259297 OR161NAL�TO CITY CLERK �5929'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM CO M 55 O E ATE �U�'y 19� �"972 WHEREAS, the Clty Council ot the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Department of Pa�ks, Recreation and Public Buildings that the vacant and open buifding(s) located at: U47 Marshall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 tn the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to tfie public health, welfa�e and safety; and HtHEREAS, the last known record owners ot safd property are: Mr. & Mrs. Max Daniels 1925 Rome Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 and said owners have tail�d Sto secure fihe same agatnst entry by unauthorized persons i� violation ot Section i92. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and said vacant and open building(s) have been found and determined by the Council of the Ci#y of Saint Pau! to consfiitute a menace to the public health, welfare and safety and a pubiic nuisance which must be irtxnediateiy abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore be it RESOLYED, that the Department ot Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidings is authorized and directed to immediatety secure said buildings by the use of contract labor under contract No. -�398� pending proceedings under the Haz�rdous BuEldings Act; and be it L 7 5 25 FURTHER RESOLVE�, that the expense of securing such buiidings be pald from fund No. 4979-269, Summary Abatement, and that the Corporafiion Counsei be directed to take approp�iate action to �eimburse said fund by action against the owner of said p�operty. Estimated cost: $538.15 v"L' � i JUL 19 197t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �a�� Hunt JUL 8 0 1972 - �sox Konopatski � a proved 19� � , 3.,evine �n Favor \ `� Meredith � Sprafka � yor ' Tedesco A Sainst A4�-Px�esi�errt;�14cF'`,art�* Madam President Butler �PtlBLISHEu �U L � � I y 1 L � PUBLISH€D ���.�+�+ �97Z I ' zk 'f�. �,a � +V'" a m n .; �'I T Y C'� F S�k� N T ��U ������� e ;��. ��. k . ' � � �. � - � �� .y74 ���ft�� �� ��h��SG�1 '�d d�,ak I ��i � ��a i �� t: �� � .,... 1 � ��. � �'IWN ����* , �4�a a �1 � � �� . w ��� -��d ���a �p ya '�_��v! .. �. ; ` �.. ;, r-, .,: � - ' �,-�� m, . „ � ��� -_ d; - . .. ::, � - r;�.�� � a.- t. . F ', , � ; . � � °' � � _r _ ,. ,-...—, . �-:^'' !�.�„r� 8 �` �"�� " c � 4 '3' �� 4► , , , m ,,. , 4� � ,, ,��, 1 �„ . � '.�"'+�t".'�f �C u +� ��� -, '��� .x��1�"" BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 July 19, 1972 � ��� ��' The Honorable i�layo� Lawrence Cohen Room 347 City Court House Saint Paul , iL9in�esota 55102 ivlayor Cohen: The Bureau ot Public Buildings requests the transmittal 1 of the attached Summary Abatement resolution to the City Councii for securing the described vacant building. Yours uly, , F k A. Staftenson Supervisor-Housing Co FAS/Ih 55 fl�.,�,n,�.�� 25-�29'7 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO- -- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �"�'S IS ONEQ �„�. Ju�y i9, 1972 WHEREAS, the Cii'y Cou�ctl of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Department of Parks, Recreation and�Pubiic Buildings that the vacant snd open buildtng(s) located at: 647 Marshall , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 ln the City of Saint Paut a�e a proximate hazard to the pubfic heaifih, welta�e and safety; and WHEREAS, the last known reco�d owners of said property are: Mr'. & Mrs. Max Daniels 1925 Rome Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 and said owners have tatled #o secure fihe same against entry by unautho�iZed persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Pau1 Legisiative Code, and said vacant and open building(s) have been found and c{etermined by the Council ot the City ct Saint Paul to constltute a a+enace to the public health, weifare and safety s�d a public nuisance which must be imrt�ediately abated to prevent loss of Itfe or property; noa, therefore be it RESULVED, that the Department oi Parks, Recreation and Pubiic Buiidings is authorized and directed to immediatety secu�e said buiidings by the use of contract labor under contract No L�f�pending proceedings under tt� Hazardous Buildings Acfi; and be it 5 FURTHER RE50EVED, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid from Fund No. 0979-249. Summary Abatement, and tfiat the Corporation Counsel be directed to take appropriate actio� to reimburse said fur�d by actton against the owner of said property. Eatimated cost: $538.15 �tIL 191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_.. Yeas Nays ,UL a O 18� �9id� Hunts - £�ec� Ronqpatski Approv� 18� Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �9� �Againat Tedesco �r�im66if�@�"'�8�"� Madam President Butler ��