 6ow�e i 1 0l� th� C 1 t�► of tt. p'w 1 th�! th� st rMts �- serftiN as follaws� !o-w1t: �i�NK Ay�N1[ traw Ks�rd ttrNt to M�1 Ztra�t (a prtto� ot Ma�ictp�l itat� Ai a �o�pt Ib. !16) WW�N It�lNi� frow Mawsii Av� to Univ�ursity Avrnw �a prtto�u crf MdntEi- N1 ftat� At� Ib�t� No. tM6) M�iIT� A�EM{R tra� hibM �ou1�wN to �aM�l ta ttrw�t (� M►tion of INrNtal- N1 �tat� A1� 16orrt� Mo. 1]2) MAM=N A�IItR trow Raywe�� Awnw to �i i a =t rwt (a pet f o� ot M�w t e 1�i ttat� Af� li0rt� ib. tl j) M�. Md Iwrr�My ar� e�vok�d as 1�i a t M t f tat�-Ai d �tra�ts of sa 1 d C t t�r, s�i- ,j�et !o tM apr�ov�1 of tA� �1 ss i en�r of Ni�ays ot ti» ftat� of N 1�sot�; a�i M 1 t f�rtMr Msol wr. Th�t tIN C t tr C 1��k 1 s hir�r �1 srd a� d i rKt� to lo�w�rN two �rttfiN aqriis o1� this �olrtia� to th� Co�tssion�r of Ni�rw�s tor bis � e�si�tiar. JUL 19 1�1r8 Cp�CII,�N Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas � Nays ..�.� .. JUL �O ��L Hunf `� Approved 19_ on Konopatzfd '.� L ne Levine .. Mereditfi Favor M �� Sprafka �� afka Tedesco �Against e esco M me. President, But1e� Mr. sid nt, McCarty �� JulY lg, 1g72 Mr. ;ia;r L�..ppe�aarc7 S�ate Commi�sioner of Hi�hways H3.�;hway Department Bldg. St. Faul,, Minne�ota Uear il3.Y•e tit�tached for your information is a certified copy of a resoluti�n of the St. Paul City Counc3.1, C. F. ag93oi, revaking certain Municipal State ::id �tre�t�, as ee� out in the resolution. Very tru7.Y Yours� City A.erk AO�ng •